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Fantasy The order of the white Lotus [OOC]

The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

I reckon it's good given the inspiration for her!

Well, let's see, as cute as your character is appearance-wise, I'm afraid Willa would be turned off by her personality. But at the same time there is a sense of compassion by how her past shaped her to be this way. But in the end, I feel as if she would struggle to accept any actions that would trespass morality, tragic past or not. What do you think?
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof

I reckon it's good given the inspiration for her!

Well, let's see, as cute as your character is appearance-wise, I'm afraid Willa would be turned off by her personality. But at the same time there is a sense of compassion by how her past shaped her to be this way. But in the end, I feel as if she would struggle to accept any actions that would trespass morality, tragic past or not. What do you think?
Well, there would not have been that much that she had done yet, because the order kind of kept her under control. But now, with the order almost dead, there is nobody to control her...
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Terrible. 1/10, would not eat again.
She seems very interesting, although whatever happened to her better be a good story or I will be very disappointed when we learn more of it
BTW How would Fisk and Remilia get along? Her opinion depends on how he acts around her.

Fisk wouldn't be harsh nor would he be polite, just average. He'd always look at her, wondering what made her into what she is today. Then wonder if he would have been twisted in such a way if he had made different choices or if he had let things destroy him in the past.

Kind of a haunting feeling so he would never look her in the eyes. Maybe he'd tease her lightly ever so often, but not more than that.
He should know she wasnt, she was the nice girl when they met with around 10 or eleven

Okay I wasn't sure if we would have known that part of her before she changed. Even more spooky then.

Then if they did meet early, I suppose everyone would know about how Fisk repeatedly kept running away before getting brought back.
He wasn't exactly too thrilled about joining this whole thing
Okay I wasn't sure if we would have known that part of her before she changed. Even more spooky then.

Then if they did meet early, I suppose everyone would know about how Fisk repeatedly kept running away before getting brought back.
He wasn't exactly too thrilled about joining this whole thing
Before she changed, she would have tried to comfort him, care for him and make him feel as good as he could in the thing. even if he blocked her off and even if he bullied her, she would have not let loose to try and help him.
Before she changed, she would have tried to comfort him, care for him and make him feel as good as he could in the thing. even if he blocked her off and even if he bullied her, she would have not let loose to try and help him.

Before the change he would have been slowly warming up to her. At first on edge, as he would have been with everyone.

I think after the change, he would have gotten things as I sort of described. Not daring to look her in the eye, always wondering what caused her to change.

It would be as if in a way she had died, and this was just a remaining shell of her. The girl he knew was gone.
ALSO for the game of "never have i ever", i mean... Some dirty secrets could get out. They are teenagers, they went through puberty together, probably got curious...
Like kinks and such?

Also glad to see Fisk getting along with someone without Fabienne getting in the way, for once, eh?
Like kinks and such?

Also glad to see Fisk getting along with someone without Fabienne getting in the way, for once, eh?

"Never have I've ever had a threesome."
Fisk: "Fuck you guys, I'm leaving."
Just kidding!!!
Maybe ;3

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