The Pets of Waterbrooke Manor [Inactive]

Standing by the oven, Esther repressed a slight frown as her Master's inquiry. Her past wasn't the best but it wasn't the worst; it had left some scars either way though and wasn't something she liked bringing up. Taking a breath, Igraine said just as quietly, "It was nothing note-worthy. I used to live with my mother and her owner until she died and he sent me away." Of course, there was more to the story that Esther would admit. She looked at her feet, remembering the night she awoke to her mother's screams and blood. All that blood. She quickly shook the image out of her head and put on a small smile, "What about you Master? If you don't mind me asking."
"My past? Hmmm.." A mixed expression coming across his face "Well, I suppose it could pass for a decent story" Taking the cooked flapjacks, placing them on a plate a handing them to Esther before taking a seat. Rubbing his chin he continued "My mother raised me with my brothers, me being born with these eyes caused a bit a ruckus, Dad thought she was cheating and we couldn't afford a test so he left, Or thats what my brothers told me at least, they seemed to blame me for the whole ordeal and loved reminding me about it."

After a slight sigh his expression shifted back to a smile "And I'm afraid that's where this chapter comes to a close, can't have you getting bored now can we?" Relaxing into his chair he stared out the window. "I suppose I should get to work on our masks soon, it'll be interesting to see if I can pull something as nice as Lian's work off"
Esther began nibbling at her food while watching Arugale's face as he talked, noting the troubled expression that so rarely graced his features. She frowned and instinctively gave his hand what she hoped was a comforting squeeze before realizing she had did it without permission and quickly withdrew her hand, looking down at her half eaten breakfast. "I'm sure you can, it's going to look spectacular. Is there anything I can help you with?" Esther wondered if there was anything she should do to help prepare for the ball but realized that her only job was to lead the dances. That should be fun.
Swiftly regaining his composure he replied "Nothing comes to mind, just finish your meal, throw me some ideas and I'll handle the rest" Shifting in his chair looking bored as things calmed down Arugale began play with the strings on his jacket as he waited for Esther to finish eating so they could head outside to work on their masks.
Esther did as told and soon began rinsing her plate off in the sink, answering, "I don't have any ideas, just something peaceful like the earth. Maybe incorporate tulips?" She offered, smiling at the mention of her favorite flower. Not noticing how slippery the plate had gotten, Esther moved it from the sink and opened the dishwasher to put it with the other dirty dishes when it slipped and shattered on the floor. Letting out a surprised shriek, she took a panicked step back and failed to notice a small shard had embedded itself in her palm. "I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed to no one in particular, hurrying to clean up the mess as if someone was going to yell at her.
[QUOTE="Broken-Angel]Sebastian plated himself some food and walked over to where his Master was and sat down across from him. He idly watched watched Misha as he ate and noted that if you hadn't known it, you couldn't really tell that he was blind. A smile spread across his lips as he ate a bite of his food. Swallowing he looked up at him,"..uhm..about the color of our outfits, I was sort of thinking that maybe we could go with purple?". It was hint at the color of his Master's eyes and how much Sebatian liked them. Blind or not, Sebastian loved getting lost in Misha's eyes. The times when Misha would wake at the same time as him and the light from the sun would shine in his eyes and make them sparkle. He liked when they were alone cause then his Master wouldn't wear his sunglasses as much.
Taking in a deep breath, Sebastain looked out the window and wished that there was something that he could do to fix his loves eyes. He was about to comment somethin when he heard the other members of the house having something of a spat. Sebastain quirked a brow,"..and what exactly are they complaining about? Oh wait it's Lyle. That guy always has something to complain about. I don't like how he treats Miki. THat poor girl deserves a better Master than him". He shook his head and went back to eating, thinking the gods that he had a Master like Misha.


Misha scratched and pulled pack his own hair only for it to fall back in place but,he didn't mind it that much.Looking toward the walkway of his table,he smiled smelling Sebastian's scent come closer to him and sitting down.He chuckled knowing Seb was probably looking at him to."What?"he asked with a half smile.Misha listened to the other male and nodded "Purple sounds great."he said with a little bit of excitement in his voice."You know....I wish the same thing.."he told him hinting it from the deep breath he took."Everyday actually...but,at least all my other senses are now stronger than sight."he told him trying to cheer him up.Misha sighed "Well,she could always trade spot with you." He teased and laugh a little,"But,yeah...some master' scan be a pain though..."he added on before biting into a strawberry."So,what shade of purple do you want to wear?"he asked him.Misha still wonders what his eyes look like because he always thought that they would have gotten darker and more...vivid once he grew up more.He smirked remembering the last time he saw his purple eyes when they were a light shade but, now they were probably darker than that,him only being a kid when it was lighter.
Tobias nods in agreement to Agni's comment about the room. "Indeed it is quite nice" He states before seeing Seth enter the room with what appeared breakfast and coffee for Lian. He nods a greeting to Seth before making his way out the room to let Lian enjoy his breakfast. "Come along Agni, let's get breakfast? What would you like today?" He asks as he made his way to the kitchen. "So this is where everyone ended up" He says with a chuckle at seeing all the people in the kitchen and dining room. "I knew everyone couldn't be sleeping in" He looks back at Agni with a cheery smile waiting for her decision on what breakfast would consist of this morning.

Vixie jumps as he touches her cheek but at realizing it was gentle she leans into it as he spoke, feeling an overwhelming sense of relief and calmness wash over her as she looked up into his eyes. "I wish he wouldn't hide his eyes" She snaps back into reality and takes the plate he offered, feeling much better than earlier and places some cheese on her omelet before making her way to the dining table and takes a seat next to him, taking a bite of it, letting out a moan of pleasure from the taste it was absolutely delicious to her.She wasn't used to having her own plate, her old master would let her have whatever he didn't want from his so just having her own plate made her happy beyond belief.

She almost didn't hear him as he spoke, lost in the omelet. She looks at him for a moment to gather her thoughts to speak before a small smile appears on her face since that seemed about pointless around him. "I do enjoy it, there's something about losing yourself that's freeing. That's what's true joy was for me...." "Did I say "was" I do suppose now I'm starting to like being in this form and I don't know how true the state of mind of hiding in fox form is anymore.... " She blushes a little at that thought. "I used to use my fox form as an escape....there's no expectations as a fox you don't have speak politely or walk around on "eggshells" so to speak. and you don't have to worry about-..." "Will isn't like that... don't go there..." She put a smile on her face. "Well that doesn't matter now, my fox form is nice to go back and forth in the garden, it's quite useful but I suppose that's the way it's supposed to be"She says with a small laugh.

Her gaze quickly falls on Lyle, her expression turning to a slight glare as he seemingly insulted Will's omelets. "How dare he ruin this with "spices"!? salt and pepper aren't true "spices"! " She scoffs before fear washes over her at realization that she disrespected one of the masters, not out loud but the scoff was still audible, she sinks a little in her chair avoiding Will's gaze for fear of disappoint him her gaze turns soft as she sees Miki and sympathy washed over her. "Miki... you can come sit next to me and eat your breakfast if you'd like.... if our masters will allow it" She says with a warm smile. She wasn't too keen on comforting people but maybe a distraction from her thoughts would help and she could at least start some small talk.
Lyle let go of her shoulders as he backed up slightly. She seemed more calm, but it was obvious whatever had bothered her was still present. He thought about inquiring about it, but he didn't know exactly how to approach the situation. Instead, he just went back around and sat back in his chair. "Well, if you're sure, then okay, but if you change your mind and feel bad again..." He let the statement hang in the air, as he didn't know what to say after that. He poured some more salt onto his omelet before continuing eating it. He wasn't very good at these type of things, so he felt completely out of his element. Give him a mystery and he could solve it in seconds, but throw in emotions and he was left baffled.

Hearing Vixie's offer to Miki, Lyle simply nodded to his pet, giving her permission if she wanted. Maybe the solution was as simple as talking it out with someone, and maybe talking with another pet would be more comfortable with her. Besides, if she didn't start eating soon, her food would freeze.
Miki got up and sat next to Vixie. She was mostly silent, those stupid memories still floating around in her head. She let her braid cascade over her shoulder as she sat down. She let out a small smile and continued eating. She was never very accustom to talking with other pets, but Vixie seemed nice, so she decided to trust her. She nibbled on her omelet as she tried to calm down.
((Do you guys think we should time skip to the Masquerade or just work our way to it?))

Agni nods at Seth as well, before following Tobias out of the room. After hearing his Master's question, she starts to think, putting her fingers on her chin and making a concentrated face, while following Tobias to the dining room. To her surprise, almost everybody was in there as well.

"Mornin'" She whispers softly for the people in the room. However, her eyes were on the floor, staring at little pieces of food that she would have to clean later. Her eyes twitch at the scene.

" I will just eat an apple, I'm not hungry. " Agni's eyes stare at Tobias' cheery smile, his smile always make her feel warm. She's lucky, she guesses. All of her old Masters abandoned her after getting fed up with her behavior, well, she doesn't really blame them, who in right minds would want a pet who scowls at every command, who is always grumpy, who's temper is smaller than an ant, among other things. So yeah, she is lucky.

The blonde's eyes state at the floor, fists clenching and unclenching. She wanted to ask
when are you going to dispose me?, but realizes that's not a very polite thing to ask her master. So she just relaxes a little bit and look at her master, as if those thoughts never existed.

"I'm going with you. Take the food, I mean." She says with her voice quiet, her eyes traveling between the food on the floor and her master's yellow eyes.

"Hold on Esther." Gripping her shoulder before she could touch the floor "Make sure you aren't hurt before you go rubbing your hands on the ground like that" Holding onto her arm he took a closer look, he noticed the shard buried in her hand, "It doesn't look too deep in, I'm going to pull it out on 3, Ok?" Pausing for a moment for her confirmation "One.. Two.. Three." With a sharp pull he removed the shard and blood began to trickle more readily from the wound he threw the shard into the sink "You should probally go find a band-aid. I'm going to head out back now. Meet me out there if you'd want." He said with a rather bored expression, ignoring the mess on the floor and walking towards the doorway.
"You need to eat more than an apple, that is a snack not breakfast. And I don't need you grumpy because you're hungry later" He gently grabs her chin to keep her from looking at the mess on the floor. "Do you want pancakes or french toast? An apple is unacceptable... I can make you apple pancakes if you'd like" He states, looking at her seriously but that cheeriness about him seemed to stay in his eyes.

Vixie smiles as Miki sits next to her. "Are you excited about the masquerade tonight? I'm not sure how I feel about it but I'm sure it'll be fun. I haven't talked to Lian yet but I hope he makes my dress green. But Lian always makes beautiful things so I'm sure I have nothing to worry about. We're supposed to stop by after breakfast. Do you know what he's making you?" She asks, changing the subject of whatever was on her mind. She nibbles at her omelet as well while waiting her reply.
Miki smiled. "Probably something blue, and breathable." Miki said. She had been forced into a tube once and it was the worst night of her life. She stayed at home the next day trying to get rid of the marks on her stomach. She sighed. "Better not be a tube dress." Miki said, shuttering. "Or a mermaid dress." she said again. "If I can't sing, I won't wear it." Miki said smiling.


Lian; Two hours before the ball

Lian felt the effects of the coffee wearing down, his stomach was also starting to get empty. The good news though was that he was finished. It took him all day, but he was finished with everything. He looked over to Seth who seemed to have fallen asleep in his chair. He smiled as he put the last Dress and Suit on the clothes rack. He shifted into his cat form and curled up on his love's lap. He let out a purr and snuggled down. Soon the residents would be coming in to check out their clothes. He started to doze.







<- is not white but purple.
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Dusting leaves from himself the brown haired master made his way to Seth and Lian's room having accidentally fallen asleep as his pet had presumably worked in the garden. To tell the truth though the telepathic master didn't much mind what she had been doing because she was the one that gave him the peace he so craved, sure he loved to spend time with the red haired beauty and listen to her thoughts on life but while lost in the tranquility of the garden he could lose himself his mind only taking notice of hers. So it was not all that surprising to him when he had awoken in it his eyes now without contacts, after all it was bad to sleep with them in, and gazing up at the sun. That of course was when he noticed the time and his mind returned tot the world around him seeking one person's mind. Quickly locating Lian and reading the tailor pet's mind Will mentally called out to Vixie his mind momentarily invading the girl's. *I might have forgotten to pick up my suit.* He communicated his power making it seem like he was speaking inside of her head.

So that brings us back to just outside of Lian's door where a sheepish looking telepath stood a single leaf sticking out of his hair and a shameful expression on his face. "Ummm... I'm here to pick up my suit." He said with a small attempt at a smile hoping no one would notice that he had spent the better part of an afternoon napping in the sun.
Vixie looks up from the hole she was digging at hearing Will. She was currently in her fox form and moves to the other side of the hole, moving the dirt back in the hole. She didn't want anyone to trip and fall into it and she didn't have time to finish what she had intended planting. She changes back into her human form with a sigh as she looks back at the filled hole, at least it'd be easy to re-dig it later but she needed to clean up before the masquerade. She wipes the back of her hand across her forehead, leaving a streak of dirt there as well as having a bit on the tip of her nose from digging in fox form. She gets up to her feet, wiping her hands on her shirt and looks back at them and frowns at seeing them still dirty and dirt in her nails, not that she minded but it would take her some extra time to make sure she had all the dirt from her nails and she had every intention of looking her best tonight, not wanting to make Will look bad in any sense.

She makes her way back inside and moves some hair that had fallen out of her ponytail behind her ear. She makes her way to Lian's room standing to the side of Will. "Master, could you please carry my dress back to the room as well. I don't want to get it dirty" She says showing him her hands briefly, smiling as she saw his green eyes instead of the brown contacts.
Sitting and his computer desk while he waited for a loading screen Arugale played with the mask he made earlier, it was made of a chunky brown rock and resembled a plague doctor mask with a few unique features teeth lined the bottom of the beak and there was a bottom half of the mask, that made it seem more menacing and almost fully concealed the face, the only feature visible being the wearers eyes.

Looking at the other mask on his desk that he had made for Esther and was planning to give to her when the ball started. It was made of the same stone as his and was as more traditional design, concealing the upper half of the face it had a pattern of tulips running along the top that curled up just before the ears. Loading screen finished he set down the mask and begun playing some strategy game or another.
Lian smiled "I have your suit all ready for you Sir Will." he said and shifted off of Seth's lap and walked over to the rack. He pulled off the green dress and the green tied suit. "I figured that you both like green, and you are both gardeners. Green suits you well." He smiled. He handed Will the clothes. "I'm sure you two will look marvelous." he smiled and twitched his ears.

(Sorry it's so short, I'm not feeling well.
Miki walked around the mansion, hoping to catch some fresh air. She flicked her tail as she walked though the gardens, staying clear of everyone else outside. She sighed and went inside when she heard people talking in the distance. She walked up to where Lian was handing out the other dresses. "Hey Lian." Miki said, cautiously. "I'm here for my dress."
Sebastian yawned and stretched, rolling over in the bed to check to see what time it was. He ended up taking a nap after getting all the desserts done for tonights ball. He laid there for a few minutes longer, letting his brain click on and go through all the things that he needed to do. Sebastian rubbed his eyes and yawned again, slowly getting up out of bed. Standing, he stretched again and made his way to the bathroom to take a hot shower.
Tobias was back in his room, having picked up their outfits right after breakfast. He was sitting in one of his plush chairs flipping through one of his magazines. He was waiting for Agni to finish getting ready, knowing she'd take the longest wanting every detail to be perfect. He glanced over at his suit hanging up, nodding to himself, the yellow was definitely agreeable with him before lookng back down at his magazine. It would only take him a half hour to get ready. He would just need a shower, shave a bit, and to put on the suit.
Lian looked at Miki and was wondering why she seemed so terrified of him. He never got why most of the people here seemed that way. He smiled and walked over and got the beautiful dress off the rack. "Of course dear." he said and handed her the dress. "Simple and breathable." he said with a chuckle. "Just you wait, the pets and masters will be the envy of the ball." he said with a wink.
"Thanks." Miki said, taking the dress. She smiled at him and walked back to the room. She hung the dress on the inside of the bathroom door, making sure to keep it strait. She sighed and walked to the counter. She pulled out her contacts and put on her glasses. She grabbed her novel from the nightstand and sat on the couch. She opened the book and started reading.

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