The Pefect Soldier | A Literate Group Role Play | Accepting Only Six People

Sven shrugged. "I was expecting better." He was truly unaffected by Chris' attitude,besides mild annoyance. Chris seemed to think he was all that and a bag of chips,when,in reality,they were all equals,and smaller parts of a whole. Sven saw that they were being molded into a Special Forces unit,each with their own role to play. Chris needed to realize that his attitude is self-destructive,and selfish.
Chris shrugged. So what if Sven was as thick as his bedroom walls? In reality, Chris took so long because he wanted to. If he wanted to be first, he could have been easily. Whether he was first or last, he would have taken his time, anyway. Sven seemed to think highly of the group, save Chris. If he cared, he would have apologized and told Sven why he had taken so long. But, he didn't see Sven as that important. He saw Sven as a bit of weak link, but only because Sven had glass bones. This made him skittish and a bit defensive. Sure, Chris's combat was secondary, but he had no problem with striking a blow. As these thoughts ran through his mind, he shifted in place, knit his fingers and changed position; his energy boundless and body restless.

(Urgh, I'm at a block...Forgive the rambling >.<)
(This is the edited version of my previous post :)

Rosa entered the cafeteria taking her normal seat at the round tabe in the corner. It was odd, considering they had grown up together, but the soldiers didn't really mingle. Chastity was probably the person she was closes to but that was mainly because of the horses. Then again maybe her perception of companionship was off. Just because Rosa remembered everything did not mean her feelings about the memories wereaccurate. All of these thoughts through her mind as she finished off a bowl of sludge. It seemed a little bitter but Rosa figured it was just a new painkiller for her head. But that couldn't be right because her other headache pill was still on her tray. The scientists hardily ever tried double dosing without a full monitoring for side effects. Just then the intercom went off ordering them to the arena. The static made Rosa jump, any deviation from her schedule suprised her. This meant suiting up which usually meant a short medical visit. Before leaving Rosa chugged the cloudy water so as to wash down the tubular pills. Almost every soldier took a different exit and as Rosa left she closed her eyes taking the trip to her room, forever ingrained into her mind.

Upon entering her room Rosa discovered a quite scientist shadowed by a larger bodyguard. The instruction were basic they neede to monitor her heart and lung during the workout which required tapeing a few receivers to her chest. Rosa forced herself to take her eyes off the guard and focus on a small piece of paper taped on the wall, it didn't say anything it was just a focus point. It was the only thing she could do in order to forget. Remembering every moment of her life took its toll and her best defense against it was piling repetitive memories on top of each other until they eventually mashed together.

They were done within a few moments and she slipped into her training suit. The soft brown suit was tight but not constraining, it was almost comforting like the way you swaddle a baby. Luckily for her Rosa's armor was lighter merely a thin layer of genetically enhanced leather shaped into a bodice protecting her chest. She also had wraps for her wrists and boots made of the same material. Her boots laced up to her knee and were soft from use and daily cleaning and oiling. Before she left Rosa grabbed her dagger and the metal boleadoras. She grasped the heavy stones held together by a strong by oiled leather rope. They were originally used by the Gauchos in Brazil or maybe it was the Native Americans. Either way they were a wonderful weapon on horseback. Grabbing the simple saddlebag holding her weapons she made her way to the arena.

Rosa entered the arena saddlebag slung over her shoulder.

{I apologize for my crap-tastic post. I have extremely low muse.}

Catarina's thoughts drifted off as Dr. Smith explained the rules of combat. She perked up as she heard Dr. Smith explaining that they would be surviving in the wilderness for three days. Dr. Smith went on, "My scientists will soon inject a tracker into your arm. We may then track your every move."

She flinched at Dr. Smith's words. Every time she would fight back, the scientists would win. Clearing her thoughts, she shook her head, and turned her thoughts back to Dr. Smith's words.

(OOC: HUZZAH! The RP lives!)

Sven's eye twiched. He drew his buzz baton,and charged it up. "Last time I got stuck with a needle,monseiur,my arm broke. If this is a survival and combat exercise,I seriously hope you've found an alternative. Valid results require an able body. I see a needle pointed at me,I zap the person holding it. If you must,embed the tracker in a gel capsule." Sven was already disadvantaged enough,compared to the others. Why they hadn't gotten rid of him by now is a mystery;They were supposed to be the next generation of soldiers. Soldiers were strong and durable. He was weak,and fragile.

(OOC Mk II: Just in case you don't know,a buzz baton is simply a taser on a stick.)
Chris couldn't help but smirk. If he wasn't in the current environment, he would have laughed out loud. Sven was - wait, what? Surviving in the...."Oh, dear Lord," Chris muttered. This wasn't something he was going to look forward to. The needle-in-arm that Sven was whining about, Chris could handle. It was just a poke. By something sharp. Stupid Sven...No, what Chris had a problem with was the fact that he was given controlled freedom. They were letting him out in to a fenced world. They set free a stallion to live in a fenced paddock. And, if that wasn't bad enoug, the stallion still had to give pony rides and lessons for amusement and money. Chris set his jaw, now in an even worse mood as his somehow-vivid imagination tortured him.
Rosa stared at the man in front of her hoping she had misheard him. Of course she hadn't because she could replay his exact words, they were being released for three days in an enclosure just to see how they would survive. "Are Chastity and I allowed to bring our horses?" she asked a twinge of irritation stabbed each word. This little experiment would screw up her normal schedule, the scientists wanted her to adapt to changes. For someone who remembers every moment of everyday you begin to get in a pattern, you can tell when that pattern is disrupted and it is infuriating.
Chastity crossed her fingures, hoping Dr.Smith would allow the horses. She glanzed around to see how everyone was taking the news. It seems as if she was the only one not complaining, to her it was a shame that everyone was so negative, they can't find the good in bad situations. Chastity felt it would be an adventure, a good oportunitie to get close to everyone, now if they would just open up. She looked at chris and Sven, she could feel the tention between them. Hoe chould two people who barley knoe each other, have such tention bewteen them. Chastity found this sad and a bit funny. She hummed qietly to herself as she thought of a plan for there survival. They had all been trained in survivla skills and knew what they where doing. Chastity felt everyone in this situation needed each other to get throught this, though they all new how to survive in the wild, they all had there all talents. People need each other to survive, to hold on to there sanity, it is not rare for people to go a little nuts from being away from socalization, which is why Chastity does not take people for granted.

(Not my best....sorry it took so long for me to post.)

Catarina rolled her eyes, smirking at Rosa's question. It was bit ridiculous. They were practicing for survival. If they would have to survive at one point in a remote location, they would surely not have horses.

Dr. Smith spoke, "Rosa, no, I apologize." She was a bit upset that she was not allowed to take their horses. She knew it was unreasonable. She felt a bit guilty after how she had reacted to Rosa's question.

Suddenly, someone held her tightly, trying to stop her from struggling. She wildly flashed her head around, trying to see what was happening. She felt a prick at her arm, and after about a second, the stranger let go of her. She turned around, and saw a guard, and a scientist in a white coat, walking towards Chris.

Chris snarled as the scientists approached him. He really did hate being poked at, but the fact that it was with a needle this time didn't phase him one bit. But, really, though, a guard? It's not like he was going to try to fight, then run off. Again. What was worse, though, was that he was being dumped in the freaking wilderness. And with these people. Rosa wanted to take a freaking horse....Chris could have gone with out that; he wasn't too fond of the creatures. Good thing Smith denied. Cat just put up a fight to the prick in her arm. Nothing abnormal there. Sven was being immature about the prick. Stupid, typical Sven....Chastity was daydreaming while studying him. Again. Ugh, Chris would rather go alone.

As he thought this, a sharp poke crawled on to his arm. He looked down. A needle was planted in one of his veins. Chris realeased a sigh as it was pulled out, shooting two dark brown daggers at the scientist and an even worse look at the guard as they moved on. He really hated it here.
As the needleman and his escort approached,Sven went into a combat stance. "I told you. No needles. I will not go into a survival situation with a broken arm. Pill or anklet. One step closer,and you'll get buzzed." The escort taken a step forward,placing herself between Sven and the doctor. The doctor looked like he was going to use the escort as a shield.

"I. Said. No. Needles." With that,Sven swung the buzz baton. First strike went across the escort's knees,second across her face as she was falling over. The needleman lunged forward,buts Sven sidestepped and buzzed his elbow,then face. He picked up the sytinge,jabbed it into the ground,then injected it's contents there.

"Surely you don't want bad data out of this experiment. You have your options. Act on them!" After a few moments,the doctor and his escort began to get up,then back off. He didn't hit them hard,but he didn't need to. Tasers hurt. Buzz batons even moreso. <Pompous,uneducated morons.> "Try thinking next time. It's a bad sign when the subjects have a better thought proccess than the researchers!"
Chastity hesated as the scintist approched her with the needle. She closed her eyes as the needle broke her skin and entered the vein. As the man slowly injected the tracker she slowly started to open her eyes. A smile returned to her face as the man wipped ani-pacteriol wipes where the shot was injected. Chastity's eyes lite up, for she knew they were going to start soon. She wondered if they were going to be put into teams and if so who's team she wouuld be on. She set her heart that she would be on the same team as Rosa, since they could acctally stand each other, she did not want Chris or Cat on her team at all. Cat was to mean and joyless and Chris was depressing and unhappy all the time, they would all butt heads like crazy.
She could tell everyone thought her request had been stupid but at least she was partially sane and that was because of the horses. She caught Cat rolling her eyes, "You got problems with questions? Oh wait did I offend you with my question? Oh damn I did it again. Its a reasonable request and I posses a skill you will never have so just can it," she snapped and smiled as her witty answer sunk in. The sharp pinch of the needle was unexpected and she jerked a little, one hand snapping out to grab the doctor. When she realized her mistake Rosa released.
Chris erupted in to laughter. He couldn't help it - this was too much. Rosa was impressed with her own terrible "witty remark", Sven tried to kick the ass of a docter and her bodygurad, while Chastity was in her own little world. And, all through that, Cat was pouting and rolling her eyes, like she was "too cool for this". Chris clutched his stomach as laughter took him away, squeezing his eyes shut. Oh, good God, these people were ridiculas.....He hoped that they were on their own in the survival excercise - he would kill himself if he had to spend three days with anyone here. Chastity and Sven would kill him first, no doubt.

Finally getting a hold of himself, Chris stood up straighter and shook his hands out, still energetic and still laughing inside. The shake was simply a "cleansing" reaction - he wanted to stop laughing, and he wanted his peers to shut the hell up and mature a bit. That could be a little too much to ask for
some of them, though....Chris smirked and chuckled, biting his lip and trying to regain control.

(As I write this, Odd and Jabber were telling me how accurate the above rant was X))

Dr. Smith went on, "You will be paired up on teams. Catarina, Chastity, and Rosa will be paired with each other. And Chris, and Sven will be paired up with each other." What did Dr. Smith just say? It was taking a while for the soldier to process his words. When she finally gathered his words together, and review what he said, she just stared.

She would kill herself before anyone else could if she was going to be paired up with Chastity, and Rosa. She
still could not get the image of Chastity twirling down the hall out of her head. She turned around and looked out into the wilderness. She thought survival training would be fun.

She did not know that she would be stuck with the bubbly, and cheerful Chastity, and Rosa for three days. She especially hated Chastity. That kid didn't even seem deadly when she was twirling down the hall, in her own little world, giggling, and humming.

"Merde...Sir,if I may?" Sven stepped forward. "I'm not a leader,and neither is Chris. If he and I are stuck together,one of us will die to the other,while the other will succumb to their injuries. I reccomend Catarina take either my place or his. Or,since I have no doubt that it would tickle his fancy..." He cracked a smirk. "Have the seigneur suprême de l'idiotie fly solo. I'm sure that's how he'd like it."

With a salute,he stepped back into rank at attention.
Chris stopped laughing, and grit his teeth. Three days in the wildernes...With Sven? "I'll kill myself first," he said simply, then pointed to Sven "Or, maybe I'll just kill him." He shot Sven a look after he suggested Chris go alone. Sven had some serious nerve. Not only was he kissing the asses of Smith and the scientists, but he had enough moxy to mock Chris so openly, and in front of everyone. It wasn't unknown that they couldn't stand each other; Chris leaning toward hate, actually. And what did seigneur suprême de l'idiotie mean, anyway? Something about Idiocy? He was right, however...There wasn't a single person there Chris could live with. Angered, Chris muttered something foul in Arabic and looked at Smith, his black eyes narrowed in to daggers. "Put me with someone else. Or I'll go crazy."
Rosa withheld a her desire to snap at Chris and as the groups were stated she released a groan. "Your doing this on purpose, you have paired us up with people we are less likely to get along with," she said her eyes a little glazed over until the end of her sentence at which point she looked up fire burning in her eyes. "Why do you set us up for failure?" she growled.

Dr. Smith replied, "I did not set you all up for failure. I merely placed you all in groups where I could see if you would get along, and not kill yourself in the process!" Catarina just stared. The scientist continued, "You will find supplies scattered around the forest. Use them wisely. Now go." She continued to stare for a bit, trying to process Dr. Smith's words, but finally sprinted off into the forest, wondering if Chastity, and Rosa had already taken off, or if they were behind her.

She spotted a bottle of iodine laying at the foot of a tree stump, and snatched it up, unzipping her pack, throwing it in, and zipping it back up, doing all of this while she ran. She then spotted a large canteen hanging from a low tree branch, pulled it off, and clipped it to her pack. She thought, I now have everything I need for water, expect the actual water. Now I need to find a water source.

Chris cursed in Arabic, and stared down Dr. Smith. He looked at Sven and scowled. "As long as he doesn't hold me back," Chris snapped sourly, but not in English. He made this comment in Arabic. The last thing he wanted at the moment was an argument. He chose Arabic because, if spoken by the right person and in the right tone, Arabic can sound a little scary. Very scary if the expression was perfect.

Supplies was scattered around the forest....What purpose did that serve? This was a survival excercise. Clearly, supplies isn't scattered around forests. Gritting his teeth so hard it hurt, Chris clutched his dagger bitterly and started walking. Sven would catch up. Eventually. If Chris's luck hadn't run out today, Sven wouldn't catch up at all.

It was these dark, twisted thoughts that haunted his mind as he walked. Chris let them, however. He wasn't one to chase away wicked thoughts or ideas. Beside, Sven would catch up. Chris was going in a straight line.

(You have never heard scary until you've heard my dad yell in Arabic. Juuuust sayin' X)

Yeesh, this character is a freaking
Sven sighed and shook his head. "Fine. But,doctor? Chris is a very destabilizing element. Once the exercise is done,find a way to keep him in line. Mind control,shock collar,so be it. He's a walking bag of ego that's begging to get cut open." Sven jogged off after Chris. His conversation with Doctor Smith had an ulterior motive...To piggyback the facility's network connection from his PDA. After leaving eyesight,he flipped open his TacPad,and checked the interface. He was connected.

A few presses and he was greeted with a map of the test area,with moving dots. Minus one;Sven never recieved a tracker. He quickly found Chris,whose dot was labeled "SBJT: CHRIS - RUN". He was moving in a straight line. Sven spotted a sparklighter* under a bush,and picked it up. "Firestarter...Good. Now all I need is fuel." As he walked after Chris,he spotted something else. Saran wrap. "Huh...Plastic wrap? Meh. Maybe I can make a water trap out of it."

A few hours later,he caught up with Chris. He sat down in front of him,and began to unload his pack. The sparklighter,saran wrap,and a gardening trowel. "What'd you find?"

*A sparklighter is simply a piece of flint attached to an arm,which moves along a strikeplate in a cup attached to another arm. Used to light Bunsen Burners safely.
Chris sighed and looked Sven up and down. He stopped walking, but danced in place as he revealed the small pot and 2-meter long rope he had uncovered. He took Sven's things and put them all in a line, sitting down. "This stuff is useless on its own. I don't see the point in any of this. Pairing us up is just experimental sabotage," he babbled, then caught himself and stopped. He babbled when he wanted to run, or at least move. Realizing that Sven was made of glass and paper, he would probably take his time collecting supplies and protecting his skeleton. And, of course, they had to stay togethor. This is a terrible experiment, Chris thought as he studied the objects, drumming his fingers on his knee. Deciding the drumming wasn't enough, he stopped started putting the objects all in random order. It might give him some sort of idea, but at the same time, he was really only fiddling to occupy himself.

After a minute, Chris realized that it was the dumbest way to do anything. Instead, he picked up the rope, uncoiled it, and re-coiled it again, repeating the process multiple times. "So," he said as he uncoiled for the third time, his hands moving fast. "Any ideas, Tech Genious?"
Sven nodded. "Two. First: Water. Use the trowel. Dig a two foot deep hole. Dig a small pit in that,and place the pot in that. Pull a sheet of saran wrap over the hole,and weigh down the edges with rocks. With direct sunlight,we'll have clean filtered water after a few hours. Second is fire. We need logs and dry tinder. Make a fire pit,light it with the firestarter." He picked up the sparklighter,and tried to strike it. It was very stiff. "I can't strike it without breaking a hand. So that's on you. We could probably make a trap or something with that rope." He flipped open his TacPad again,and examined it. The others were about a half hour walk to the northeast.

"And,maybe,if we feel the urge..." He pointed to where the girls were. "We could raid their camp for supplies. Just stay unseen. How's that sound?"
Chris smirked. "I'll do that. With how carefully you move, you'll get caught. Glass Man," he babbled, coiling the rope and uncoiling it again. He needed to go faster - he needed to run. "Fire. Yeah. Got it. I'll do that if you collect wood and timber. Erm...Tinder, sorry." He looked at his rope as he coiled it. Two meters wasn't a lot to work with....Not as much as he would like, anyway. "Okay, I think we have a plan. Is it cold? I just got cold," he mused, but realized how fast he was droning and held on to his tongue. "I'm gonna try to shut up....Oh, look, bushes." He dropped the rope and got up, trotting to the bushes to rummage through. That was how he found the rope - wrapped around a bush's thin branches. In these bushes rest...."Okay, I found nothing."
Sven shrugged at Chris' glass comment. "Can't help it. Born with it." He stood up. "Alright,while I gather firewood,you work on the water pit. Make sure there's nothing above." Sven trotted back into the woods,looking for firewood. He didn't move very far;the wood was easily accessed,and easily moved. He hauled some heavy logs into camp,one at a time,as well as some thick limbs. He made a neat pile,with the dryest twigs,leaves,and lichen he could find. Afterward,he looked at the base of a particularly broad tree nearby. It was fairly flat. "Chris,lemme see your knife."

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