The Queen's Madness - OOC

I like how unique Kneckt is, and how much effort and detail you put into both his Background and his Species. It was a lot of fun to read, and I'm looking forward to how you portray him in the roleplay.

And I swear to freakin' god, Breeze is too adorable to exist. Appearance and personality. Please be ready for an overt amount of affection from Emmony.

Edit: I am apparently failing at grammar and spelling today.
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ianbabyyy said:
I like how unique Kneckt is, and how much effort and detail you put into both his Background and his Species. It was a lot of fun to read, and I'm looking forward to how you portray him in the roleplay.
thank you very much.

ianbabyyy said:
And I swear to freakin' god, Breeze is too adorable to exist. Appearance and personality. Please be ready for an overt amount of affection from Emmony.
lol, looking forward. :)
ianbabyyy said:
If I may ask, what's your opinion on mine?
both- appearances are a bit hard to visualize. Not that anything is worng with them, but description is naturally harder to visualize

- I am going to be very frank on the following feedback and will not hold back criticism (I can be pretty harsh). Just a warning.

Allan- powerless yet fearless, this character is a very bold move to make, as he can expect to get beat up by 90% of the other characters. In that sense, I congratulate you. I can´t say his backstory is that unique and his personality is great, yet is lacking a piece. Overall, it´s a great and bold character lacking mostly a factor of individuality and separation from his work. I would recommend giving him quirks regarding things he may like or dislikes, hobbies and the like.

Emmony- I was hontesly a little worried, as "future sight" is typically used for metagaming, in my experience. You decided to jumble it up instead, which I found very satisfactory. She compliments her brother, being very emotional, which I like, hwoever, I feel her personality is quite the opposite of how you handled her brother´s: Not bold enough. Her whole personality feels quite hesitant to me, which could be a character arc, as in she doubts herself greatly and thus can never really estabilish an attitude or make decisions by herself, but neither of these traits was actually in her CS and the others by themselves are more contradictory than anything else. The other big thing is that her "sixth sense" is throwing out huge potential, specially considering you are the GM, because you could use this to set up arcs and events later on due to her unawareness of certain things. Instead of the sixth sense, you could make her sense of smell and touch be more sensitive, thus allowing her to recognize familiar things, but still be, in essence, actually blind. Overall, Emmony is a very good character, but feels a little short when compared to the amount of fulfilled potential she could have with very little change.

Hope this wasn´t offensive.
Not at all offensive :) Thank you for your input.

To be honest, Allan and Emmony are completely new characters, and I currently only have the basic picture of them in my head. I'm really good at getting down the basics of characters, but I have trouble fleshing them out until they start 'talking' to me, so to speak. It's even harder in a roleplay situation, as I don't have a plot for me to visualize and learn about them. As I get a feel for them, and they become more real in my head, I'll update their sheets.

Thank you for pointing out the sixth sense issue. I think it's an issue of semantics, and I used the wrong words. That portion only applies to things like being more aware of what's in the general vicinity of her, like objects and people. She has a good sense of where they are in relation to her, allowing her to move around more easily without fear of tripping or running into things, but it doesn't apply to more than that. If that makes sense.
ianbabyyy said:
Not at all offensive :) Thank you for your input.
To be honest, Allan and Emmony are completely new characters, and I currently only have the basic picture of them in my head. I'm really good at getting down the basics of characters, but I have trouble fleshing them out until they start 'talking' to me, so to speak. It's even harder in a roleplay situation, as I don't have a plot for me to visualize and learn about them. As I get a feel for them, and they become more real in my head, I'll update their sheets.

Thank you for pointing out the sixth sense issue. I think it's an issue of semantics, and I used the wrong words. That portion only applies to things like being more aware of what's in the general vicinity of her, like objects and people. She has a good sense of where they are in relation to her, allowing her to move around more easily without fear of tripping or running into things, but it doesn't apply to more than that. If that makes sense.
Regarding the sixth sense, I still think it should be changed and that it represent an wasted potential. It's one of the reasons why I enjoy making weapon, child and animal characters. A charger who is dependent allows for easier interaction and can also provide a bridge for those character that are typically loners or so to get someone to talk to, even if it is just a mistake. Furthermore, certain situations of interests, such as events, could be more easily developed with complete blindness.

Say, there is a raid by some loyal soldiers on the bar. Without the sixth sense, the character might get stuck in choosing to risk getting captured by rescuing her or run on their own. If anyone was captured, that could propel a whole new event of trying to rescue THOSE plus getting some lore in, a little humanizing and who knows what else.

This is just an example, of course, but I think it maybillustrate my point.

Nevertheless, it is always your decision, and I am merely making a reccommendation. If you feel more comfortable keeping the character as it is, then by all means, do so.

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