The Queen's Madness - OOC

Oh, I should also make an Uros Nest Mother, or perhaps the All Mother. Yes, I should certainly do that. Get them involved somehow.
Like means accepted, so anyone can now have Buras Skull Smasha show up wherever they want to cause mischief and mayhem. Well, mischief isn't the right word for it but you know what I mean.
(Our Location / Near Lathien. "West")

Lathien, Capital of which is Draede...

Camelot, which Whytewynd is a state/territory of.

Not a nation, but the Great Swamps, which is somewhere on the Whytewynd-Lathien border.


Akara, which is some place that worships Nostros (Flaming Spider God)

Aerodaxes is going to introduce the Imperial Isle, which is what Joran meant by "in Imperial", since they use feet and yards and such. (Imperial Measurement System)

We have Narcel / Narcelik.


Volkspear, a Northern Hold.

Tyrsva, where Vass is from~

Wherever Aurora is from, this world's version of Ireland.

Swordstone, another Northern Hold.

Odinnrys, yet another Northern Hold.
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