The Queen's Madness - OOC

Watch, there's going to be an epic right at the end and Joran is just going to nope the fuck out of there
ianbabyyy said:
Yeah, but Emmony is super open about the fact that she's a Seer. She even offers her services to paying customers. It's in her CS, it just hasn't been brought up in the roleplay yet.
oh, sorry. Didn´t realize that, I´ll edit.
KillThemAll said:
"I really want to go reclaim my lordship, cya"
And lose again? ( ;) )

Maybe ask Asavar to help? "Yo, Mountain that Rides, you are big, but I am bigger."
"Hey, once that Queen you obsess over is brutally murdered, wanna go help me reclaim my land? I got cookies"
KillThemAll said:
"Hey, once that Queen you obsess over is brutally murdered, wanna go help me reclaim my land? I got cookies"
Ah, nothing like recruiting and cashing in the chips on old apprentices.

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