The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]


Misha smiled when he heard Sebastian's soft voice speak to him and ask him how he slept."Well,besides the haunting dream,it was alright for the most part."he told him and laughed a bit.Hearing Sebastian shuffle around,Misha knew he was probably letting him taste something of his so he waited patient for the satisfying taste.He laughed a bit and said "Ahh." While opening his mouth. And only closed it after the treat was in his mouth.He smiled while chewing as the taste settled in his mouth and he finished it off "It's great Seb and all your baking is my favorite foods."he told him with a small smile "Well,except for the ones that I'm allergic to."he added with a chuckle."So,can I help serve with you?"he asked him.Even though he couldn't see,it doesn't mean that his other senses were weak.In fact,the other four senses were stronger than most people who were blind.Waiting for Sebastian's answer,he followed the smell of the doughnuts and took another one then popped it into his mouth and smiled enjoying the taste all over again.

Seth yawned softly and smiled at Lian "I'm not that-"he stopped to yawn then continued."Sleepy love,you kept me up last night."he said with a wink.Seth spun around in the rolling chair and watched as more people started to fill the room then ask or tell Lian what they wanted to wear."I'll write the notes down love,you just keep working."he said and smiled as he took the pen and pad then started to write what the other people wanted.Seht didn't bother to ask about his and Lian's outfit because he knew that,that was the first thing Lian finished.Seth chuckled at his thoughts before snapping back into reality and writing down more stuff that people were saying to his love,"Wow,sometimes I wonder how you get finish with them all."he said to his love and chuckled."But then again,you are amazing."h told him with a warm smile.
~Saharja~ Jakes & her room/

As the sun began to rise, and dull crimson light came through the blinds, Saharja walked silently though the room. Spotting her master from the corner of her aqua like eyes still asleep, his breath was easy and steady. Keeping her steps light she made a turn to the kitchen that connected with her masters room. Coming to a cabinet, her pale small hand reached up, opening it gently. Then grabbed a bag of dark roast coffee, softly closing the cabin and moved to the coffee maker. The one thing that she knew Jake loved was coffee, with no cream, and no sugar, just plain, straight coffee. She did understand why he liked it yet he did, and making him happy caused her to be happy.

She had been up for hours, and even though some individuals would gasp at the sound of being awake hours before the sun has even risen. It was her norm, even though her master complained about her sleeping habits as well as others.

She always insisted on being awake before her master and every other master at that, always being there for there assistance if needed. And even though it wasn't sought upon by her master, Saharja has done it for thousands of years, and it became a normal habit of hers. As the coffee began to brew, her gaze moved over to Jake's sleeping figure, then to the clock on the desk next to his bed. Seeing that her master would wake up soon, she walked over to one of the drawers, pulling out a white glass coffee cup and set it down soundlessly. Taking out a tray, she neatly folded a napkin, and then put the cup on it. Normally she would cook for her masters yet Jake never ate breakfast, which confused her beyond belief having all her past masters eating like kings. Though since being Jakes pet for a while now, it didn't surprise her as much since she first met him. Taking the tray in her hands, she walked over to the desk near his bed, and poured the dark brew in the white cup like a butler would. Even though he wasn't awake to see, she didn't mind, knowing yet that was how she always was naturally. Jake would be up any minute now, and the coffee was just hot enough where it wouldn't burn him, yet wouldn't get cold before he had awaken. As steam of coffee aroma filled the air, she moved away setting the extra coffee in the kitchen and walking into the bathroom with a towel in hand. Her intention to take a shower before her master woke up and she did with speed like no other. Minutes later she came out, a towel wrapped around her small pale body as she rubbed her white hair with another, drying it so it would become damp.

Changing quickly, she wore what she believed casual yet formal. It was her job to represent her master physically as well as mentally and wearing the proper, what she called, "uniform" was another requirement that she insisted on. And overall picked a lightly white pink short dress that was tight around her waist and flared out loosely to the end, not poofy but flat and kinda flawy when she walked Wasn't to short but want wasn't to long to call full out formal. Her white long hair completely dry now, fell down her back. She wasn't a fashonista but this was how her last master required her to wear clothing and has just gone along with wearing what ever she had left from her old master. Moving to a chair, as she walked across the wood floor, grabbed small sandals that wrapped around her feet. Finally sitting down and bending over to slip the shoes on she sighed, hoping her master will be pleased with his coffee.
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Lian was quite happy when Seth offered to write down the clothes wanted. It was quite a relief off his back. Lian noticed something though, he was still in his pajamas. He gave a mental chuckle at that "Ah," He started to say to the two girls "You two want to be the belles of the ball." he teased. He looked at Seth and smiled at his compliment. "I'm not nearly as amazing as you though." he said to his beloved. He started to gather the materials up that were needed. Some blues and greens would work quite well for the two pairs in the room.
Sebastian frowned at the mention of his Master having a bad dream. He didn't like knowing that he wasn't there to comfort him, when Misha had woke. Seabstian had turned his head in ashamedment. What kind of pet is he if he wasn't there to comfort his Master from a horrible dream. Wanting to make up for his lack of presence, Sebastian welcomed his Master's help. In a soft and silky voice, he responded,"..nothing would please me more than to have my Master by my side". Sebastian smiled as he leaned over to place a kiss on Misha's cheek, briefly laying his head on the male's shoulder.

In a sad tone, Sebastian's voice quietly crept out. "I'm sorry, Master for not being there for you when you woke up. I promise to make up for it and swear to be there next time". It was not a common thing to hear anything besides a flirty or teasing tone in Sebastian's voice. But feeling as though he failed his Master, Sebastian wanted to apologize to no end. Without even thinking about it, he buried his face into Misha's neck and held onto to his Master tightly, hoping that he would forgive Sebastian and everything would be right between them.
Lyle glanced over at Miki as she mumbled something, then just shrugged. I'm sure it wasn't anything important. Since they had got their attires all set with Lian, he couldn't think of anything else that needed to be done. Most of the other pets would probably be doing something to get prepared, and he was unsure if Miki needed to do anything. He contemplated just heading back to the room, but that would be pointless since they would just need to come back when food was ready. He really didn't like to waste time or do things that were pointless.

Sighing, he looked over to his pet. "Hey, Miki. Is there anything else we should be doing to get ready for this thing?" He unhooked his right thumb from his pocket and let his arm hang by his side. The way he said it sounded firm, but it was basically an indirect way of asking if she wanted to do anything. He couldn't think of anything himself, so he left it up to her. After all, he was too tired and didn't care enough to come up with an idea himself.
"If you are implying we should do something, then I have no idea. Videogames sounds fun." Miki said, looking at him. His hair was messy and all over the place like he didn't care where it went, because he didn't. He didn't even brush his hair. Miki inwardly groaned and turned back to everyone else. All of the pets were kind to there masters, most having some sort of lovey dovey relationship with each other. She wanted to barf just thinking of being in a relationship with Lyle.
_Jake_Bedroom_Living room

As morning encouraged Jake's sleeping body to awake. His eyes began to flutter open showing deep blues, brighter then the sea itself, which that were hidden only moments ago. Beginning to clear his blurred vision, the aroma of fresh coffee snuck into his nostrils and he smiled reaching for the cup of coffee that he knew was there. "Damn....she's good"His vision clearing, he brought the cup to his lips, letting the liquid fall into his mouth, swallowing each mouthful as it was his last, yet a lot, slower. He was savoring it, through and through. Getting up, his pants were just where his hips where, fitting perfectly overall and ...well he forgot to were a shirt but it didn't bother him. Setting down his coffee cup at the desk, he went into the bathroom, and took a quick shower. Coming out moments later, a towel wrapped around his lower waist, smelling of cologne and really pure freshness. Moving to the dresser, he slipped on a pair of dark jeans, and a white t-shirt. Not baggy but not too fitting. His black hair slightly dripping wet as he walked back to his desk to retrieve his coffee.

Picking it up he took note that it didn't cool down at all and shown another white smile. Taking another savory sip of the brew. Jake walked into the living room, seeing Saharja sitting down on a chair, trying to buckle on her sandals. Leaning agains the doorway, he spoke, "Thank you for the coffee, so how early did you wake up today?.." he grinned curious on her awnser today. Each day it always surprised him. I mean how could she even function, she is always working, making sure everything is perfect and well done. Which was wonderful but things have how do you say it...well changed. In the beginning he anticipated on acting like a true master yet feelings for her had risen. He cared for her more then one might say another should care for a "friend". And seeing her always work so hard, to make sure everything was done, to make sure everyone as well as himself is taken cared off, sometimes it saddened him. She hid her emotions, personality, and those few moments were he gets to see those rare things, where the cause of his "feelings" for her. Looking down at her, his grinned waiting patiently, as he took another sip of the warm coffee.
"I was thinking we could grab something for breakfast and see what everyone's up to first" Arugale replied, returning her smile as he strode from the room "If that doesn't turn up anything interesting I'm going to head out back and work on my mask" headed towards the steps to the kitchen he slowed for a moment "Do you have anything organized for a mask? I could always use a bit of extra practice." He questioned while arching back his head, still strolling towards the kitchen.
Jumping slightly, her sandal dropped from her hands, as she turned to look at Jake. Her voice sounding slightly spooked "Good morning sir, hopefully you slept well." Reaching down she picked up the sandal that fell from her hands, taking a moment to regain her structure, going over her morning to pin pointing the exact moment she had woken up and began to prepare for the day. Speaking again, Saharja never broke gaze, yet her voice remained firm and in control, not sounding harsh at all yet kind "Your welcome sir, I believe sir. Do you need anything?" she began to stand up preparing her self for the task that might come at hand.
Esther shook her head, "No, I haven't the slightest idea for a mask. But breakfast sounds delightful. " She smiled, subconsciously standing on the balls of her feet before becoming flat footed once more, a ballet exercise to work the ankles. Brushing back her brown hair, Esther dutifully led the way towards the dining hall with her master, stomach grumbling a bit, and thought about their relationship. It had been a careful, fragile thing to keep up with and Esther wanted to believe they were slowly becoming friends because underneath all that brashness, Esther truly saw a good person. If only she wasn't so afraid to ask him where they stood exactly.

Agni woke up with the sound of Tobias voice. She slowly opened her eyes and groaned strange words. She covered her whole body with the blanket, trying to block the light. But she was too hot keep covered, so she just gave up and got up.

"Mornin'." The blonde murmured to her master, while dragging herself to the bathroom. When she left, the tired look on her face was gone, replaced by the usual grumpiness.

"I can't believe it... There was a freaking stain on the sink! I cleaned it up yesterday night!" She hissed more to herself than to anybody else. She just sighed and turned to Tobias. "Anyway, I'm going to get ready and prepare myself mentally for today and tomorrow, if I end up fainting, don't wake me up." She said in a monotone voice, looking to the roof and shivering.

After 10 minutes of mumbling to herself while choosing what clothe to wear, she finally picked a blue dress with white stripes. It wasn't too long, its length stopping before it reached Agni's knee. The blonde went to the bathroom again and stayed there for 15 minutes. When she left, she was wearing the blue dress, a white stocking, black dolly shoes and her usual dark blue ribbon, symmetrically aligned on top of her head.

"So, how do I look like?" The blonde asked, slightly proud of her outfit. "I'll just wear this while the ball doesn't start, I can't wait to see the dresses Liam is making, I bet they're gonna be beautiful."

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Lowering the cup from his lips, his eyes opened again surprised at her awakening time yet he sighed, raising a hand to his head as he ran his fingers through his damp black hair and just let it go for now. "No...I don't need anything at the moment..." He already discussed this with her yet, she still decides to wake up early everyday to do her job. This women confused him sometimes, how could she work so late, and wake up so early, it was just alien to him though she did constantly everyday. His face slightly worried yet calm he spoke "We have talked about this before.... you can't wake up so early and go to bed so late, it is bad for your health." he pin pointed, taking another sip of the coffee.
Lyle rolled his eyes, letting out a deep exhale. "Fiiiine. We'll head back to the room for now." He really didn't want to go back to the room just to have to come back for food later, but if there were no other ideas then he didn't mind. Besides, video games were video games. He always preferred to play single player, but if he had someone to play with it was something different to do. before he left, he noted how most of the others in the house tended to have a much more kind relationship with another, besides Arugale and Esther. They seemed a lot more traditional, which reminded him of himself and Miki.

Heading back to the room, he walked through the door and plunked down on the couch. Lyle had taken up the center of the middle couch almost completely with his arms stretched out on the sides. he turned his head to look over his shoulder. "You can pick what to play." He put his feet back on the table and ruffled his hair again, making it even more messy.
Sitting back down, her full attention was on Jake's. Though realizing he was worried she gave him a small smile of reassurance "Sir, honestly I am able to perform fine. There is no need to enforce sleep. I have been waking up and going to rest this way for thousands of years now, there is no reason to worry" And each word was the truth, she felt fine, she was so use to this sleeping habit that even if her body was tired she couldn't feel it. In her book, that was A-okay.

Remembering that he wasn't in need of use for her at the moment, her aqua like gaze moved back to the difficult task of putting her last sandal on, which seemed rather difficult. Beginning to slip on her shoe again, yet in struggles, she spoke again "Sir just a reminder, the mascuade ball is today, and if you would like, I can, with your specification of course or we can both go to the sewing room to ask Lian about the outfits for tonight". She spoke still concentrated on getting her left sandal on.
Miki sighed at his nonchalant attitude. She walked over to the game section and pulled out Halo 4. She grabbed a headset and two controllers, tossing one to Lyle. She sat down next to him and turned on the console. He had messed up his hair again and she had to fight the urge to just take a brush to it. He always had his hair like that and it was starting to make her a bit ticked. She just sighed and sat on the far side. Her headset was covered in stickers and her controller was custom painted. She felt awkward around him with her blatantly nerdy stuff, but he was probably to dense to notice.
Raising a eyebrow, he was in denial over what she said. " where still going to talk about this, don't try to change the subject." Coming to a conclusion he gave a half smile thinking that this might actually finally be the winner for getting her to sleep a good rest after so many tries. "Im your Master, and I am telling you, you must tomorrow go to bed early or sleep in. Both would make me happier, if you would."Proud with what he said, he knew there was no way she was getting out of this one. There was no way someone could think of a way to get around that. A masters word was law, and she knew it. Walking over to her, he set his coffee cup down, all empty of course. He kneeled down on one leg, gently taking hold of her left foot. Reaching for the shoe in her hands and pulled it softly away from her. Lifting her foot up, Jake slipped her sandal on with ease and buckled the strap with expertise. "There, all done" he smiled sure that he had made his point in getting her to sleep. Well helping her wasn't really part of it but..she was struggling with it and what could he say, maybe he wanted to help her for once.
"Well then, lets see if I can fix up something presentable for the two of us. It'll be a decent repayment for all the help you've been giving me lately" Stepping through the doorway to the kitchen, he noticed Sebastian and Misha "Having an intimate moment are we?" Pausing to put on a small smirk he continued "Could I be so bold as to request use of your humble little space? I've got a craving some some bacon and eggs and would love to cook some up, how about you Es? Must have been ages since you had a good plate of bacon." He questioned as he waited for the two to reply or clear out.
Her eyes opening wide from shock, she stared at him as he put her shoe on. Her personality was beginning to show and she was desperately was trying to hold it back "S-sir your not suppose to be doing that...I am perfectly capable of putting on my own shoes." Yet he slipped it on with like he has been doing it his whole life and Saharja couldn't help but watch in amazement. Clothing, shoes, were not her thing which she came to the conclusion. Clothing was easy to put on but when it came to shoes, oh god it was like a jigsaw puzzle. Noticing that he was still kneeled in front of her, and still had her foot in his hand, she wiggled like a snake away from him "s---sir ehhh thanks..yo-u.." Something was changing between the two of them and truly she didn't know what to think of it, why was he, helping her, caring? nothing made any sense. Still scooting away, she wasn't paying any attention and with becoming unfocused only came one thing, failer. Her chair flipped over "Eeeep!" Her feet dangling in the air, she sighed, finally giving up "If I sleep, will you stop working and let me do my job" she grinned from the ground her body still on the chair just in a different way as her eyes watched the white ceiling.
Nico said:
Lian was quite happy when Seth offered to write down the clothes wanted. It was quite a relief off his back. Lian noticed something though, he was still in his pajamas. He gave a mental chuckle at that "Ah," He started to say to the two girls "You two want to be the belles of the ball." he teased. He looked at Seth and smiled at his compliment. "I'm not nearly as amazing as you though." he said to his beloved. He started to gather the materials up that were needed. Some blues and greens would work quite well for the two pairs in the room.

Seth finished jotting down the notes for the people who had came in at that moment yet,he didn't set it down just yet just in case Lian needed him to write down any more notes or if some other people came in as well.He watched the two girls come into the room then Lian talk to them as he kept up.Seth smiled and chuckled at the response he got and ruffled Lian's hair."We're equally amazing then?"he asked trying to settle it before it went on and on.After looking up at the ceiling a bit,Seth could smell breakfast before anyone else did."I smell bacon."he said out loud and laughed a but before standing up."I'll bring you breakfast back dear ok."he asked him but,didn't give him a chance to answer before he was out of the door knowing Lian would agree with him since he had a lot of work to do.Seth walked down the hallway and into the cafe area where he spotted Sebastian,Misha,and a girl he couldn't quite get her name at the time."Hey guys,what's for breakfast today."he asked walking up to them.
Catching the controller and using his telekinesis to pull over his own generic headset, Lyle gave a slight glance over at Miki with her custom equipment. He held back from commenting on how amateurish she was by turning back to the screen. He had his own custom stuff, most of it custom made and decorated with some image from an anime or something, but he kept that in his own room. He scrolled through the options and put him and Miki into a multiplayer game. Taking a deep breath, he focused in on the game. Shooters were never really his thing, as he found them less skill based and more reaction based, but he was still decent, at least good enough to be third on his team consistently when he played by himself. He was much better in almost any other game, as he could quickly learn the ins and outs and adapt. "Hope you can make up for my lack of skill in shooters." He had to resist the urge to mess up his hair after speaking, as he needed as much concentration as possible.
Esther smiled as Seth, another pet's Master, walked into the kitchen. "Bacon and eggs, apparently. I'd help but I burn boiling water." She gave a small chuckle before stepping out of the way of the more skilled people. "Last time I had bacon...Was Christmas morning three years ago, actually." Her eyes glanced up as she recalled the holiday full of polite smiles and stepping out of others' ways. But on the plus side, she did get some gifts, so it was a good day in her book. "Is there anything I can help with?"
Miki smiled, not turning her head away from the screen. "Will do." She said, concentrating mostly on the game. Miki focused as the game started. Right away, Miki's senses were on high alert. She was utterly and totally focused on the game. If a bomb would have gone off at the other side of the house, or a very loud choir singing an off key note next to her ear, she wouldn't have noticed. She was listening to the other guys bicker over chat. She just sighed and began pulling out suggestions. Suddenly, all the fighting stopped and they were working like a well oiled machine.
[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian frowned at the mention of his Master having a bad dream. He didn't like knowing that he wasn't there to comfort him, when Misha had woke. Seabstian had turned his head in ashamedment. What kind of pet is he if he wasn't there to comfort his Master from a horrible dream. Wanting to make up for his lack of presence, Sebastian welcomed his Master's help. In a soft and silky voice, he responded,"..nothing would please me more than to have my Master by my side". Sebastian smiled as he leaned over to place a kiss on Misha's cheek, briefly laying his head on the male's shoulder.
In a sad tone, Sebastian's voice quietly crept out. "I'm sorry, Master for not being there for you when you woke up. I promise to make up for it and swear to be there next time". It was not a common thing to hear anything besides a flirty or teasing tone in Sebastian's voice. But feeling as though he failed his Master, Sebastian wanted to apologize to no end. Without even thinking about it, he buried his face into Misha's neck and held onto to his Master tightly, hoping that he would forgive Sebastian and everything would be right between them.


Misha looked towards Sebastian where his voice was coming from and smiled "Great,I hope I don't mess up."he said and laughed a little.misha smiled at the kissed and petted Sebastian softly then frowned at the sadness he felt feeding off of him.He didn't like when his pet,although he never uses this term,felt sad in any way."Shh,don't be sad Seb,it was only just a dream...I'm alright."he said to him trying to calm the other male down as best as he could."You didn't have to be there when I woke up,I understand your duties as a baker and that you do have rights Hun."he told him and rubbed his back.Before he knew it,Sebastian was clinged onto him tightly and buried into his neck.Misha hoped he wasn't crying,he didn't like that either from Seb.Misha pulled Sebastian off of him and smiled before giving him a soft kiss."It's alright Seb,I'm fine,"he told him once again."Now come on and smile and also tell me how to serve your treat."he said and chuckled a little then waved at Seth as he walked closer to them."I don't know everything but,I do know we're gonna eat something great."he informed.
Lyle had been mostly going off by himself in the game, even though it was a team match. He was pretty sure most people played that way anyways, plus he felt he would do better solo. Strategizing was a specialty of his, and though he noticed a few patterns in enemy movements, he kept it to himself and didn't vocalize them. He was doing pretty well as always, but he stayed in third all throughout the game up until it ended. He sighed and looked at Miki. She had been extremely focused throughout the whole game, and she did pretty good to boot. She's pretty good. Stretching out his arms widely, he ran his hand through his hair once more. Maybe they should go get food now? He didn't mind playing a few more games, so he didn't bring it up.
Sebastian tiled his head slightly as he looked at Misha and couldn't help but smile. There was always something about the way he looked that cheered Sebastian up more than anything. He let out a small chuckle and shook his head lightly,"'re something else you know that, doll face. You're absolutely perfect". Sebastian chuckled and kissed his forehead. He quickly cleared his throat as others began to pile up into the kitchens, and turned away with a light blush across his cheeks. Sebastian wasn't one to get easily embarassed but for some means he felt vulnerable at the moment. Regaining his composure, Sebastain let Arugale and Esther have part of the kitchen, while he got the stuff together to walk Misha through making one of the dishes for tonights Masquerade. After getting that dish about ready, the timer on the oven went off, letting him know that the apple and strawberry turnovers were done.

Carefully opening the oven and made sure to not harm anyone, Sebastian carefully took the baking rack out and set it the counter to cool off. A great big smile spread across his face as he took in the smell of the food. "Well I think that these turned out to be exceptionally well if I do say so myself". He reached into the cabinet above him and grabbed out a small plate, carefully placing a few of them on the plate and handed them to Seth. "Wait till they cool off before you eat them please. I'd hate for Lian to burn his mouth and ruin that smile of his". Sebastain smiled and gave Seth a small wink. Turning back around, he grabbed another plate and as he was placing one on there for Misha, he hit the finger off the side of the baking pan. Sebastian jerked his hand back and looked at the burn mark. "Well this is going to be a pain tonight", he thought to himself.

Ignoring the sting, he turned back towards Misha and gently took his hand, holding it palm side up. He then gently place the plate onto his hand," watch you don't burn your tongue as well gorgeous". Sebastian still held his Master's hand in his but not because Misha couldn't see, but because he just liked to touch his Master. Sebastain waited patiently for Misha to try it and the others as well. Not to sound egotistcal, but Sebastian loved to be praised. It made what he did everyday worth it. And hearing his Master praise him, well that just made him feel as good as gold.

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