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Fandom The New World - OCC

Fourth it's quite obvious that we're following cannon (probably because we voted to remove like the entire group of main characters) but as long as nothing stupid happens like (yo look at this totally not aids lvl 100 new world denizen) or something that hugely breaks cannon it's fine. It's an rp, it's quite obvious we are going to break cannon, at least in certain aspects.
Not sure about co-gm, but I can help with the creation of New world inhabitants and plots. That is, if you need such help.
It was all after I replied to a comment about the World Eater thing dating that this was my character, in a light hearted way and they took it too seriously.

I mean, there's no way I could know about said boss from the novels if I hadn't read it. I just picked a piece of Norse mythology and run with it in a way that ended being similar to the novels. I already made it clear that she's not any World Boss, but then the debate had already gone far too hot in their part.

I mean, how hard is it to run with the idea that she's a player controllable (nerfed) version of the boss I wasn't even aware that existed in first place?
i'd just write them out of the ic like they never existed
Right. Ignoring Eastwood's post. Soloboi's post is deleted from memory banks.

Sorry you two. It was fun while it lasted. Pity an argument lead to this.
how hard is it to run with the idea that she's a player controllable (nerfed) version of the boss I wasn't even aware that existed in first place?
Hardcore Leveling Warrior (also known as Lucid Adventure) is a web comic where one of the characters has a nerfed version of a boss they defeated as a familiar; not a far fetched idea.
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Hardcore Leveling Warrior (also known as Lucid Adventure) is a web comic where one of the characters has a nerfed version of a boss they defeated as a familiar, not a far fetched idea.
mind you he was saying this as a world champion character while acting like mary sue
I had my turtle from one of those low level dungeons in night elf territory, with all the naga and stuff. Whispering Caverns I think it was. You wouldn't believe how often I had to be a Hunter Tank in dungeons because of drops. Almost as much as my Warlock dealt with.
Wailing Caverns. That's the one.

Considering slimes are shapeless unless they decide otherwise, why not be a Neko Slime?
Well a slime could take on the features and mannerisms of a cat. But instead of tuna, she eats everything she can.

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