The Pefect Soldier | A Literate Group Role Play | Accepting Only Six People

Sven nodded. "Alright. Sounds good. I'll leave the traps to you." Sven began to jog off,drawing his buzz baton. Even if he got pounced by a wild animal,and somehow survived the initial assault,he doubted it would help much,but...It was better than nothing. He saw a lot of mushrooms growing on dead logs,but he couldn't identify them. He kept walking in one direction,hoping to find a river,but so far,no dice.

Catarina sprinted off into the woods, ruining part of Chastity's sand drawing. She slowed down as she spotted something white out of the corner of her eye. She immediately gripped her bow, pulled out a arrow, drew it towards the corner of her mouth, and aimed. She hit the target. She scrambled over to the lifeless body of the rabbit and carefully placed it in a small sack she had found. She continued on, doing the same thing when she spotted a large bird scavenging for worms. "The early bird catches the worm," she muttered darkly as she placed the bird into the sack. "This should be enough," she reassured herself as she made her way back to the camp.

Chastity sighed as Cat messed up her outline and quickly started to fix it. She continued working on the shelter. In the area she had chosen there was a large rock in the corner, witch chastity thought would make a perfect base for the shelter that she had not thought about before. Forgetting about her outline that she had made, she walked over to the rock it was just big enuff to hide behind. Perfect. she thought to herself. She walked over to where she left her wood and leaves and brought them over to the rock. Grabbing the biggest pieces of woods, she started to lean them against the rock to have not gapes. Has she put the last few sticks against the rock, she started using the leaves to cover any gaps she might have left. To make the shelter water proof she went back further into the forest and collected some mud. As she returned to the sight, she noticed Cat heading towards the sight as well. Getting back on her knees, Chastity placed the mud all over the leaves and sticks using her hands. When she was finally finished she gave out a happy sigh and got up to admire her work, it would just hold three people, perfect.

Chris released an exaggerated breath. He walked to the tree and took the rope back, then studied it. It should be more than enough for a snare trap. He wrapped it loosely around his arm and started looking for an animal trail. All he wanted to catch was a rabbit, or even a muskrat. If the situation worsened, he knew a fool-proof attack on squirrels. He made a mental note to avoid big game. Sure, the bigger the animal, the more meat. Sure, rabbits are skinny little beasts that are faster than greased lightning and can bite really hard, but catching bigger animals posed bigger problems. If he set a trap big enough for, say, a deer, it could also catch bears, or even other humans. That wasn't a good thing.

Chris wasn't too happy that his best option was a snare. Okay, sure, he could have taken his time to construct a dead-fall trap, which could kill an animal immediately by crushing it, but that took skill, time and patience. Two of the three things, he desperately lacked. The reason he didn't like the snare was because of
how it killed. A snare trap was basically a noose - it strangled the animal. He sucked it up, however, deciding he was being soft. After all, a snare was a simple trap to build, and could catch almost anything.
While Cat hunted and Chastity hunted Rosa set to work weaving a mat to go in it and gathering sharp rocks. She was gathering the small things that went unnoticed but were needed. She wanted to dig a fire pit deep enough for the fire to be covered then she would mask the fire with a woven mat of green branches. The younger the branches the less likely they would be to burn, especially if she doused the mat in water. Maybe that would disparate the smoke before it got too high in the air and hide their location from the guy. She would run the idea past the girls once the tension had settled, for now she just gathered the necessities.

❋ Catarina ❋

Catarina strolled into the clearing, clearly amused with it's beauty even after the initial shock. She walked over to where Chastity was preparing their camp, and scrambled

up the rock that was much larger than her. She plopped down as she reached the highest point of the cold slab. She ran her fingers over its smooth, granite texture. She

then ripped open her tan sack, and searched through its contents. Should be just enough to feed everyone a decent meal. She turned her head, and called out to Chastity,

"Are you done with the shelter yet?" Catarina hoped she was, she was extremely tired. The rest of her team most likely needed to rest it up too. They had many longs days

ahead of them.


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