the new kid is WHAT?!! {Accepting}

SongOfTheSpiritWolf said:
Bittersweet hid a slight smile and went up and bought a light candy bar, eating it yummily. (heh, made-up words xD )
((This just made my day. xD ))
They sat back down tired out. Nero and Dante looked over to Shane to see if he was still asleep. Nero leaned in whispering to Dante. "How about we mess with the know play a prank on him." Dante leaned back a scared look appeared on his face. "You must not value you'r life..messing with shane..are you carzy". "Oh come one and stop being a baby."Dante looked over to shane and shook his head then looked at him agian thinking. Shane looked like a child when he slept. The only time when he wasn't in a bad moo. He dreamt of candy and new sunglasses.
Nero looked around and spotted a boy stepping back. He smiled huge and motioned him over to the table they were at.
Nero slung his arm around his shoulder and leaned in close to him." heres what your gonna do pal...your gonna take this pencial and shove it up that guys noise." He pointed to shane.
Name:Flash Jake





Personality: The complete opposite of shy,very outgoing and tends to have fun way to much


Back story: Flash didn't grow up in the greatest environment,he had a normal family or so he thought. Turned out his father had been borrowing money and couldn't pay it back,His mother,older,and younger brothers died in the middle of a shoot out between the men his father owed and men that helped him. Turned out his father won but he wasn't the best,Flash was used to pay whatever debt was left. It ended not to long ago and he's still not used to this new life style so he's a bit odd still.
" hey hey calm down it's real easy.. you don't need to know why just know that you have to do it...or you wont be going home like you came to school." He snickered at the boy eyeing him evily.
Nero looked away. " i'm not really sure well just have to find out and see now wont we."
Nero got upset and held him by his collar . "YOU LISTEN HERE..YOU PUNK I SWE.." Nero looked over to shane as he began to move. He put his chair down with his arms crossed. You couldnt really see his expression becasue his shades were to dark.
Kyo flinched and closed his eyes expecting to get punched. When it didnt come he opened his eyes and saw his asulter looking at the kid he was suposted to mess with.
Nero set him down as he began to back away waveing his hands. "u..ugh it was just a game..we were u..ugh." "SHUT UP!" Shane got up slowly yawning. He gets up and walkd over to the two. since he was taller than most kids he towered over nero and the new boy. He took off his shade his purple yes stareing down at the new boy. HIs feautres were handsome so he stood out from most of the boys at the school. He gave him a small apologetic smile. "My deepest apologies for my companion's behavior." Shane kicked nero having nero fall to the floor knocked out. "My name is Shane and you are"

(lol i just found cute pics of my charrie so when theres a point in this ima use it if thats ok.)
He chuckeld as he his scanned the boy. He stood back up as the others watched in amazment. Getting to know well even talking to shane was amazing. His title maybe bad but everyone looks up to him. Dante walked up beside shane smiling to kyo. Shane tucked his shades in his shirt and brushed back his hair. " Nice to meet you Kyo Ryuu the one beside me is Dante and the one on the floor is Nero. I'll make sure he has a reasonible punishment for messing with you." Dante picked up nero as the bell rang. Shane put back on his shades . "If you need anything please do come to me..and if you dont have some one to eat lunch with well be in the back of the cafeteria." he walked out with the other two with his hands in his pockets and smiling.
David watched as the commotion occurred not far away. He was about to get up to tell the teacher when the sleeping kid woke up. It seemed that things were going better once that happened. Well, he hoped, anyway. He knew how new kids got bullied a lot.
Kyo's face got extreamly red as he watched Shane leave. 'What just happened?' He thinks to himself and goes to gather up his things
David walked over to Kyo with a concerned look on his face. He hadn't been able to hear what the other kid had been saying very well, but judging by his expression, he'd assumed it wasn't anything threatening. But you never knew. "Hey, you okay, man?" he asked, putting a hand on Kyo's shoulder.

((I'm kind of annoyed right now. I rated this RP with all ten-stars. Now, with only one other rating, it's at all 5.5-stars. That means that the other rater rated this RP as all one-stars. Why would someone do such a thing? This is why I hate homophobes. I think I have homophobephobia.))
(lol dont worrie your not the only one with that >.< and and who ever rated it is entitled to their own oppion, but shouldnt take it out on my rating :P )

"Yeah, I'm fine." He smiles at David. "That Dante guy scared the crap out of me though." Kyo laughs/
Shane sat in the back of the cafeteria. Nero was pouting as he was eating his ramen and Dante was sleeping in five chairs. Shane was smokeing on a cirigratee as kids walked by him disguested on how he looks. All he did was yawn and look at his food.

( lol i rated all 10)
"Sorry about that, man," David said. "I heard that one kid mention something about lunch. It got me thinking: Want to sit with my friends and me at lunch? You know, the more the merrier." He chuckled. "I'm sure they'd like you."

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