The Orphanage

"Ahh..." Spades stood, slightly confused and tried his best smile without brutally attacking," My, my, Miss Chessie, you have swift hands," he said, the last of his sentence was cracked, almost in half. They were playing a nice game of 'mercy'. To see who's sanity would shatter first. Spades held a polite half-smile, and his wrist twisted around and his sharp nails cut the rope," My dear Miss Chessie, were you trying to attack me? I wouldn't get caught that easily, you know. It just wouldn't be as fun~" Spades sang," Now would you please untie these rope... Miss Chess~?"
Chersier scowled and grabbed his hands, "I don't think so, cat." She spat, she wasn't going to let her prey escape so easily. She pulled out another rope from her bag, while keeping her other hand tightly around his fingers. She wrapped and tied the rope in one swift motion around his fingers, then reinforced the ones on his wrists. "I don't like it when my pets run away." She said, stroking his arm a bit, before tearing his sleeve off, "Now, if you could just stand still... I'll make sure everything is nice and quick..." She trailed off, looking at his arm, so curious to how the blood would run down it. "... If you try to run away, I'll make sure to punish you accordingly." She almost wanted him to run away, the thrill of the chase, the thought made a tingle of pleasure run down her spine. There nothing more satisfying than finishing your prey after working hard to catch it, much more satisfying than them just allowing you.
"Why, Miss Chessie, there's a darker side of you, how interesting~" Spades commented and snickered," But, Miss Chessie, I prefer to be a stray, might I will?" He said sweetly and leaped up. He sprang off across the room, mocking," Kitty Cat doesn't like to follow rules, you know~!!" He said and escaped, ready to enjoy this thrilling chase. Ironically, he was apparently the mouse in this cat-and-mouse game. And that didn't suit him the slightest. Before running away, Spades flicked Chess the tip of his tail, in a challenging tone," Come and get me," he sneered, leaping away gracefully. Though the ropes on his hands gave him much trouble running, he still loved this threat.
Chess let out almost... Almost a growl, she launched her arms out to try and catch him, but to no avail. "Mr. Kitty Cat... Is running away?" She growled, half of her face rising into a smile. How fun! She took off after him, not sprinting at first, she knew at least to conserve her energy for when he tired, but her heart still beat out of her chest, the thrill. Everyone else in the room completely disappeared from her as she chased after him, and she started laughing. It reminded her of when she would run through the forest, jumping over logs. But this time, it was the children who already lost the game for the night. It was funny really, how some of them were so stupid as to get caught so early in the game. She knew she was going to get her first victim, it just needed a little bit of time to catch him.
Winter was sitting in the middle of dead bodies. Children of course, she always went for the easy ones. Even when it took her awhile to pick up her weapon, the children were always so slow. She tilted her head side to side, her neck making a loud POP noise. Who else was out? Everyone else was probably fighting indoors. That be nice for her, they'd forget about her and kill each other, making Winter's fight easier.

A loud cry came from the side of the house. Winter walked over, cautious. Even during the night, Winter still kept her cautiousness and practicality. It was a survival tactic she never got rid of. Yet, the only person she saw was the little girl Momo. The girl's arm was cut off and blood was pouring out of it. Unlike the others, blood wasn't very attractive to her. Not that she didn't mind it, but what she really liked were the cries"Stop! Help! Please!" How pathetic. Then after all those cries came the grand finale, when the light in the eyes went out. No, it wasn't the blood that she wanted, just the killing.

"Momo, are you alright?" Winter said, creeping closer. Momo looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

"My arm hurts..." she said whimpering.

"Oh..." Winter's voice was slowly losing it's sincerity, and showing the insanity. Momo heard it too, her eyes grew wider and she began to back up. Since when did this stupid little girl become so smart? "Let me help you," Winter screeched as she lunged for the girl. She held down her neck with one hand, then her foot as she stood up. She couldn't do this with just one hand. Raising her axe, she cut off one limb by limb. Momo was screaming, her ears were hurting, but oh how she loved it! Then, to finish off the job, she sliced off the head, letting it roll off into the forest.

Breathing heavily, she looked around. She heard someone else, breathing. But it wasn't raspy like everyone else's, it was calm, even. Who...would be idiotic enough to be sleeping during the nightly games.Searching, she saw who it was. Matthew. Her hands itched for her axe, but she was too smart to just dive right in. Some of the people could smell blood from a mile away, and right now, she was covered in it. But she didn't just want to leave him. She wanted to be the one to kill him, if Keira saw it, it might weaken her. Yes she knew her plan. She took out some of the viola strings she tied together to make a longer string and creeped over. Tying his hands together, she grabbed his legs and pushed him behind the tree. She scratched some of the dried blood off her forehead, time to get washed up.
"Can't touch this!" he teased and ran into the forest. While leaping gracefully, Spades used his poison-chain to break off a tree branch, in hopes of slowing her down. He knocked down a few more, doubting little branches would keep her. Spades came into a clearing, and thought he might be safe for now. He tried to rip off the ropes from his wrists and fingers, but surprisingly this girl tied them painstakingly tight. "Dangit!" he snarled and perked up his ears, to hear if she had caught up yet.
Chess couldn't stop laughing, she ducked and jumped over the branches thrown at her with ease. She was going to catch up, she was so close...! Then she got an idea, as Spades entered the clearing she yelled, "O-OW!" As she did so, she took one of the branches and broke it across one of the trees next to her. swinging it with all her might. Then, she let it go painfully quiet. She took off her shoes and left them next to the tree, careful not to make a sound. She crept up to the clearing, but didn't pass the last row of trees, but instead, climbed up one. It took her a little while, but she got up in the leaves, they were her best protection, then moved to the other side of the tree, so she could watch Spades more carefully. It took almost all her might to repress a fit of giggles as she watched him struggle. Like a mouse in a trap.
((Okay, that's fine. What I was referring to earlier (other than the summoning armies) was that Blu was able to summon a chair by snapping his fingers...or I read it wrong and am rambling about something that never happened. If so, completely disregard that last sentence. The only thing I had a problem with as far as the "playground" goes is that the victims were children, when all children in the Orphanage are supposed to be immortal, even if they aren't characters being actively played. The room itself is perfectly fine because it adds a nice, grotesque element to Blu and the RP as a whole, and that's exactly what I want out of the Orphanage.

...Sorry if I'm acting like a tyrant or if I'm nit-picking too much. I don't mean to restrain your ideas, but I don't want the core aspects of the Orphanage to diverge too much from what I had originally planned. :/ If there's something you'd like to change, or have a problem with, call me out on it so that we can discuss it.))

Matt had trouble faking sleep as whoever tied his hands together dragged him around the tree he had been sleeping under. He managed to keep his breathing even, though, not wanting to alert his first enemy of the night to the fact that he was more conscious than they had thought. 'It seems I should have found Keira before the games began, after all,' he mused, a half-smile stretching his mouth ever-so-slightly. Slowly, he opened his left eye into the thinnest slit he could manage to see through and found a familiar figure standing close to him. 'Figures I would run into her so early,' he thought with an internalized sigh. He didn't mind Winter in the slightest, but he didn't like the prospect of fighting her. He would be fine if his hands weren't tied together as his fighting style was much quicker than hers, but as it stood they were tied and he was more or less defenseless.

'And if that head over there is anything to go by, it seems Winter is in a playful mood, too,' Matt noted dully. He realized that his only chance at making it through this scenario was for someone to occupy Winter's attention long enough for him to get to his feet and run away. 'Or...or I could try to cut the strings on her axe,' he mused, but mentally shook his head. He would still need a distraction for that plan to work, and there was no one else in sight. 'I guess I'll just have to wait, then,' he decided and repositioned himself slightly, hoping that it appeared he was still sleeping and was just moving around to get more comfortable. All the while, he made sure his breathing didn't hitch.

Keira hadn't followed Niro down the hall as he ran with Mori encased in his arms. She hadn't even moved from the spot she was in. She had remained in nearly the exact same spot she had been in following her first attack of the night. Small drops of blood littered the floor where Niro had stood, and the crimson liquid now covered a pair of her scissors. "'s so beautiful. Ahahaha...lovely, just LOVELY," she squealed and finally began to move. She twirled around, watching as the red droplets flew from her scissors and splattered the walls around her with absolute delight. She stopped spinning and faced Azeel, a grin spread wide across her face. "Welcome, my new friend, to the Orphanage. Do you like our game?" she inquired, her head tilted back and to the side, her eyes wide with insanity, and her scissors placed gently to her lips where a tongue snaked out and lapped at the remaining blood.
Spades was in the process of desperately untying his ropes until he heard a voice in the forest. Was that Chessie? Spades ran back to the place where he had thrown the branches. He then filled with mixed emotion when he saw a broken branch next to some shoes. Cautiously, he went over to the shoes. He picked them up, but had a little trouble due to his tied claws. Spades sniffed the shoes. It was definitely Chessie. But something didn't seem right. If Chess was crushed by the tree, wouldn't there be blood? Spades threw off the branch, and sure enough, he didn't see a body. A low rumble rose from his throat," Chess! I may have been locked up for all my life, but I am no means stupid!" he snarled. Spades leaped up into the trees, running fast and trying to locate this insane-- yet fun-- girl.
Chess' face went pale... She had meant to just take off the shoes so she wouldn't make noise, but now he thinks she's taunting him. She smiled, her teeth clenched, that just made it more fun, correct? She felt giddy, almost high off this. She started to laugh, but smacked her hand against her mouth, letting out a muffled giggle. She knew he was up in the trees now, she acknowledged the fact that he normally would have an advantage, but his hands were all tied up. Her breaths were short and rapid as she remained in her hiding spot, she felt tingly all over her body. She wasn't sure if it was because of the cold, or if it was because of the excitement and nerves that came with the adrenaline rush of the hunt. She turned around, sitting on her knees, and looked out at the leaves behind her, wondering if Spades would break through soon. Without breaking her gaze, she took her knife from the bag, and waited silently.
Spades had her scent. He had her shoes, and now he could easily find a location that smelled like her shoes. He kept searching until he found a trail, and sped up. Finally, Spades could see Chess creeping in a tree. Oh, what fun! "Found you, Miss Chessie!!!" he exclaimed and tackled her to the ground, a wild feral glow emitted from his pupils. "Kitty Cat got your tongue?!" he shrieked, tumbling and swiping claws at her. He managed to slash deep cuts at her, laughing like the sicko he was.
Chess yelped as she tumbled out of the tree, her breath pushed out of her as she landed on her back with Spades on top of her. She was too much in shock for a moment to realize what was even happening. She couldn't feel anything, until a pain like fire shot up her arm, she tried to scream, but couldn't. He... he got out when he was in the trees... he got out of his ropes! She panicked, not knowing what she should do as more gouges were slashed in her arms and one on her face. For a moment she reveled in the feeling of blood running down her face, then looked to her side still slightly dazed, her knifed has landed in the ground next to her. Her eyes widened and snapped out of her splendor. She fidgeted her arm out and grabbed her knife while Spades was preoccupied with her face. She couldn't even imagine how she looked at that moment, but she honestly did not care. What she wanted was his blood to run over her now, instead of her own. She took her free hand and grabbed his shirt collar, pulling his chest down so she could reach his back, "Bad, Mr. Kitty Cat." She breathed out as she slammed the knife down into his back, took it out, then slammed it in again. Her cuts burned as she smiled, but she couldn't help smiling wider and wider.
Spades let out a half-choke when she pulled him down and stabbed a knife into him. He felt a stream of blood melt down the side of his body and had a laughing fit. His face was plastered in a twisted grin that gleamed dagger-like teeth. He ignored the stabbing, bleeding pain that gushed from his back. Spades licked his lips and chomped into Chess' arm that stabbed him, hoping to get her to drop the knife. Spades' poisonbarb chains rose from behind him, steady for a lovely, poison-filled attack.

Chess could feel herself getting weaker, but when Spades bit down on her, instead of lifting and releasing the knife, she dragged it down his back, trying to get away. She screamed while she did this, his teeth were like rows of tiny swords pinching and piercing her skin. She heard his chains rattle, and she pushed the knife deeper and ran back up his back, if he was weaker... Maybe she could dodge them or something. Her breathing was even quicker now, and she could see her breath from the cold, which thankfully began to numb some of the wounds on her face and arms.
Spades screeched at the seering pain in his back. But instead of attacking her with his chains, Spades simply wrapped her up like a coccoon. "You've made quite a mess on my back, Miss Chessie~" he winced again in the bloody burning sensation,"Unfortunately, Spades doesn't like killing," he paused," What is Spades saying?! You can't die!" he smacked his hand on his head. Spades tightened the chains, wanting to see her body cut up. Yet he then fell to the ground on one knee. He then coughed up a little blood." Che. You've got quite a knack for knives, Miss Chessie," he wiped the blood off his cheek. The wound that was in his back caused him to bleed very much, a mixed emotion of madness and pain. When he fell, the chains loosened a bit, giving Chess a chance to escape.
(Ah yes,the chair was there and I spoke of the children before i knew about them being immortal ^^ If i had known that i'd keep it just adults.)

Blu and the other two had gone outside to look around,Shades ran around to see who was there as Blu stayed with Xade who seemed a bit happier unlike before.Even after the games had began they had no intention of turning against each other thanks to a deal they made when they all first met.And the only reason they kept the deal strong was the fact they all had something in common unlike all the others in the Orphanage.And the fact that they've got some control over there sanity helps with this a lot.
"A-Ahhh-- GUH!" Was all she could say before the chains wrapped around her. Suddenly she was panicked, the bleeding she could deal with, the burning, the cutting... But she couldn't not breath. She fought hard for little gasps of air, she tried to struggle, but then the chains got tighter. In those moments she forgot about her immortality, her instincts telling her to try and live, until Spades reminded her. Then, her insanity kicked back in, her mind only on, not surviving to survive, but surviving so she could slit his throat. She felt herself getting light headed, when all of a sudden, the chains loosened around her, and she slipped through, tumbling to the ground. She recovered quickly, standing back up, dirt, blood and sweat all over her. She didn't even think, she knew there was only one choice, and it was not to run away. While he was down, she crouched to look him in the eye. She wiped some of the blood off his face with her thumb, then, without reason, licked her thumb of the blood. It tasted like iron and salt, and she smiled, "Thank you." She cooed, as she raised her knife again and slashed his face diagonally, temple to chin, not holding back even one ounce of her strength. Without pulling back, she stood up and held the knife to his throat and put her foot on his leg, "Your move." She barked.
Spades ley out a defening scream-hiss when his face was cut. He raised his hand and covered his face, trying to soothe the bittersweet gush of blood that pooled out. He choked a bit as a knife was held up at his throat. He let put a feline yowl and chomped the knife with his mouth, pulling it away from her hands. He threw his head backwards, throwing the knife about five feet behind him. Spades then went up and grazed his teeth down her shoulder, though he was weak from past attacks. "Now it's your move," he rasped, challenging silently that this fun game would contimue. He knew both of them were too stubborn to lose to the other, and this would be a moment to thrive. Spades went up and whispered in her ear," Whatcha gonna do now, without your knife~?"
"Tch!" Chess let out a feral growl, displeased in the purest sense of the word that her knife was out of reach. Yet, she was too conflicted to move, what would she do, run for the knife? Try and win with her bare hands? What could sh-- She stopped mid thought, Spades' teeth flitted past the torn fabric on her shoulder, a shudder ran down her spine, remembering the pain of earlier. But she stood still, confident, but still so his teeth wouldn't impale her again. Yet when he lifted his face and whispered in her ear, she lost it. Even more than she already had. "What... What am I going to do?" She breathed, a small smile on her face, "Well... Maybe..." She knew he was weak, she knew she could win this. She pushed him down with all her might, making sure he hit the ground hard, then pinned him down, her knees on his arms to keep them from coming up, an eerie ripping noise coming from her skirt, which was long and not meant to be sat in like that. She pulled out a handful earth, grass and all, and shoved it in his face, putting a handful into mouth then shoving it into his nose and eyes. She was laughing the whole time, it was a rash decision to do this, but it was fun​. Oh so much fun.
Spades' voice was muffled by the sick sensation of earth. The taste was bitter and not at all tasty. Spades threw her up, switching positions. He was now pinning her down, but only with the might he had left. He growled and with a final attempt, wrapped her again in chains, making sure this time to keep control of his actions. He had been bleeding for a while now, and he felt light-headed. But the good thing about it was in his longest chain. A gigantic, eleven-foot silver chain with an enormous smudge of black poison at the tip. Now here was the strange part. Spades' own blood was used in his own poison. Yet the poison wouldn't work without the help from some infectionous herbs. The long chain, twice the size of the others, loomed above. He shrieked a madness-driven scream, out of a mixture of delight and insanity, and thrusted the chain toward Chess.

Yet at the last minute, Spades' vision had become blurry. The world shifted around him in a series of swirling colors, and the Cheshire Cat passed put.

It was a nasty habit. He had fallen asleep due to both loss of blood, and tiredness. Whenever he got groggy, he was much more mellow. And all this thrill and adrenaline was exausting. Spades fell to the ground, sound asleep, and his chains fell along with him. And he lay, unconscious from all this fighting. Spades sprawled over and landed with a thud, beside Chess, snoring soundly.

Winter took off her stained jacket and folded it neatly, placing it on the ground, doing the same with her boots and stockings. Good thing the only skin she really ever showed was her face. She would have to wash out her hair later, when she could, but it was too dangerous to go inside where there was water, and she couldn't go to the creek in case Matthew woke up. She turned around to walk back to Matt, until she heard footsteps. Probably that girl and that cat thing. But it got louder, and they were heavier too. Turning around, her eyes grew wide. A flash of red darted through the trees. It was the boy, the one who stuck with the other two. There was no way she could fight him. One on one, that's fine, she might have a chance. But one on three?! She looked back at her axe. She could just barely carry that thing. The creek it is.

Sprinting, she dodged the trees and branches as best as she could. She could see the creek just a few steps farther. Then she remembered. Stopping dead on her heels, she turned and started to sprint back. She had to get her axe away from Matt.
"Come on!..."Shades yelled back at the two who were falling behind,he wanted to have fun too before it was all over.He was tired of missing everything,for the past week he was barely getting to do anything.Blu knew this and Shades was sure he was doing this on purpose,he had stopped running and looked back waiting for the two to catch up.

Blu smiled,he was doing this on purpose.He held Xades hand as they walked,swinging it back and forth with there steps.
Matt opened his eyes fully as Winter sprinted away from him. He blinked in surprise, wondering how things turned out so well for him. With a shrug, he began to get up, using the tree for support as he rose to his feet. It was then that he noticed three boys heading his way. 'So, that's what scared Winter off,' he realized.

"Son of a *****," he muttered darkly as he reexamined his situation. Winter was no longer a threat, but now three crazy boys were closing in on him, and his hands were still tied together. Feigning sleep was no longer an option, either, as he was currently standing and looking at the three boys. 'I suppose I should run now,' he mused and turned on his heel. He darted forward in the direction Keira had taken earlier that day, hoping that she was still somewhere in that area.

Chess was still laughing when he turned the tables and pinned her down. She couldn't stop, she just found everything hilarious, how angry he got from a little dirt. Her laughing ceased when the chains wrapped around her, robbing her of her breath, but her body still tremored with the laughter that couldn't make it's way out. The wounds that had somewhat stopped bleeding were torn open again, and bleeding worse than before. She didn't mind, but instead, lavished in the warmth running down her body, the way she could feel parts of her clothes sag with weight from the amount of blood, both hers and others. The euphoria rush overwhelming.

When Spades fell over, Chess was left in a state of shock. Then she laughed again, for about a moment, then stopped. Shocked once more. She didn't know what to do with him, it wasn't fun maiming victims who weren't awake for the pain. Not only that, but it'd be fighting dirty, and Chess felt like playing by the rules. But then again, it would be so easy to walk over, pick up her knife, and just slit his throat. But no... She wanted to have fun... But... So easy to... She grabbed her head in frustration, rolling around on the ground, "No, no, no, no!" She mumbled. Maybe, she thought, maybe she could just carve into him a bit... That wouldn't be too bad... She quickly got up and got her knife, then sat down on the ground next to Spades. She brought his arm onto her lap and began to carve the words, 'NEPETA CATARIA', into his arm as hastily as she could.
(haha catnip xD )

When Spades awoke, he saw one of his arms covered in dried blood. Was it still nighttime? He didn't care. Wiping off the excess blood, he noticed something. There were scratches he didn't recognise. As the last of the blood cleared, Spades couldsee, in scratchy handwriting, NEPETA CATARIA. He was stunned for a moment, then whispered," Cat...nip..?" This must be Chess' doing. She was the only one that was with him. What had happened? He took a second to realize..

Spades facepalmed. And there, he was having the most exciting episode of his life! Spades looked around for Chessie. "Chess...?" He called.

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