The Queen's Madness - OOC

Well, I like sexy people more than cats.


Highborne are accepted and posted.

As you're not using the abstract concept of 'light' which may or may not be an element, you are using 'the Light' as a specific magical/holy entity of it's own right, I see nothing wrong with it.
I've also given up on making each post pretty for the most part. I want to come back and reformat the entire Lore tab to make it look nice at some point anyways, so fuck it.
I only ever do one character per Rp. I won't be making another one or Rping any other non-npc character until it is over or Asavar dies. Which ever comes first, the former likely to happen before the latter.
Okay, with @Vantruss new recruit, I think it is official that all Queen's Guard must wear really cool looking armor in order to join their order.

ianbabyyy said:
Emmony has her catapult on standby and is impatiently bouncing in the launching cup thingy.
Just thought you should know.

ianbabyyy said:
@Idea Ooh, that would be interesting.
think so too. It´s an idea that only works in group RPs, and yet I still need a partner that not only shares a history with my guy (up to a point), but also carries him around.
Vantruss said:
@Cosmo can we all have really cool nicknames too? I was going to call Ashleigh the crimson blade, but the other recruits would call her the

crimson bitch

when the ranking officers weren't around.

I support this

Yeah, Asavar and Joran have nicknames. Joran is the Steel Wolf while Asavar is the Obsidian Executioner... so... yeah, that is another thing to add to the list.

To be a Queen's Guard, gotta have cool armor and an awesome nickname. Anything else gets you booted to castle guard.
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ianbabyyy said:
( :o ) Does Breeze not know Emmony is a Seer?
it´s not something he would have assumed, and considering Allan knows it´s a very dangerous thing he´s doing with his tavern, I think such a detail would not have been given to Breeze, who could easily have accidentally spilled the beans on...just about anyone.
Idea said:
it´s not something he would have assumed, and considering Allan knows it´s a very dangerous thing he´s doing with his tavern, I think such a detail would not have been given to Breeze, who could easily have accidentally spilled the beans on...just about anyone.
Yeah, but Emmony is super open about the fact that she's a Seer. She even offers her services to paying customers. It's in her CS, it just hasn't been brought up in the roleplay yet.

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