The New World

Ashley opened her maths book and started copying some random notes off the smart board.

Aurora removed her hand from her face and stared out of the window curiously. She saw a cute guy playing what seemed to be a guitar. She stared at him for a few seconds, and then returned to her work at the sight of a crowd of other boys forming around the mysterious guy.
Jessica began performing her monologue to the class. Her powerful words bringing everyone to tears.

Ryan sighed

"Yeah i guess..." He started walking to class. Once there he gave Soul the note. "Some dude's sister made this for you."
(We're all in different classes so how we gonna interact... think there should be a timetable in my signature, or should we just leave it be?)

Ashley put her hand up to ask her teacher for help- she just didn't get maths. Her teacher came to her, and silently wrote the working out and answer of the question she was stuck on, in her book, and then moved onto the next person without a second glance. Ashley glared at her back, and then stared at her book. Now it just looked plain messy.She shrugged, and moved on to the next question.

Aurora couldn't help it, she looked out the window again, and then quickly ducked her head. Her heart was pounding and she felt a tinkly feeling in her stomach. ... Love? NO. She shook her head as if trying to get the thought of her head, and then looked up at the smart board. The series of questions were already done by her, and there was no extension. She felt her eyes drawing to the window like magnets to a fridge. "Miss!" Aurora's hand shot up. "Can I go to the toilet, please? It's urgent." Her teacher hesitated, and then nodded curtly, handing her the bathroom pass from her drawer. Aurora raced out of the classroom, towards the bathroom. Anything to get away from that window.
Soul took the note and frowned,"Another one?",he questioned,"I don't understand what these notes are suppose to mean to me",he said with a confused look. He shrugged and put it into his pocket before beginning to play his guitar again. Soul spoke to Ryan as he played his guitar,"Should I be concerned that guys are telling me to give notes to my sister?"

Chun Hei sighed,she finished her book and suddenly girls rushed over to her and handed her notes from their brothers. She tucked all the notes into her book bags. Then she received notes to give to Soul,which she also put into her book bag.
Ashley stared at the girls that were getting notes from boys. She'd get notes occasionally but she'd been so scared the government was staring at her, watching her, that she had burnt them without a glance. Ashley sighed, relieved, as the bell rang, and quickly rushed out to the canteen for break. She saw Aurora wasn't there, when she normally was, and sat down on their usual table, waiting.

Aurora washed her hands and slapped her face with water, trying to get the giddy feeling to go away. She wiped her face with a hand towel from her bag, and then walked to the canteen. Surprisingly, Ashley was already there. "Where were you?"

Aurora waved the subject away with her hand, "Bathroom."
Jessica sighed as she sat alone in the lunchroom. She picked at her food lazily.

Ryan chuckled

"I would be. And i have 3."
Ashley and Aurora sighed. Suddenly the speakers in all four corners of the dining hall came to life with the Headmistresses voice.

"All girls report at the Assembly hall. Anyone not there will be punished with a fine directly sent to their parents."

And then, just like that, the speakers stopped crackling, so quickly, as if there wasn't any voice coming out of them in the first place. Suddenly chairs started shuffling and girls got out of their chairs, rushing to the hall. Aurora gave Ashley a troubled look, and then they both walked to the hall calmly.
Jessica sighed as she got up and headed toward the Assembly Hall. Once there she sat down at the back, as per usual and sat criss cross.
Soul chuckled and nodded,"And what it's the opposite way? Girls giving me's quite strange"

Chun Hei walked into the assembly hall and looked for a seat,she was popular,but she wasn't in the mood to deal with her friends being a bit too snobby
The Headmistress went up to the podium and then stared at the bored faces in front of her. The only face that looked a tad bit civilised was Chun Hei's. She is a young woman, the headmistress thought to herself. The rest are just animals.

The headmistress tweaked the microphone and then started, "Good Afternoon, young ladies of Heath High. Sorry for the sudden uproar." Her gaze swept over the girls in disgust. It stopped on Chun Hei. "Chun Hei. Stand up, please."

Aurora and Ashley turned to Chun Hei.
Chun Hei stood up,her back straight and her posture crafted to perfection,she bowed politely,angling her body in a perfect 90 degrees before straightening
Ignoring this act of respect, she said, "Chun Hei, what must girls not do with boys?" She addressed the whole school, a furious glint in her eye.

Just like everyone, Ashley and Aurora were confused.
"Girls are not allowed to speak,look,or have any kind of contact with any boy,whether it is physical or nonphysical",Chun Hei stated,hands behind her back as she spoke
Jessica groaned silently.

"You have got to be kidding me." She thought to herself. Jessica brought her knees to her chest and buried her head in them.

Ryan chuckled

"Well if they're Girls I would just laugh and throw them out. We can't "Love" anyway." He said, putting air quotes around the word love.
Soul chuckled,"Love is such an alien word",he stated as he leaned back on his chair,"Quite a strange word..."
"Quite right. You may sit." The headmistress waved her hand in the air, and then stared at everyone once again. "On the way out, everyone's bags are going to be checked." Aurora gasped, even though she knew she had nothing in her bag.

"Anyone trying to hide anything..." She chuckled. "Well, you have been warned."

Suddenly, people in pristine white clothes flooded into the room from the back doors, taking everyone by surprise. Officials. From the government. One of them spoke out, "Everyone form two straight lines in utter silence."

Ashley and Aurora got up and hurried to the side of the hall to stand behind a line that was forming.
Cun Hei stood up and joined the line,she had thrown out all of the notes earlier on,reading a couple of them out of boredom and became utterly disgusted by the use of words by both males and females
The official checked Aurora's bag first. He checked the outer zips, unfolding any papers that just turned out to be old revision sheets or homework essays. Aurora sighed with relief, and then walked towards the end of the ball, waiting for Ashley.

Ashley's bag was checked by a woman that had a hard, unkind look to her eyes. She dismissed Ashley with her eyes and moved onto the next victim.
Chun Hei's book bag was checked with ease and when she received her bag,she bowed politely before walking to door and stood there
Jessica picked up her bag and went to one of the officers. They serched her bag as she sat there in bordom. The took out a pink sheet of paper.

"What's this?" Jessica shrugged.

"I think its a drawing my sister made for me..." The officer opened it up and scoffed at the messy drawing.

"What the hell is this?"

"She's only 5. Give her a break."

"Give me a break." She ripped up the drawing with a smirk. Jessica glared at the woman.

"You just ripped up a picture that my 5 year old sister drew me. Can I call bitch?"

"Excuse me?"

"Im pretty sure you have ears."
"Shit, Jessica called that woman a bitch!" Aurora gasped at Ashley's statement, and craned her head to look at Jessica.

"Oh, NO. She's in big trouble!" Aurora bit her lip nervously.
Chun Hei glanced over at the problem,she was slightly disappointed that something like this had happened
Jessica rolled her eyes as the officer started yelling her ear off. Jessica wasn't listening. She just stared at the ceiling. Still royally pissed off that someone who tear up a 5 year old's drawing.

"Are you listening to me?!" Jessica looked at the officer in confusion.

"Im sorry what? I was too busy not giving a fuck to listen. What is it you wanted?" The Office growled before calling the headmistress over.

"This, swine, has been insulting me since she got over here." The officer spat. Jessica rolled her eyes

"No no no. You had an attitude, so I gave you one back. Besides, your the one who ripped up my sister's drawing for no reason."

"Its just a drawing."

"That she made for me! A 5 year old, little girl made me a drawing because Im her sister and she-" Jessica caught herself before she said the word Love. "She cares for me. And I care for her. And a punk bully like you doesn't deserve to be an officer."

One guy went up to Ryan and wispered something in his year. He gasped

"What?!" He stood. "Im sorry sir. But there's a family crisis. I need to leave."

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