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Realistic or Modern The Neighborhood

Ash shrugged taking in hid home. It was quite roomy, she has a few instruments still in there boxes at home. "do you need any help, sir?" She asks standing by the door not wanting to intrude his fine home

FrostRaven said:
Alister starts singing and his house is on the other street behind the teacher's [media]

Laurence had himself perched in the tree between their two houses, and as he heard the singing he began to play the guitar part for it.
Ren hummed a quiet tune to himself

"Im glad you like it" he said smiling,"By the way my name is Ren. Dont call me sir, I'm only 22 and it makes me feel old when people call me sir" he said laughing. His hands wandered around the table until he finally found his cup again, "I take pride in my tea... It means a lot you like it."

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Ash smiles to him though she knew he couldn't see it. "My name is Ash, thanks for inviting me into your home kind sir- I mean Ren" Ash stares into her cup of tea, she loves the flavor it was quite strong.

Ren tapped his stick on the ground a few times.

"Being blind restricts me from doing many things so it often gets quite lonely sometimes." He poured her another cup of tea and smiled, "Come here whenever youd like and i'll make you some more of that tea"

FrostRaven said:
Alister walks out to the street and starts messing with his battle robot
Laurence would jump onto Alister's roof, and shoot a rubber band at his back.
pulls off exo-suit controller and turns to Laurence "what the **** were you thinking, you never put rubber with electricity" gets up

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FrostRaven said:
pulls off exo-suit controller and turns to Laurence "what the **** were you thinking, you never put rubber with electricity" gets up
"I meant to hit you!!" He'd sit his feet hanging off the roof's edge.
"you're lucky it wasn't even on" walks inside and texts Aubrey "hey you want to come over? everyone i know is maybe bussy or I'm mad at, and your the only person i would never be mad at ;) "

"Sure" she texts back and gets up off her bed and heads to his house knocking on his front door and waiting for him to answer. It was interesting since he texted her out of no where but she was hoping he didn't forget about her.

Alister opens the door to let Aubrey in "hey aubrey" he hugs her "sorry i haven't talked to you since you told me how you feel. i had to help the new music teacher back to his house, he is blind"

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FrostRaven said:
"you're lucky it wasn't even on" walks inside and texts Aubrey "hey you want to come over? everyone i know is maybe bussy or I'm mad at, and your the only person i would never be mad at ;) "
At this point Laurence had wandered in Alister's house, looking for something. "Alister wheres the circuit board I let you look at about two months ago? I need it."
Ren grinned like a small child getting candy.

"Oh yes very much so!" he said enthusiastically, "It's been a while since I did something with my life"

"So what do you do?" he listened to her voice for a second, "You dont sound much younger than me" he commented

Ash laughed at his small out burst of excitement. "i Am the new art teacher. And trust me I am quite old, and ugly. My sister says so herself." Ash looks to the floor a little embarrassed. "So why did you move here?"


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