The New World

Ashley bit her lip. Aurora gasped in wonder, staring at Jessica.

"Ash, that girl's got guts. And when I say guts, I mean BIG BIG BIG guts!" Ashley nodded in agreement whilst Jessica argued with the officer in the background. The commotion had grabbed everyone's attention by now.

The headmistress stalked over and gasped. "JESSICA CHRISTINE TORRES!" The headmistresses voice thundered across the room, even though Jessica was right in front of her. Her voice was so cold that everyone froze. Even the officers turned on their hell or craned their neck to get a look at the headmistress.

She grabbed Jessica by her arm, Jessica yelping in pain, and dragged her off to the secluded part of the hall, the headmistresses office. No one ever got pulled into the office.

It took a minute, but then all the officers started checking the bags again. One of the ladies walked up to Ashley and Aurora and shooed them away with her hand, an annoyed look in her eye.
"I'm not sure...",the teacher looked concerned. Soul raised his hand,"I must leave sister is feeling ill and there is no one to take her home". The teacher sighed deeply,"Very well...Soul,I am instructing that you ensure that Ryan completes his family situation and that he returns home safely". Soul picked up his bag and nodded,standing up,"Of course,Sir",he responded and began walking to the door,"Let's go Ryan",he walked out with ease
Jessica ripped her arm away from the headmistress

"Excuse you. But I don't believe physical abuse is in your job description."
Ashley and Aurora walked towards the canteen for lunch. "Wanna go in the line?"

Aurora shook her head. "Nah, today's meal is crap."

The headmistress glared daggers at Jessica. "And it's not in your student description to verbally abuse officials. They are officials, Jessica, what has gotten into you?! They'll be sending their whole army to check where you've learnt that language from, and then there'll be a whole bloody school check, and even worst, they might even bother to take you away and classify you and your family as the low class. You'll stop coming to this school, your house will be taken away, you'll live in those ghettos on the other side of town. Do you want that?"
Jessica rolled her eyes and crossed her arms

"This whole government is corrupt anyway. What's the point in living in a nice home if i'm not happy?"
"Corrupt? Corrupt?" The headmistress shook Jessica by her shoulders. "So you'd rather live in a run down shack with no food on the table? Okay. Then you won't mind me spinning up some story so you get under classified?"

Ashley sighed. "That was awkward." Aurora nodded in agreement. The bell rung and Ashley grabbed her bag from under the table. "Erm, we have drama now right?" Aurora confirmed it, and then they walked towards the drama studio.
Jessica scoffed and chuckled.

"None of you get it so what does it matter? You all think that you're living a good, normal life but your not. You are brainwashed by some guy who was bullied in high school and never got kissed by anyone let alone a girl. So he had to take it out on everyone and now we all live in a world where no one is allowed to be happy." She looked at one of the cameras. "Just because you got bullied, doesn't mean you're allowed to become one. Grow up, grow some FUCKING balls, and fix what you screwed up!" She screamed at the camera. She then burst from the office and started to run home. She pulled out a walkie talkie. "Its done." She said and put it back in her pocket. Once home, she saw that Ryan was there with his family. She sighed with relief. "Thank god you're here." She said. She looked over at one of her older brothers "You rewired the cameras right Zander?" Zandra nodded

"Si, hermana." (Yeah sis) Jessica nodded. She turned to one of her younger sisters

"¿Dónde está la mamá y el papá, Julia?" (Where's mom and dad, Julia?) Julia pointed down a long hallway

"Con mamá y papá de Ryan. Hermana lo que está pasando?" (With Ryan's mom and dad. Sissy what's going on?) Jessica hugged Julia close.

"Te lo diré cuando estemos seguros, niña" (I'll tell you when we're safe, girl) Jessica let go of her sister and went over to Ryan. "I know this is weird....I can see it on your face....But we'll explain everything later. Right now, just chill out here" Jessica ran down the hall and opened the door

"Tenemos que movernos." (We need to move )
The headmistress stared at Jessica's receding back. She scowled and then chuckled. That girl has guts. The governments probably keeping their eye on her now. The headmistress sighed, placing her head in her hand, immensely confused. She turned to her desk and sat down, staring at the neat piles of paperwork marked with each category they were placed in. She picked at one marked 'Life Issues'. Anyone that looked at that would take it to be exactly that, but actually the life substituted for love. She leafed through the report on a girl that was in love with a boy from Heath High.

The headmistress picked up her phone, punched a number into the keypad and pressed the green button.

"Hello? The latest case is of a girl that's falling for a boy. Mhm... Her address is 34 Coleen Avenue, District 4. Mhm.. yes... mm... Yep. Go to her house and explain to her that- yep, that she needs to forget the boy. Yeah. Good."

The headmistress sighed, tired. It was hard being the headmistress of the school and part of the rebellion. She shuddered at the thought of the government and started to look at some school issues.


Ashley grabbed her bag and bounded out of the school building. The security guard gave her a stern look but she ignored it. She sighted Aurora and they started walking home together, arms linked.

A boy was walking on the pavement opposite them. There was no patroller nearby, and Aurora found this weird. The boy craned his neck to look at her and Aurora immediately turned her gaze to the ground, her cheeks burning.

"Aurora have you done the History homework for tomorrow?" Ashley asked, groaning at the end.

Aurora shrugged, not properly listening to Ashley and then saying, "Oh yeah. The one about how that war happened because of love and millions of people died?"

Ashley nodded and they both walked in silence. Surprisingly, the boy had disappeared into thin air.
Jessica sighed as she helped her sister Julia and her cousin Victoria get ready to go. Ryan walked over

"Jessica, what's going on?" Jessica shook her head

"Not now Ryan. I've got stuff to do. Where's your younger siblings?" Ryan pointed to a corner where all of his siblings stood. Jessica nodded "Bring them over with their things." Ryan sighed. He brought his younger brother and sister over to Jessica. Jessica smiled warmly at the two children.

"Hey Jimmy, hey Ginger. Did you guys bring everything that your parents told you to?" They nodded "Good, get out your cloths, start putting everything on with lighter stuff first and heavier stuff last ok?" The two began to put their cloths on. Jessica nodded to Ryan and his four older siblings. "You guys too."

"¿Todo el mundo listo, niña?" (Is everybody ready, baby girl?) Jessica looked up and smiled at her dad.

"Casi papá. Hermanos y hermanas de Ryan todavía tienen que poner toda su ropa." (Almost daddy. Ryan's brothers and sisters still need to put on all of their clothes.) He nodded

"Ok. Asegúrese de que se den prisa." (Ok. Make sure they hurry up.)

"Sí papá." (Yes daddy.) She turned to Julia and Victora "Date prisa." (Hurry up) She turned to Ryan's younger siblings "Can you go any faster?" Jimmy and Ginger nodded and started to quicken their pace.

Jessica stood and fanned herself. She was so hot under all of her cloths. She went over to her mother

"Mamá tenemos todo lleno?" (Mom do we have everything packed? ) Her mother nodded

"Sí bebé. Tenemos todos los artículos de tocador en esa bolsa, las mantas en que uno, y los objetos de valor están en la bolsa de lona." (Yes baby. We've got all of the toiletries in that bag, the blankets in that one, and the valuables are in that duffle bag. ) Jessica nodded

"Bueno. Gracias mamá." (Good. Thanks mom.)
The headmistress massaged her temples with her thumbs and forefingers, and stared at the footage of a girl in a corridor. She was all alone, as class had started 10 minutes ago. She held a letter of some sort in her hand, and a rose. And what use of a rose to a school girl? None in studies, of that the Headmistress was sure. The headmistress was not some old hag, in fact she was only 39. Her name was Anne. So Anne stared at the screen and gasped.

The girl smiled when a boy walked around the corner. A BOY. Anne nearly fell of her chair in surprise. As he got closer she realized he was wearing the janitor's uniform. "How the hell..." Anne muttered to herself.

The girl smiled and looked around frantically, before moving in to give the boy a hug. She handed him the letter and rose, grabbed her bag from the floor and ran to her class. The boy returned the way he had come, and Anne just sat there paralysed.

She reversed the footage until both of the people were present and then pressed a button on the computer keyboard. Circles appeared around the two people. Names appeared in block capitals.

The circle around the girl's face read 'Marilyn River'. The circle around the boy's face read 'Unknown'.

Anne stared at it in disbelief. Unknown? That had never happened! She clicked on the circle. There was nothing. She scrolled down. It said: Part of the rebellion. The word echoed in her head. The rebellion!?

Anne picked her phone up and called the school's main office. "Hello? I want Marilyn River in my office. NOW. Your busy with what? I don't give a damn! I want her here now!" She cut straight after and sighed, slouching in her chair. A boy from the rebellion, in the government's main city, out of school, with a girl... it was too much information to bear at once.


(I'm not gonna do Ashley and Aurora anymore cause I kind of write long for Anne, and like yeah. If I write their parts too it might get too long to read, unless you want meh to :3)
The unknown boy, well his name was actually Gabe, smiled as he read the note from Marilyn. He smelled the rose happily. He sighed and looked around once in front of a large building. He did a series of knocks and then finished with a doorbell ring. Someone opened up the door and Gabe walked in. Many people greeting him. Including his parents, and his two older siblings.

"Gabriel where were you?" His mother, Rose, asked, smoothing his hair out. Gabe sighed

"Ma chill ok? I was just out for a walk."

"Out for a walk my ass." His brother, Jacob, retorted. He grabbed the note and flower from his back pocket. "Someone went out to see girl." Gabe rolled his eyes

"No I didn't!"

"So you went to see a boy?" His sister, Jenny, teased. Gabe groaned

"Can we not please? Give me back my stuff."

"Hmmm, I think not." Jenny and Jacob said in unison. They ran around their younger brother teasing a taunting him with the rose and note. Gabe's father cleared his throat and the three children stopped to look at him.

"What, is going on?" Jenny and Jacob pointed to Gabe.

"He went to go see a girl!" Jacob said

"Or a boy! We dont know witch." Jenny added. Gabe groaned

"Can we please not do this today! Give me back my stuff!" Gabe's dad, Bennett, nodded

"Go on you two, give the boy his things." Jenny and Jacob rolled their eyes and gave Gabe back his note and rose. Gabe held them close. Everyone dispersed and Bennett went over to Gabe.

"You know son....If you do....go that way....I still love you-"

"Oh god dad please stop! Im straight ok. Straight as an arrow." Bennett cleared his throat and nodded

"Right....of course....but i just want you to know-"

"Yeah dad I know.....I know..."
Anne stared at the girl in front of her from the footage; she looked more depressed and deflated in person. Anne was about to go with the 'strict act' but then she knew Marilyn wouldn't answer any questions of hers. She had that effect on people. So she just leafed through the report of the other girl that was in love with a boy. Her agent has gone as told, to her house, but the girl had presumably denied any affairs and ran out of the house.

Anne gestured for the girl to sit, smiling through the whole process. She clasped her hands in her lap and sighed.

"Hey Marilyn. Don't worry okay? You're not in trouble." Anne beamed a smile at her.

Marilyn relatively relaxes, smiling back.

"Okay, so I have to know about... Erm. I don't know how to put this. You gave a rose and letter to a boy?"

Marilyn froze, it looked as if she had stopped breathing.

"No, sweety don't worry. I just, need to talk to him. It's nothing about you and him I promise."

Marilyn registered the situation and bit her lip nervously.

"I-I-I don't- He... I don't know where he lives." She sighed.

"Can you find out? For me?" Anne sighed, and grabbed some scrap paper and a pen. She started to write something, scribbling frantically, and gave the paper to Marilyn.

It read:

Marilyn is excused from all homework, for the rest of the half-term. If any teachers have queries please see me in my office,

Miss Hathaway, Headmistress


Marilyn gasped, then shoved the note back. "You can't bribe me!" She shook her head, and pushed her chair back, ready to leave.

Anne shook her head, and pushed the note back. "No, I'm not trying to bribe you! I need to know where this boy is, I promise nothing bad will happen to him."

Marilyn hesitated, and then nodded. Anne beamed at her, and then told her she could leave. Anne groaned under her breath. She had to find this boy, no matter what.
Gabe was stuck preparing rooms for the new rebellion members coming in. Jacob and Jenny were still teasing him about the rose and note.

"So what does it say Gabe?" Jenny asked. Gabe rolled his eyes

"It none of your business." Jacob pouted

"Aww come on Gabey."

"Oh my god don't call me that!" The two laughed

"Well that's what you are. You're the Gabey in the family." Jenny said. Gabe groaned

"How did I get stuck doing this with you two?" They chuckled

"Lighten up Gabe we're just joking." Jacob said. Jenny smiled as she opened up another box

"Ha! I told you guys! This room is for some girls! Check out the bedding." They walked over to the box to see lots of pink and purple bedding. The two boys groaned and got out their wallets and handed Jenny five bucks each. "Thank you~"
Anne grabbed her phone and dialled 9998999. It was the rebellion's number. Even if someone found the number out, they would not be able to call it, or track it down, unless their phone had been 'tagged' for that number by the rebellion themselves.

She sighed impatiently at the fake voice, 'Hello, customer? What would you like to buy? We have all types of drugs, but please be aware that you are buying at your own risk. We take pride in our drugs to be the finest and bring them to you at a bargain price..." The voice droned on and on and on, just simply to scare any non-rebellion people away.

The line went beep and Anne started, "Okay, there's a boy that managed to get into janitors uniform, into Heath High which may I remind you is a girls school and meet a girl. And he showed up as unknown on my database. Unknown!! Do you know what that means? And the only piece of information was that he's part of the rebellion." Anne took a deep breath.

"Would you mind telling me which one of your agents was sent into the most dangerous city for someone in the rebellion, and was sent into a bloody girls school!"

The person at the other end of the line sighed, "Anne, I think he came up as unknown on your database, for a reason."

The line went dead.

Anne screamed in frustration. How dare he?! Yes, he's a higher rank than her, that doesn't mean he cuts on her. He isn't the Master! He isn't in charge! Argh!

Anne grabbed her pen and started scribbling on her paper.
Gabe sighed as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

" when are they coming?" Gabe asked. Bennett shrugged

"They'll get here when they get here Gabriel." Gabe sighed.

"Dad come on" Bennett chuckled.

"Alright Alright. Just be kind to them when they get here." Gabe nodded.

"Ok dad."

Jessica held her cousin Victoria in one arm and then held Julia's hand with her free hand. The rest of her family getting ready to go, with Ryan standing next to her.

"Will you tell me now?" Jessica shook her head

"Not until we get there."

"Hermana, where are we going?" (Hermana means sister) Jessica smiled

"We're moving."

"But where's our stuff?"

"Its already there. We're getting all brand new stuff." Julia smiled

"Really?!" Jessica giggled.
Marilyn sighed, sitting down. She grabbed the phone and retrieved a dog-eared piece of paper from her blazer. She dialled the number, praying under her breath. This was the first time she was calling.

She waited impatiently as the phone rung, and then bit her lip nervously when the line clicked to show someone had picked up.

"Hello? Is Gabe there?"
Jacob bit his lip and motioned his twin over. Jenny ran over and listened to the phone. Jacob cleared his throat

"Uhmm sorry, he's in the bathroom. May i ask who's speaking?"
"Err, It's umm, Marilyn. How long will he take? I can wait a couple of minutes." Marilyn smiled, and then realized they couldn't see it. She rolled her eyes.
Jacob nodded.

"Im sure he'll be finished soon." He motioned to Jenny to go get Gabe. Jenny ran off to find her brother. Jacob cleared his throat. "So how do you know Gabe?"
Marilyn blushed self-consciously. "Oh, yeah, we're just friends. Need to ask him about some, homework..."
Jacob nodded and Gabe came running up and grabbed the phone from Jacob

"Marilyn what did he tell you?!" Jacob laughed and he and his twin watched Gabe on the phone.
Marilyn's heart lurched at Gabe's voice, and she felt a heavy burden lifting from her shoulder. "Nothing!" She giggled, "Nothing at all, you worry freak!"

Marilyn fingered the hem of her dress, suddenly silent at the thoughts swirling in her mind.
Gabe bit his lip

"I wish I could tell you Marilyn. But you know I can't."

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