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Realistic or Modern The Pigeon Girl [Haven Falls Flashback]



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Li Mei was knelt near the side of a stone walkway in the middle of the main square of town, oblivious to her surroundings. Snugly on her head sat her over ear headphones, playing some kind of Low-fi version of a popular song. She had quite a few pigeons surrounding her, hoping onto her legs and shoulders occasionally. This was something she did regularly and by now, most of the local pigeons had caught on that she was a friend not a foe, and so flocked to her when she was around. She’d brought them Lentils, sunflower seeds and popped corn this time. She carried the mixture in a little stainless steel container.

This time however, Li Mei had dropped her container and was gently handling a small white pigeon. She had one hand around its wings and had flipped the bird onto it’s back so she could look at its feet. She had noticed this pigeon limping when It walked and was trying to figure out the problem. The Pigeon had metal wire wrapped around one of its feet so tightly the poor thing could hardley move. She slowly began the process of unwinding the wire.

Li Mei was paying no attention to the stares she was getting but she could almost feel them drilling into her back. She looked absolutely mad, she imagined. Still, she continued her work with determination. Just as the last of the wire was twisted away, she heard a group of people insistent on getting her attention. So insistent, in fact, she could hear them over her music. She hadn’t quite caught their words, but they sounded rather upset. Adjusting her grip on the bird to switch to one hand, she slowly slipped the headphones off her ears and around her neck. She didn’t look up but began to listen when suddenly.

Whoosh… plop

Li blinked, trying to process what had just happened. She felt something unpleasantly wet hit her shoulder. She stood up abruptly, the pigeons had scattered and left, apart from the one she had just rescued which was still firmly in her grasp. She gently placed the bird down and it flew away with it’s friends.

Someone had thrown a bagel at her. She stared at it on the floor by her feet. Her eyes then fixed on a group of youths who were laughing and coming her way. “What a fucking disgrace” one of them said making a general gesture towards her. “She’s missing her own kind I guess… fuckin disease spreaders.” another said, then spat on the ground near her.

“You are more likely to spread disease doing that.” She said matter of factly. This probably wasn’t the best course of action she decided as the man who had spat laughed again. Li Mei didn’t really understand what was so funny. “Girl you best watch that mouth of yours.” There was a sinister note in his tone. Even she could pick up on that. Anger flashed across her face. It wasn’t often that this kind of confrontation happened, but it’s frequently had definitely increased since moving here.

She glared at the man and In a flat, deadpan tone“You should mind your own fucking business” In response he stepped closer to her and jabbed a boney finger into her chest. There were two other men and a woman behind him, which wasn’t really a comfort to her.
“Listen here you little squinty bitch…” Mei Li was wondering if she should run. All around her, people looked on but no one said a thing. Her widened eyes fixed on the man again as he opened his mouth to finish his sentence.

♡coded by uxie♡

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