The Mythical Land [Inactive]

Chickadee almost fell asleep again, but the child woke her up. "Kid...seriously...I need to sleep..." Chickadee told her softly. The little girl shook her head and kept Chickadee's eyes open with her hands. Chickadee gently took her hands away from her eyes and kept them opem herself. She was beginning to look a bit dazed.
Maya shrugged at the man. "I may not look it now, but I am a girl. Gimme... three minutes to get the composition right, mmkay?" She jogged over without another word to the cabinets where she sensed the tankards were being kept. After a few moments of rummaging, she grabbed an armful and placed them one by one on the countertop. She closed her eyes and said a few words under her breath, then touched each tankard in turn with one hand. The spot she had touched on each of the mugs turned a dark silvery color, which spread from the spots until each mug was entirely transformed. When the first one finished transforming, Maya grabbed the handle and took a bite out of the tankard, chewing quickly before she bit into it again. When the last tankard had been devoured, she let out a satisfied sigh before heading back over to the Vampire. She leaned back against the wall and closed her eyes, bringing the little finger of her left hand into her mouth and biting down with her canine. She licked at the wound thoughtfully, mumbling a few more inaudible words and furrowing her brows in concentration. After a moment of this, she opened her eyes, which were fading from a glowing bluish-white back to green. She looked at the Vampire. "I smell like a human now, right? The blood should be just that. 'Was a little low on mana before, but now 'tis okay." She let out a lopsided grin, revealing the remnants of blood and disintegrating metal on her teeth as she ran her fingers through her tangled hair and put it into a more proper ponytail.
Kyant woke finally. After looking around for a moment and realizing that he had slept for a good amount of the day he decided to wake up. 'Stay in wolf form.' A voice called to the wolf as he carefully stood up. Looking back to make sure Eseld was comfortable again and after feeling her grip at his fur a little the wolf decided she was okay. After a massive stretch followed by a large yawn, Kyant, still blinking the sleep from his eyes made his way over to Maya. "So you're the girl that got the room across from mine? You eat metal? Suppose that was the sound keeping me up at night." Kyant said still with the signs of waking up in his voice. After looking out the window for a moment only to realize a dark shade had began to blanket the land the wolf turned to look at the vampire. "Where did you go last night," The wolf said still trying to get the sleep from his eyes. "Doesn't matter," He blurted out with out a another moment to think. "What is the plan." He said after looking closer at the vampire. 'It must suck to be under control of the thirst.' The wolf thought to himself looking at Baykuya again. 'He looks like he needs a drink,' the young wolf said to himself in his mind, this time with a half smart ass smile forming in the corner of his mouth.
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Chickadee had not gone to sleep the entire night. But,she child she had been holding was asleep. At least she could get some rest. Chickadee was in a complete daze. She yawned louder than she had meant to then began fixing her hair, which was practically showing how tired she was. Chickadee let out a little whimper noise.
Maya looked to Kyant Shawdo with a small nod. "Yeah. I eat it. It restores my mana, well, my energy too." She glanced at the Vampire from the corner of her vision, then turned her attention back to Kyant Shadwo. She frowned a little, mumbling "You're the only one whose name I know, eh?" under her breath. She wasn't sure if Kyant Shadwo wanted to know more, so for now she just stared at him and waited for the Vampire to speak. She absently wondered which vein he wanted to take from, recalling something about different preferences based on the person, but she was sure he'd reveal that soon enough.
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"You smell just like you did 2 seconds ago, nothings changed, just the spiritual energy content in your blood has increased" Byakuya stated trying to explain how his particular species works.

"My type of vampire is able to be out in the day light, isn't particularly effected my crosses and holy water,oh and we don't hate werewolves, also I can drink any females blood no matter what they are" he said trying to get it clear that he was not the typical feral vampire, "If you keep lumping me together with those dead 'blood-only' types I'll start to feel offended, I can eat normal food just so you all know" Bykuya hated how Kyant objectified him as just any normal vampire, although he didn't really want to be one anyway he was stuck this way and could do nothing about it.

Byakuya walked over to the cupboard and grabbed out some bread and stuck it in what looked to be a toaster "Alright I'll prove to you I'm basically human except for my immortality and my familiars, that and the blood drinking" Byakuya then walked over to the girl that tried to meet his preference, "Thank you for this" he says to the girl as he tilts her neck to the side and takes a bite.

"Wow, I feel great, Thank you......sorry i didn't get your name" he said after licking the spot where he bit so that it could heal. "Ok now, lets do this!" he walked over to the toaster but this time where his eyes were a standard blue were now a crimson red.
Kyant rose again making his way across the bar over to the stove. Biting the kettle with his mouth, and after a difficult time filling it with water, placed it on the stove turning it on with his nose. 'That was harder then it had to be.' Thought the wolf as he was careful to set Eseld down. Taking a few steps back the massive dog once again took the form of a young adult. Taking off his cloak Kyant showed many scars and tattoos that stretched across his body like art. He layed down his cloak and carefully to placed Eseld down. 'These Huldra can sleep.' The wolf thought to himself as he stood again making his way over the kettle on the stove which was now whistling with steam. After pouring himself a cup of tea he made his way back over to a table in the bar. "We can't stay long you know. The east wall is already infected with this cloud. We need to leave. We need to find my father." The wolf beckoned again from the corner of the small, dingy room. "We can't take this thing alone. He can take out a whole town. How far do you think we will get with him. Vampire or not we need to leave. This town is done." He said again taking a sip of his hot tea never taking his eyes off the vampire. "So your move day walker."
Maya stood still as her blood was drawn, only briefly glancing at Kyant Shawdo as he put the kettle on the stove with some difficulty. When the man was done, she tilted her head back into place and walked over to where the two were bustling about in the kitchen. "Name's Maya. And I know about mana, if that's what you mean when you say 'spiritual energy'. That's why I ate the iron in the first place. Same here about the food, actually." Maya spoke in a fast paced tone, grabbing some bread from a cabinet. "What are you called, then? 'Don't want to refer to you as 'Daywalker', you know what I mean?" Maya stuffed the food into her mouth, looking over at Kyant Shadwo with a nod as she chewed on the lump in her mouth.
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Eseld woke up soon after Kyant had left her again. The girl would yawn, fluttering her eye lids drowsily. Slowly she would sit up then move closer to a wall to lean against it, wet her dry lips with her tongue, then look to the three if they were still in the area. She would have brought the cloak with her, planning to give it back to Kyant when she had the chance.
"Well then, how bout you call me by my name, Byakuya, and thank you again, that was appreciated" he said thanking Maya for the blood donation. Byakuya looked at Kyant with a little annoyance "And you call yourself 'King of the Grays', but if thats the score you give your power than you are pitiful" Byakuya said at Kyants comment about beating Rudolf alone, "If you are really that powerful than you should be able to take it on without breaking a sweat!" he couldn't handle bot being able to do anything but he hated when other people said the couldn't do anything when they know they could deep down.

"I don't care what you do, but I'm going to stay and fight, even if it kills me I will protect this town!" Byakuya knew that Kyant was partially right about not being able to take down the cloud alone but he had to try. "Even if you get your father nothing will change unless you change it yourself, thats what a true ruler would live for, a true ruler would try to change things himself instead of relying on others! So go if you want but I'm staying"
Maya gulped down the remainder of her bread, grabbing a tankard full of water that had been left on the counter and gulping it down as well. She tied the handle of the tankard to her belt for later, looking to Byakuya with a small nod of 'no problem'. "I agree." She said to him when the tankard was secure, then turned to Kyant Shawdo and looked at him. "I was just gonna say you can leave if you like - there's no use in stopping someone who doesn't wanna fight." Her green eyes stayed cold save a small flicker of something of an emotion behind them. She turned towards Byakuya again, putting her fist on her sword. Bobby. She thought at the sword. It's time, get up. The sword grumbled at her in a voice only she could hear, and she snickered at him and flicked his guard. "'Kay, so when we leavin? I been here waitin all night." Maya grinned as she said this, tapping one foot twice on the floor in her impatience.
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Kyant eyes glowed with a golden flare as a sudden anger flowed threw him. 'Calm down.' He thought to himself as he cleared his throat. After repositioning himself in his chair, the wolf now looked up the meet Maya's eyes. Eyes still glowing Kyant only muttered out two words. "Lets go." Before standing up again throwing the table across the room. Stretching out into the massive dog once again Kyant looked over to Eseld. 'Stay here I'll be back.' The wolf said in his mind. Making his way back over to the other two standing in the room. "Lets go Baykuya. No way I will let a vampire show me up. As for you Maya. Stick close cause when this goes down I can't promise i'll be able to keep both of you alive." Kyant said giving a suspicious look over to Baykuya, "We don't have much time. If we fight we fight now!" And with out a second thought Kyant threw open the door and walk out slowly. 'Don't loose my cloak.' Kyant thought in his mind to Eseld before disappearing into the storm that has now made it's way closer to the inn.
Maya followed without speaking further. She put her hand on Bobby's hilt and dashed out the door after Kyant Shawdo. A slow grin spread across her lips as it often did when she was preparing for a fight. Even the soggy rain and the mud splashing her boots as she ran couldn't take the grin off of her face. This foe was strong. She hadn't felt this good in a while. She bathed in the scents of clean metal around her as she ran, amazing chills running up her spine and arms. She let out a breathless laugh as she continued run into the storm after the wolf. Bobby vibrated in her hands, giving away his excitement. Yes. She thought as she tightened her grip on him. Yes, yes, yessss!
Kyant ran full speed down the road not giving a second thought or caring to look back to see if the other two had followed. He was mad. The anger increasing and flowing through Kyant's veins his mass increasing a little as he picked up his speed. 'This creature is strong.' The wolf thought to himself, but this didn't bother Shawdo as he picked up his speed even more closing in on the cloud. 'That damn girl thinks I'm scared. And that vampire questioning my title. I'll show them. This vampires head is mine!' The anger increasing ever more in the wolf. His eyes where glowing bright gold and his mass had doubled in size as he slowed down to get a look at his new trophy. 'There has to be a way in.' Thought the wolf to himself again. Scanning the bottom of the cloud with his eyes. "Found it!" He yelled as he jumped on the roof and then into the cloud disappearing into the storm.
Maya's two legs couldn't keep up with the four the wolf had, and he soon disappeared into the cloud. He looked pissed, but Maya didn't care all that much at the moment. She might, later, if it affected his fighting, but that was later. She came to a sudden halt below the center of the cloud where Kyant Shawdo had disappeared. "You're not leaving me behind!" She yelled, panting, as she pulled Bobby from his sheath and jumped onto the blade, which began to fly upwards all on it's own and soon disappeared into the cloud with Maya.
Eseld stayed in her position in the Inn, uncertainly watching and listening to the three leaving. She was alone now...Wait, hadn't there been another person? A girl? Ugh...A girl. The huldra didn't exactly have good experiences with other girls, which was why she ignored and avoided them now. Eseld wrapped Kyant's cloak over her shoulders and around herself as if she were cold. Then she would hug her knees to her chest and place her chin on her knees, staring at the wall ahead of her.
Byakuya Started running faster toward the cloud "Hey Rudolf! Come get me!" he yelled to the cloud as he got closer and closer to it. Byakuya wasn't to sure how he was going to fight this thing or even the guy inside but he had to do something "Come forth, Al-Nasl-Minium!" he yelled as he summoned his crimson blazing horse familiar. "I'll be damned if I'm going to just sit and do nothing!" he said as he rode his familiar toward the cloud, "Thanks, I'll need you soon so wait for my call" he said to his familiar as he jumped off of it straight into the black cloud.

"What the hell is this stuff" Byakuya said as he landed on a platform inside of the cloud.

"Welcome, freaks of all ages, I present to you, the show of your lifetime, starring your deaths!!" said a voice coming from all directions. "Wow Rudolf I didn't think you would resort to illusions and tricks to kill your enemies? Well it make no difference, I'm going to beat you again thats all there is to it" Byakuya said to the voice in the cloud, "Trust me you're going down! Come forth Al-Meissa-Mercury!"
Kyant landed on the platform on all four paws. Hearing the voice he chose to ignore it only focusing on his enemy. After noticing how mad he was getting Kyant decided to seat himself behind the vampire and meditate. 'Focus on your enemy Kyant.' A voice came across in the wolfs mind as he remained still behind Byakuya, 'Use your anger as an energy.' Kyant opened his eyes for a moment to get a close look at his opponent. Rudolf was a tall vampire. Typical of the lot though. He wore clothes that looked as though they came out of the 1800's with a long trench coat that skimmed the ground as he levitated just a few feet above it. "Friend of yours Byakuya?" Kyant finally said after a moment of silence as he studied Rudolf, "Doesn't look to tough." The wolf stood up making his way next to Byakuya. "Maya over here!" Kyant yelled as he saw Maya land on the platform. "Well vampire." The wolf spoke looking up at Byakuya, "What do we do."
Maya landed on the platform and grabbed Bobby in her hand before running over towards Kyant Shawdo's voice. She skidded to a stop in next to the wolf, and stared at the evil Vampire before her. Her grin broadened in a sickening way as she broke out in a cold sweat. "He's... strong." She could tell. He had a lot of mana built up inside him, maybe even more than... Well, she wouldn't think about that now. She grabbed the hilt of her sword more tightly, not bothering to close her eyes this time as she began to chant under her breath. She kept her eyes on the foe in front of her as her eyes started to glow a bluish-white, more and more as her chanting continued, until her pupils were no longer visible beneath the glow. Still, the chanting went on. The only sign that she was aware of anything that was going on around her was the sound of her right foot sliding forward and the fact that her eyes stayed locked on the enemy.
"Uhm guys...Thats not Rudolf, thats the first Primogenitor, Giada Kukulcan, and just so you know Rudolf was once human he was in not way a vampire before this!" Byakuya said to his companions as they stared at the floating figure in front of them.

"Why is every enemy a vampire to you? Well what ever this is just a projection anyway" Byakuya was familiar with this type of magic but didn't quite know how to use it himself, "What are you looking for here Giada? Why are you getting Rudolf to do your dirty work, is controlling all 72 familiars to tough for ya? Whatever don't answer, just tell us where Rudolf is and i won't challenge you to a territory war, got that?!" he said to the first primogenitor as his image floated in front of them.

"Kyant, Maya focus past the image, ignore the abundant amount of spiritual energy in front of us and find the source of the fog!" he had to help his friends somehow or they would waste there energy fighting an image. "I only want the core crystal from this islands dragon stream nothing else now hand it over 4th or I will have to destroy your precious Itogami" said Giada with no hesitation. "Like I'd ever let that happen, Come forth Regulus Aurum!" he yelled as he sent Regulus right through the image at a rock in the distance, only it wasn't a rock, it was Rudolf and he was finally awake and ready for a fight.
Maya's only responses to Byakuya's words were a small nod and a slight movement in her eyes towards the rock as she continued to chant. The air around her began to change, the rain drops around Maya seeming to slow down around her as the bits of metal armor on her began to shake. The skin around her eyes started to turn gray, the color continuing to spread across her body as she emitted a slight glow, and some steam. Her chanting continued, barely audible over the rumbling sounds that echoed through the cloud.
Kyant stopped his attack as soon as he heard the words of Byakuya. "The rock, got it!" The wolf yelled out as he focused his gaze upon Rudolf. "I'm on it!" The wolf yelled another time before taking off towards Rudolf to get a better look at his next victim. "He has an energy around him I have never felt before." Kyant yelled back to Baykuya after a few moments. "Maya. You know manna. Do something about this. If I can get a direct shot at his neck and inject my venom in him I can bring him down." The wolf turned to look back at Rudolf. "You and me friend. Just as soon as your little box of protection is gone." Kyant sat waiting patiently with a smile beginning to form across his mouth. 'Maya you have to be able to do something.' Thought the wolf never taking his eyes off of Rudolf.
Eseld soon stood up, holding the cloak around herself. Slowly she would walk closer to the door and cautiously she would open it up a bit. If there wasn't anything beside the sky she'd step out and stare up at the dark cloudy formation.
Kyant closed his eyes for a moment to check on Eseld. Having imprinted on her the wolf not only had the ability to speak with Eseld on a mental level but is also able to see what she see's and feel what she feel's, but only for a short amount of time. 'Eseld,' Kyant thought in his mind. 'Don't go outside. It is not safe. I'll be back soon.' The wolf opening his eyes again locking them back on Rudolf.

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