the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

"Great!" David said. "We like to sit inside, at the table nearest the side entrance. If I'm not there yet, you should see a girl with red hair and possibly one with black. She doesn't always sit with us, but sometimes she does."
David waved back. "I just need to go do something real quick, and then I'll head over to the cafeteria."

((I need to go to bed now, so see you guys tomorrow. G'night!))
All of a sudden nero snaps out of his mopping and puts his foot on the table as he clenches his fist. "AHAHAHAHA SHANE SHANE... I HAVE AN IDEA."shane looked up at nero as he flicks the cigar away. Damte wakes up swining his arm by his leg making him fall to the ground. "OH SHUT UP AND LET A MAN SLEEP"a gang appeared at their table with clubs. Dante looked up at them cuiously along with Nero as he picked himself off the ground. Shane lowerd his shades and looked at them View attachment 10115"you actually got into school with those clubs..what are the teachers thinking."" shane we are here to challange you. The forsakeners against the silencer gang. Were here to take our place amongst the top.""ahahahahahahah YOU THINK YOU HAVE A CHANCE."
Kyo walks into the caffeteria and sees what is happening at Shane's table. "Eh....what the heck is going on over there?" He has the erge to walk over and see what is happening, but he decides not to risk his life instead and goes to get some lunch.

(Im going to bed to, Night guys!)
Flash was laying on the floor in the cafeteria against the wall laughing to himself,he didn't have anything with him but his headphones and phone and nothing was really happening. He was just laughing,at nothing. And it was a slight quiet,crazy laugh,the one that freak out people when they heard it at night coming out of no where. He'd whisper some words to himself between laughs as he did,some words a bit clearer then others."I'm gonna die haha."
(night) Shane stands up from the table now towering over the man that challenged him. He looked into his eye and got close to his ears whispering "look here you piece of scum..your are like gum on the bottom of my shoe. An insect that won't go away. Let me introduce myself so their is no confusion. My name is shane the next heir to the second highest gang. The silencer is no joke for little boys like you. If your prepared to lay your life on the line please do, make the first hiti want you to. Ihavent had a fight in 2 days. But get this through your head if you bare your small isignifigant fangs at me i will not bare mine back i will just eat you whole." The man backed away tears welling up in his eyes. He said no word but walked out of the cafeteria with his boys. Shane sat back down as nero and dante went to go get more food.
@akane-chan13I would like to join if I may. :)

Rhea Adorra

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: Freshman

Sexuality: Is a Lesbian but doesn’t know herself yet.

Looks: Rhea has long brown hair that she keeps up in a pony tail always. She wears wide framed glasses and has beautiful hazel eyes. Rhea is short and stands at 5’3 and dresses in a skirt and a long sleeve shirt. She usually has a book in her hand.

Personality: Rhea is very shy and can’t bring herself to talk to people. Rhea is scared of people in general and has a hard time standing up for herself. She is very kind but looks down on herself and looks up to a lot of other people. All she really wants is to get along with people and maybe find someone she can love. Rhea is very smart and does well in her classes, she always has a book with her.

Back story: Rhea was bullied through most of her middle school and hoped her high school carrier would be better. Rhea never talked to people and mostly reads a book in hopes that she will look ‘busy’ and people would leave her alone. Rhea has an older brother named Roen who cares about her very much but has not seem him since he left for college.

Mia Capdia

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade: Sophomore

: Straight

Looks: Mia is a very tom boy like girl and dresses in shorts and tank tops. Mia has medium cut light brown hair and usually leaves it hanging down. She has wide dark green eyes and a big head. Mia is 5’9 so she is a bit taller than most girls. So it also a bit muscular instead of lanky or skinny like other girls.

Personality: Mia can be a bit selfish and competitive, she loves to play and win. Mia is rough and can play as good as any boy. She knows how to fight like anyone and is not afraid to take a punch. Mia is not as book smart as she is street smart but she is fun to be around.

Back story: Mia’s family has always been poor so she never got anything extra or special like other kids which made her jealous and drove her to bullying when she was younger. When her brother passed away she became a mess and her bullying went to a whole new level, feeling better about herself seeing other people in pain. She was put into counseling to help and it did, but sometimes she can get hotheaded and fly off the handle. She’s trying to stay away from bad influences but sometimes gets the urge to cause trouble when she feels upset or jealous. Mia is not a bad girl, just gets a bit emotional and loses her temper.

: Sage Ruusu

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Grade: Sophomore

Sexuality: Bisexual

Looks: Sage’s hair is cut short to her head and dyed blue. In all respects Sage Looks like a boy, especially since she is flat chested. She likes to dress in male button up shirts and a nice pair of jeans. Sage has crystal blue eyes and a beautiful smile. Sage crosses dresses on purpose because she likes people to guess or squirm uncomfortably while they try and figure it out themselves. She stands about 5'7, so she would be considered a short guy or an slightly taller girl.

Personality: Sage likes to joke, cook and play games. Sage has an incredibly caring, confident personality, and a nosy one too. Sage is a great friend to have an can always be counted on to come through when needed. Sage is the social butterfly. She is known for putting others before herself and she never minds if she comes in last. Sage is Average intelligent and goes through school with minimal need to study.

Back story: Sage is an only child who’s dad wanted a girl but her mom wanted a boy. So through her entire life she was raised as both. Sage had come to date both boys and girls, not able to decided what gender she liked the best. Sage’s parents have been accepting of her life style which did not surprise her at all.
David packed his supplies into his backpack and headed out of the classroom. When he reached a junction, his path splitting in two, there were two options: left for the cafeteria, or right for the front desk. The building had much more than just the front desk. It had the school's nurse, the principal's office, and the school counselor. David turned right.
( [MENTION=3261]Ricia[/MENTION] accepted )

"That was...odd." Kyo says to himself about what happened at Shane's table
Rhea quietly sat in the library and ate her lunch while reading the latest book. This time she had picked up a book about a man stranded on a space ship full of pirates. It was a very interesting book and kept Rhea reading. After she was done eating, Mia would work behind the desk of the library as one of her classes. Rhea took the work study class because it was something she really wanted to do was work behind the desk.

When Rhea did finish her lunch she quickly picked up after herself and moved to go behind the desk. The Librarian gave her a few instructions and the left back to her office until she was needed.


Mia was enjoying her lunch in the cafeteria by herself, watching the gang create more mischief, they intreiuged her. Getting up, Mia walked towards the man who had sat back down at the table. “
You seem like you are popular.” She said with a smile on her face, sitting down next to the man. In all honesty she was itching for a fight, and these guys seem like that they offten got just that. She knew it was bad for her to get into fights again like she use too, but it made her feel better when she did. Maybe she could make some frineds with the three She had no friends in the high school because the last friends she had were too boring. They all thought she was a bit crazy too, so she did not mind parting ways with them.

I can’t help but want talk to the guys who attract men with bats to school. That is quite a feat.” Mia said, leaning her elbow onto the table and resting the side of her face on her hand. She had her share of fights in the past, but this guy did not know that. So it accured to her the man proububly thought she was a bimbo looking for a thrill. She mentaly shruged because she honestly did not care what he thought. That was a lie, she would care if he thought she was weaker just because she was a girl.



Sage watched curiously as what happened unfolded in front of her. A fight never broke out but instead, the men all walked away like nothing happened. In her opinion they ran with their legs in between their legs, and that was fine with her. Moving towards the line to get food at the Cafeteria, Sage smiled and greeted whoever was in front of her in the line and got her food.

Hearing a slightly manic laugh, Sage turned to see a boy lying across the floor by himself. When she moved closer she could hear him speaking about dying. Leaning over him she made sure her face was over that “
Why do you say that?” she asked the boy. Not sure if he really heard her because he had headphones on. Secretly she wondered if he will get the first impression that she was a boy or a girl. It made he happy when people had to guess or ask her. She guess she was a bit twisted sometimes.

Ember Bare
Kyo ended up just getting a drink, because once he saw the food he had lost his appitite. He then whent to the table that David said they'd be sitting at.
Alex looked up at the clock. "Well, time for lunch." She began repacking her supplies into her backpack. Some other students did the same.

When they were all packed up, Alex and Vera headed to the cafeteria together. They talked on the way.

Soon they arrived and found their table. They sat down and began taking food out of their lunchboxes. David wasn't here yet, but Alex figured he would be arriving shortly.

David headed into the school counselor's office as he always did twice a month in routine now. The counselor—Mrs. Globe—was sitting in a chair behind her desk, arms folded on top. She had reddish-brown hair, green eyes, and glasses. She was nice and sympathetic to David. In a way, she reminded him of an older version of Alex.

"Hello, David," she said, smiling warmly. "Please, take a seat." She motioned with her hand toward one of two seats in front of the desk. David sat. "How are you today, David?"

He shrugged. "Fine, I suppose."

"Good or bad?" she inquired. It was a question she often asked, trying to get him to look at things a bit differently: Are they good or bad? "What does 'fine' mean to you?"

"If I had to choose . . ." He thought long and hard about that simple question, not wanting to make the wrong choice. "I'd have to say 'good'."

"Great!" Mrs. Globe exclaimed. "Can you tell me one thing—just one thing—that made this day good so far?"

"Well, I made a new friend," David said doubtfully. "I hope."

"What do you mean?" Mrs. Globe tilted her head to the side in confusion.

"I mean he's . . . I don't know," David said. "Never mind."

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. Just: never mind."

"Okay," she said, nodding slightly. There was a short silence. "I would just like to say," Mrs. Globe began, changing subjects, "You have made a miraculous improvement since . . . the incident."

David smiled. "Thank you." The smile turned to a smirk. "But, you know, you can say the actual words."

Mrs. Globe smiled as well. "That's good. Very good, you getting past it like that. You really have had an amazing recovery in the past four months. Amazing!" she praised. "Not many kids your age would be able to get past such a long and torturous stay at the hospital."

((Oh, no! Cliffhanger ending! ;P))
((I thought I had David tell him to look for a girl with red hair and a girl with black hair because he might not be there in time. I figured you would have him see Alex and Vera and talk to them, asking if they knew someone named David.))

((I purposely didn't have Alex or Vera notice Kyo because they don't know to be looking for him.))
( >.< sorry! I forgot... I have a horrible memorie!)

Kyo looks at Alex. "Um, excuse me but do you know anyone named David?"
((It's fine. I understand. ;) ))

Alex looked up to see a boy with long white hair and blue eyes talking to her. "Yeah," she replied. "Why? You know him?"
Alex smiled back. Vera would have, too, but she was always smiling. "Well, that's great!" Alex said. "We do like people." She chuckled softly.

"Now we just have to wait for David," Vera said.

"I wonder what's taking him so long," Alex thought aloud. Then, talking to the white-haired boy again, she asked, "How do you know David, anyway? I'm Alex, by the way."

"And I'm Vera."
((Sorry. I just edited my post. I wanted you to have something to reply to. xD ))
Name: May Anthony

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Grade: Freshman


Personality: With sarcasm as her native language, May is the one person you can´t take seriously. Her humor is dark and weird and at times she can seem cruel but is very protective of those she cares for.

Sexuality: Open Lesbian

Back story: May has always liked girls more then boys but never knew she was a lesbian until she had her first crush. At first she denied it until she heard her father talk about how gay people shouldn´t exist and that he´s lucky she was straight. Mad, depressed and disappointed May came out to her family and friends. None sticked around May anymore and she got kicked out from her home. Doing what she had to survive she sold her body until her now best-friend and guardian found her, Gary.'

Name: Garion/Gary Smith

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Grade: Sophomore


Personality: Sarcastic at times but relatively serious, Gary is the male version of May. He is protective of his friends but rather cold to strangers.

Sexuality: BI

Back story: Garion was cold to people since a young age. He has been betrayed before and thus choses not to believe people. The day he found May in a alley, her clothes ripped and a bundle of cash in her hands was the first time he felt sympathy. He saw May as a little sister since that day and begged his father to take her in his care. His Father agreed in the condition that he takes care of all affairs and problems around her in his stead since he had better things to do.
"Nice to meet you," Alex said.

"That was a nice chat, David," Mrs. Globe said with a huge grin. "See you in two weeks. Or anytime in-between. You can come and talk to me anytime."

"Great," David said. "Well, see you."

He headed out and toward the cafeteria.

He soon arrived at the table with his three friends. "Hello, everybody," he greeted them.

"What took you so long?" Alex questioned.

"I'll tell you later." She was the only one he wanted to tell.

Vera looked confused and even slightly insulted. "You can't say it in front of me? In front of Kyo here?" She motioned her hand toward the new kid.

"I . . . uh . . ." David stuttered awkwardly.

Vera laughed. Alex looked like she was holding in laughter. "I'm just kidding. I don't care about your secrets."
May walked slowly to school, she had skipped all her morning classes and was headed to the cafeteria. `It´s all Gary´s fault..` She thought sadly before entering through the school gate. Her teacher Mister Rudolph was standing at the schools doors, smirking sadistically. "Look, it´s the star of the show, MAY!" The few students that was outside glanced at May then continued their activities. "This isn´t a playground, May. It is a school where you attend your classes, come at time and behave. But I guess you never had someone teach you that!" May gave him a glare before walking through the doors and went straight to the cafeteria. She grabbed a apple and a water bottle before sitting down at a fairly empty table.

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