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Realistic or Modern The Neko Estate

"Ok!" Char ran around upstairs, yelling phrases such as "Wake up cadets!" "Morning call passengers!" "Come quick for food!" in his best

military-officer/pilot voice. "Come on guys!"

Xena's room was silent despite Char's yelling. In fact, her door was open slightly and there was no sign of her being inside.
Denaki walked around all fresh and clean his hair still feral, he saw Xenas room and peeked in she seemed not to be there, he wondered how she held up through the night, because he was gifted so beautifully with having to sleep within a foot of the Flirty girl, how freaken fun. Denaki actually slept that night and seemed to be in a better mood but he was still gloomy as normal.
Char had been yelling for a bit now and was beginning to lose his voice. He was about to stop when he saw Denaki looking at someone elses room! Not caring about the creepiness of the act of looking into somebody elses room Char said "Hi! Breakfast is downstairs!

[by the way, characters could have gone downstairs without talking to Char, because he was always moving. If you want that)
Her room was basically the same it had started out as originally, without any decorations except for some potted flowers. Notebooks were scattered on her dresser, along with large pieces of cloth.
Denaki shrugged and heard little char trying to talk to him, something about food, Denaki was starving so he decided to just leave Xena be other then him saying "Food Xena...." then going downstairs to eat
She didn't hear him, being outside and trying to give a damage assessment to the area around the house from the storm the night before.

So far, some of the trees in the orchard were damaged, along with parts of the flower garden. Minimal damage, something she could easily handle and take care of.
Denaki sighed noticing her not coming, he thought she was in her room hiding, Denaki felt like no one there liked him...well except that dumb blond broad who liked him because he was a challenge. Denaki went downstairs and waited for the meal starving, he followed the 17 year old char...again he remembered, how was this kid freaken 17 he looked about 10 or 8...
She walked into the kitchen through the doors leading to the outside, mud on her face, arms, and legs. "God..it was like walking through a lake of mud out there.." She growled and shut the door behind her, stopping when she noticed Denaki. "Morning, Wolf."
Darian placed Char's omelet on the plate. "You're is finished~" Darian said smiling as he put on his apron now. "Guys! What do you want on your omelet!" He yelled as he started to beat more eggs.
Denaki looked at Xena "Morning what ever you are....happy to see you did not take Flirt from my room last night, you could have had some girl time but you left me with that annoying girl all night, shes still up there in skimpy clothes..." Denaki says looking at Darian "Lots and lots of meat...."
"You kidding? I don't like her either. Back home, she would've gotten a rock to the skull. One hit, instant fracture. Immediate internal bleeding and swelling. Death probably within a few hours if the bleeding is bad enough and without medical attention."

She put her finger to her chin, ignoring the fact that what she had just described was gruesome and overall just wrong, especially around food. "Not hungry. Don't worry about me, Darian. I ate already."
"Denaki and me are team meat!" Now looking down at his omelet, he began munching. It tasted amazing, like most food does for Char. Halfway through, Xena said something about a rock, but Char (thankfully) didn't hear. Char thanked Darian, but he was still chewing the last bite, so it came out sounding like a bunch of random sounds to those without a great ear.
Skyler wondered around before placing her hand lightly in her lap as she sat in an empty chair and let out a sigh. "This place is so large yet noone seems to be here." she Muttered before noticing a piano and playing it, as it echoed through the rooms, she started to sing lightly as she shut her eyes gently she played not realizing a thing around her as she proceeded.
Char had just said thanks when the sound of voice and a piano echoed into the kitchen. Char bolted put of the room before anyone else could speak, following the music. He imagined that there was a ghost that was playing the piano! As he turned the corner to the room, he said "Die ghost!" And began to pretend to vacuum "the ghost." It was only once he saw that it wasn't a ghost, but rather a girl, that he stopped and said "Hi!"
Arthas wandered in, he wore his white shirt and black jeans, he also wore a pair of black sunglasses to hide his eye. He silently walked up to a chair and sat down, listening to the Piano while smiling but feeling a little awkward.
"Oh I- I am sorry! I didn't realize that I couldn't play it." Skyler jerked up and flinched almost knocking everything down before falling to the ground herself, and looking up at him in a scared and rather shocked expression. "Honest I- I didn't mean too." She said scrambling to her feet.
Denaki was wandering around the place, he looked awfully grumpy of course, he heard freaken Char yelling again Denaki walked in to see an odd girl and Char, well they got new people it seemed, Its another girl though, so far he was the only mature adult there...well mature male adult, Xena was mature, he could not say that for Ariana though, he walked over to the 2 "Char!, what are you doing....and why are you attacking random people, ghosts cant play piano..." He says to char as he kept glancing at the new girl who seemed to be really scared "You can play the stupid thing but you have to watch for people like him, we are all girls or freaken kids, im the only mature dude here so far..." Denaki says a serious look on his face and his arms crossed angirly, Denaki was a very tall guy who always looked unhappy and depressed.
Ariana heard Char yelling about breakfest. "Ugh someone shut him up." She sat up and and yawned. She looked around and said "Oh yah I went to sleep in here last night." She got up and and noticed Denaki had already woke to. "Guess I'm the last one up"She stood ther for a min still in a daze and the in a panic looked around the room. "My book where did I put it." She turned around and saw it on the little table next to the bed. "Oh right I must of sat it there before I went to sleep." She picked up her book and went to her room. She checked her phone and saw her old friends were texting her like crazy last night. Before she texted the m back she took some clothes went to the bathroom and got cleaned up and dressed then she went to her room got her phone and headed down stairs while walking she was also texting and wasn't watching where she was going and walked straight into Denaki.

her outfit ignore guitar

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-art-cute-girl-guitar-Favim.com-411836.jpg.ff1848c1987a8c9a1ca232f21401f0ea.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="25665" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_07/anime-art-cute-girl-guitar-Favim.com-411836.jpg.ff1848c1987a8c9a1ca232f21401f0ea.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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"You can not be the only mature one, considering there is some one over there who hasn't even acted out at all he is rather composed it seems." Skyler looked and pointed over at the guy who was wearing sunglasses before stopping and shooting a glare to the "mature" one. "I am rather mature for my age. but anyway where are my manners I am Skyler Note. pleased to make your acquaintances." she bowed before brushing of her clothes and looking at them eye to eye.
Arthas looked around in a slight panic, he then lowered his head, trying to hide his face and his eyes. He had his arms at his side and was almost starting to shake from his sheer nervousness.
Denaki turned and saw another guy and the head of Ariana who had now hit into him, denaki turned her around and pointed at the male "Hey Ariana, another boy, you should go flirt with him...and not me anymore!" Denaki says angrily turning back to the girl "And by that, your new, i don't know who either of you are, and you will soon learn when char,panda kid and ace go at it why I cant stand being here...Denaki...and thats all you need to know...." Denaki says sitting down in the main room where they were, great 2 more people and they already seemed not to like him, but really in the long run his care level was at an all time low after being there for so long and being tortured by all the adults who acted like kids.
"Excuse me, I didn't mean to offend anyone." Skyler muttered before leaving the now crowded room and finding an empty one upstairs before sitting down she sighed and burried her face in her hands before hugging her knees lightly. "I can't believe I was so rude. I haven't ever done that before... The others startled me." She bit her tongue enough to make her yelp lightly. "No excuses I acted horribly.." She teared up disappointed in herself and angry because she knew that wasn't going to help her make friends.

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