The New World

Jessica looked down at it and nodded

"Awesome. I'll make sure to give it to them. Thanks Soul."
Soul nodded,"Later",he said before waving and walking off,continuing to whistle a tune as he headed back to his grandparents' house.
Marilyn sighed with relief. "Oh my God, you're all right, Gabe? Right? I didn't know you were in the rebellion and then these officials came and they asked me why I was talking to you, and I'm so scared Gabe. I'm really scared." Marilyn was flustered by babbling all her thoughts out in one sentence, and a solitary tear rolled down her cheek.
Gabe sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.

"Marilyn Who do you live with?" Bennett was going to say something to Gabe but he stopped himself, trying to listen to the conversation.
"My mum, dad, older sister. I live on 45 Rose Garden, District 7." Marilyn replied. She but her lip nervously, and nearly dropped the phone when she heard someone trying to knock down the door. Officials. Marilyn gasped. "Gabe, they're here. I'm gonna go hide, Gabe. Promise you'll stay away?" Marilyn put the phone down and ran up the stairs to her bedroom. She opened the cupboard and peered in. There was a hidden alcove. Holding her breath, she jumped in.
Gabe bit his lip

"Marilyn no! Shit." He hung up. He turned to his dad "We have to go now."

"For what?" Bennett asked as he followed his son toward the door.

"My friend is in danger and I have to help her."

"Gabe we don't have anymore room."

"We're going to have to make some because I'm not leaving her in the dust."

"Gabe we cant."

"Dad, we have to." Alejandra had over heard their conversation and she ran to her parents.

"Dad! Those guys are bringing in more people."

"What? Are you serious?" Marcus asked. Alejandra nodded

"Yes I am." Marcus sighed.

"Anna, call Sang Hee back. Tell him we'll be there tomorrow." He turned to Alejandra. "Tell everyone to start packing up. We're leaving." Alejandra nodded and ran off.
Soul entered the house with a smile,"Annyeonghaseyo(Hello,how are you)"

"Annyeong,Soul",came a chorus of replies

"How is dongsaeng?",Soul questioned with a worried look.

"Chun Hei is fine",Meri said in a gentle tone,"You can go see her if you want"

Soul nodded and walked up the stairs.

"Halmeoni",Victor grinned,"Come on! You're missing the best part of the movie!".

They were all watching Spirited Away,popcorn in every three peoples' hands.

The phone rang and Sang Hee got up,walked over to the phone and picked it up,"Annyeong(Hello)?",he questioned into the speaker.
Anna giggled

"Well, there have been some changes and we will be going over there tomorrow..."
"We already have the beds set up and Meri will cook a feast tomorrow...I hope you don't mind a lot of company",Sang Hee chuckled,"My grandchildren and their friends are staying over. Do you remember Kyung Kaneko? Thai and Tsuki's eldest son,he recently came back from military duty".
Sang Hee laughed,"Kyung is actually doing very well...grown to be a handsome young gentleman",there was disappointment in his voice then,"Sadly though...he refuses to even be in a relationship,something about his ex girlfriend calling him a military freak since he spent so much time away".
Marilyn shut her eyes tightly. 'Please God, please. Please...." She murmured into the air. She heard the door open with a bang. Suddenly, Marilyn felt extremely claustrophobic.

"WE KNOW YOU'RE IN HERE MARILYN! COME OUT BEFORE YOUR PARENTS COME BACK FROM WORK! YOU WOULDN'T WANT THEM TO KNOW ABOUT THIS, WOULD YA?" The voice boomed all the way up the stairs. Marilyn tried ignoring the voices, fear consuming her mind. They stomped up the stairs. "Oh we'll just have to burn the house to the ground!"

Sweat beaded on Marilyn's forehead. Her first impulse was to get out, but she stopped. They couldn't burn the house down, how would they explain that? She heard their voice again. She knew they were in the bathroom, because one of the vents connected to the closet. Which meant they could hear her too. Marilyn's vision swam with tears.

"She's not here boss. They always come out when we pretend we're going to burn the house." A woman's voice. The other one, the one that had been shouting said, "Let's go," Marilyn sighed, relieved. "We'll bring a raid squad back and search the house thoroughly." Marilyn had to get out of there before they came back. She waited for the door to close. Then she tiptoed down the stairs, to the kitchen. She grabbed a knife and walked out of the door. There they were.

"Stay AWAY! I am not afraid to use this!" She took the knife out of her pocket. She pretended to throw the knife at them, and they both fell to the ground. Fools. Marilyn spun on her heel and started running.
Gabe and his dad were pulling up to Marilyn's house when they saw her running out. Gabe ran out and over to Marilyn. He hugged her and held her close

"Oh my god Marilyn what the fuck were you thinking?!"

Anna sighed

"Thats terrible....How old is he again?"
Marilyn started crying. She shook physically as she wept into Gabe's shoulder. "Gabe. I made a run for it. But they're gonna be here any second we have to go!" Marilyn wiped her tears with her sleeve and smiled ruefully. "Thanks Gabe."
Gabe quickly took Marilyn into his car.

"Fast dad, now." Bennett started driving toward the hideout. "Marilyn where is your family?"
Gabe nodded

"Where do your parents work and do you know the name of the club?"

Anna smiled

"Alright, see you Sang Hee." Anna hung up.
"My Parents both work in the Town Hall and I don't know the name of the club, but she's at the Youth Centre." Marilyn stated.
Gabe nodded.

"Dad go get her parents first." Bennett nodded in response and made a turn toward the town hall.
Gabe sighed

"Marilyn. You know that Im in the rebellion. And the government will try to use you and your family to try and get to me. And we cant let that happen. So we have to take you to a safe place."

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