The Pefect Soldier | A Literate Group Role Play | Accepting Only Six People


The Pefect Soldier | A Literate Group Role Play | Accepting Only Five People

Your DNA was genetically enhanced, and you were raised, trained, and up-brought to the perfect soldier. You have never tasted creamy hot chocolate. You have never heard the soothing sound of music. Each of you have a specific strength and weakness, whatever they may be.

They will help you escape the compound in which you have lived for your whole life. It will be difficult, but not impossible. Why must you escape? Because Alice Walker has been assigned to kill you.

Who is Alice Walker?
Alice Walker is a CIA agent, and she also is your trainer, and up-bringer. Why must she kill you? Because you are too strong, and you must not leak into the public.

Good luck escaping.

Guidelines, and Rules

1. Characters may be fourteen to seventeen years of age. But keep in mind, the older characters will have less enhanced strengths, and more training, but the younger characters will have more enhanced strengths, and have less training.

2. I do not allow Gary Sues.

3. I do not allow god modding.

4. I do not allow leaving for the dead.

5. I do not allow Mary Sues.

6. I do not allow power playing.

7. I do not allow spam.

8. Type using fair grammar, and spelling.

Odd's Character's Skeleton

View attachment 1083

I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o n

Age: Catarina is around sixteen years of age.

Date of Birth:
Catarina's date of birth is January 1, 1994.

Full name:
Catarina's full name is Catarina Ann Williams.

Catarina is frequently called Cat, and Cata.

Catarina is a female.

I n D e p t h I n f o r m a t i o n

Enhanced strength:
Catarina is skilled with every weapon imaginable. She has a great aim, and steady hands. She also knows everything about survival, from first aid, to which berries, and plants are poisonous or not.

Personality: Although Catarina does not leave anything untouched, she jumps at opportunities. As she believes in forgiveness only to a certain point, she holds grudges. Being put into a list, she acts ambitiously, arrogantly, coldly, competitively, confidently, courageously, creatively, determinedly, heartlessly, humorlessly, independently, intelligently, meanly, persistently, persuasively, rebelliously, sarcastically, and temperamentally. If she was a character in a book, she would act as the book's antagonist.

She acts calmly when she is pressured. She despises losing. She despises being proven wrong. She does not allow people to boss her.

She does not back down from an argument when she is aware that she is correct. She has a mind of her own. She has an, 'I do not give a crap' attitude. She is a perfectionist.

She is intelligent. She is mentally strong. She is not afraid to speak, and stand for her beliefs. She is not afraid to speak, and stand for herself.

She is not afraid to speak, and stand for her opinions. She is physically strong. She is picky. She runs her competition into the ground.

She speaks English, French, Sign Language, and Swedish. She speaks four languages. She strives to reach the top. She treats many things as if they are a competition.

Think of her as candy that is sour on it's inside, and outside. Sour milk curdles at the sound of her name. With a sharp tongue, your confidence is brought down quickly, or, if you become lucking, boosting your morale, she shows you an ounce of kindness.

Because Catarina has severe asthma, and a low lung capacity, she cannot run for long distances with becoming dizzy, and tired. This is why she chooses fight, not flight, and this is also why she was trained with survival skills, and weaponry.


I m p o r t a n t I n f o r m a t i o n


Date of birth:

Full name:



I n D e p t h I n f o r m a t i o n

Enhanced strength:




Age: 16

Date of birth: October 20, 1994

Full name: Rosalind Faire

Nicknames: Rosa

Gender: Female

I n D e p t h I n f o r m a t i o n

Enhanced strength and her weakness: She remembers every moment of her life from the time she was a year old on. Before that everything is a bit fuzzy but she can still see faces. Her gift leads to excruciating headaches that the scientists are trying to get a handle on. She does have the ability to kill and fight with amazing speed and accuracy but because of her memory she carries the images around with her for the rest of her life. Rosa's lung capacity is low for her potential muscle capacity. Doctors have been looking into fixing this problem.


Personality: Rosa is pretty quite and tends to have a pretty good attitude unless she gets severely pissed (which isn't often). She will try to drop a sarcastic and humorous comment if it comes to her or the mood needs lifting but that is a rare occasion. She speaks French, Spanish, German and she can read Latin however she hardly speaks in another language because she finds it quite annoying.

Weakness: Previously stated


What the heck...I'm using the same forms >.<



Date of birth:

January 11, 1994

Full name:

Christopher - Chris - Scott


Chris - "JUST Chris. Anything else, you're dead"



Enhanced strength:

Swift and fast - can run for hours without getting tired, but when he stops, he pants enough to make up for it. He speaks English, Arabic, Russian and German all fluently, and depicts in science and the arts

Lab number:


He's the devil. Chris can be manipulative and sneaky, and just plain mean at the same time. He will usually say what he thinks, and none of the scientists are usually happy with what he has to say. Chris can also be extremely pessimistic. As nasty as he is, though, he'll never lie. He finds it hard to become attatched to anything, but much easier to detatch himself. Chris hides his feelings, so that he doesn't have to feel them. Emotions get in the way; no warrior should ever let anything stand in his way of being something every true warrior is - brave and the best. It is simply how Chris thinks, and he is far smarter then he looks. He can easily analyze a situation, and come up with a solution or find the holes he has to fill. However, this beast can be tamed with time, patience, and someone with a sharper tongue then his.


Deaf in one ear


Chris is as pale as the moon, but with the perfect splash of dark hair and eyes. His hair and eyes are an almost-black brown, although the scientists have his eye color documented as black. He is wiry and tall with long legs that are muscled and good for running. His jaw is squared and filled with straight teeth, his shoulders wide and broad. Chris's chest is a little wide, but only to hold his wide lung capacity to help him run so long. Overall, he is better looking then he believes he is

Age: 24

Date of birth: 11/09/ 87

Full name: Jason Anders

Nicknames: Jay

Gender: Male

I n D e p t h I n f o r m a t i o n

Enhanced strength: Quite agile and an expert with explosives and hates to use anything but. speaks English and Japannese

Personality: Quite the funny man coming up with funny jokes or references to cheer up his squad. He can get sarcastic and mean if you piss him off but even pissed off he can be funny just don't piss him off further. A good thinker when he is focused but otherwise his brain is busy joking. He is normally nice and easy to befriend and will take care of his friends with respect. It is hard to tap into his mind and emotions because it is defended by jokes and sarcasim.

Weakness: Running out of explosives because he hates using guns but he will if needed.
Age: 15

Date Of Birth: November 28 1997

Full Name: Addison Marie Anders

Nicknames: Addie or Add.

Gender: Female

In Depth Info:

Enhanced Strength: An expert in disguses and blending in with her surroundings. Works well with knives and a bow and arrow. Is very creative and can make a weapon out of almost anything.

Personality: Is very quite generally and awkward at times. Doesn't always know what to say in situations. Extremely optimistic and just goes with the flow. Is a follower more than a leader.

Weakness: With her small size, she can be easily overpowered in close contact. She hates feeling useless and despises it when people have to rescue her.

Appearance: Dark brown wavy mid length hair. Brown eyes. About 5'1 and slender. Long legs and tannish skin. Nice lips and c cup breasts.

(Gah! Hope I didn't take anything from anybody else this time!)
Sarah -

Can I please ask you to make your form a bit more different? Russian, agility and such is all taken, and Odd wants all the characters to differ. Also, I noticed you seem to have taken a lot from my form....I am seeing a lot from Odd's, too. :\

Most definatly! I do apologize. I wasn't paying to close attention and didnt realize I was copying! =0
[Looks at the characters]

What's a squad without a tech,hmm?

Age: 16

Full Name: Sven Anders Balgruff

Nicknames: Anders,Anderson,Balls,Gizmo,Seven

Sex: Male

Enhancements: Neural implant,allowing instant comprehension of devices and their upkeep,either mechanical or electronic. Gene therapy to prevent the body from rejecting the implant.

Training: Mother tounge of English,fluent in Canadian French and Technobabble. Can conciously reduce involuntary movements,such as jittering hands. Extensive defensive unarmed combat skills (Disarming,grapples,throws).

Weaknesses: Suffers from a minor case of Vrolik's Syndrome,otherwise known as Brittle Bone Disease. This means that he can't stress his body too much,nor can he take a hit. Also,he doesn't like fighting people,even with low-effort weapons. Probably due to his Vrolik's Syndrome. Poor leadership skills,but will butt heads with others who he sees as wrong or being illogical,resulting in friction.

Personality: Sven is the pinnacle of tech-head. He loves technology,and will take any opprotunity (as of yet,they were few) to tinker,either with mechanical devices,or electronic gadgets. He's humble when it comes to physical tasks,as he doesn't wish to agitate his skeleton,but can come across as having a God Complex when devices are involved. Socially,he's average,being able to keep a conversation going,but his face is always easily read,except when he's lying. Finally,although he tries to hide it,Sven generally gets flustered around girls.

Appearance: Stands five foot nine inches. Fair skin. Light brown,straight hair,kept fairly short. The beginnings of a beard are present on his face. Thick eyebrows. Lean build,sunken facial features. Brown eyes. Narrow nose.
Age: 16

Date of birth: February 3, 1994

Full name: Chastity Garber

Nicknames: Birdie or anything else really

Gender: Female

Enhanced strength: Chastity is able to kill or seriously injure someone with just her bare hands. Also is very good with horses and can just as easily fight or kill on horseback. She speaks Dutch, Italian, Swahili

Personality: Chastity, though a bit sarcastic is very bubbly and sweet. She is very positive and always will try to lighten the mood with a joke. She dances around happy and graceful, but when it comes to killing another, she gets her way, except maybe how naïve she is. Chastity would never hurt someone or something unless it is truly necessary. Being as calm as she is she will never panic in a situation no matter how serious. It takes a lot to frazzle her joyful spirit. She sees the glass as half full and believes there are better things in the world than fighting and weapons, though she does not know what that is she hopes one day she will find it.

Weakness: Can be very naïve and has trouble putting her trust into weapons.


Age: 30

Name: Alice Walker

Personality: Alice is very headstrong and outspoken. She is very hard on the kids and will push them to there very limit. She is very strong mentaly, but when she cares about someone she is a bit soft on them. She does care about the children, but can not let herself get attatched. he sees the glass as half emty and can be very negative sometimes, though when she sets a goul for herself she will never give up even if it means killing ones she cares about. Her entire life revolves around her experiments.

History: She grew up with her father, with two other siblings. He mother had died while giving birth to Alice's youngest sibling, Alice was 8 when it happened. She was the closest to her father out of the tree children. Her dad beleived her could make the perfect soldier, he would spend most of his time in the lap working on steriods to use to make the perfect soldier. Alice had always been so interested in what her father did and every morning since she was 6 she would go to his lab and watch him work for hours. Sadly when she was 15 her father and died from inhaling some cemicals from his lab. He had died before he could creat his perfect soldier. Now Alice is caring on his dream on making the perfect soldier.

{Crazymonkey32, Jason Anders is not accepted because you did not read my guidelines, and rules. Jabberwocky19, Alice Walker, and Chastity Garber are accepted. Riddle78, Sven Anders Balgruff is accepted. And yes. What is a squad without a tech? SarahLove, Addison Marie Anders isnot accepted. WalkingDisaster, Chris Scott is accepted. 14hca14, Rosalind Faire is accepted.}

Catarina lay on her bed, reading
Mockingjay, the third book of a series named The Hunger Games. As her bedroom's door slid open, she could not pull her attention from the book. She managed to pull her piercing brown eyes from the book's grabbing words after a couple minutes. She silently stood, and brushed a loose strand of her brownish reddish, curly hair gently back into it's place.

She smoothed her bed's silky white colored blanket, and walked out of her bedroom. She walked across the hall into the supply room, not daring to eye the heavily armed guards who guarded it's doorway. She walked to her weapons, and carefully eyed each one. She grabbed her dagger, and slowly ran her finger against it's blade.

She placed it back where it belonged, and moved onto her bow and arrow set, and quiver. She touched her finger lightly onto one of the arrow's tips, provoking her finger even more. She turned on her toes, and walked out of the supply room. She walked through many halls, until she found one with a golden plaque on it's door reading, 'Dr. Smith'.

She opened the door slowly, and spoke through the creak, "May I come in?" Dr. Smith looked up from his fuming chemicals and nodded his head. She opened the door a bit more quickly now, and spoke, "I'd like to thank you for gifting me my many books. It has been a pleasure to read them."

He replied, "It was no problem. I am happy you have enjoyed them." Catarina gave him a polite nod, and left his laboratory, closing the door behind her. She trusted him, but she would not dare admit it.

Clearing her thoughts, she shook her head, and swiftly trotted back into her room, where she found a small package wrapped in bright red wrapping paper, topped with a silver bow. She carefully unwrapped the package, and found an arrow. She picked it up, and examined it closely. It was silver colored, with the name 'Catarina' engraved on it's shaft.

She smiled, and placed it carefully onto her bed, knowing that she was late for breakfast. She swiftly trotted out of her room, and down the hall towards the cafeteria, where she was stopped by two heavily armed guards. As always, they checked for any weapons you may be carrying, and blah blah blah. After she had been checked for any weapons being carried, the cafeteria's door slid open, and she swiftly trotted inside.

She sat at her designated seat, and glared at her food. On her tray was a bowl of oatmeal, a murky glass of water, a sliver spoon, and two vitamins on a napkin. Well, at least the food was decent. She grabbed her spoon, and dug into the oatmeal quickly, soon finishing it.

She glared at the murky glass of water next to her empty bowl of oatmeal. Probably filled with vitamins. She grabbed the glass, and drank a few sips of the murky water, before popping the two vitamins into her mouth. As she began chewing them, she almost spat them out.

What kind of vitamins were these!? Well, whatever they were, they tasted disgusting. Worse than the normal vitamins.

Chris released a sigh and threw the stack of paper on the ground, pen summer-saulting after it. He looked at the stack of paper, at the beautiful Arabic script curving in and out of itself. The way he saw it, the Arabic on this page was just beautiful words with torturous meanings. It was a stack of questions. Questions that tested the way he thought, and his ability to percieve and understand Arabic script. If only he could speak in Arabic all the time.....

With a sigh similar to a groan, Chris stood up and kicked the pen across the room, the sound of the plastic tube ricocheting off the wall, combined with his steady breathing, the only sound in his simplistic, drab room. Suddednly frustrated, he walked out of the room, feet dragging and head lolling to the side. He moved in a sort of trot, his boundless, seemingly endless bundle of energy swirling around him again. Chirs was unable to stay in one position very long, and always seemed to move faster then his peers. It was because he was - and he loved it.

Shoving his thumbs into his pockets, Chris maneuvered through the criss-crossing, overly-complicated hall ways. Moving from one vein to the next, until he got into the equivalent "jugular vein" of the whole building. Feet now picked up higher then what was considered usual, Chris turned a corner, no particular thoughts occupying his brain; simply the new realization that he was hungry, and that it was time to eat. Chewing his lower lip, he swiftly skirted around and walked into a new vein, a slightly narrower passage.

Men in boring outfits blocked his way in, as they usually did. He groaned and let them check him for the usual - weapons, any disruptive thoughs, etcetara.....Afer the "check-up" they gave him the OK to pass, which he gladly did, and not with out a bit of attitude. Nothing unusual here.

The dark-headed, lanky long-legged boy walked into the mess hall, taking his seat at teh end of the table; away from where all te conversation would take place. There already was Catarina, staring at her water like some of wild-eyed animal. He rolled his eyes, and picked up his spoon. Oat meal - again. Groaning a noise of dissatisfaction, Chris decided to start with the pills first. He popped them into his mouth and gulped down the swamp water to chase the pilles down his throat. Suddenly, he burst into a coughing spree, slamming his water back down on the table and coughing and hacking....These pills were much stronger then others, and they tasted three times worse. Hand on his throat, he looked at Catarina with narrowed eyes, now wondering if that was why she so doe-eyed and started.

Chastity was laying on her bed and staring at the blank ceiling, in the same position as she was in 10 minutes ago, as she was too comfortable to even consider moving. She had been daydreaming. She daydreamed often, mostly about what the "outside world" just might be like..... As her eye focus broke she she lifted her self slowly from the bed. She looked around her room, dull as usual, with only a desk with piles of papers and a small bed. It saddened her how implistic and colorless it was.

Her train of thought broken by the sound of the bell, telling her it was time to eat. She placed her small hand on the doorknob and turned it slowly, counting each second. She walked out of the room, closing the heavy door behind her, to see a plain white hall way with big men lining the walls. Making her way down the hall, she twirled every now and again, pretending she was one of the dancers she had read about and dreamed to be. When she arrived at the small kitchen she made her way to her seat. She sat in her usual chair, at the end of the table so she could see everyone and hear them all if they ever disited to speak. She picked up the silver spoon placed next to her bowl of outmeal. She looked at her reflection in the shinny spoon and then placed it in her lompy outmeal. She played with it a bit and then scooped it up and took a bit. Making a face at the awful tast she grabbed her water and took a deep gulp. She spotted the pills next out of the corner of her eyes. She plopped them in her mouth and chewed and swallowed quickly, so she would not have to tast it for very long.
Sven was lying in his bed. Lifeless white sheets on an identical mattress with identical pillows. The bedframe was wrought metal tubing,painted white. The room as a whole was rather white. On the wall opposite the door in the square room was a "Mirror". He sometimes heard noises on the other side,and,sometimes,when he pressed his eyes against the mirror,he could swear he could see another room on the other side. Now,however,the mirror was silent. He swung his legs over the side of his bed,and dismounted the bed. Sven heard the bell,teling him and his fellow "Subjects" to go to the mess hall for breakfast. Sven wore the usual white shirt and slacks,with white slippers. These people were obsessed with white.

He walked slowly towards the mess,being careful to keep as far as he could from the walls and corners. When he eventually reached the doors,two burly men in security uniforms flanked the door. They looked at eachother,and nodded. One put on special gloves. They were velvet,and padded. The guards were under orders to use them when searching Sven,due to an incident a few years ago which ended with Sven in a full body cast. That incident was his first searching,and he didn't resist. Today,in Quebequois,he muttered, <Damn Vrolik's Syndrome...> After the search,the guards found nothing illicit,and opened the door.

Sven walked into the mess hall,and sat at his designated seat. Sven smiled warmly at the bowl of oatmeal. It smelled of cinnamon,and there were small chunks of apples in it. He liked oatmeal; Very little effort,delicious,and nutritious. It felt like some alien sludge,but nothing's perfect. His smile vanished when he saw his medication. He had to take more pills than everyone else,because of his condition. Glucocomine pills,calcium,iron,and phosphorous supplaments...The works. In total there were seven pills. "I feel like an old guy..." He taken the pills and taken them,two at once,and followed them up with water. The pills tasted far more bitter than usual,and the water tasted...Odd. Powdery. After a couple of coughs from the pills and water,he dug into his oatmeal.

(OOC: Angled brackets represent French speech. Since I'm hardly fluent (multiple failiures in the course,actually),I'll be using the brackets)
Rosa stood by her door counting the seconds on the clock. Yesterday the bell had been 3.5 seconds late and she wanted to see if it would happen again. Without the ringing of the bell she couldn't open her door. She suffered from an odd form of somnambulism where she would fight people in her sleep. It was actually quite dangerous and to prevent any injuries from occurring they locked her doors. Rose figured she would also access rooms she did not normally enter during the day and the scientists were probably worried she might find something.

The bell rang, 2 second early this time causing Rosa to jump. Everything was supposed to happen at the correct time and any changes bothered her. AS the toll ended the lock in her door clicked and she walked out into the sterile hallway. For as long as she could remember, and her memory was a very credible source, the walls had been this same color and if you scuffed it one day the mark was gone the next. Oddily enough the scent of fresh paint never filled the halls.

Rosa closed her eyes maneuvering the hallways by memory. Four steps this way, six steps left the counting went on and on until she opened her eyes in front of two guards. The looks on their faces were priceless, they hated her little trick.

{I apologize for the delay. I know this is not an excuse, but I have been extremely busy with school, and I was not allowed on the internet for anything but school-related things. I hope you will all expect my apology.}

Catarina almost burst with laughter at the sight of Chastity twirling down the hall, but held it back by clasping her hand over her mouth. After she calmed down, she scraped the remaining oatmeal from her bowl, and ate the mouthful. Suddenly, the loudspeaker crackled to life. A voice she recognized as Dr. Smith’s spoke, “Report to the yard readied for combat immediately.”

She scoffed. She muttered, “Looks like Chastity missed her breakfast.” She swiftly trotted out of the cafeteria, down the hall, and into the supply room. She eyed her weapons carefully.

She knew she was only allowed to use one weapon. Once she made her decision on which weapon to use, she grabbed her bow and arrow set and quiver. She swiftly trotted out of the supply room, and into her room, where she changed into her combat suit. As she was finishing tying her boots, out of the corner of her eye, she saw her gift, her arrow, lying on her bed.

She grabbed it, and placed it into her quiver before she slung it over her shoulder. She grabbed her bow that was propped against her bed, and swiftly trotted down the hall to the yard. She immediately began evaluating her surroundings. It was fairly cold.

Frost had turned the barbed wire that lined the top of the fences into a string of stars. The grass was wet with frost. It would be slippery. She slid her gloves onto her hands, and wiggled her fingers.

It felt odd to have gloves on, but they warmed her numb hands.

Sven groaned,and muttered after a long string of French expletives, "Combat,combat,combat...I know we're supposed to be the next generation of soldiers,but..." He stood up,and made his way out of the caf. "Why not give diplomacy a crack?" He picked up Chastity's bowl from her designated seat,and handed it to her as he passed. "I think you'll need this,madamoiselle. Eat fast." After Chastity taken the bowl,he proceeded to the armoury,where his weapons were kept. He could only take one,and he would have a hard time at choosing. Buzz baton,taser pistol,cestus attachments for his gauntlets (however,they never saw use,since they involved him actually punching people),and a simple combat knife.

He taken the buzz baton,and made his way to his quarters,and changed into his combat suit. It was several layers thick. The bottom layer was heavily padded,and above that was leather for a durable mounting surface. Mounted to the leather were wedge-shaped armoured plates,which were designed to chip away in tiny fragments while spreading the impact forces across the entire surface. His armour allowed maximum freedom of movement in order to accomodate his combat style of grapples,disarms,and throws. Finally,mounted to the underside of the right forearm was a Universal Uplink Device,which allowed him to,in theory,interface with any electronic device encountered in the field. The UUP was protected by a flip-panel. He kept the buzz baton on his right hip,and made his way into the field. As Sven approached the door,he noted a chill. "December already?" His helmet had a HUD-capable visor and built-in rebreather.

As he walked into the field,he realized that he was the second subject to arrive. "Odd. Did everyone else break their knees,or something?" He fell into line beside Catarina,and stood at ease. Puffs of condensed breath came through the rebreather ports;it wasn't engaged. "Was it just me,or were the meds stronger than usual,and the water scummy?"
Chastity sighed at Cat, who was way to negative for her tast and took a bit of her outmeal. She jumped a bit, when the loud intercalm broke the silence of the big room. As she lifted herself out of her seat, Sven gave her her bowl quickly. "Thank you." she said as she took it from him. She quickly scooped the lumpy outmeal into her mout, as fast as posible. When she finished she placed her bowl on the table and skipped out of the kitchen, smiling as usual. As her hair, which she had disited to curl today, bounced behind her on her way to her room. Pushing the heavy door open she hummed to herself. She took her time udressing and putting on her combat suit. As she was walking out of her dull unhappy room, she grabbed her gun as the door was closing behind her. Knowing she was late, she sprinted down the hall, not taking the time to twirl or skip. Taking a sharp turn she found herself in the yard, setting herself next to Sven.

(Muse please come out of hiding!!???)
As Chris was lifting a spoon of the awful-tasting oat meal to his bittery awaiting mouth, Dr. Smith's voice rang through out the building, addressing the children he so inhumanely expreimented on. He didn't let Smith finish - Chris stood up immedietely and walked to the armery; anything to dich these people, even if it was only for a few minutes. The long legged boy half-trotted down the hallway and in to the room, rushing to grab his armour.

Chris hates his armour. It was consistent of multiple lairs and buckles and straps and pads and chinks and plates.......It was
heavy. He could hardly run two yards with out feeling the full-fledged weight of it. Muttering something foul, he put it on, taking his sweet time. He wasn't looking forward to what-ever-it-was-that-ol'-Smith-had-in-store. Chris would rather sleep. Or run a few miles. Or do his stupid Arabic homework.....

Now fully armed and more-or-less ready, Chris trotted out of the armery, down the hall and towards the yard. Stupid armour, so heavy and...vague. Ugh....When he got to the yard, Sven, Rosa, Chastity and Cat were already there. And, oh, perfect...He got to stand next to Chastity. It was no secret Chris and Chastity couldn't stand each other - Hell, Chris couldn't stand any of them, but he had a special brand of hatred, just for Chastity. Even her name...
Chastity. Light. With a silent groan, Chris took his position, standing with an air of uneasiness and bitter retaliation.

(Crap post, I'll do better in my next one....>.<)
Sven saw Chris walk into the rank,and he couldn't resist making a comment. "Care to explain how I beat you here?" He didn't move at all,besides his mouth. He still looked forward,the perfect image of a soldier,standing at ease* on the parade square. Sven was usually the absolute slowest of all the subjects,but,somehow,he beat the fastest of the lot,Chris,to the yard. Well...Slowest for travel. His training in unarmed combat made him downright skittish in combat,dodging near everything.

*"Standing at ease" is a posture,legs at shoulder width,toes forward,hands crossed at the small of the back,looking straight ahead,with a straight back.
Chris shifted his weight from leg to leg. He moved fast enough to be dancing in place, his energy seeming to have spiked. Sven made a comment without moving a muscle, but his statement must have been for Chris. How Sven could stay so still like that, Chris had not a clue. "I had to take care of something," Chris lied smoothly, a smirk playing acorss his lips. The comments he made of this nature were known to make some of his colleagues nervous - especially Alice and sometimes even Chastity. Even if it left Sven unaffected, the mere thought of making at least one of them nervous or scared amused Chris in a very....sadistic way.

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