The New World

Marilyn sighed. "You don't.. trust me?" Marilyn bit her lip nervously. "I-I-I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't have asked you that. I-Er, bye."

Marilyn cut the phone and sighed, sitting down on her chair.
"No Marilyn I-" He sighed when the phone started buzzing. He hung up and ran his fingers through his hair. Jacob and Jenny came over

"So it was a girl." Jacob said. Holding out his hand. Jenny rolled her eyes and put a 5 in his hand. Gabe sighed

"Not now guys..." He said and walked away. Jenny shook her head

"Not cool Jake." She jogged after Gabe "Hey lil bro. Hold up." Gabe sighed and stopped

"What Jenny?"

"What happened with Marilyn?" Gabe sighed

"She asked where we lived....." Jenny sighed

"She thinks you don't trust her...."

"Yeah........" Jenny hugged her brother

"You did the right thing Gabe. If she can't accept that you can't tell her, then she's not the one. You did tell her you were in the rebellion right?" Gabe bit his lip. Jenny gave him a look "Gabe are you serious? Why didn't you tell her? That whole situation could have been avoided!" Gabe sighed

"I know its just.......Every girl i've told has gone haywire and left me. I didn't want Marilyn to...."
Marilyn got up and gazed at her reflection in the mirror. Her hair was thin strands of brown in a plait. Her face was long, and so was her nose. She looked ... not pretty. Who was she kidding? She was so normal, and he was so gorgeous and perfect.

Marilyn heard the doorbell buzz, so she got up, and opened the door.

An Official.

She could feel beads of sweat form on top of her forehead. "Yes? I mean- Goodmorning." The officer replied back stiffly with a flat Good morning and then entered the house, brushing past her. Marilyn hurried behind him, scared.

"Are you Marilyn River?" He asked, glaring at her. She nodded slowly.

"Would you care to explain why you were on the phone with a boy?" Marilyn's blood ran cold.

"I-I..." She stuttered. "He's my brother's friend, and my brother told me to tell him something on his behalf."

"Is that so?"

Marilyn nodded. The officer gave her the look that he didn't believe her, that he knew the truth. But then he spun on his heel and stalked out of the door. Marilyn closed the door and then slumped on the sofa. Tears pricked her eyes, and her guts twisted with intense fear.

She ran to the phone, and grabbed it. She had to tell Gabe. But then, if they were tracking her calls, they'd... they'd get her for sure. She reluctantly put the phone down and sighed.
Jessica, Jessica's family, and Ryan's family all looked up at the large building in front of them. They took a deep breath before Jessica's father, Marcus Sr., knocked on the door. Bennett opened up the door a crack


"Torres y Davids."

Bennett stepped aside and let them all in. Inside, Gabe and his family waited along with another family and a few more of the rebellion people. Bennitt gestured to his wife as she walked up beside him.

"This is my wife Rose. She will be showing all of the adults to their rooms." Rose smiled and gestured for them to follow her. He then gestured to Gabe and Jacob. 'These are my sons, Jacob and Gabriel. They will be showing the boys to their rooms." The two boys walked off and the other boys followed. Then Jenny walked up with a bright smile

"And as for you lovely ladies, my daughter Jenny will be showing you to your rooms." Jenny motioned for the girls to follow her.

Rose smiled as she motioned to a door.

"Anna and Marcus?" The two smiled at Rose. Rose nodded "This will be your room. Please make yourself at home and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask." The two nodded. Marcus went in and Anna shook Rose's hand

"Muchas gracias." (Thank you so much. ) Rose smiled

"Of course." Rose continued down the hallway and smiled motioning to another room. "Carmen and Raul Sr.?" Jessica's grandmother and grandfather smiled upon hearing their names. "Esta será su habitación." (This will be your room. ) The two walked into the bedroom. Then a few doors down, Rose stopped again and opened a door.

"June and Francis?" Ryan's parents smiled as they walked up

"Thank you." June said before she walked into her bedroom with her husband. Rose walked to the very end of the hallway and smiled

"So you two must be Fiona and Raul Jr. This will be your room." The two nodded and walked into their new bedroom together.

Gabe smiled

"Alright, to make this easier, if you are 13 or older, follow my brother to find your rooms. If you are 12 or younger. Your with me." Jessica's two older brothers and older cousin Raul III, Zander and Marcus Jr. followed Jacob, along with Ryan and his older brothers Francis Jr. and Garrett. Gabe smiled at Ryan's younger brother Jimmy and Jessica's younger brothers Carlos and Juan.

Jenny smiled

"Ok so there are a lot of you girls so you guys will be sharing with each other. This room here is for....Jessica and Alejandra....did I say that right?" Alejandra, Jessica's older sister, nodded

"Yeah, you said it right." Alejandra walked into her bedroom. Jessica smiled

"Thanks Jenny." She said, walking into her room with his sister.
(( Ok, just as a refrence for me. Im going to be putting all of my character's text colors here in this comment so that I remember. You can just ignore this if you would like. ))

Jessica, 16, Dark Orchid

Anna, Jessica's mother, 43, Pale Turquoise

Marcus Sr, Jessica's father, 44, Blue

Zander, Jessica's older brother#1, 18, Cadet Blue

Marcus Jr, Jessica's older brother#2, 18, Cornflower Blue

Alejandra, Jessica's older sister, 17, Magenta

Julia, Jessica's younger sister, 7, Light Pink

Carlos, Jessica's younger brother#1, 7, Dark Blue

Juan, Jessica's younger brother#2, 5, Medium Blue

Carmen, Jessica's grandmother, 70, Pale Violet Red

Raul Sr, Jessica's grandfather, 71, Burly Wood

Fiona, Jessica's Tia, 44, Plum

Raul Jr, Jessica's Tio, 45, Peru

Raul III, Jessica's older boy cousin, 17, Sienna

Karla, Jessica's younger girl cousin, 13, Light Salmon

Victoria, Jessica's baby girl cousin, 2, Pink

Ryan, 17, Green

June, Ryan's mother, 44, Hot Pink

Francis Sr., Ryan's father, 45, Dark Sea Green

Francis Jr., Ryan's older brother#1, 19, Lawn Green

Harriet, Ryan's older sister#1, 19, Salmon

Garrett, Ryan's older brother#2, 18, Forest Green

Regina, Ryan's older sister#2, 18, Light Coral

Jimmy, Ryan's younger brother, 12, Pale Green

Ginger, Ryan's younger sister, 10, Violet

Gabe, 15, Dark Orange

Rose, Gabe's mother, 41, Medium Violet Red

Bennett, Gabe's father, 42, Steel Blue

Jacob, Gabe's older brother, Dark Green

Jenny, Gabe's older sister, Lime Green
(( Ok, out of sheer boredom, i'm going to find pictures for my characters as well. Imma make a separate lil thread for that so I don't clog up this here lil roleplay. If you would like to see my character's pictures and their family's pictures. Go ahead and check it out. ))
(Wow xD )

Marilyn grabbed her school bag, and blazer in a hurry, and thumped down the street to school. She moaned when she looked at the time- there were three minutes left. Running to school would take at least ten.

"Omg. Omg, omg, omg, omg, I AM SO DEAD!"

Marilyn ran into the school gate, and down to her classroom. She entered her form room, to see that no-one was there, except her form teacher. Confused, she approached him slowly.

"Marilyn? You're late. First period has started? Just go to the headmistress' office..."

Marilyn's eyes widened in horror. She slowly walked to the head mistresses office.

Anne stared at the clock. First period. Where was Marilyn? Her teacher had said she wasn't in yet; how could that be? What if something... no. Nothing could have happened to her, she-

Marilyn burst into the room, her cheeks flushed with running and her hair all over the place.

"Maril-" Anne started.

Marilyn cut her off, "Miss, they know. They know! They came to my house, I tried finding out his address but they came. They came..."

Marilyn slumped in her chair, and fainted. Anne quickly grabbed her phone and called the office.

"Send me a medic up here, now!"
After a few hours of showing everyone rooms, arguing, and yelling, everyone was situated in their rooms. Jessica was with Jenny, Ginger with Karla, Harriet with Regina, Alejandra with Victoria, Raul the III and Ryan with Jacob, Zander with Marcus Jr., Jimmy with Gabe, Carlos with Juan, and Francis Jr. with Garrett. Then the adults were split up with their husbands and wives. Bennett had called a meeting between all of the families. Everyone was sitting around the large living room. Bennett smiled as he spoke

"We thank you all for joining the rebellion. And we also thank you for your patience with the rooms being situated." He turned to Alejandra "Thank you, Alejandra for rooming with Victoria. We did not realize how young she was." He then turned to Jacob "And thank you Jacob for letting Raul and Ryan stay with you in your room. Now, my family and I will be leaving as soon as you're all settled in and ready to take the rebellion on your own in this city. Normally we don't have this large of families come in, but this is the capital and there are many people here so you will need more manpower. Good luck everyone." He dismissed everyone and they all dispersed throughout the building.
Marilyn opened her eyes, groggily. Her head was spinning at 1 billion km/h. She got up, slouching against the bed board.

Where am I? Have I been kidnapped... what, did the officials take me? Am I dreaming, am I dead? Am I-

Marilyn looked around, and then it clicked where she was, and it wasn't half as exciting as what she had been thinking.

She was sitting in the medical room of her school. She sighed. Where was everyone? Where was the nurse? There was supposed to be a nurse, right?

Marilyn swung her legs over and stood up, clutching the bed for support. She walked towards the door, and outstretched her hand to open it, but the doorknob was already spinning and it opened. Marilyn barely jumped back in time, screeching.

"Oh, my! I am so sorry!" She squealed. She sat Marilyn down.

"Oh, I need to tell her that you're awake!" Before Marilyn could protest, the nurse was out the door, her uniform flapping behind her.
Soul was in front of the girls' academy,waiting for Chun Hei to exit the building. When she walked out,she gave him a smile and they began walking to their grandparents' house. Their parents were still at work and their grandparents would know some remedies to give to Chun Hei.

Soul side glanced at his sister,it was obvious that she was feeling ill. Her skin was pale and she looked tired. They entered their grandparents' home. Their grandparents had a rather large home,enough to fit more than thirty people,but it was odd since it was only their grandparents living within the household.

Soul unlocked the door,having a key to their home and walked in,"Halmeoni,Harabeoji",he called as he closed the door behind Chun Hei,"Are you home?"

Chun Hei was confused,she saw multiple of beds on the living room floor and there was a buffet of food on the counter.

Soul looked around,"Halmeoni. Harabeoji,are you home?",he called once more.

"Neh,dear",came the voice of an elderly woman,she came out of one of the guest rooms and smiled,seeing her grandchildren,"What is wrong? You are both home from school rather early".

Soul smiled and walked over,hugging his grandmother,"Dongsaeng isn't feeling too well",he responded,gesturing to the sick Chun Hei.

His grandmother nodded and walked over to Chun Hei,"Let me take you to your room,dear".

Chun Hei nodded,not being able to speak as her grandmother led her to her bedroom.

Soul walked into the guest room and began to help his grandfather put mattresses on the beds in all the guest rooms and put sheets on them as well.

"Harabeoji...what are these for?",Soul questioned.

His grandfather gave him a smile,"A few old friends and their families are staying here for the time being"

Soul seemed confused,but nonetheless,nodded and continued helping without question.
"Soul,dear",came Halmeoni's voice,"Please deliver this letter to this address".

Soul walked over to his grandmother and nodded before taking the letter and walked out of the house,heading to Jessica's house to deliver the letter. He knocked on the door and waited for an answer. On his shoulder was his guitar case,which he had gone back home to get before arriving at the designated house
(( cheese and crackers soul you haven't been here for a while so lemme tell you that Jessica and Ryan's family moved into a building already. So Jessica is not at her house anymore. ))

Soul noticed that the house seemed empty and then turned,starting to walk off,heading back to his grandparents' house.

Sang Hee heard the phone ring and went to answer it,"Hello?",he questioned,leaning against the kitchen counter as he waited for whoever had called
Marcus smiled hearing his old friend's voice.

"Hello Sang Hee. I forgot to tell you that we moved. Would you mind sending Chun Hei with the message so Jessica can bring it back home."
Sang Hee chuckled,"Same old Marcus",he then became serious,"Chun Hei is ill at the moment...she has a fever and in no condition to go out. Meri gave the letter to our grandson Soul. He was at your old house but he must have left by now",he became worried,"Knowing him,he is already heading back to our home". He questioned,"And are you sure that you are all fine at the building you are staying at? My home is still open if you need it".

Meri was fixing soup for Chun Hei,who lying sick in her bed. She knew that Soul had most likely informed their friends and the first one to knock on the door like crazy would be TingZhe,most likely having a panic attack.

Soul was walking back to his grandparents' house,humming a beautiful tune as he walked. He was always thinking of music to play and whatnot. He had not realized that he had passed the building that Jessica and her family were staying at because he was so caught up in humming,
Marcus thought for a minute

"We just settled in. The family would probably murder me if I asked them to pack up again.....but I'll keep your offer in mind just in case. I'll send Jessica over to your place to pick up the letter."
Marilyn realized after a while that the nurse had gone to tell some teacher that she'd waken up. She wasn't sticking around for that. So she got up, wincing, and walked to Anne's office.

She opened the door, forgetting to knock and blushed when Anne jumped. "Sorry, Miss. I forgot- erm, to you know..."

Anne shook her head kindly. "It's fine, come on in." She motioned to the empty chair.

"Miss, why do you want to know about him?" Marilyn got straight to the point.

The question took Anne off guard. "I- I can't tell you." She simply replied.

Marilyn glared at her. A wave of confidence surged through her. "Well, then I'll be going." She grabbed her bag, and got up.

"No! Wait! I-" Anne sighed. "He's part of the rebellion. As am I." Marilyn gasped.


"I need to find him, because I need to ask him some important questions about the rebellion, about why he's here."

Marilyn nodded. Everything made sense now.

"Okay. I'll find out everything I can." Marilyn smiled and ran all the way home.


Marilyn grabbed the phone and dialled Gabe's number. The officials couldn't be tracking her phone 24/7... She pressed the green button, and her body tensed up.

She was putting herself in a mountain of danger.

Did she care?

Sang Hee gave a light heart chuckle,"Oh course. The letter says where we live and how to get by. My grandchildren and their friends may most likely be staying over as son and his wife have been busy with work for days",he sounded a bit sorrowful when he was speaking about Hung Nam.

"Halmoeni! Harabeoji!",came a chorus of both male and female voices.

"And that's them now",Sang Hee chuckled.

"Kids!",Meri shouted with an ecstatic voice as she rushed over and hugged them,all twelve of them. "Chun Hei is upstairs in her room,TingZhe",she said,already noticing that TingZhe was looking nervous and fretful.

TingZhe smiled brightly,nodded in thanks and dashed up the stairs towards Chun Hei's room.

"Ouch",Soul rubbed the back of his head when he felt something hit the back of his head. He turned around and looked at a small child's toy. Picking it up,he examined it carefully.
Marcus smiled

"Alright well I'll letcha go so you can handle them all."

Julia and Carlos ran up to Soul.

"Sorry!" they said in unison.
Sang Hee chuckled,"Of course,thank you and remember to keep Meri and mine house an opinion".

Soul chuckled knelt down,holding the toy out,"It's all right. But you two need to be careful,where are your parents?",he asked with a worried look in his eyes.
Gabe answered the phone


Marcus nodded

"Of course Sang Hee. Have a nice day." He said and hung up. Anna came up and kissed Marucs' cheek.

"Who was that?"

"Sang Hee."

"Oh is he and Meri?" Marcus smiled

"Good, they're good." Anna smiled


Julia pointed to the large building.

"Inside." She said.
Soul nodded and then handed them their toy,"Be safe,all right",he chuckled and then stood up straight.

"Where's Soul?",Lilly asked as she sat down on the sofa

"No idea...but if he isn't here soon,we won't be able to start studying!",Hyorin said in a panicked voice

"Dear goodness...chill out",Jung Hwa chuckled

"I'll go see where he is",Ae Cha volunteered and stood up.

Zane,Zack,and Zale instantly stood up,as did Jinki,which meant that they were going to follow after her.
Julia and Carlos nodded before running off to go play with Ginger, Karla, Jimmy, and Juan. Jessica walked out and looked at the kids. She whistled

"Hey! Get in the house. You know you're not sopose to be outside." The younger kids groaned before sauntering back into the house. Jessica smiled when she saw Soul "Hey Soul!"
Soul walked over with a smile on his face,"Hey,Jessica",he said and then took the letter out of his pocket,"My grandparents wanted me to give this to your family".

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