The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Ruineth turned, letting her smile fade. Exhausted, she plopped back into a large, poofy chair and tilted her head back. "This is..." Her thoughts faded along with her sight. She fell asleep in the chair. It was finally a deep sleep, and a comfy one at that. Sure it wasn't as comfortable as an actual bed, but much better than the floor. She lay sprawled across the chair, her arms and legs reaching for the floor. It was a funny looking position, as if the elf were a ragdoll thrown onto the furniture. But like I said,it was a comfy chair, which brought nice dreams. She would probably stay there until someone woke her up.

(I'm not leaving for the night. If you need Rune just throw a pillow at her or something xD )
"The alternative," Blake continues without anyone's consent, "is that you've caught a little something called Kinosis. It's quite rare, but hereditary. So, if you do have it it's likely it was passed on through your family bloodline. It's where the body rejects the use of magic. Not only that, but it leads to both a mental and physical sickness. It usually lasts only about a week if lucky. However, without proper rest it can lead to longer and worse consequences. The worst case is death. Of course, that's only likely if your blood is infected at any period of time after the sickness has grown. The effects of Kinosis are no longer having the ability to use magic, dizziness, vomiting, and extreme mental stress. It usually doesn't kick in until a while after you've realized your magic won't work. However, once it's gone you'll have your magic back. However, the sickness will continue to kick in often every now and then, even after it's gone the first time unless you get the treatment for it from a healer. It should be a medication that you take every few hours and if you continue to take the medication, it should be gone after a week or so and never return."

After the long speech, Blake moves across the room and stares at a picture on the wall. It seems to be of two elves, a dark haired man with a sly expression and what looks to be his son standing in front of him wearing a smile on his face. Both of their skin is grey, proving that they must be Dark Elves. Finally, Blake reaches out and moves the picture a bit to straighten it out.

"However, if your magic only stopped working when you entered Auchertown then it's highly unlikely that you have Kinosis," he adds after a moment. He then turns around, eyeing Cerah. "She's a pain. It was Ava's idea to take her in, not mine. Yet, I end up being the one having to keep an eye on her when she's like this." He sighs, turning away.
Lanli chuckled softly at Ruineth collapsing on the chair. "I think she has the right idea." She paused for a second to yawn. "If it's alright, I think I'll hit the hay for tonight..." She then paused, unsure of what to do next. "So.. Should I sleep on the floor, or..?" Lanli questioned to the air, unsure if there where any actual sleeping spots left open.
(Are we still in Auchertown? I was thinking I could have my character wake up from sleeping and join someone if we haven't moved to far)
Juniper brushed the hair out of her eyes before lifted her arm repeating the blocking motion with a little more confidence this time thinking she got the hang of it.
(I was thinking for the sake of time, my character could have left everyone to rest at an inn? If that's not ok I'll edit the post)

Valandil reached up to his face and rubbed his face. It looked as if the day had already passed . Walking over to a wooden dresser, he splashed some water onto his face from a bowl. He was still wondering how this town had survived for so long. Changing into his clothes, he walked out of the room, shutting the door behind him, and walked down the small hall to the front desk to let the housekeeper know that he was leaving. As he stepped outside, he looked around. The town had quieted down and he could only see a few people walking in the street. He turned and walked onto the street hoping he could some of the elves he knew.

(Is there still room for a minor character, or are there a lot right now?)
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(There is still room. I think there are only the three minor characters. Varexes and Juniper are in the middle of town. Varexes is teaching Juniper how to defend herself. idk if that information is useful.)
(( @Athral there's room for plenty of minor characters in Auchertown xD

But btw, it's really late at night, not early in the morning yet xD )) 
((I'm so bored that I'm going to play PS3 which I literally haven't touched in like 7+ months xD

IF ONLY THE SCREEN WOULDNT STAY BLUE GRR. Where's my brother when I need him? -__- ))
(Thanks to both of you. I'll edit the post. I have a PS3 and it may be because the HDMI cable isn't plugged in. Or it may not be in HD mode. Try holding the power button until you hear it beep twice)

As Valandil walked, he looked stopped and turned around thinking he saw someone from the group. Out of the corner of his eye he saw a figure stop and turn abruptly to the side. Valandil turned back and kept walking.
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Then I had to sit around for like 5ever waiting for the damn thing to update x-x THEN FINALLY I was reuinted with my Little Big Planet Pod. <3 xD #MyLife )) 
(( I can't draw for crap so. xD I just like to browse on devianart~))
Valandil kept walking. As he rounded a corner, he tripped over a tool someone had left on the ground. As he got up, noticing a couple of villagers laughing at him, he saw a figure turn the corner. He looked up and saw that it was the same elf that he had seen earlier. "Why are you following me?" he asked. The elf backed up slowly "Uh, I think I should be going." Valandil quickly reached with his hand and grabbed the collar on the inside of the cloak. "Your not going anywhere until you tell me why your following me."
(( WELL. That was interesting. I just played Oblivion with my brother.--yes, I know that's old and before Skyrim xD --and it was actually a bit frightening. I think I got used to the goblins, though after a while. I just needed to say things like "DAS RIGHT, DIE B*TCH" and it made me less freaked out. I probably jumped and gasped like 10 times though xD and then it froze and my brother and I just died of laughter 'cause it fucked up.

But either way, it was quite fun. But I will probably not play it alone. xD and lemme just say, RIGHT WHEN I MET THAT DANG EMPEROR I knew he was going to die real soon. And wataya know, he died. xD

And that was actually a really realistic game, I mean other than when they like vanished in front of the doors instead of opening them xDD))
Cerah tore the covers off the bed as she jumped up. Nova moved to block her path but she jolted around him using a flash step, never breaking stride. "Hang on there-" Nova began l, grabbing the back of her shirt. The air crackled. A bolt exploded from Cerahs hand searing Novas arm. "Don't touch me" She yelled, and then flash stepped under the door. Nova fell against the walland slumped to the floor, a line of charred skin trimmed his left arm, leaving and deep gash in its wake. "Gah!" Was the last sound he made before blacking out. Cerah stormed down the stairs, the air screaming with static behind her. 
(Oblivion is okay, invisibilty is waaaaaay OP though. Like not even undead can see you, so it gets old real quick.)
((Well, I chose Invisibility!! xD I almost chose Serpent(?), the poison one, but I went for invisibility instead. And then I chose to be an agent owo I mean, I kept crouching by accident anyway xD ))

Blake couldn't help the small smile playing at the corner of his lips, unable to hide his amusement. He took a few steps forward with his arms crossed, eyeing Nova from above.

"And that is why you don't even bother," he said, leaning against the bed post with a very brief laugh. "I'd be careful if I were you, if you did have that rare sickness any further damage may cause it to get worse. After all, you don't want to face death. So, I suggest you keep your distance from Cerah."
((Oooh, I played Oblivion! :D It was a lot of fun until the game glitched out and wouldn't let me proceed in a dungeon. >_<)) 
((Cerah is on the move! Hide yo' kids, hide yo' wife, and hide yo' Juniper's cause she's zapping 'errybody out there.))
(( Mine glitched too :c right after I left the place in the beginning xD I was walking around then this random lady came at me with an axe and I was like WTF I DIDNT DO ANYTHING WHY IS SHE TRYING TO KILL ME xD so I ran into the water panicking, and figures she starts freaking swimming out to me with the axe and im like....Well, someone's determined to kill me. x'D It was frightening. But yeah the my brother killed her for me and the sound went all cray and obnoxious and it almost sounded like dubstep o-O and then it froze xD

and that cracked me up x'D Poor Juniper. She probably should hide. xD ))
(Doing homework, and freaking out because I suck at school... sorry I haven't been on today.)


Juniper continued to block, getting faster and more confident with each swipe I took, even as I got faster and faster. I grinned and encouraged her, shouting out minor adjustments she could make to perfect it before it was dawn. I stopped and chuckled. "Good work tonight, Juniper." I told her. "We've been at it for a while though, so perhaps we should take a break?" I suggested, wanting to get a drink.
((Now I just need to wait for someone to tell Lanli where to sleep. ^w^ Well, if that happens, I'll be out of the RP until everyone else sleeps. D: That would be crummy..)) 
((Nami, your siggie is so darn cute, I wanna eat it.))
((Ah, I didn't realize she was asking where! Oops xD Other than that, I've got nothing to do with my characters currently until morning in the rp.

and SEE, alcatraz, SOMEONE appreciates the kitties in my signature. xDD Oh, how I love kitties (~*-*)~))

"Oh!" Ava exclaimed, realizing Lanli was wondering where she should sleep. "The house is a bit small for so many elves, so there's two couches...and I'll set up somewhere for the rest of you to lay on the floor. I hope that's alright with you..." she said apologetically, moving away from the group.

Ava headed over to the large closet doors on the right side of the house. Gripping the wooden handles, she pulled open the doors, revealing a few long shelves full of various things. She reached forward and retrieved an armful of blankets, not bothering to close the doors. The stack was past her face, so she had to look around them in order to see clearly.

Ava made her way back into the living room, dropping the pile of blankets onto the floor. She pulled out the thickest blankets and began spreading them out across the large space in between all the furniture. Eventually, she needed to push one of the couches back a little, using all her strength to do so. After pushing a few chairs out of the way she straightened out the thick blankets for the elves to lay on. Following that, she laid out the other blankets on top.

Finally, Ava stood back and put her hands on her hips, admiring her hard work. Sure, it was nothing too fancy but it was good enough for the elves to sleep on for the night.

"I'm sorry it's not's all we can do for now," she said, frowning slightly at the elves by the doorway.

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