The Person Above Rolled a 1

You go to cut the cheese into cubes and instead, you summon the cheese demon, who follows you around for the rest of your life and eats every piece of cheese in sight.

I just wanted to open a can of soup but I rolled a one.
The soup can violently contracts, imploding upon itself. The liquid contents jettison through the metal to escape the pressure, splattering upon your walls, while the solid chunks (potatoes, noodles, chicken, etc) are crushed to mush within, never to be reached. On top of all that, you cut your thumb and boy does it SMART!

I just wanted to paint a pretty picture, but I rolled a one.
The ninjas come to to life and jump from the screen to attack you!

I just wanted to manipulate time, but I rolled a one.
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The tea suddenly undergoes an intense chemical transformation becoming boiling oil!

I just wanted to enjoy a comic book but I rolled a one
The comic book opens up like a pair of jaws, revealing teeth. It bites you.

I just wanted to make ice cream, but I rolled a 1.
You succeed but it’s sour milk flavor

I just wanted to buy a hat, but I rolled a one
Your the hat’s puppet instead it’s sad that the hat won

I just wanted a cheese pizza but rolled a 1
The cheese pizza rolls up on itself into a ball, the hard crust encasing the cheese….and then it sprouts SPIKES.

I just wanted to clean the gerbils cage, but I rolled a one.
You actually end up succeeding in cleaning it!-BUT shrink down to gerbil-size and wind up stuck in the cage yourself. .-.

I wanted to pick out new glasses, but I rolled a one.
The cheese pizza rolls up on itself into a ball, the hard crust encasing the cheese….and then it sprouts SPIKES.

I just wanted to clean the gerbils cage, but I rolled a one.
The gerbil ate monster blood it grew into the size of a pony destroying everything in its path.

I just wanted to play my PlayStation 5 but I rolled a one
The Playstation 5 explodes, taking your television and all your games with it!

I just wanted to work out, but I rolled a one
You exercised a full circuit. However, on your way for a second set you got terribly injured.

I just want auto correct to quit it’s trolling ways to save generations from WWIII.
Autocorrect no longer sends words people didn’t mean. It now sends EXACTLY what they mean. So “sorry but I can’t today, I’m really busy” becomes “I don’t want to hang out with you, I think you’re annoying” when sent. so WWIII happens THAT way instead.

I just wanted to stop myself from shopping more on Etsy but I rolled a one.
The site had an amazing deal it seems and your mind needed to get that delicious cheese. Unluckily, they just raised the price and then dropped it so you got scammed.

I go hunting but I rolled a one
Your hunt was successful unlucky for you the animal turned out to be rabid. So it has to be burned.

I wanted to order a pizza but I rolled a one
Your pizza strangely had nothing but… spoons? Probably some drunk high school kid. Although you like spoons, I doubt you love em enough to eat em.

I Rolled a one, But I Rolled a one
The die flips back to a twenty no matter how many times you try to turn it back to a one.

I just wanted to get to sleep tonight, but I rolled a one
Your sleep paralysis kicks in and you get the feeling like ants are crawling all over you for the rest of the night. You proceed to shudder at the next insect you see for the next couple of days.

i applied for a job but i rolled a one
You got the job but apparently it was made clear it’s a scam.

I wanted the last muffin but I rolled a one
Not only does someone else get it, EVERY store and bakery is out as well, AND out of muffin mix, and more won’t come in for the next three months.

I just wanted to finish my painting today, but I rolled a one
You finished the painting in time but the kids thought it would be funny to paint all over it

I wanted to finish the laundry but I rolled a one
Your hair grew sentience wrapping itself around your neck strangling you.

I wanted to play with my cats but I rolled a one

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