The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]

Vixie feels her breath catch when he feels her touch across her back. "Breathe Vixie..." She thinks to herself, getting lost in the nearness of him before snapping back to reality when he compliments her. "Thank you" She says grinning ear to ear before almost squealing in delight at seeing the mask in his hands. She looks at the mirror after he slips it on her. "I love it!" She looks back at him after he put on his own mask and nods in agreement. "I think it's very fitting. And I may just have you chase me around all night" She says flirtatiously before touching the mask gingerly, admiring the quality of it. She turns back to him and throws her arms around him in a hug before quickly releasing him, not wanting to wrinkle his suit. "Thank you again! And you look very handsome as well" She takes a step back to admire him once more and nods approvingly.

Tobias couldn't help but grin ear to ear when Agni told him he looked handsome, watching her as he fixes his tie. "Why thank you and I can always count on you to make sure I look my best. Oh! And I lied earlier about you looking perfect. You're missing one thing" He says with a teasing grin before making his way over to where he had set down her gift. "Close your eyes." He states, even though he figured she probably wouldn't. He opens the box and pulls out the necklace, holding it out so she could see it. "I hope you like it and that it's not too cliche for you" He moves behind her, waiting for her permission to slip it on. ( )

Agni blushed at his words, however, her blush quickly disappeared as he said about her not looking perfect.

"Wait, what? What is wrong? Is it my hair? The make up? The dress? Oh my god, it's the hair, right? I shouldn't have slept. Oh my dear. Oh my god. I'll jus-..." Agni's despair was quickly interrupted as she saw the necklace. Her eyes were wide as they stared at the little shining horse. Her mouth was trying to create words, but couldn't. She gave a short nod to Tobias, that was apparently waiting for her consent to put on the necklace. She went to a mirror and stayed there staring at the necklace, her pale fingers touching it gingerly.

"'s beautiful... I... I don't even know what... What to say..." Agni said after a while, her eyes never leaving the necklace. Finally, her piercing blue eyes found its way to her master's yellow ones, they carried a mix of emotions that was hard to identify. Gratitude, happiness, relief, they were all mixed. "Thank you... I... I really appreciate it... Thank you..." Her voice was missing its sharp tone as well, she wasn't acting like the Agni that everybody knew, the hot headed Agni. This Agni was calm, lovingly, gentle. A side that she only shows to those who deserve to see it. To those she trusted.

Sebastian was buttoning up his vest as he walked towards the bathroom and watched his Master play with his hair. "Babe, it doesn't matter how much you mess with that beautiful mess of curls, it's always going to look like you just woke up. But hey, you won't find me complaining". He smiled and laid his head on Misha's shoulder for a minute," sure you want to go to this? I mean I think that it would be fun but I will abide by your opinion of course, for you are my Master". Sebastian lifted his head and walked over to the dresser to put the necklace, and the florel headband on. He leaned against the dresser and awaited for his Master's orders.
Esther flushed with guilt but she quickly smiled when it was apparent her master wasn't mad at her sudden hug. She listened to him with a barely concealed grin, noting she'd have to do something extra special for Arugale to thank him for her mask, until he became somber. Her grin falling, the pale girl nodded, "Of course, Master, what is it you wish to talk about?" Nerves began knotting her stomach; was it something bad? Is she in trouble? Millions of possibilities ran through the worried girl's head. @The One Eyed Bandit
[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian was buttoning up his vest as he walked towards the bathroom and watched his Master play with his hair. "Babe, it doesn't matter how much you mess with that beautiful mess of curls, it's always going to look like you just woke up. But hey, you won't find me complaining". He smiled and laid his head on Misha's shoulder for a minute," sure you want to go to this? I mean I think that it would be fun but I will abide by your opinion of course, for you are my Master". Sebastian lifted his head and walked over to the dresser to put the necklace, and the florel headband on. He leaned against the dresser and awaited for his Master's orders.


Misha hummed to himself as he left his hair fall back over his right eye then he brushed off the loose hair that fell onto his outfit.He laughed at the comment,"Well.sometimes I do like to try."he said and shrugged then flicked the light off and kissed Seb while passing by him.He walked over to the chair and put on the final piece,his jacket then sighed."Yeah,i'm sure love..don't worry about me.Besides,I got to be there to keep you out of trouble."he teased and chuckled."Don't lock me up in to room all day."he told him with a fake pout then laughed."Come on,I can smell the food from here and I didn't eat lunch."he told him then took hold of his hand and interlocked their fingers.Dropping his hand for a second,he grabbed his mask and put it on then returned to holding Sebastian's hand."Also,I didn't spend ten dollars on this mask for nothing."he said with walking them to the ball.

Nico said:
Lian smiled and nodded "I'll be fine love, I just need more coffee. I don't want to miss this ball for the world." he said. He leaned up and nibbled Seth's lip before kissing him. He caught sight of the mask and his eyes sparkled. "They are beautiful my dear." he said and giggled. It was going to be a wonderful night. He grasped Seth's hand "Commonnn~ Lets go get ready." he said suddenly excited.

Seth nodded at Lian and smiled "I know you wouldn't love,you spent basically all night yesterday making ours and all day today making the rest of theirs."he said.Seth kissed Lian back and watched as his face lite up when he revealed the mask."I'd knew you'd love them,thank you."he said.Seth laughed and left the mask on the table following Lian to their room."Alright,alright."he laughed "Slow down there,the ball isn't going anywhere love."he told him as they reached their room.Seth walked to the closet and laid both of their outfits on the bed and looked at them for a minute then giggled,"They're so beautiful...I just wanna look at them all day but,I know that I have to go and put them on."he sighed and smiled at Lian before starting to get ready."Your shoes came in yesterday but,you were sleeping so I went ahead and put them in the closet love."he informed him so he wouldn't go wondering why they were here or where they were.
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