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Fandom The New World - OCC

I'll have a post tomorrow. Half of it is already written, and now that I have have the replies for my previous post, the other half will be easy to do.
Sorry. Family crisis came up. i'll be delayed a week and change on that post, so feel free to move on without Mr. Reinhardt for the time being.
That's what I do. I do have a slight feeling that we're going to be recalled soon though, and that's when I'm kind of thinking about making my next post. So... better hurry up I s'ppose?
Things are starting to settle down. I should be back and ready to post come Monday or Turesday at the latest. Assuming there is anything still here by then.
There''s a post. Not the best, but if people are actually waiting on me for a stupid post cycle when I said carry on, then I'm not going to give them an excuse for killing the RP -_-
Can we get a rollcall here? Wandering Grim is the only one who responded OOC recently and just want to know If i should put this RP to bed or not.
i was honestly thinking about rebooting this rp seeing how we started pretty barebones with god_himself not doing too much to alleviate the problem.
i'd start it sometime soon but ive been busy recently

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