The Queen's Madness - OOC

Yay, everyone's using Queensguard, or Queen's Guard personal preferences really, as the official title. It's a thing now!
I think it's cool how elves are the lower-class. Reminds me of Dragon Age.

But, if there are Wood Elves, does that mean High Elves are also a thing? What about Drow?
@Beowulf Lol you came first and established the lore tidbit. Couldn't go in and change it, would create a retcon. No one likes retcons.

@KillThemAll Fellow Queen's Guard!


(Although, if one of us ever joins the rebel scum, this must be posted if they fight)

<p>Lol, don't worry Beo, Joran would just look the other way and act like Gareth wasn't there. He's a bro.</p>
Beowulf said:
.... Asavar... would not... Hates Gareth, deep seated resentment. Would kill him, and do so with joy, if given the chance.
Beowulf said:
I know, aren't character interactions the best?
On the brightside! If Asavar does try to kill Gareth, he will do so coming from the front and fight him with 'honor'. Unlike those rebel scum.
KillThemAll said:
You two can fight while Joran charms the Queen.
Please, the second you used that picture, you were friendzone for life.
Don't worry... I will be in the friendzone trenches with you. This is why we are brothers. Our bond exceeds that of mere guards! We are Friendzone Comrades!
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<p>No one cares where deadmen lay. (<img src="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink.png" alt=" ;) " srcset="<fileStore.core_Emoticons>/emoticons/wink@2x.png 2x" width="20" height="20" />)</p>
Obviously he is there because he was sliced and diced into small pieces by the Friendzone Comrades and tossed there as an offering.

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