The Path From Fayland - Official RP

Faye raises an eyebrow and smirks, lifting her bow up again. She aims the arrow at him again and says, "Well, then next time you shouldn't come alone."
Seeing he was threatened he put his hands down and the knifes came down slipping in his hands. He then swirled around heading strait towards the group his knifes becoming blades of death.
Jane thought she should trap him until we all know if he is safe or not.

Jane decided to summons fire circling around Faye, her and the boy so he won't be able to run away.
((Okay so, I don't want to shoot my arrow at him but he's throwing knives so..? xDD))
As he went through the fire his cloths caught on fire making him look like a fireball. He then jumped up in the air and came down upon the supposed leader of the group his knifes aiming at her chest.
Juniper instinctively lifted her hands creating a shield, but it was much to small. It only covered the width of her palm, but she could throw it anywhere she chose. Right now she was staring at the knives trying to prepare to shield herself or someone else from on of them. Although she wasn't completely confident in her ability to do so.
(he isn't throwing knives, he is just swinging them around like a wild man. Much better option.) 
(Yeah, shoot him. We have Juniper to save the day. duh da duh duh)
Jane summons fire on the knives he has with him. All of them burns. turned into ashes. Jane then summons fireball and it hits his face and shoulders.
((Ah, okay xD ))

"Ugh!" Faye yelps, landing on her back. She narrows her eye on the boy, his knives held over her chest.
He dropped his knifes burning his hands and missed the girl. He then hit the ground tried to get up but failed. Instead he became a lump of the ground his body burning.
( he doesn't have any knives with him.. i burned all of it remember? lolll READ THE LAST COMMENT WOULD YA ALEX? xD )
Once the fireball comes flying at his shoulder, its force pushes him off of Faye. Just then, she stands up and pulls back her bowstring, allowing an arrow to come flying at his arm rapidly.

The arrow sticks right into the boy's arm. She wasn't planning on killing him just yet, she was simply just going to injure him and pray that he would stop with the violence.
Jane decided that he was wounded enough so she summons water on him. Uhh I hope that wasn't too much that i did there.. she thought.
Faye ran over to the boy, who was now lying on the ground with a burnt shoulder and a bloody wound on his arm. She leaned down beside him, looking over at his face. He looked like he was in some serious pain.

Faye placed her hand on his chest, telling him with her actions not to bother moving. She was planning on helping the boy; he just needed to learn his lesson before.

"Do we have something to wrap this wound with?" she yells back to the group of elves.
Caricon cried out him being on fire and a arrow in his arm. He was released when the water fell on him but he was already unconsius.
" Uhhhh I can't help with wounds.. Anyone?" Jane looks at everyone at her surrounding. I must've overdone.. i did it again. She then sighed.
Juniper took her water bottle and dumped it on the boy putting the fire out and she bent down looking at his wounds. He looked like he was in a lot of pain. Then she looks at Faye seeing her bloodied arm. They both had serious injuries. And she had thought she wouldn't have to use her holy arts. She could barely handle the burn on Faye's arm from two days ago. How was she supposed to heal all of this? 
(Dang it! Slow down people. I can't keep up.)
"Guys, he's unconscious..someone get me something to wrap his arm with! I can't pull the arrow out of his arm until we have something to wrap the wound with.." she says loudly, observing the wounds.

Her eyes scanned his shoulder, which now had a terrible burn mark. His sleeve was shredded to pieces as well. She looked down at his arm, blood seeping out of the spot where the arrow had sliced through him. The ground was also covered in blood, also. He definitely learned his lesson.

Faye hoped that once the boy awoke he wouldn't fear them, rather he would join them on their journey.
She looks at Juniper and asks " Can you help treat the wound that he have? He is hurting really bad! " Jane panics and worried.

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