the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

He walks through the halls as people move out of the way so they dont bump him. His two friends behind him as they head for math class scanning the halls as they go.
David avoided other students as he walked through the school's halls. Eventually, he made it to his math class. He stepped inside and found his seat which was near the front of the room. There were a few other students in the classroom already, but not many. He had the sudden urge to talk to somebody before the tardy bell rang and the class began, but he wasn't sure whom he could talk to. He had never really talked to anybody in the class before.
Kyo walks into the class room and looks for a place to sit. He finds a seat near the back of the room and lays his things on the top of the desk.
He walks into his math class with his friends sittingin the far back. He leans back in his chair and begins to snore. ( lol i'm going to make his friends is that ok)
(If its not too late)

Name: Marco Thatcher.

Age: 15


Grade: Freshman

Looks: Blonde/l_b9062501816ebc128264acc30c763b86.jpg

Personality: Playful, cheeky, friendly, lazy.

Sexuality: Straight (but has no problem with flirting playfully if a gay guy comes on to him and very mistrustful of women. He also wishes he was gay)

Back story: Born and raised as the son of a farmer and his wife, his parents were divorced when he was 8, by the time he was 11, his father had lost his fortune, his house, his car, his land, everything, and it was all given to his mother, and since Marco was taken from his father and put under full custody with his mother, his father killed himself by jumping from the "Eureka Tower" in Melbourne, this event lead Marco to mistrust women, but the fact is he just doesn't feel the same "tingly feeling" about men as he does about women.

( [MENTION=27]bettsyboy[/MENTION] - accepted [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] sure its fine ^.^ )

Kyo watches the people as the walk in and starts to mess with his hair.
Bittersweet strode lazily into the classroom. Part of his hair wavered uneasily over one of his eyes, and he blinked. Shoving his hands into his pockets, Bit walked over to his seat, a little desk in the last row of the class. He wanted to pay attention. He really did. Yet sometimes Bit just dozed off into his own mind, even mumbling his thoughts now and then. Bit yawned and pulled out a medium-thick book. The cover was a deep blue, with no readable title. Bittersweet flipped quickly to a page and started to read. His lips moved, but no words came out. He had a habit of mouthing his words while mentally while reading, but that never hurt anyone. He loomed slightly above from his novel, darting his eyes aorund the class for his fellow classmates. Well, 'fellow' might stretch it. He talked to them every once in a while, but Bittersweet never really had any true buddies, and he liked it that way.
David found it very odd when he heard somebody seemingly talking to himself. However, it was about wanting to talk to somebody, so he looked up in interest, secretly hoping the boy would notice.
kyo looks over to David and his eyes light up. He stands and walks towards the blonde male. "H-hello" He smiles sweetly
"Oh, hi," David said. He didn't recognize the kid. He looked a bit strange with his long white hair, but David wasn't one to judge. "Are you new? My name is David."
Aurora grinned, her face gently blushing. "The hallways are really busy, wasn't this busy in 8th grade." She squeaked, allowing herself to be dragged. "Oh, I have Advanced Algebra with Ms. Quarters. Funny thing, all we do is play Go-Fish, do word searches, and at the end of every month we take a test. Kind of easy." SHe shrugged, pulling a small sheet of paper out of her pocket. "I'm so forgetful." She sighed under her breath, double checking her schedule to be sure she wasn't incorrect. Science, Algebra, then History. Remember! She screamed in her head, adjusted the thin strap on her shoulder. "Did we have science homework?" She asked a bit too loud, fishing in her bag for her agenda.
David shook Kyo's hand. "Nice to meet you," he said with a slight nod. Kyo seemed nice enough. It was hard to tell on first impressions. "So, what brings you to this school?"
Name: Nero



Grade: Sophmore

Looks:View attachment 10098

Personality:He's calm most of the time but when someone confronts his leader he goes off. He can be childish and throw fits but can be kind heart and willing to help


Back story: He was born into a pretty poor family and didn't have many friends. His mother died 2 years ago and his father's a drunk. When he would go to school the kids would pick on him and call him a street rat. One day the kid pushed him. He was about to throw a punch when shane stepped in grabbing his wrist and kneeing the man in the stomach. He helped up Nero and gave him a smile. After that day he decided to follow Shane and they became best friends

Name: Dante


Gender: Male


Looks:View attachment 10097

Personality:Is hote headed and only hangs out with his friends. He likes sweets and hates regular food. He can be kind most of the time.


Back story: Dante lives in an orphan home since his parents died when he was 6. He was picked on a lot in school so he turned his back on everyone. One day while he was doing the yard Shane walked up to the home with ner o behind him. He had flowers and a box of candy. He looked at Dante then walked into the house. A few hours went by and he walked back out stopping by dante. He told him that if you stick with me you'll have no worries. i like a kid like you. Later shane let dante into his gang and dante finally found someone who he could look up to
( [MENTION=4039]GoddessOfGod[/MENTION] - accepted )

"Um... you see I just moved to America from Japan." He starts to get nervus
Dante causes a scene by pushing the cards away and slamming his hands on the table as he got close to nero's face." Look here Nero ...I know you cheated ..if you think i'm buying you lunch you have another thing comming." Nero stood up as well giving him a crazy look. " OI OI A BET IS A BET..YOU BUYIN ME LUNCH!"
"Oh, cool," David said. "So, uh . . ." He struggled to find a way to continue the conversation. He took notice to how Kyo looked to be getting a bit nervous. "Something wrong?" he asked, concerned. He hated making people uncomfortable, and that was probably just what that question was doing. He regretted it as soon as the words came out of his mouth.
David turned to look at the guys playing some sort of card game. "Not sure. I tend not to pay attention to other people." He chuckled slightly.
They both sat down stareing at each other intently. Then the both shook hands turnning their handshake into an arm wrestle. " hehehe you're buying me lunch and you have to take my sweeping duty today." " thats what you think." Nero's arm was going down but then he shot back up lowering Dante's arm.
Bit stretches and walked along the school. He noticed some sophmores arm wrestling and another pair of boys talking to eachother. Bittersweet hid a slight smile and went up and bought a light candy bar, eating it yummily. (heh, made-up words xD )

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