The Pefect Soldier | A Literate Group Role Play | Accepting Only Six People

Catarina continued to run, until she heard the soft bubbling of a stream. The forest suddenly opened, leading into a magnificent clearing. Rays of light were streaming through the surrounding trees, warming the clearing. The soft gurgling of the stream could sooth even the most stressed, and terrified.

Her knees slowly buckled under her as she reached the bank of the stream. She wished that Chastity, and Rosa would never find her, but she knew they would eventually meet up. Water sources were scare. She had been running for a while, and she did not find anything but puddles until now.

Out of the corner of her eye, she spotted a box of silver tipped matches laying on a rock on the bank of the stream. She slipped her pack off of her back, and stuffed the matches into it. Suddenly, she realized how cold it was. She could she her own breath.

She shivered, knowing that she needed to find firewood, but she was completely exhausted. Her asthma was becoming worse, so she needed to drink something, and rest. She slipped her canteen off her shoulder, and dunked it in the stream. She took out the bottle of iodine, and read the instructions.

She squeezed a couple droplets of iodine into the canteen, and began drinking. She was barely swallowing, and after she finished, she was gasping for air.

Chris watched Sven leave, then stood up, pacing around while he looked for a clear patch of sun with nothing growing. Set up the water-thinger. Pacing felt good, but he still wanted to run. Set up the water-thinger. Actually, running would have been perfect. Set up the water-thinger. Why did Sven have to move so slow? It was bad enough the guy was made of blown glass. Set up the water-thinger. Set up the water-thinger....

After what neared a minute, Chris found a good spot. He sighed and gathered the trowel, pot and saran wrap. Something was missing...Right, rocks. Groaning a sound of dissapproval at the fact that Sven's quick-thinking proved accurate, Chris gathered five or six small rocks and got to work.

Chris muttered something the first time Sven came back with wood, but kept quiet the rest of the time. When the water-contraption was complete, Chris stood up and clapped his hands togethor to brush off any dirt. Wait - did Sven ask for something? Right....Knife.....Seeing no room for argument, Chris unsheathed his knife and handed it to Sven; handle first.
As the order was given Rosa took off her feet digging into the soft dirt. She decided to head a little east of Cat in hopes of finding different supplies, along the way she picked up a collapsible metal pot, flint, and some waterproof blankets. As she ran Rosa was draped with all this gear so being quiet was a little harder but she was moderately quiet.

After what seemed like hours she finally heard the bubbling of a stream ahead. It was a bit to her right so she bet Cat had already found it. As Rosa emerged from the foliage her suspicions were correct and she saw Cat sitting by the stream.
"Thank you,Chris." Sven picked up a medium sized stone,and placed it on top of the saran wrap cnaopy for their water collector,creating an angle on the inside,immediately above the pot. "Now we can collect water." With the knife,Sven began to dig out a small cavitation on the face of the tree,as far up as his arms would allow. After a few minutes,it was fairly deep,and wide enough to maybe accept a sturdy tree limb. He handed the knife back to Chris,hilt first. "There's the beginning of our shelter. We'll need to use some of the rope to lash the posts together. Once you're done with the fire pit,help me find some good sturdy and long branches." He walked back into the forest,looking for the branches. Over his shoulder,on his way out of the clearing,he called out to Chris,holding his right arm up;the arm with the TacPad mounted to it. "I'll always be able to find you,Chris. Don't worry about getting lost."
"Shut up and move your feet, Tech Head," Chris snapped as he sheathed his knife. He sighed and started on the fire pit, carefully digging the hole and placing the wood in strategic areas. As he worked, he decided that Sven choosing the techniques, and doing all the hard work himself was....acceptable. Sven had an excuse, anyway. After all, there really was no way Sven could even start a fire with out seriously hurting himself. If Chris didn't resent Sven so much, he may have actually pitied him. However, Chris did resent Sven. So, instead of pity, Chris gave Sven the "weak one's" rank.

(Lazy >.< Sorry....)
After a while of walking,Sven hadn't found a single sturdy or long branch that was detached from a tree. In frustration,Sven looked up and let out an exasperated sigh.

Then he saw someting. "You have got to be kidding me." It was a hatchet. And it was lodged into the central trunk of the pine he was standing beside. About fifteen feet up. "CHRIS! GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE! I FOUND SOMETHING!" A knife and a hatchet. They had everything they needed to set up a decent camp and some tools...If they could get that hatchet out of the tree.
Chris rolled his eyes, but stood up and trotted over. His trot was more like a canter, but it was still rather slow for his liking. When he caught up to Sven, he shortened his pace in to a walk. Panting lightly, he stopped next to Sven. "What the hell is it?" he said. It was more of an accusation then a question. After seeing where Sven was focusing his gaze, he looked up. His lips curled in to a sly smile. "Perfect. Now, how do you plan on getting it down, Genious?"

(*strangles crazy-short post*)
Sven pointed at Chris. "Take a wild guess,monkey-boy. I'm the brains,you're the brawn. I'm thinking using the rope to get to the lower limbs,then you can climb up on other limbs." He checked his TacPad. "I may be able to find more supplies. However,I doubt that the doctors catalogued the resource locations on the server." He looked back at the tree. "Yeah...Grab the rope,hurl it over a limb,and I'll tie a weight to the end,so you can climb up. How's that sound?" He walked behind Chris,pulled out his buzz baton,and set it to the lowest setting,then whapped him across the shoulders. "And do try to be co-operative. We need eachother to survive." He turned off the baton and placed it back in it's sling.
"Ow! Damn it, Sven! If you weren't made of glass...." Chris threatened, trying his best not to seriously wound Sven. He knew he could have, but the important thing was that Sven knew. Chris could have - would have - done some serious damage with just one punch.

Pursing his lips, Chris got himself togethor. He looked up to where the hatchet was lodged in to the tree. It wasn't that far, but if Sven poked him again with that damned buzz baton, he was going to lose it. Chris sighed and said, "Wait here then, Mr. Brain." With that, he trotted back to where they set up their camp, got the rope, and trotted back. It didn't take him long at all. Being fast was fun. When he got back, Chris tossed the rope in to the air, end in one hand, and let it fall over a thick branch.

(We probably shouldn't go crazy with posting....Jab
yelled at me last night XP)
"You'd still do it. Or rather...You'd try. Remember: I put a trained soldier on their ass. You aren't trained." Sven grabbed the end of the rope,and tied it to a nearby birch limb. "You're free to climb. I'll see what I can do with this birch bark." Sven grabbed a flap of bark,and began to pull it away from the tree,and the bark began to come off in a strip.
Chris muttered something foul about not being trained, but still able to snap one of Sven's bones like a toothpick, and tugged on the rope. It was stable as possible. With a sigh, he brought his leg up, pressed it against the tree, and pushed off. After a few seconds, he had a bit of a rythm set. However, his legs were way too long for the climb to be in comfort. Get the hatchet. Climb back down. Get the hatchet. Climb back down. Get the hatchet. Climb back down. Kill Sven with hatchet. That would have been nice. But, not an option, disapointingly enough...

{Guys, slow it down a bit...}

Catarina jerked around as she heard a twig snap. Rosa had just entered the clearing, and was mesmerized, taking in her magnificent surroundings. Catarina went back to collecting more water, and finally asked, "So what is our plan? Task-wise?" She knew they needed a plan, but only task-wise.

If everyone knew their tasks, then everything would be organized. You could not just go about, being surprised at every little thing. Chastity probably already got distracted by a pretty flower. And Rosa took a while to catch up to someone who was probably the worst runner of all the soldiers.

She started to think of multiple ideas for tasks, just able to keep them in her head with everything going on.

Chastity was a bit surprised when Dr. Smith announced that they were splitting them up into boys vs. girls and about how everyone reacted so negatively. She didn't care much, besides the fact that she was on Cat's team.

When Dr.Smith told them to go, without a moment to loose she ran off, into the thick forest that lay behind the building. As she ran, it took all her will power not to stop and focus on the scenery that surrounded her. When she was just starting to think she would catch up to Cat and Rosa, she say a bird out of the corner of her eye. Stopping dead in her tracks, she walked slowly over to it, as close as she could get without startling it. It was a small Robin, male by the looks of it. It was one of Chastity's many favorite birds. She loved it's colors and how they always looked curious and interested. Chastity sat there studying it for about five minutes, when the bird flew away. A little sad, Chastity slowly started to come to reality. She got up and started to walk forward. As she moved further into the forest, she spotted Cat and Rosa talking. "Hello!" Chastity said with a big smile on her face, as she skipped the rest of the way over.
"I think it would be best to just survive. No funny business just try to live without playing dirty, however I can be swayed if we want to have a little fun," Rosa said a smile curling across her lips. Rosa sat down and began to look at the things she had managed to grab, flint, waterproof blankets and a collapsible pot. They were pretty useful and what Cat had grabbed would help too. The sound of someone approaching followed by the hello announced Chastity's happy entrance. Rosa knew some of the other soldiers found her to hyper and joyful but she personally found it pleasant to see someone with a nice out look on life.

Catarina rolled her eyes at Rosa's remark. She had not seen her have even a bit of a temper. Ever. She asked, "Did you manage you collect anything? I would think, because you did take a while to catch up to the worst runner of all of us."

She paused. "I think we have all of the essentials, but additional supplies may be usefu-". Catarina was interrupted by Chastity's cheerful, high pitched voice. She turned, seeing Chastity skipping towards Rosa and her.

She raised her eyebrow. This girl was a
bit too cheerful to be a killer. She asked in a sarcastically sweet voice, "Did you get distracted by a pretty little flower?" She tilted her head to the side, having a questionable look on her face.

Sven was pulling more bark from the tree. It was proving easier than expectedit pretty much comes off on it's own! For good measure,he peeled off the parchment-like surface bark as well as the normal bark beneath,still attached to eachother. After a few minutes,he had several coils of at least one meter length strips of birch bark. "Maybe I can make some rope with this..." He looked up at Chris,and said, "This bark can make some decent rope,if I can braid it. How're things on your end?"

While he waited for a response,he checked his TacPad again. The girls were still in the same spot. They haven't moved,at all. "Are they even making a camp?" He muttered to himself.
"Getting there...." Chris replied, grabbing a new branch and pulling himself higher. He was a runner. Not a climber. Not a swimmer. A runner. The different movement he was using to climb wasn't too comfortable, but it was affective. After a short stretch of time he refused to name, he made it right below the hatchet. Chris snorted and went over his best options in his mind. He could move to the left and pull it out like that for more leverage, or he could stay where he was. The latter didn't seem very smart, so he moved a few inches to his left. Plnating his feet firmly into the bark, he wrapped his right hand around the hatchet.
(OOC: Time to get this back up,eh?)

Sven walked back to their camp,and began to ponder on how to procure food. They literally have everything they need,except food. He set the birch bark down near where they'll be setting up their shelter. He sat,and began to run some ideas through his head. Ankle noose traps...Berries...Mushrooms,if we can identify them...Fish if we can find a river...And,if worst comes to worst,we could always raid the girls' camp for food and other supplies...
Chastity was not going to let Cat bother her. "No, a bird," she replied with a wave of her hand. Chastity was a bit unimpressed at how little of a game plan they had came up with, even more that they had Cat on their team. Cat, the "survivalist", should know that the only way to survive was to have a plan and execute it. Chastity decided that she would take the lead and get a good plan out of them. "Okay, guys we really need a plan if we want to live," she said as she slowly got more serious "Here is what I think will work; first we need to find a place to set up shelter. Then we need someone to find food, someone to get firewood, and someone to make shelter and the fire. I will make the shelter and try to start a fire. Cat, can you go hunting and looking for edible plants, since that is what you specialize in? And, Rosa - can you get some fire wood and then come help me with the shelter? Does that work for everyone?" Chastity finished and put her hands on her hips in self-proclaimed triumph. She tended to get more serious in situations like this, and sometimes a bit mean. Though Cat was on her team, she was not going to let that interfere with her or her plan, even if she is suppossed to be great in suvival. If she wants to take the lead Chastity will let her, bu not unless she shows she knows what she is doing.


Catarina rolled her eyes. "Even worse," she murmured. She payed attention to Chastity as she spoke, but as she finished, she immediately began speaking. "We do not need a survival plan," she stated becoming much more serious. "We all just need to have specific tasks. Rosa and I know that a plan would just be ruined almost at once, and that would cause us to be disorganized, and useless. We would not be prepared for any attacks. Chastity, I agree with you task-wise, but not plan-wise." She looked around, waiting for a reply from Chastity. The girl was intelligent, but not survival-wise. Most survivalists would know that a plan would always fail.

Some way or another. She pulled a strand of grass out of the soil, and began to fiddle with it, knotting it continuously.

Chris grit his teeth and, out of frustration, yanked. The hatchet loosened up, and freed itself. Now, victorious, Chris began to climb back down, going slow. He focused on keeping not just a grip on his prize, but on the rope and tree it slef. Not only that, he tried to make the cmib down as comfortable as possible. It, of course, ended up far from. "Wasting my time..." he muttered sourly, his feet finally touching the rough forest floor again.

(Bleh, I am so sorry for my late response....And for how lazy it is XP)
Chastity sighed "Cat, I am sorry, but you are wrong. You just can't handle that, can you?" She said, with a stroke of attitude. "I will agree to disagree, so that we don't get more behind than we already are. Lets just do our jobs and meet back at the camp in 1 hour or so." she said, as she started to walk off to find a good area for the shelter. Keeping her eyes out for a clearing, she counted in her head each step she took. She turned her head slightly to the right and saw the perfect area to set up camp in. Quickly, she skipped over. It was perfect, a large clear area and within sight of the river. Chastity skipped further into the forest, to find supplies for the camp. After about 10 minutes of wondering she came across an area with nice long, but sturdy branches and large leaves. She grabbed as many as she could hold and ran off back to the camp site. Using her fingure she drew an outline of the structure, to keep the size correct, in the dirt.

A smile curled across her lips as the two fought. They both raised good points and for now she was happy to let them get "the fight" out of their system. When they finally settled she turned to Cat and said, "I'm gonna see if I can catch anything. I know that 300 steps back I saw a brown rabbit, approximately fourteen pounds with a scar on its back... oh um I mean a rabbit darted past me in the woods," looking down. Sometimes her memory messed her up and went on and on about meaningless details. Rosa escaped her embarrassment by rushing into the woods her fleet feet picking their way through the dead leaves.
Sven approached Chris,and saw he had the axe. "Perfect! We have two tools,now! Now the last item to square away is food. I was hoping you could identify some edible plants,or set up some game traps. We should also scout out for a river. The TacPad map doesn't give me geographical info. Just a co-ordinate grid,and everyone's locations." After a moment,he added,with a smirk, "Except for mine. They didn't tag me."
"Well, that's comforting," Chris muttered with a roll of his eyes. The idiot scientists forgot to tag Sven. He really hoped they saw their mistake. These scientists seemed to get stupider and stupider every freaking..."Maybe tazing them wasn't a great idea, Egghead. I'll let you take care of the plants and find a river, let me set the traps." As much as Chris would have loved to taze those freaks, or even watch Sven do it, the most likely reason they screwed up was because he caused such an up-roar. Chris looked at the hatchet, and passed it back and forth between his right and left hand.

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