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Realistic or Modern The Passing of Rin Katsumi


Lord Puppy of Kibbleton

You will see something called special traits in the application, these are the traits you will receive if you are a murderer, lead detective, or detective. They can be anything from strength, to logical reasoning skills, to creativity.









Blood Type:




Special Traits:

If Murderer:

If Lead Detective:

If Detective:

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny

Foreign Detective (Maximum of 7)







Blood Type:




Special Traits: (Please don't put anything here)

Foreign Detective:

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
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Foreign Detective (Maximum of 15)

Name: Kazama Hinazuki

Nickname: Ruff

Age: 23

Height: 5'9

Weight: 120 lb

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+

In Person


History: Kazama Hinazuki is a Japanese immigrant living in Las Angeles, he worked as a private detective in the city and earned himself money, and a reputation to survive. It didn't take long for him to hear about the murder of Rin Katsumi, after all, he watched Japan's news channels everyday. After hearing, and realizing that Rin Katsumi was a friend of his sister, he sought to solve the case. His motivation for solving the mystery was not because he was sad, in fact, he didn't give a damn. It was because his sister loved Rin like family, and he promised her that he'd find out who did it. The internet knew about his soon-to-be trip to Japan, but nobody knows his true name, or appearance, not even his family. Kazama did not take a trip to Japan until a detective by the pseudonym of "Fafnir" sent him an email.

Personality: Kazama Hinazuki is generally a calm, absent-minded person. He could look at a cup of coffee for hours just because he sees something philosophical in it. At school, his grades were very low, in fact they were the worst. On his first day of college in Japan, his eyes were set on his pencil, he thought that pencils were very much like human lives. The only reason he graduated was his test scores, each time there was a test he'd ace it, and that meant breaking a test score record.

From: Fafnir, June 12, 2016.


Click to translate.

(Hey, Ruff, what's up? I heard in the Las Angeles news that you're coming over to Japan. You must be pretty famous for them to mention a detective named "Ruff". Anyways, that's not what I wanted to talk about. I want you to team up with me to solve the case, you will meet me at the Inazuma hotel located in Tokyo. When you arrive, ask the receptionist where room 23 is, and enter.)

Special Traits:

Foreign Detective: Can analyze a problem in almost all angles and perspectives, AKA, very perceptive. In addition to him being very perceptive, he is good at ciphering messages, but bad at deciphering them.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
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Lead Detective (Maximum of 3)

Name: Dracul von Stein

Nickname: Fafnir

Age: 22

Height: 5'9

Weight: 137 lb

Gender: Male

Blood Type: O


History: Fafnir was one of the most irritating kids when he was young, pissing off almost every single person imaginable, but when he learned French and Japanese, everything changed. His romantic abilities skyrocketed, and by the time he was fourteen, his charm started to kick in. "My princess, would you like to dance?"

Special Traits: I'm beautiful.

Lead Detective: Has ties with just the right people, he can smooth talk his way into a relationship with almost any girl. The ones who do not fall for him immediately gain his true love (So far, nobody resisted his charm.)

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
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Lotje Efima Varga

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/63e81fa3ebce9e0c6101dc071a7be499.jpg.862a3f7b3b9317c4ceed3e724692d728.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118921" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/63e81fa3ebce9e0c6101dc071a7be499.jpg.862a3f7b3b9317c4ceed3e724692d728.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>​


Name: Lotje Efima Varga

Age: 21

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female

Weight: 115 lbs

Height: 5'3"

Blood Type: O-


Special Traits: Highly Intellegent, Good with technology

Foreign Detective: Lotje is very manipulative when she wants to be, and doesn't step down from a challenge. Being in a job where the men rule a girls got to put her foot down at some point.


Good Traits: Optimistic, Kind, Hard worker, Total flirt

Bad Traits: Never on time, Mind Wanders, Can be Manipulative

Likes: Chaos, Coffee, Rainy Days, Latte Art, Parties

Dislikes: Pessimists, Big Egos, Summer, Public Speaking, Surprises

Personality: Lotje is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Lotje tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Lotje can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Digging Deeper

History: Lotje's life was something out of a movie...Well, a very twisted movie. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Lena a year later.

From what Lotje could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Lena to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Lotje got the leftovers.

At 21 Lotje has left her father, though wasn't able to escape the drinking habits. She applied to the force and graduated top of her class. As soon as Lotje heard about the case she imediatly put her name in wanting to be apart of this investigation.



  • 63e81fa3ebce9e0c6101dc071a7be499.jpg
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Aio said:

Lotje Efima Varga

View attachment 264686


Name: Lotje Efima Varga

Age: 21

Sexuality: Pansexual

Gender: Female

Weight: 115 lbs

Height: 5'3"

Blood Type: O-


Special Traits: Highly Intellegent, Good with technology

Foreign Detective: Lotje is very manipulative when she wants to be, and doesn't step down from a challenge. Being in a job where the men rule a girls got to put her foot down at some point.


Good Traits: Optimistic, Kind, Hard worker, Total flirt

Bad Traits: Never on time, Mind Wanders, Can be Manipulative

Likes: Chaos, Coffee, Rainy Days, Latte Art, Parties

Dislikes: Pessimists, Big Egos, Summer, Public Speaking, Surprises

Personality: Lotje is quirky. She is an enigma. She is unpredictable. And independent. she doesn't take kindly to people telling her what to do. But if you need help, she is a true humanitarian who is ready and willing to assist someone who might be short on cash or down on their luck. She'll also dole out sound advice. She cares about her fellow man, woman, child, animal, and environmental cause.

Lotje tends to mingle with people from all walks of life. She tends to greet and interact with people the same way, no matter what their age or background. While she loves to progress, on a personal level, she doesn’t like change. It has to do with her loyalty, her attachment to the past, and her memories, so even though she has the courage to look ahead, usually with optimism, and see the best things in store, she still likes to know where she has come from and who she is.

While most may very well keep their promises in their relationships, Lotje can take loyalty to a different, deeper level. She will stay loyal to anyone unless of course they truly prove themselves unworthy. Plus she's a bit of a hopeless romantic.

Digging Deeper

History: Lotje's life was something out of a movie...Well, a very twisted movie. Her father and mother were high school sweethearts, marrying right after high school and having Lena a year later.

From what Lotje could tell, they were happy. Her father opening up a sports bar just so he could watch baseball every day without disturbances. Her father manned the kitchen while her mother manned the front of the house. Her parents had been married for a good ten years before everything, in a lack of better words, went to hell.

Turns out her mother and her father's best friend had a thing for each other and decided to marry, therefore divorcing her father and leaving Lena to care for a drunken man. Her father sold the restaurant and retired to living a life of in a drunken state. Overall her mother got a new family and Lotje got the leftovers.

At 21 Lotje has left her father, though wasn't able to escape the drinking habits. She applied to the force and graduated top of her class. As soon as Lotje heard about the case she imediatly put her name in wanting to be apart of this investigation.

Approved! I like your character!

P.S.: You are now a helper, you can approve characters on this RP.
Fafnir said:
Foreign Detective (Maximum of 15)
Name: Dracul von Stein

Nickname: Fafnir

Age: 27

Height: 5'9

Weight: 137 lb

Gender: Male

Blood Type: O


History: Fafnir was one of the most irritating kids when he was young, pissing off almost every single person imaginable, but when he learned French and Japanese, everything changed. His romantic abilities skyrocketed, and by the time he was fourteen, his charm started to kick in. "My princess, would you like to dance?"

Special Traits: I'm beautiful.

Foreign Detective: Has ties with just the right people, he can smooth talk his way into a relationship with almost any girl. The ones who do not fall for him immediately gain his true love (So far, nobody resisted his charm.)

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny

Approved, you are now my second helper.


Name: Winston Charles Dodgson

Nickname: Chuck

Age: 51

Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (1.75 m)

Weight: 148 lb. (67 kg)

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+


Chuck grew up in Normal, Illinois. He was the only son of Mike and Jennifer Dodgson. Mike was a plumber and Jennifer did all the office work for the plumbing business. As a boy he was fond of assembling electronics kits and eventually started designing his own devices.

His parents admired Winston Churchill, so they named their son after him, but to Chuck this meant having to endure the nickname of Winnie, until his friends started calling him Pooh, which he hated even more. When he started college, he asked people to call him Chuck and he has been known as that since then.

He received a bachelor degree in computer science from the University of Illinois, then did graduate work at MIT, where he earned his PhD. He became a professor and a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He became well-known in the field for the research he did there, but his unorthodox political views made him unpopular. He advocated mass sterilization of the poor to end the cycle of poverty and abolishing democracy in favor of a plutocracy where government positions would be auctioned to the highest bidder.

He occasionally received death threats because of his views. While he did not think any of them were credible, he decided to buy a handgun as a precaution and started practicing regularly at a target range. The sense of aim he had developed from years of playing tennis allowed him to master shooting it quite quickly.

Chuck is a distant relative of Lewis Carroll. He claims to own a manuscript which is the unpublished conclusion to the Alice trilogy.

He is currently on sabattical from MIT. He is in Tokyo, serving as a consultant to various companies involved in robotics and giving guest lectures at the University of Electro-Communications.

Special Traits (If murderer, lead detective or detective):

Artificial intelligence, software development, robotics -- expert

General electronics engineering -- competent

Marksmanship with pistol -- above average for a civilian

Tennis - skilled amateur

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
Xylch said:

Name: Winston Charles Dodgson

Nickname: Chuck

Age: 51

Height: 5 ft. 9 in. (1.75 m)

Weight: 148 lb. (67 kg)

Gender: Male

Blood Type: AB+


Chuck grew up in Normal, Illinois. He was the only son of Mike and Jennifer Dodgson. Mike was a plumber and Jennifer did all the office work for the plumbing business. As a boy he was fond of assembling electronics kits and eventually started designing his own devices.

His parents admired Winston Churchill, so they named their son after him, but to Chuck this meant having to endure the nickname of Winnie, until his friends started calling him Pooh, which he hated even more. When he started college, he asked people to call him Chuck and he has been known as that since then.

He received a bachelor degree in computer science from the University of Illinois, then did graduate work at MIT, where he earned his PhD. He became a professor and a member of the MIT Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL). He became well-known in the field for the research he did there, but his unorthodox political views made him unpopular. He advocated mass sterilization of the poor to end the cycle of poverty and abolishing democracy in favor of a plutocracy where government positions would be auctioned to the highest bidder.

He occasionally received death threats because of his views. While he did not think any of them were credible, he decided to buy a handgun as a precaution and started practicing regularly at a target range. The sense of aim he had developed from years of playing tennis allowed him to master shooting it quite quickly.

Chuck is a distant relative of Lewis Carroll. He claims to own a manuscript which is the unpublished conclusion to the Alice trilogy.

He is currently on sabattical from MIT. He is in Tokyo, serving as a consultant to various companies involved in robotics and giving guest lectures at the University of Electro-Communications.

Special Traits (If murderer, lead detective or detective):

Artificial intelligence, software development, robotics -- expert

General electronics engineering -- competent

Marksmanship with pistol -- above average for a civilian

Tennis - skilled amateur

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
Name: Kimochi Torumaru

Nickname: Toru

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: 112 lb

Gender: Female

Blood Type: B -

Appearance: Your cliche otaku

History: You'll find out in the RP I guess.

Special Traits:

If Murderer: Knows various ways on how to kill

If Lead Detective: Can isolate herself in a room to solve a complex problem.

If Detective: More of an entertainer for the lead detective.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
Kimochi said:
Name: Kimochi Torumaru
Nickname: Toru

Age: 17

Height: 5'4

Weight: 112 lb

Gender: Female

Blood Type: B -

Appearance: Your cliche otaku

History: You'll find out in the RP I guess.

Special Traits:

If Murderer: Knows various ways on how to kill

If Lead Detective: Can isolate herself in a room to solve a complex problem.

If Detective: More of an entertainer for the lead detective.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
Name: Jinx Valora

Nickname: Dead Eye



Weight:102 LB


Blood Type:B


History:ill tell u in the rp to be more interesting

Personality:Psycho,happy,cheery,never give up and smart she is very good at Technology

Special Traits:

If Murderer:good at technology and hacking plus kill people for survival

If Lead Detective: love to help but she is a wanted girl so nope to that

If Detective: she really wanna help to all the awesome chance and all but she is a wanted girl so getting in bars and helping the society she would rather be free and live up on her own way.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny
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[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Name: Jinx Valora
Nickname: Dead Eye



Weight:102 LB


Blood Type:B


History:ill tell u in the rp to be more interesting

Personality:Psycho,happy,cheery,never give up and smart she is very good at Technology

Special Traits:

If Murderer:good at technology and hacking plus kill people for survival

If Lead Detective: love to help but she is a wanted girl so nope to that

If Detective: she really wanna help to all the awesome chance and all but she is a wanted girl so getting in bars and helping the society she would rather be free and live up on her own way.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Name: Jinx Valora
Nickname: Dead Eye



Weight:102 LB


Blood Type:B


History:ill tell u in the rp to be more interesting

Personality:Psycho,happy,cheery,never give up and smart she is very good at Technology

Special Traits:

If Murderer:good at technology and hacking plus kill people for survival

If Lead Detective: love to help but she is a wanted girl so nope to that

If Detective: she really wanna help to all the awesome chance and all but she is a wanted girl so getting in bars and helping the society she would rather be free and live up on her own way.

Marshmallow: Chubby bunny

[QUOTE="Astaroth Suzumiya]Thank u so much ma'am

You may start at anytime you'd like, if your chosen role has an ability, you may read about it in the overview. If you have any further questions, you may PM me.

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