The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]

Sebastian walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and one just laying on his head. He walked over to the table to see what time it was and noticed that it was almost time for the ball. He rubbed his hair with the towel, hurrying up the drying process and threw it into the clothes pile next to the bed. Sebastian idly wondered where Misha had run off too while he was asleep as he scratched his chin. Shrugging, he decided that he needed to go get his and Misha's outfits from Lian. Making his way over to Lian's room, Sebastian chuckled as the could only imagine what that cute white haired vixen had come up with.

Sebastian peeked his head into the room and seen that it was empty. With a wide smile on his face, Sebastian looked at Lian,"..hey there doll face. I came to get mine and Misha's outfits. I can't wait to see what those beautiful hands have created". He loved to tease all the pets and Masters but for some reason Lain and Seth were his favorites. They were such good sports about it and have gotten so used to it that they've pretty much over looked his flirty nature.

Agni was finishing her bath just now, sighing happily once clean. She dried herself with a towel, before starting to put her underwears and then the dress. People would think that she had started to prepare herself a little too early, well, people who do not knew her. Fortunatrly, Tobias understood her need of perfection and was patient. And for that, she was grateful.

Agni stared at her naked image on the mirror, noticing a few tiny scars. Well, not all of her old masters were as gentle as Tobias, and as patient, and as... understanding. She sighed, already feeling her mood worsen as she remembered her past. Turning her eyes alway from her reflection, she carefully put on the dress, making sure that everything was in its place. Ah, Liam did a good job. Again. It would be a lie if she said that she wasn't...jealous of the man's skill with clothes, well, she was pretty talented in cleaning, but anyone can clean, maybe not as good her, but not terrible either. Shaking her thoughts away, Agni finished her hair. It was really simple, her hair was down, since she didn't really like to tie it. All she did was to slitghly curl it. With the hair finished, it was time for the makeup. Not too fancy, not too simple. That was how she liked it, even for a ball. Now, yes. She was done.

After staying at least 1~2 hours in the bathroom, she finally left. Seeing her master reading the magazine, she cleared her thoat trying to call his attention.

"Well, hello, I'm sorry to interrupt your cult reading, but I need a judge. Unfortunately, I cannot see my whole body to see if anything is out of its place, so I need a third eye." She said with a false confidence, this was the part that she hated the most of a party, the preparations. Everything had to be perfect, no, more perfect than the normal. Super-ultra-extreme-perfect. "Also, do not lie."

Damn, she was already starting to feel anxious. What if a strand of her hair is out of place? What if her make up blurs? What if...?
No, she thought to herself. Just breath, it's going to be okay.

Tobias looks up from his magazine, unintentionally dropping it in his lap at the sight of her. He picks the magazine up again and places it on the coffee table in front of him. Tobias gets to his feet and makes his way over to her, circling her slowly as he examines her for anything out of place, which he knew was a needless task because she always had things perfect, but he could at least take the chance to admire the view. He takes his place in front of her once again and nods approvingly. "You look lovely Agni, more perfect and radiant than usual. Which I didn't think was possible" He says with a smile. "I like yellow on you" He states before grabbing his suit and makes his way into the bathroom.

It would be a lie to say that Agni was not blushing, because she was, and it was even more obvious in her pale skin. Her eyes seemed to find the wall a lot more interesting at that moment, since she didn't look at Tobias' eyes. However, her blush didn't disappeared like she wanted to, so she tried to ignore it. She didn't say anything as Tobias went to the bathroom to prepare himself, only then was when she released the breath that she didn't know she was holding. Well, to her defense, praise was something that she yet had to get used to. Sighing, she caught the magazine that her master was reading on the coffe table, and frowned. She took it and put it on the right place, with the rest of the magazines, all of them perfectly aligned.

As she waited for her master, she was growing slightly bored, she didn't know what to do. She wanted to clean, but then her dress would get dirty. Agni found a notebook and searched for an empty page. Finding it, she picked a pencil and started to draw, soon, her scribbles started to take form. Slowly, a horse came to life in the notebook, it wasn't perfect, but it wasn't ugly either. She smiled at the draw. If there is something that she loved more than cleaning, was her horse form, she always felt so free while galloping through the grass. No clothes to slow down her movements, no duty, no cleaning. Just her, and the wind. Without realizing, she fell into a light sleep, nap, to be exact.

Esther huffed, suddenly catching sight of the time in the gym. "Damn it. " she muttered before running out still in her leotard to Lian's room. "Hey, sorry running late with no time to talk. Is this ours? Wonderful job!" Esther called while grabbing the two garments and hurrying to her masters room. At the door she slowed and tried to hide her haggard breathing as she lifted her hand and knocked. "Master, I have our outfits and yours looks lovely. "

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[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and one just laying on his head. He walked over to the table to see what time it was and noticed that it was almost time for the ball. He rubbed his hair with the towel, hurrying up the drying process and threw it into the clothes pile next to the bed. Sebastian idly wondered where Misha had run off too while he was asleep as he scratched his chin. Shrugging, he decided that he needed to go get his and Misha's outfits from Lian. Making his way over to Lian's room, Sebastian chuckled as the could only imagine what that cute white haired vixen had come up with.
Sebastian peeked his head into the room and seen that it was empty. With a wide smile on his face, Sebastian looked at Lian,"..hey there doll face. I came to get mine and Misha's outfits. I can't wait to see what those beautiful hands have created". He loved to tease all the pets and Masters but for some reason Lain and Seth were his favorites. They were such good sports about it and have gotten so used to it that they've pretty much over looked his flirty nature.


Misha walked around the garden smiling at all the pretty smells that he was getting but,this male was looking for one smell in particular.He ran his fingers through his own hair as he searched for Seb's favorite flowers.He smiled once finding them and squatted down then cut some of them and placed them into the basket he was holding onto.After doing that carefully,Misha sat down on a bench and started to work on a floral headband for him.Smiling,he thought of Sebastian's expression once he finished it off and surprised him with it,he always loved getting gifts from Misha.After about ten minutes,Misha placed the finished headband into the basket and covered it up enough so that no one could see what was in it.Inside the basket was not only the headband but,also a necklace he bought for him that had the letter M in gold,and two cupcakes that he had made himself while Seb was sleeping.Misha continued to walk towards the entrance of the Manor then walked inside.He followed Sebastian's scent into Lian room and poked him,"Hey hun,I got something for you."he said with a smile.
As Sebastian was waiting for his and Misha's outfits, he felt a poke to his bare side. He jumped slightly and turned around. A bright smiled spread across his cheeks as his Master's face filled his field of vision. "Hey doll face", he gave him a small kiss." I was about to come looking for you. I figured that I'd pick up our outfits for tonight first though. I wanted a sneak peek at what you might look like in yours". He leaned against the door frame and noticed that Misha was holding something in his hands. "What's that? If you don't mind me asking". The little things that entertained his Master never ceased to amaze Sebastian. Misha was always coming up with these great little ideas. He loved to watch Misha be so into them and pour all of his concentration into them. As he awited his love's response, he rubbed the towel of his head again, drying his hair some more before he got water on Lian's floor.
Hearing the knock Arugale called out "The doors unlocked you can come in!" Eyes not leaving the screen as she entered he continued "Could you just leave mine on the bed, your mask is on the bookshelf." Slow methodical clicks sounding from his direction as he backed his opponent into a corner he pointed towards it with his free hand "It might a a bit heavy but you should get used to it fast enough."
Taking the suit and dress from Lian Will chuckled and glanced over at his pet. "Seems like I'm not the only one that got carried away." He said before suddenly realizing he wasn't wearing his contacts. Leaning his head down he let his hair fall over his eyes doing his best to conceal them even if in the end it just made him look ridiculous. So with his bangs hanging over his face like he was trying out a more scene styled haircut the master lead the way occasionally bumping into things he couldn't quite see. It wasn't exactly that he was just ashamed about his eyes it was just he always wanted to appear normal and well... bright neon green eyes make one very easy to pick out of the crowd.

Once they got back to the room though her master was quick to assign commands having decided he would be first to shower simply because he would take less time and thus could get dressed and acquire their masks while she got ready. First taking a shockingly fast shower her master then left the fox girl so he might pick up the package he had ordered a few days ago from an old friend taking care to move quickly and quietly so he wouldn't draw attention to himself. Finding the box in the garage marked with only a single note saying. "A gift from Felix." The mind reader couldn't help but read it aloud his eyes and mind quickly searching the room before he opened it, they were gifts for Vixie and he and didn't want them spoiled by Anyone. So with the masks tucked into his jacket and a skill for finding people by using their thoughts to give them away he hurried back hoping he didn't arrive to late he wanted to surprise her just as she finished getting ready his mind calmly reading her outermost thoughts to see when she thought she was done his hand calmly strapping the hound mask to his face as he kept the fox one for her. Sure the build of the masks wasn't all the unique since he wasn't gifted with the impressive powers of his roommates but he hoped the idea would be enough.
Vixie was done with her shower and getting dressed and was just doing her hair and make-up by the time Will made it back to the room. She was standing in front of the mirror, the bathroom door opened. She sighed frustratedly since she couldn't get her hair just right, trying to do a high ponytail with a fish tail braid. "Come on stupid hair! You work fine any other day" She undoes what she had done so far, brushing it out before trying again. She sighs in relief once she finally gets it to where she wants. "Now stay like that" She begins on her make-up, biting her lip in concentration as she starts with her eyes, putting most of the make-up there since she wasn't much for wearing caked on make-up and she planned on dancing which meant the possibility of sweating it off. She wanted to highlight her eyes since they were her best feature, or at least she thought. She looks back at the door when she hears it open, still biting her lip when Will walked in, releasing it once she realized she was doing it. "Good you're back" She says with a smile. "Could you help me zip the rest of my dress up. I couldn't quite reach it" She says not having noticed the masks in his hand just yet.

Tobias was soon done getting ready, making his way out of the bathroom. He was trying to get his tie just right when she smiles at seeing Agni sleeping. He moves around quietly, letting her sleep a little while longer since she probably needed it. He quietly makes his way to the closet, pulling out a box that had their masks in it and as well as a necklace he had been planning to surprise her with. He gently places the boxes on the nightstand, waiting for her to wake up before giving them to her. He finishes up last minute things to get ready, brushing his hair and making sure everything was in place. He wanted to look as perfect as he could.
"Yeah." Esther breathed before nudging the door open and setting his tux on his bed. She wandered over to see what he was doing and couldn't help but chuckle until catching sight of the mask. With a small gasp, the girl picked it up and trailed her fingers over the rough surface. "It's beautiful. Both of them are. Thank you, master. " she gave him a quick side hug, careful not to mess up his game.
[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]As Sebastian was waiting for his and Misha's outfits, he felt a poke to his bare side. He jumped slightly and turned around. A bright smiled spread across his cheeks as his Master's face filled his field of vision. "Hey doll face", he gave him a small kiss." I was about to come looking for you. I figured that I'd pick up our outfits for tonight first though. I wanted a sneak peek at what you might look like in yours". He leaned against the door frame and noticed that Misha was holding something in his hands. "What's that? If you don't mind me asking". The little things that entertained his Master never ceased to amaze Sebastian. Misha was always coming up with these great little ideas. He loved to watch Misha be so into them and pour all of his concentration into them. As he awited his love's response, he rubbed the towel of his head again, drying his hair some more before he got water on Lian's floor.

Misha & Seth~

Misha smiled when Sebastian had kissed him,he always loved feeling his soft lips on his."Well,I can't tell you while standing here."he told him with a smile and grabbed his hand."Let's go get our outfits first then i'll show you your surprise."he said before walking into Lian's room."Hey guys,is ours ready yet?"he asked Lian or Seth,whoever would know the answer.
Seth ran his hand through Lian's hair and hugged him from behind while looking at Misha and Sebastian,they were cute together to him.He rolled his eyes at the flirt comment and laughed then looked at Misha,"Yes,they're ready.I'll go get them for you guys right now."he said and went off to do just that.He checked the name tags and went down the row then found Sebastian's and Misha's.He gently took them down and folded them over his arm before walking to Seb and handing them to him."There ya go buddy." he said and smiled before going back over to Lian and hugging him from behind again.Misha smiled,"Thanks..I bet they look great to."he told him then held Sebastian's hand a little tighter but,not to much.He then walked the two of them into their room so that he could show Sebastian his surprise."Alright,here you go hun."he said and passed the basket to him.Inside was the floral headband that he finished with Seb's favorite flowers,a golden necklace that had an M,two cupcakes he made while Seb was sleeping,and love of course!
Sebastian thanked Seth for the outfits and followed his Master to their room. Once they were alone,Sebastian took the basket and looked inside. He eyes widened in surprise and happiness. He took the headband out first and smiled brightly as he looked turned it around in his hands. "Oooh, babe it's beautiful and you made it with my favorite flower,white lillies. I absolutely love it!". Sebastian placed it on the dresser when he realized that there was something else in the basket as well. Carefully he pulled out a gold necklace and looked at it amazed. Seeing the M and the cupcakes made his smile widened even more. Over come with emotions, Sebastian pulled his Master towards him and embraced him. He held Misha to him tightly as he burried his face into the other males hair. "Thank you,love. It's the most wonderfullest gifts anyone has ever given me. I love them and I love you". Sebastian held onto Misha a bit longer, despite them needing to get ready for the ball. He just wanted to have this monent with his Master for a little bit longer.

Misha smiled and chuckled a bit when Sebastian said that he loved it,he knew he would but,he also just loved him saying that he did."Well,I wouldn't make it out of the flowers you didn't like hun."he informed him still keeping the smile on his face.When Misha felt the embrace,he quickly wrapped his arms around Sebastian's waist and hugged him tightly as well."I'm glad you love it Seb.The cupcakes were something new that I wanted you to try out first before anyone else."he said still hugging him.He gave a soft kiss to Sebastian on his neck and smiled."I love you to..."he told him."Oh,I guess we need to go and get ready for the ball,yeah?"he asked and stood up."I should go take a quick shower."he did a fake pout."I wish you could come and help me but,you already took one."he said with a sad sigh and a chuckle after it.Turning around,he walked towards the bathroom and open the door then closed it back but,didn't lock it as he started to get ready for the ball.
Lian yawned as most to the people left with their clothes. He was getting quite sleepy, but he had to get ready for the ball. He smiled when he felt Seth's arms around him, he looked over at him "We should be getting ready for the ball love." He said and leaned up to kiss him. "I made a light blue dress to go with your suit. You made the masks right?" he said with a questioning look. He tilted his head and played with Seth's locks.
Sebastian slowly let go of Misha as he talked about taking a shower and getting ready. Watching his Master walk away after that adorable pout, Sebastian smiled to himself as he laid the necklace down on the desser, next to the headband. He quickly got the outfits ready and laid them out on the bed along with Sebastians mask. Figuring that Misha didn't feel comfortable going without his sunglasses, Sebastian picked out one for himself. Once he was done getting the clothes all sorted out, he looked over to the bathroom door. Figuring that he let him wait long enough, Sebastian walked over and quietly stepped into the bathroom. Standing next to the shower, he softly spoke out," what makes you think that I'd really let you take one alone. Even though I have already taken one, there's no rule that says you can't be extra clean". Sebastian smiled and crossed his arms over his chest as he waited for Misha's response.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/m7110blkpink1.jpg.f5b305ad1f2acf1689311d7a81ab561d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="21696" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/m7110blkpink1.jpg.f5b305ad1f2acf1689311d7a81ab561d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Seth rested his head on Lian's shoulder as he spoke about the ball."You sure you want to go?You look more tired than ever there."he said and chuckled a bit."But,I guess you wouldn't want to miss a night like this...probably to remember."he told him smiling.Nodding,Seth walked over to a small case and picked it up then placed it on the table."I put them in the case so they wouldn't get messed up.It nearly took me all night yesterday to make them and I would have been so pissed if even a speck of dust landed on them."he told Lian laughing as he opened the case and showed him the two masks he made for them for the ball tonight."So,how do you like it?"he asked taking them out and putting them on the table."I had to redo them a couple of times but,then I found a stronger materiel so it would hold....then I ran out of glue so was one struggle I don't want to experience again."he told him before closing the case and putting it away in the corner."I think they will fit well with our outfit,don't you?"he asked.

(Seth's mask and Lian's mask.)


Misha placed his red shades down on the edge of the sink making sure it wouldn't fall in then pulled the curtain back from the shower and stepped in.He turned the water to the right temperature and got lost in thoughts as he began to take a shower.Only a few minutes after,he heard the door open up and the room fill with Seb's scent.He laughed a little and pushed his wet hair back,"Well,I guess there isn't a rule yet...but,you're still dressed and not in here with me though."he mentioned with a small smile."I mean,if you don't want to,you don't have pressure hun."he teased and chuckled then continued with what he was doing but,at the same time he began to wonder what Sebastian would do."Who says we can't be late to the party?"he told him getting another idea into his head."Who says we just have to wash in the shower?"he asked again smiling halfway."But,then again,it's your choice hun.I can always finish now and we can show up on time."he concluded.
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A small blushed crept across Sebastian's cheeks at his Master's words. He was teasing Misha and didn't think that the other male would take it seriously. He didn't know that was an option, or he would have already gotten into the shower. Now that he knew it was more of an invite and not a tease, Sebastain undressed and slowly entered the shower. "Well I don't think anyone would notice if we're a little late, besides...", he stepped closer to Misha and grabbed his hands, moving the male back against the tiled wall. "I think it would so be worth it". Sebastian brought his face closer to his Master's and whispered,"..wouldn't you agree,Master". He said "Master" with a gruffness in his voice that he knew Misha loved. Sebastian smiled as he wondered what Misha would say now.

Misha smiled when he heard Sebastian come in with him and speak to him again.He moved over a bit to make more room for the smaller male and listened to him carefully as the water poured down his back."Hm...we probably won't be a little late if you keep that up."he told him.He made sure not to slip on the water as Sebastian backed him up into the wall.He did a little shiver from the cold tiles then started to warm up again quickly.He bit his lip when he said "Master" in the most teasing way possible,he always knew what to say to Misha.He switched places with Sebastian so that Seb as now on the wall and tiled it head."I would agree very love."he told him then planted a kiss on his lips deeply then it faded.Only about two hours later,Misha blinked his eyes open and smiled as he felt a certain body clung to him with his head rested on his chest.Misha rubbed his eyes and slid Seb off of him then sat up and ruffled his hair before getting up and stretching."Seb,it's time to get ready now."he told him and tapped then shook him so he could get up.After doing that,Misha started to slip on his undergarments first,then is outfit that Lian made for him.The full outfit was laying on the chair across from the room along with his
purple mask that he got from the store since he didn't have enough skills to make them himself.
Sebastian groaned a bit as he rolled around on the bed like the giant cat that he was. He yawned and stretched out, getting tangled up in the blankets. He blinked a few times, getting his eyes to adjust when he heard Misha getting dressed. A slow smile spread across his lips as he watched his Master clothed himself, a sight he could delve in anytime. Stretching again, Sebastian finally slid out of bed and walked over to Misha. Standing behind the male, he wrapped his arms around his waist,"..hey babe, need a hand with anything?". Sebastian knew that Misha was fully capable of getting himself dressed but he liked to serve his Master, in anyway that he could. Slipping away, Sebastian walked over to his clothes and threw on his boxers. "So, you're going to wear a mask after all? I would have made you one too if I knew you wanted to wear one. I just wasn't sure cause I know how uncomfortable you feel around everyone without your glasses". As he waited for Misha's answers, Sebastain pulled on his pants and then began pulling the while shirt on, buttoning it up as he thought about tonight.
"Getting a little touchy hmm?" He said with a smirk as she hugged him, unable to note her reaction without looking away from the screen he didn't notice her reaction "But thank you, and you are welcome, it was a challenge to make getting my powers to form that pattern was particularly difficult." Waving his free hand around for emphasis "But it was a blast to make, I should do stuff like that more often.." Finish the game he rose from his chair as he shut off his PC, looking over to his suit he checked it over. "Well isn't this dashing" Picking it up he twirled it around to get a good look he took a few stones out of his desk and put them into the pant pockets. A serious look coming across his face he looked to Esther "Now there's something I want to talk to you about before the ball, if you would lend an ear."

Agni was slowly brought out of her dreams by the sound of steps, quiet steps. She opens one of her eyes, looking for the source of the noise, just to find Tobias already ready and, apparently, waiting for her to wake up. Finally, she got up, stretching herself until being fully awake. Her blue eyes stared at Tobias, at his suit, his hair, everything. Then, her eyes landed on his tie, frowning just a little bit.

"Let me...just..." She says as she approachs him, her experts hands already fixing his tie that was slightly out of place. Her face showed full concentration as her fingers worked on the piece of fabric. Finally, after what seemed like a boss battle, she was done. After running her fingers on it just to smooth it, she stepped backwards, once again staring at the man. Satisfied, she smiles.

"There. Perfect." She looks up to his eyes, and allows herself to smile just a little more. "I'm just going to say this once, so don't make me regret my words." She paused a little bit, before finishing her sentence. "You look handsome. Really."

[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian groaned a bit as he rolled around on the bed like the giant cat that he was. He yawned and stretched out, getting tangled up in the blankets. He blinked a few times, getting his eyes to adjust when he heard Misha getting dressed. A slow smile spread across his lips as he watched his Master clothed himself, a sight he could delve in anytime. Stretching again, Sebastian finally slid out of bed and walked over to Misha. Standing behind the male, he wrapped his arms around his waist,"..hey babe, need a hand with anything?". Sebastian knew that Misha was fully capable of getting himself dressed but he liked to serve his Master, in anyway that he could. Slipping away, Sebastian walked over to his clothes and threw on his boxers. "So, you're going to wear a mask after all? I would have made you one too if I knew you wanted to wear one. I just wasn't sure cause I know how uncomfortable you feel around everyone without your glasses". As he waited for Misha's answers, Sebastain pulled on his pants and then began pulling the while shirt on, buttoning it up as he thought about tonight.


Misha stood up and pulled on his pants but,carefully so it wouldn't get all wrinkly or anything.Misha smiled as warm arms wrapped around his waist providing comfort."Depends on what you want to help with hun."he told him then followed his movement to what seemed like the other char in the room.Misha nodded at the answer and slipped on his undershirt first,"Yeah...I wasn't going to at first but,my eyes matched the mask and everyone else is going to be wearing one I assume...I didn't wanna be the odd one even though I already am."he said with a small chuckle as he grabbed his tie and put it on as well."Besides,I wouldn't want you to go through the trouble of making two mask anyway."he told him while walking into the bathroom to fix is hair,which he knew was messed up from the feeling it was giving him."What mask are you wearing dear?I'm sure it's something creative,you always are."he complimented.
Lian smiled and nodded "I'll be fine love, I just need more coffee. I don't want to miss this ball for the world." he said. He leaned up and nibbled Seth's lip before kissing him. He caught sight of the mask and his eyes sparkled. "They are beautiful my dear." he said and giggled. It was going to be a wonderful night. He grasped Seth's hand "Commonnn~ Lets go get ready." he said suddenly excited.
Waiting for her to verbally ask for his help Will quickly stepped up behind the girl his touch gently caressing her back before he complied and zipped up her dress. "You look quite beautiful." He assured her in a soft voice choosing to stay close to her for a moment longer before he revealed what he had acquired. Slipping the fox mask over her eyes the master directed her gaze towards a nearby mirror. "Tell me pet, how do you like my gift?" He asked as he released her his hand moving down to move his own mask to his eyes. "Now I have never been much of a hunter but I couldn't help but think the motif was... fitting." Wilhelm continue finally stepping back and waiting to see her reaction to his use of the popular children's story. The masks though were made of a quality material with the face of them stiff and the inside soft so they could wear them for a long time without the leather becoming uncomfortable. "They don't exactly go with out color scheme but I always figured it is good to stay true to who you are at the same time." He added after a second or two not quite explaining why he was the hound keeping that to himself for now.

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