The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]

"Could you just grab a couple of frying pans and some cooking oil for me?" Arugale said while gesturing towards the cupboards, opening the fridge he took a a pack of bacon he had hidden underneath a few cabbages and enough eggs for two. Cracking the eggs into one pan and tossing the bacon into another he turned to Esther and asked "So, about that mask. I'm thinking of trying to use my earth manipulation to try and shape something, of course it'll be rather.. heavy but i'm sure it'll help us stand out." Turning to plate up their, now cooked breakfast and handing a plate to Esther. Heading towards the dining hall he continued "So, if there's anything you'd like me to try and put on your mask you have until after breakfast to think about it." Finishing with a smile as they entered the hall.
Tobias went to sit in a chair knowing Agni usually took about half hour once her feet were out of bed and grabs a magazine to browse through still listening to Agni's muttering. He nods every now and then. "Don't wake you up, noted" He states flipping the page casually. He sets the magazine down when she came out of the bathroom, dressed and ready for the day. He got back up to his feet and stepped back to take in her outfit in it's entirety and nods approvingly. "Perfect as always" He states with that signature sideways smile of his. "And yes Lian is very good at what he does, so I'm sure they'll be wonderful. We could stop by on our way to breakfast if you wanted to give him any suggestions you had. I'd at least like to see what color he'll be using for yours, to make sure what I got you goes well with it" He states with a wink. He makes his way over to the door, opening it, and waiting for her to pass through before closing it behind her and makes his way towards the sewing room.
[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian tiled his head slightly as he looked at Misha and couldn't help but smile. There was always something about the way he looked that cheered Sebastian up more than anything. He let out a small chuckle and shook his head lightly,"'re something else you know that, doll face. You're absolutely perfect". Sebastian chuckled and kissed his forehead. He quickly cleared his throat as others began to pile up into the kitchens, and turned away with a light blush across his cheeks. Sebastian wasn't one to get easily embarassed but for some means he felt vulnerable at the moment. Regaining his composure, Sebastain let Arugale and Esther have part of the kitchen, while he got the stuff together to walk Misha through making one of the dishes for tonights Masquerade. After getting that dish about ready, the timer on the oven went off, letting him know that the apple and strawberry turnovers were done.
Carefully opening the oven and made sure to not harm anyone, Sebastian carefully took the baking rack out and set it the counter to cool off. A great big smile spread across his face as he took in the smell of the food. "Well I think that these turned out to be exceptionally well if I do say so myself". He reached into the cabinet above him and grabbed out a small plate, carefully placing a few of them on the plate and handed them to Seth. "Wait till they cool off before you eat them please. I'd hate for Lian to burn his mouth and ruin that smile of his". Sebastain smiled and gave Seth a small wink. Turning back around, he grabbed another plate and as he was placing one on there for Misha, he hit the finger off the side of the baking pan. Sebastian jerked his hand back and looked at the burn mark. "Well this is going to be a pain tonight", he thought to himself.

Ignoring the sting, he turned back towards Misha and gently took his hand, holding it palm side up. He then gently place the plate onto his hand," watch you don't burn your tongue as well gorgeous". Sebastian still held his Master's hand in his but not because Misha couldn't see, but because he just liked to touch his Master. Sebastain waited patiently for Misha to try it and the others as well. Not to sound egotistcal, but Sebastian loved to be praised. It made what he did everyday worth it. And hearing his Master praise him, well that just made him feel as good as gold.


Misha smiled halfway and laughed "Doll face?Yesterday I was sexy tiger."he reminded him and laughed a bit more happy to hear he cheered up the other male.His smile widened when he was kissed on the forehead "No,you're perfect."he told Sebastian.After their little conversation,Misha turned and listened to Sebastian while also helping him prepare it as well "I think I'll start to make these with you now."he said and chuckled.He stood behind Sebastian and laughed when he felt him bend down to open the over"Seb,not in the kitchen dear."he teased still laughing.Backing up and to the side,the smell of the food entered Misha's nose and instantly he wanted to taste them.Misha frowned when he heard Seb jerk back "Here,let me see it." And with that,Misha took his finger and kissed it then it healed."There,all better now huh?"he asked with a smile. Misha followed the movements that Seb was doing and smiled once he finally said something again.Nodding slightly,he took the fork on the plate and took off a pice then blew on it and ate it.Misha chewed happy and what seemed to taste like a strawberry and lucky it wasn't the apple one that he smelled to "For a minute there I thought you forgot that I was allergic to apples."he told him with a chuckled."These are great Hun,you did a wonderful job as always."he said and ruffled his hair with his free hand."Are you alright?You've been holding onto my hand for awhile now."he asked.

"Yeah, I would like breakfast, and see which color the dress will be, my curiosity is killing me." Agni said while getting out of the room and following Tobias to the sewing room. "Oh, also, don't go winking me." And she increased her steps, now walking in front of her master. Since he only had vision of her back, she allowed herself to smile a little bit. Agni suddenly stopped on her tracks, and turned to Tobias.

"Hey, I was wondering, after the ball is finished and everything is clean, can we go outside? I want to run a little bit, and not on this form." The blonde asked, her piercing blue eyes fixed on her master's ones.

Miki leaned back when the round was over. She removed the headset and looked at him. "Do you want to get food now, or play a few more rounds?" Miki asked. She had to fight the urge to comb his hair as he ruffled it again. She straitened her braid and sighed. He was always so.... irritating. She couldn't describe what she felt for him. Somewhere along the lines of hatred and a tiny bit of respect. After all, he does own her. She placed the controller on the table, awaiting a response.
Spending the time staring out the window as she got ready Wilhelm's mind momentarily stretched out and through the whole building catching every stray thought and doing it's best to organize them properly in his own head. Silently picking up the waking minds of his housemates the master did his best to block them out a practice he had learned shortly after gaining the ability to read minds. The constant flow of information was overwhelming to say the least but after a couple of minutes he regained control finally able to respond to his pet as he finished buttoning up his shirt. "Ahh but time is merely a creation of our cognitive minds if we simply choose to ignore it the whole process has less of an effect on us." He said with a dismissive tone choosing to tease the girl now that he knew she was invested. So he got his shoes on the heavy leather boots not exactly something someone would wear on an everyday basis but for him it was merely a precaution, the others could defend themselves with powers bordering on magic but he had only one weapon, his mind.

When he finally was finished getting ready though he gingerly reached his hand out to Vixie fully intending to lead her downstairs by the hand. "First we can get something to eat and then we can move on to the task of acquiring our outfits." He said sure that he could find out exactly what they were from simply reading Liam's mind but deciding that might be a breach of personal space. Taking her down into the kitchen he glanced around the room his eyes registering everyone present or leaving. "I'm rather disappointed you would hide bacon Arugale, do you not trust us?" He called out to the fellow master as he took partial command of the cooking space his power gently urging for everyone to step out of his way. His power was never obvious though just a gentle hint in the back of their minds that someone was behind them and needed to come through or something along those lines. With control of the kitchen though he quickly went about the process of making an couple of omelettes having picked up the knowledge from a linecook when he was waiting tables in college. Making more than enough ham and cheese omelettes for himself and Vixie he left the rest for anyone to lazy to make their own food his rote movements quick and precise as he did his best to make some kind of conversation with his pet. "So I have been debating a trip into town this week is their anything you might need from say the outdoor section of the hardware store?"
"Well you're no fun" Tobias states about the no winking. He nearly crashes into her when she stops, leaning over her before falling back on his heels and takes a step back. "Warn someone when you're going to do that" He listens to her question, looking thoughtful for a moment even though he already knew what he was going to say, he couldn't resist those eyes, and she probably knew that. He looks down at her with his yellow eyes and taps his chin, acting like he was thinking long and hard over it but the corners of his lips were turned up in a slight smile. "Yes of course we can, some fresh air would probably do me good. I've been stuck up in this stuffy house too long" He motions for her to continue walking. Once she does he follows her to the sewing room, looking over at Lian. "I'm sure you've been pestered all day about the masquerade tonight and I apologize, you can make mine however you'd like I'm not particular I'm just curious and I'm sure Agni is too, what you had in mind for her"

Vixie looks a little taken aback by the time comment before remembering his ability. "It still throws me off when you do that you know...I'm still getting used to it" She states before sticking her tongue out playfully at him for teasing her. A blush nearly as red as her hair came across her cheeks since she just realized he probably "heard" her when she was admiring him from the bed. She looks down at his hand as he offers it before placing her's in his without hesitation. "I'm definitely up for eating first" She says staying close to Will, having a little bit of claustrophobia when it came to a lot of people in a small area and was thankful for their moving to let them through. The scent of bacon hits her and she feels her mouth water before making her way over to Will, standing close, but not in his way as she watches him make the omelets. Her mind was humming with happy thoughts about the ham and eggs that she would soon be enjoying. She lifts her head up from staring at the pan as he spoke before a smile appears on her face, just happy he considered her in his trip. "I could use a new trowel... I broke the handle off of mine a few days ago and they're nice for more exact holes that my claws can't exactly do" She states. It was really a sight to see her in the garden when she had a vision, changing from girl to fox and back again for whatever the job required, working non-stop until she was finished or her master beckoned her away. "It'd be nice to have lavender in the garden again, it smells lovely this time of year. But you already asked for one thing and you don't need lavender, you need a trowel" She thinks to herself before her eyes grow wide since he probably "heard" all of that. "Really I don't need lavender.... I don't know why I thought of that, just the trowel... just get me the trowel... if you want to that is, you don't have to I mean-" She just goes quiet realizing she was rambling and how crazy she must sound to some of the housemates going from one topic to another. She didn't really mind though, she wasn't one for what others thought of her, just wanting to please her master.

Agni smirks when she sees that Tobias almost fell because of her sudden stop, but it disappeared as soon as she saw him thinking. She knew he would end up saying yes, but she couldn't help and feel anxious. When she heard his reply, she sighed relieved.

"Great." Was all the blonde said before resuming her walk to the sewing room. Once there, she left all the talking to Tobias, only nodding when he mentioned her. Her expression was neutral, she didn't feel as comfortable around the others as she did with her master. Her blue eyes travelled around the room, capturing every detail with those perfectionist eyes. After a while, she said quietly, without taking her eyes of the room.

"I like this room. It's beautiful. You have good taste."

Lian rubbed his eyes and enjoyed the momentary lapse of silence. He needed coffee, badly. Coffee was the only thing that kept him going at times like this, and sugar. He looked up with Tobias and Agni walked in. He gave the normal cheery smile. He took the note pad that Seth was writing down ideas not too long ago. He wrote down the two's names and what they wanted next to it. "I'll be sure to do my best sir." he said with a smile. He had hoped he had enough material to make all these clothes. He beamed at the compliment. "Why thank you Miss Agni." He said.
Sebastian smiled brightly as his Master praised him and chuckled when me mentioned being allergic to apples. "Why would I give you something that would hurt you? If I wanted you to be stuck in bed all day, I could think of something more creative". He winked and gave Misha's hand a small squeeze before letting it go. Sebastian tuned and put the rest of the turnovers onto a plate for the others to eat if they so desired. "You need to eat something other than sweets or you're going to get a stomach ache. Would you like me to make you something, love?". He looked over his shoulder at Misha as he finished eating the pastry.

"After eating I thought that we would stop by Lian and get our outfits ready for tonight, but that it your choice of course,for you are MY master". A teasing smile spread across Sebastian face as he walked passed him and went to get things to make Misha a proper breakfast. "So other than your eggs scrambled with a bit milk added in, your bacon lightly crisp and your toast topped with butter and a little bit of cinnamon, is there anything else that you would like, love?". Sebastian was quite proud of himself to know exactly how his Master liked his food. Of course that was part of his job but it still made him feel as if he did his job perfectly.
Nico said:
Lian rubbed his eyes and enjoyed the momentary lapse of silence. He needed coffee, badly. Coffee was the only thing that kept him going at times like this, and sugar. He looked up with Tobias and Agni walked in. He gave the normal cheery smile. He took the note pad that Seth was writing down ideas not too long ago. He wrote down the two's names and what they wanted next to it. "I'll be sure to do my best sir." he said with a smile. He had hoped he had enough material to make all these clothes. He beamed at the compliment. "Why thank you Miss Agni." He said.

Seth laughed at Sebastian and smiled "Thank ya Sebastian,smells good as always."he complimented before grabbing two plates and going down the line to get some coffee for him and Lian. Knowing Lian all to well,he made sure to give him a bigger cup and add everything he likes into his with a bit more sugar to get him running.He grabbed the plates first then the drinks and walked out of the cafe then back down the hallway to where his love's Sewing room was.Seth still saw a few people walking in there to tell Lian what they wanted and all so,he made sure to hurry up before Lian had to much on his hands to work with without coffee.Coming in slow,the male made sure to not trip over anything and spill the food everywhere."I'm backkk."he told him with a small laugh.He sat Lian's plate down in front of him after clearing the spot off then gave him his cup of coffee."There you go love,everything just the way you like it."he said with a smile.Seth plopped down in the rolling chair he was in before and started to eat his own food he got for himself while every now and then,taking a sip of his coffee.He looked at Lian with a half smile "How is it?I made sure to just get the things you would like."he told him.

Sebastian smiled brightly as his Master praised him and chuckled when me mentioned being allergic to apples. "Why would I give you something that would hurt you? If I wanted you to be stuck in bed all day, I could think of something more creative". He winked and gave Misha's hand a small squeeze before letting it go. Sebastian tuned and put the rest of the turnovers onto a plate for the others to eat if they so desired. "You need to eat something other than sweets or you're going to get a stomach ache. Would you like me to make you something, love?". He looked over his shoulder at Misha as he finished eating the pastry.
"After eating I thought that we would stop by Lian and get our outfits ready for tonight, but that it your choice of course,for you are MY master". A teasing smile spread across Sebastian face as he walked passed him and went to get things to make Misha a proper breakfast. "So other than your eggs scrambled with a bit milk added in, your bacon lightly crisp and your toast topped with butter and a little bit of cinnamon, is there anything else that you would like, love?". Sebastian was quite proud of himself to know exactly how his Master liked his food. Of course that was part of his job but it still made him feel as if he did his job perfectly.


Misha smiled towards where he thought Sebastian was"Well,i'm sure you could have found a better way to."he teased back with a wink.Misha smiled again at the thoughtfulness of the other male and nodded "Sure,I wouldn't mind.Thank you."he said warmly.Misha listened as more people filled the room with noises and the clanking of plate being picked up and sat back down on a table or rack.He looked back towards where Sebastian's voice came from and nodded again."That sounds like a great idea...what color do you think we should wear hun?"he asked thinking of a few colors of his own."Maybe something not to bright but,not black either..."he thought out loud.A small chuckle came out when Seb went down the list of things that he got for him to eat."Wow,that's already a lot.I'm fine with that,I don't wanna pop."he said and laughed a little.Misha set the plate that he already had down into the sink the felt around for a bottle of orange juice.Grabbing it,he shook it up then took the plate that Sebastian was holding and smiled "Thank you Seb."he told him and kissed him on the nose before carefully walking to a table close to a window.He sighed and smiled halfway before eating his breakfast like he could see it all in front of him;he guessed being blinded for so long that,that was one of the advantages.Misha grabbed the bottle of orange juice and twisted the top open then drank some out of it while hearing another master complaining about something stupid.He smirked and listened carefully to it but,at the same time not caring.

Lyle nodded at her suggestion as he returned his headset and controller back to where they were using his power. "Sure, food sounds like a good idea." Stepping up from the couch, he made his way out of the room and towards the kitchen. Miki was an odd pet to say the least, at least compared to the rest of them in the house. Everyone else was so formal and loyal to their masters, while she was much more casual about everything, even in the way she talked. Of course, it worked out, since he would probably go insane if she was like the rest.

Reaching the kitchen, he noted that there were some omelettes and turnovers left out. "Well, don't mind if I do." He said as he grabbed a plate and stacked some food onto it. With his telekinesis, he prepared a second plate with the same quantity of food on it and handed it to Miki as he shoved the egg, ham, and cheese into his mouth. He mumbled out a "here you go", but since his mouth was full it sounded more like "hair yogurt". Finding a seat near a window, he sat sideways in his chair, one arm over the backrest, and dug into his food.
Miki took the plate, sighing again. She sat across from him. She relaxed on the chair and started eating. She looked at him, stuffing his face and practically a starfish by the way he laid. He was so relaxed, which made her glad. She liked more relaxed people. At the least he wasn't like her previous master....

Miki's face sobered as her thoughts dawned on her old master. Her relaxed face became serious, her posture straitened. She set down her omelet and just stayed silent.
Spotting the mini panic attack almost before it happened Will instantly set his hot skillets to the side taking them off the burner before he turned to her. quietly hushing her as he reached out and touched his pet's cheek the master sent soft calming emotions and thoughts to her before he even spoke. "Shhhh little fox, trowel and some lavender, no need to be scared of anything, especially me." He said doing his best to comfort her as he gave the red haired fox girl all of his attention the neon green seeming to leak from behind his contacts. It only lasted a moment though as he soon collected himself and closed his eyes for a moment once again concealing his nature from the world. Returning to his cooking he quickly plated 2 omelettes for them before he offered one to his pet. "Cheese and all the toppings are up to you, for myself I prefer plain." He admitted before taking his leave freeing her to select what she wanted before joining him in the dining room.

There Wilhelm saved the fox girl a seat right beside him his attention on the newspaper to distract him from the thoughts of all those around him. Once she returned to him though he seemed to have a curious thought cross his mind. "Tell me, do you enjoy being a fox? I mean I have ridden along in the minds of many things and never once have I felt them exclaim true joy in their form. It comes naturally to them just like speech and movement of thumbs comes to us... The birds never think of what it is like to fly because they simply do." He said momentarily losing himself for a second or two before he smiled at her and returned to reality. "Just wondering." Will added sheepishly having always been a bit too willing to express his thoughts, many had told him that the habit was charming but to him it just made him look childish.
As he ate his omelet, he couldn't help but note it had a distinct lack of salt and other spices. Sure, it was very good by itself, but it seemed too traditional for his tastes. If there were spices, he didn't notice them, but it was still edible. Lyle shoved a larger piece into his muth and chewed it for a bit longer, trying to see if he had either gotten a bad one or there in fact was no spices. Out of his peripheral vision he noticed Miki seemingly tense up, her face becoming much more serious. Removing his arm from the back of the chair, he shifted so he was sitting properly, but still fork in hand. "What's wrong? The omelet isn't THAT bad. I mean, sure, it could use some more seasoning, but it's still a pretty good omelet. Do you need salt or something?" He wasn't a master at reading a person, but he didn't see any obvious reason why she'd suddenly tense up, unless it was something she had thought of. Still, he had grabbed salt with his power and shaken some on his own food before gesturing it towards his pet.
Miki avoided his gaze, looking out the window. She couldn't tell him. He would laugh, like the others. All the others who knew her story. Oh how they laughed, finding glee in her misery. She clenched her fists on the fabric of her pants. She straitened even more. She tried not to cry as she thought of those dangerous nights and the things she had lived though with that man. She took in a shaky breath and exhaled, trying to calm herself.
Suddenly distracted by a single thought that pierced into his mind past all the others Wilhelm's eyes glanced in the direction of Lyle. "Isn't that bad? I'll be sure to remember that blonde." He called from his seat at the table speaking just loud enough so the younger resident could hear.
He didn't quite understand his pets reactions and how she was acting at the moment. Was her portion horrible or something? Reaching over the table, he took a small piece out of Miki's omelet and put it into his mouth. No, just a plain old unseasoned omelet. Tasting his after adding salt, he spoke up again. "Hey, a little salt makes it much better, so cheer up. Is it something else? Was there a shell or uncooked piece of ham? Come on, what's the issue?" He was rather confused about the whole ordeal. When has there ever been an omelet bad enough to make someone as tense as she was? His voice had a concerned tone to it, but the main reason was because he was worried that the food was tainted or something.

Lyle was sidetracked as he heard Wills comment on his criticism. "Well, be sure to remember to add some extra flavoring as well next time. A little salt and pepper never hurt anyone. Heck, throw some paprika and garlic in while your at it." Now, Lyle wasn't a master chef, but he knew how to cook decently, and he knew that following simple recipes would only result in simple tastes. And since he was too lazy to make his own food, critiquing someone else's so they would get better was the next best thing he could do. He then turned his attention back to Miki.
"The food isn't the problem." Miki said with a shaky voice. She was on the verge of tears. She swallowed and tried breathing. Her breaths came out heavy and shaky. Her thoughts dawned on the memories that had caused her scars in more ways than one. She tried to keep calm, but it was like her entire world was crashing down on her head.
Overhearing the conversation Arugale interrupted " See, this is why I cook my own food. Really helps lessen on the trival house drama." stating with a flourish. "And no Will, It's more a matter a habit than mistrust. Growing up with a couple of brothers one tends to hide popular foods before anyone else can get to them." Whilst replying to William in a somewhat nostalgic tone, he noticed Miki's growing distress, but deciding it would be far more interesting to see how the others handled this he didn't say a word about it.
Sebastian plated himself some food and walked over to where his Master was and sat down across from him. He idly watched watched Misha as he ate and noted that if you hadn't known it, you couldn't really tell that he was blind. A smile spread across his lips as he ate a bite of his food. Swallowing he looked up at him,"..uhm..about the color of our outfits, I was sort of thinking that maybe we could go with purple?". It was hint at the color of his Master's eyes and how much Sebatian liked them. Blind or not, Sebastian loved getting lost in Misha's eyes. The times when Misha would wake at the same time as him and the light from the sun would shine in his eyes and make them sparkle. He liked when they were alone cause then his Master wouldn't wear his sunglasses as much.

Taking in a deep breath, Sebastain looked out the window and wished that there was something that he could do to fix his loves eyes. He was about to comment somethin when he heard the other members of the house having something of a spat. Sebastain quirked a brow,"..and what exactly are they complaining about? Oh wait it's Lyle. That guy always has something to complain about. I don't like how he treats Miki. THat poor girl deserves a better Master than him". He shook his head and went back to eating, thinking the gods that he had a Master like Misha.
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"Whoa, there. Try to stay calm and breathe." Lyle stood up out of his chair and made his way over to the other side of the table.Now he was genuinely worried. He was relieved the food wasn't poisoned, but that meant it was something else that was bothering her. Emotions weren't something he knew a lot about, so he didn't know exactly what to do, but she was his pet. He felt a sense of responsibility, even if it was small. Hesitating, he placed his hands on her shoulders and spoke gently. "Everything's going to be fine. Whatever it is, its only a thought or in the past. Just breathe and calm down." He tried to look her in the eyes as he did this, but he found the situation uncomfortable as is. Instead, he looked in between her eyes, as people tended to think you were looking at their eyes if you did this.
Miki looked strait at him. She could tell he was looking at the bridge of her nose because his eyes had gone a bit cross-eyed. She would have giggled if she wasn't so preoccupied. She took a deep breath, calming down a bit. "I'm fine now." She said. That was a total and complete lie. She was not fine, nor would she ever be. The thought of those memories had stirred the pot of her emotions, causing her to go into a state of unrest. She breathed, calming the most possible.
Esther nodded in agreement with her Master as she carefully tiptoed around everyone in the kitchen to retrieve a few more skillets and new ingredients, setting out what was left of the eggs and bacon as well as pancake mix and sausage. She gave Arugale a sweet smile, "Master, would you mind fixing me come flapjacks? I can't cook..." Noticing Arugale's gaze she looked over to Miki and frowned but didn't intervene. It wasn't polite or her place to do so. @The One Eyed Bandit
His gaze leaving the spectacle going on over yonder Arugale turned to Esther "Hmm... I'm a little rusty, but I could try. I'll need syrup..." Standing up and muttering the rest of the ingredients under his breath he headed over to the cupboard to fetch them. Mixing the ingredients he looked to Esther keeping his voice low enough so the others couldn't hear and trying to keep his mind on not burning the flapjacks "So, quite an eventful day so far isn't it? Seems like Miki has something digging at her. Bad memories perhaps?" A small smile creeping across his face "You know, you never have talked about your past much either. May I inquire if it's not too bold to ask?" Turning to flip the flapjacks his smile shooting into a huge grin 'I can tell today is going to be a blast' He thought to himself as he took the flapjacks off the heat to make sure they didn't burn, making sure to stifle his smile before anyone noticed.

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