The Path From Fayland - Official RP

"My hands are never without blood, the job I have," Caricon replied with a smile. He then sat down next to the girl his craving knife ready to help.
"Your job?" Faye asks, eyeing the boy curiously. "Oh, and I'm Faye by the way.." she was going to tell him her last name, but hesitated when she thought about it. Once she decided she still didn't fully trust him, she left it at that.
(Lol I hated my permit test. Where I live you have to take a 4 hour drug and alcohol course and it was so boring) Valandil was still worried about the boy. His somewhat violent introduction had already tired one of the members of the group. He walked away from Juniper and kneeled next to to them both watching them prepare to cut the meat.
Juniper blinks opening her eyes. She rubs her head feeling her head ache return. She moans softly sitting up and looks around trying to figure out what happened and how she had gotten over to the tree.
Faye simply just nods as the boy reveals his name, continuing to remove the innards of the bear. Once she hears Juniper's voice, she turns her head slightly so that she can see her face.

"You used all your energy to heal Caricon..but you healed the wounds completely! It was astonishing!" she exclaims, flashing a quick smile at Juniper. "You fell unconscious for a bit, but I'm glad you're okay now."

Finally, all the innards of the bear had been removed.
((Fortunately, my permit test is just 40 random questions about driving crap. I'm just taking the online practice tests. I'm probably gonna forget all the stuff about the solid yellow lines, dashed yellow lines, white solid lines, white dashed lines, etc, etc x-x. I suck at those questions.

And oh, no! You don't really need to know what's happened earlier in the can just join us where we're at by stumbling upon our group in the forest. ^^))
((Guys, can we fast forward to like six hours later, when the bear will be all drained and stuff, so they can just pack up the meat and keep moving? xD I don't think it's necessary to describe the process of hanging the bear up and what not ||D If we fast forward six hours it will beee like 1:30 in the afternoon.))
Juniper rests her head against the tree wishing she could go back to sleep. It was easier then dealing with her pounding headache. She felt drained. She reaches into her bag looking for her water bottle and opened only to remember it was empty. She had used it to put the fire out. She just released her hand letting it drop into her lap.
((Alright, cool. xDD 'cause I've never hunted a bear before so I've been researching how to do this..and I barely know half the stuff it's talking about anyway xDD))

It had been about six hours that they had been settled right there in that area of the woods, waiting for the bear to drain after being hung from a tree. For the most part they got in some resting and slept for a while, but other than that they just sat around patiently. Everyone was quite relieved when Faye told them that the bear was finally drained after the long wait.

As boring as it was to have to sit around for six hours, they had a ton of meat to eat on their journey now. Killing that grizzly bear was actually one of the best things that happened all day. Juniper was right--that bear had tried to attack them for a reason. Someone was watching over them, knowing they were going to need all that meat eventually, and knew they'd be able to kill the grizzly.

After packing up all the meat, they tied it down to Vex's back along with everything else. Faye then smiled wonderfully, placing her hands on her hips with pride.

"Well, now that we've got a massive load of meat for our journey, whataya say we start heading off again?" she says, her gray eyes scanning over the tired group.

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