The Queen's Madness - OOC


Oooh, fun story!

When I was a kid my mother left my sour gummy worm vitamins on my nightstand. One every night. However, I was feeling greedy one day, and just ate all of it.

The end.
KillThemAll said:
Oooh, fun story!

When I was a kid my mother left my sour gummy worm vitamins on my nightstand. One every night. However, I was feeling greedy one day, and just ate all of it.

The end.
xD My god that's a lot of vitamins to take in one day.
I feel like making a good ol' fashion waah boss character. NPC to begin with, since I'll be away, but later I shall control him. Maybe.
Hehe, the more the merrier.

Sort of.

I don't know, I've always liked making new characters.

Hehe, boss character...

Like Asavar.
I was thinking more along the lines of the leader of a massive warband/hord whatever you want to call it that just goes around causing trouble for everyone. Probably one of those lizardmen, the ones whose race name starts with an h but that's all I can remember.
Yeah, I really enjoy making new characters. I also really enjoy bringing in old characters and adapting them to the roleplay. The woman I'm trying very very hard not to bring in is one of the first characters I ever created ever.

@Beowulf That sounds rather amusing/fun.

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