the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

((Oh, great. Awkward conversation time! Let's see if I can think of anything to talk about.))

As she unwrapped a sandwich from its bag, Alex asked, "So, what brings you to this school?" She looked up at Kyo to indicate she was talking to him, not that she thought he would think otherwise.

David remembered how Kyo had gotten nervous when he had asked the same question.
“Rhea, can you do me a favor and take this to the office? Afterwards you can finish your lunch in the cafeteria. You can come back when your class ends.” The Librarian asked, handing Rhea a stack of papers. She nodded, not really wanting to go to the cafeteria. After she has handed the papers to the gentlemen in the office, Rhea quickly left to the cafeteria. She stood in line to get a dessert, which was a piece of chocolate cake.

When she looked for a place to sit, all the seats were taken. Looking for a spot to sit, Rhea wondered over to a relatively empty table with a blond haired girl sitting there alone. Staring at her, Rhea wondering how to ask if she could join the girl to sit. Slowly her mind began to wonder to the girl telling her to buzz off, or maybe telling her she was bothering her.
No that won’t happen… maybe. She told herself. “E-excuse me…? C-can I… sit here?” She asked, the last part coming out a little over a mumbled whisper.

(Thats you Amy, [MENTION=3943]HeartBrokenIceQueen[/MENTION]
:) )
For some reason, this intrigued David. "What family things? You told me something about you moving from Japan, right?"

HeartBrokenIceQueen said:
((Seems like I forgot Gary´s skelly, so i´ll edit my skelly post.)
((Just so Akane can see it more easily:

Name: Garion/Gary Smith
Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophomore


Personality: Sarcastic at times but relatively serious, Gary is the male version of May. He is protective of his friends but rather cold to strangers.

Sexuality: BI

Back story: Garion was cold to people since a young age. He has been betrayed before and thus choses not to believe people. The day he found May in a alley, her clothes ripped and a bundle of cash in her hands was the first time he felt sympathy. He saw May as a little sister since that day and begged his father to take her in his care. His Father agreed in the condition that he takes care of all affairs and problems around her in his stead since he had better things to do.
((So many editing issues. I accidentally deleted my reply. Here it is, just in case you didn't see it: ))

For some reason, this intrigued David. "What family things? You told me something about you moving from Japan, right?"
"Oh, sorry," David said. "Believe me, I understand."

Vera smirked. "Like how you can only tell Alex why you took so long to come to lunch."

"Uh, yeah," he said, awkwardly scratching his neck. "Like that."

((I have to leave in a minute, but it won't be for too long. Like half an hour to an hour.))
Vera shrugged. "I only brought it up twice." She chuckled. "But whatever."

"So," Alex said to Kyo, "Are you doing anything this afternoon? We like to hang out and do homework together sometimes."

((Okay, I'm actually leaving this time. Really. I am. xD ))
Flash looked at the girl who came over and smile,he jumped up to his feet as fast as a kid would after seeing the ice cream truck even though his height almost reacted Shane's. His head phones had fallen down around his neck as he slightly bent down in front of the girl so his head was about her height,that is before shooting back up straight again with his hands on his ears he slowly slid them down his face as he spoke."I can't feel my face."He started laughing again,"They gave me a shot,and I want another."He said as he laughed. He wasn't crazy or anything,just drugged. And not the bad kind ether,he had a doctor appointment before school which was why he wasn't at class before. And if they didn't give him laughing gas or something he'd always go crazy,what they used this time was called Demerol. And Flash would know because they'd say the name a million times as they put it in trying to calm him down,turns out it lasts longer then the other stuff and still hadn't worn off.
"Great!" Alex said. Searching her scattered brain for a new conversational topic, she sat in silence for several seconds. Finally, she spoke. "So, um—" she began, being cut off by loud, panicky breathing coming from David. It sounded insane, tiny little stressed breaths, no pause between them.

Vera's eyes widened. "He's hyperventilating!"

"Oh, God!" Alex ran over to him. Time almost seemed to freeze as she looked at him. His expression was abnormally blank, his eyes dead. "Oh, my God. Oh, my God." She froze, not knowing what to do next. "Someone—!" Her voice cracked. "Somebody get the nurse!"
Sage nodded and reached out and poked the boy’s cheeks. She had a calming aura around her; she rarely got scared or freaked out, angry or upset. She liked herself like that. “So you can’t feel any of it? So you got a shot of death? That’s why you are going to die?” She asked, exploring his face. She feels like every bit of this conversation was a bit random. Or perhaps there was a story behind the statements. Of course there would be, Sage knew that, but what was still the question. The part of her that wanted to be nosy began to egg her in the back of her head. But now was not the time, she barley just meet the boy. It was a new year though, new people and new friends. “Eating lunch alone?” She asked.
(Just saw your post @Ricia))

May looked at the girl infront of her, she was cute. "Sure beautiful" She said in a sly voice. May nearly took a bite from her apple before it was snatched away. "Already attacking young girls, May?" Garion said, smirking then sat down.May looked at Gary before snatching her apple back. "You owe me some coke, a cookie and some pringles. Don´t make me add to the list!" Garion laughed slightly before glancing at the timid brown haired girl. "What´s your name?" May questioned.
Flash had shook his head no at her first question and nodded at the second and third,the last one he had to think about."I can't remember...."He laughed again,he wasn't sure if he had ate anything yet ether. he didn't feel hungry,and he could have sworn there was something he didn't like about the food here."You want to sit with me?" He asked with a smile,wondering if that's what she was getting to or not.
Shane looked over once moreto the femal that had just sat down beside hime. " You should fix that habbit of your's. If were people other than myself they would have already bashed your head in. BUt luckily im nicer. My name is shane and you are?"
Rhea smiled at the girl and guy as they goofed off with each other. Sitting down at the table she heard the girl list off all the things that the guy ‘owed her’. They seem to be really good friends just by the way they joke with each other. When the girl, May the guy called her, asked her name, Rhea flinched a little. She was not expecting the girl to talk to her, “Oh uh… My name is Rhea.” She said with a small smile. “What is your name?” She asked. She was just asking to be polite because she already knew her name was May from her observation earlier. She thought the girl was very pretty, and the guy was handsome. Both of them looked a little intimidating, then again everyone was intimidating to Rhea.

Taking another bite of her cake, Rhea kept her eyes glued to the table, kind of worried about looking up again.


Mia genuinely laughed and smiled, for some reason the joke was too true.
“Yeah, it has a couple of times. Bad habit really, but I am so glad you can spare me Shane. My name Mia, nice to meet you.” She paused and thought for a moment, “So have you guys always been around the school?” She asked.


Sage laughed at his answers and smiled at his invite,
“Sure. Do you have any food for lunch?” She asked, flashing her tray. “Oh and my name is Sage, what’s yours?” She asked sitting down at a near by table. “Feel free to pick off my tray. I usually cook my own food and bring my own lunch to school, but I did not have time this morning. Perhaps you want to try some of my lunch tomorrow?” She offered, she loved sharing her cooking.

(Sorry I just tagged you guys because the RP is moving fast so sometimes its hard to catch when someone's characters are talking to each others)
"We been here ever since freshman year...."Nero and Dante come back with ten plates of food. They set them down at the table then rushed off again,, cutting in line so they can order.
Mia raised an eye brow, that was a lot of food. She could not afford to order that much food because money was low so she only ate a little bit at lunch every day. “I am impressed.” She laughed, “You three going to eat that all between yourselves?” She sat up to look over how much food they had already brought to the table, she was starting to get the feeling that she should maybe leave. “Yeah, I think I might get in your way in a bit if they are going to bring more food over…” She ventured.
Flash looked down at his hands and then looked at Sage's with her tray,then he held his hands out as she did like he was holding a tray with a smile on his face."I'm good."He chuckled."My name's......Flash,yea that's it heheh."music suddenly started playing loud through his head phones around his neck,the song must have changed now to a louder tune though it wasn't bothering him."are you a good cook?"He asked since he wasn't sure if her lunch would be deadly or not.
"your fine , you ca eat with us so stay." the other brought over sweets as they sat down by shane clapping their hands together and praying.
“The best.” She said, she was loving this guy more by the minute. He was interesting and did things like they were normal. “Maybe if you like it I could cook you some too.” She offered, it must be strange offering food. She surged it off, thinking it might not be all that wired. Taking a bite out of some potato’s Sage chewed slowly and took a moment to evaluate the food. “This is pretty horrible food.” She said, laughing after she swallowed. “Tell me Flashy, what is your favorite food?” She asked when she took another bite.


Mia looked up, unsure how to take the offer. She leaned down on her elbow again and eyed Shane a bit.
“Is there a catch? This is quite a bit of food.” She said with a smirk. She was always warry for of a trap of some kind. She was not about to ‘owe’ anyone anything.

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