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Fandom The New World - OCC

Have we considered Pod People? Replacing them with Dopplegangers / Slimes would solve a lot of issues. And it doesn't hurt to have eyes and ears in every strata of your neighbors community.
What is this fallout 4? We making synths now?
And now while all the players are wracked with concern and paranoia, there NPCs shall get shit faced. Or at least, Shuu'en will. Mr. Reinhardt can really hold his drink. A tolerance built up by Zyxom insisting on eating and drinking everything in the game with him to vainly fill out the achievements.
And now while all the players are wracked with concern and paranoia, there NPCs shall get shit faced. Or at least, Shuu'en will. Mr. Reinhardt can really hold his drink. A tolerance built up by Zyxom insisting on eating and drinking everything in the game with him to vainly fill out the achievements.
Hah. Jokes on you. Kokumatsu is already wasted.

P.S Now I have revise TWO posts. Not that I'm complaining. The original was shit.
Yet how will she hold up when Alcohol worthy of the gods is Kaioken'd x 5 to her taste buds!? YOU CAN"T HANDLE THIS LEVEL OF DRUNK!
Ah, yes, three posts within the span of about eight minutes, I apologize for such a drawback from the roleplay.

Alas, I digress, I'll have a post up sooner or later.

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