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Edric Blight

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September 1st, 1971, Sirius Orion Black was finally going to Hogwarts. The eleven year old boy had been looking forward to this for a long time. It wasn’t for the reason that one would think though. It was because most of all, Sirius couldn’t wait to get away from his family. His father and mother, Orion and Walburga Black, were anything but the typical loving and even spoiling dotting parents that one would expect of a wealthy child such as Sirius. They were strict, cold-hearted, and mean. They expected much of Sirius, and Sirius was a free-spirit. As he got older, he realized just how unfit he was for and how unenjoyable life was in the Black family. He didn’t want to be the heir of the most noble and ancient house of Black. That was boring- the traditions were too stuffy and stuck up for him. Because of this realization as he grew, his parents expected more of him and came down harsher on him every time. Sirius couldn’t count how many times he was sent to bed without dinner. Meanwhile his ten year old brother Regulus seemed to be the emerging favorite amongst his parents.

Needless to say, an escape from 12 Grimmauld Place was long over due for Sirius Black. For once, Sirius didn’t mind being woken up unreasonably early because today, he was going to King’s Cross Station to catch the express train to Hogwarts. The letter from Hogwarts a few months prior informing him and his family of his acceptance was like a godsend. Finally he was getting out of that stuffy house with all the portraits of long-gone Blacks, judging him for everything from his hair to his posture. Sirius had soft black hair that was beginning to grow out a bit long- too long for Orion and Walburga’s liking. Sirius didn’t care at all though. He liked it and he wanted to see what it was like grown out.

Eventually, the Black family arrived at the train station, going to the magical Platform 9 and 3/4. It was interesting going through the brick wall and transporting into the wizarding world again. The Blacks had even brought along the youngest member of their family and Sirius’ little brother, Regulus (or Reggie as Sirius liked to call him), so that he might see what he will be doing in a year. Soon enough, the big red train pulled into the station. There it was, the Hogwarts Express in all its glory. “Remember, Sirius. You represent the Black family while you are at Hogwarts, so you must be on your best behavior. Make us proud and do NOT disappoint us,” warned Walburga. Certainly no “I love you Sirius,” thought the boy to himself. Orion simply nodded at his son, a smile nowhere to be seen on his stern face. “You best come home a Slytherin,” warned Orion. With that, Sirius turned to Regulus. “Bye Reggie,” he said. Regulus did not respond but nodded and waved a little.

Sirius then turned around, grabbing his trunk, and headed towards where all of the robed students were going- the Hogwarts Express. Sirius waited in line and boarded the train. Once on board, he navigated through the aisles before settling on an empty compartment. He shoved his luggage under the seat and plopped down, sighing as he looked out the window and into the platform. There, children were saying tearful goodbyes to their families while others were greeting old friends from years past at Hogwarts. Sirius hoped that someone would want to be friends with a stuffy old Black like him.

AlmostImmortal AlmostImmortal
“Now, now, James. Remember to wear your scarf if it gets cold. Just because it’s magic doesn’t mean you still can’t catch your death.” Euphemia fussed over her son, making sure his robes were on straight.

James groaned. “Yes, Mom! I’ll be fine.”

“Be nice to your teachers, work hard in school. And please, make some nice friends.” Euphemia wiped her eyes. “I love you, baby.”

James’ face was scarlet, but he hugged his mom anyway. “Love you too, Mom.”

“Don’t forget to write! And oh, make sure to polish your wand every night!” Euphemia sighed as James ran on to the train, his bag in tow. She sniffled. “They grow up so fast.”

James darted on to the trains, trying to find a compartment to sit in. Eventually, he found an empty one with a boy with black hair. “Excuse me? Are you waiting for anyone else?” He looked behind him to see other people waiting for him to move, so he walked into the compartment. “I’m James Potter.”
Sirius sighed, looking out the window. Everyone seemed so close with their parents, little ones being showered with kisses and smothered with loving hugs. Sirius wondered what that was like. He was suddenly and unexpectedly interrupted from his thoughts by the voice of a boy. Sirius swung his head around to see that there was indeed a boy, who looked to be around his age, standing there in the compartment with him. He had messy jet black hair and Sirius wondered if the boy knew his hair was so disheveled. He had asked if he was waiting to sit with anyone else and to that, Sirius shook his head.

“No, not at all. Go right ahead,” sighed Sirius, adjusting his position in his seat. “Sirius,” he replied, introducing himself. “Err, Black. Sirius Black,” he added, hoping that his last name wasn’t enough to scare off this boy. Again, who the hell wanted to be friends with a pratty stuck up stuffy Black like him?
“Oh, you’re a black? Like one of the most pureblood families ever Black?” James sat down, more intrigued and nervous. “I heard the Blacks don’t like us Potters much. Is that true? I mean, it can’t be true since you’re letting me sit here.”

James hummed, kicking his legs. “I think we should be friends! To prove that Blacks aren’t as bad as they say. What do you think?”
There it was- the recognition. He wished he wasn’t a Black, although some envied his family and their elevated status in the wizarding world. He then realized that this boy, who introduced himself as James, was a Potter. He had heard his parents talk nothing but bad things about the Potters, calling them all sorts of names, mostly “blood traitors.” Sirius sighed and frowned, “Yes, that Black…” he said, knowing his family was known in the wizarding world as one of the most purest in blood. But James didn’t seem drawn away by this at all. In fact, he wanted to be friends. Sirius raised his eyebrow, a bit stunned. “Y- yea, yea,” he said, nodding, “We should prove them wrong,” he said, a little grin coming across his face and growing, as was a mischievous glint in his eyes. Stick it to his parents by being friends with James Potter of the “blood traitors?” Absolutely yes.
"Awesome! I love proving people wrong. It's the best. Especially when their face gets all mad like--" James made his best angry face. "it's so funny!" He grinned. "So tell me about the Blacks! Do they really eat black widow spiders? That must be so cool. Mom never lets me touch spiders because they could be dangerous. But I like them! Especially the fuzzy ones. I've only ever seen those in books before." He put a finger to his chin. "Have you seen a fuzzy spider before? I bet you have, you seem really cool."
Sirius couldn’t help but snicker. Oh how he couldn’t wait to see the stupid look on his mother and father’s faces when they inevitably found out that he had befriended James Potter. “I can’t wait!” he laughed. James’ silly question only caused him to chuckle some more. He hadn’t smiled like this in a long time, especially to the point where his cheeks threatened to hurt because of it. “No, we don’t, although I bet my mum does,” he cackled. “I’ve never seen a fuzzy spider lad,” chuckled Sirius, “And yea, yea I’d like to think I’m cool,” he said, crossing his arms and sitting back with a little smirk.
"Oooh. Maybe we'll see one at Hogwarts! I think you can take spiders as pets." James hummed. "What house do you think you're going to be? My dad says he knows I'm going to be in Gryffindor because I act like a feral animal." He practically glowed with pride. "It's a compliment. I think. I bet you will be too! I heard Gryffindor is the best house. It's where all the fun people go. Ravenclaw is for nerds and Hufflepuffs are shy."
“For some reason, I highly doubt that, James,” said Sirius, chuckling lightly at the boy’s hope to keep a spider as a pet at Hogwarts. At the question of houses, Sirius cringed internally a bit. “Well, my parents want me to be in Slytherin,” he sighed. “Every Black has been sorted into Slytherin going back years and generations,” he explained. “They want me to fit right in line and be the same,” he added. “They’d probably chop off my head if I got into Gryffindor,” he snorted, only half joking.
“Well that’s dumb! Parents aren’t supposed to chop your head off. If they try, I’ll… I’ll bite them! With my new pet spider.” James nodded. He had only met this boy today, but he already knew this was going to be his bestest friend in the entire world. “We’ll protect you, Sirius.” He grinned, happy to provide some comfort to his friend. Besides, chopping off heads was crazy illegal. If he told his Mom, she’d stop it too! But that felt a little embarrassing to say.
Sirius snickered, “You’re funny,” he said. Never had he been made to laugh like he was with James. Although funny, it was the thought that counted and touched Sirius’ heart. James wanted to be his friend and to protect him, even if he was a Black and even if his family hated his. “Thanks, James. I’m glad I met you,” he said softly.
“I’m glad I met you too! My mom doesn’t find me funny. I have a neighbor who sometimes laughs, but he usually just stares. He’s just shy, though. I wonder if we’re going to meet him. He’s probably going to be a Hufflepuff. I hope we can still talk, though. I think he’d like you. He likes cool people!” James could imagine. An old friend from his neighborhood and a cool new friend from the train. Beautiful!
Sirius wasn’t used to this sort of energy. James was hyperactive and friendly whereas his brother Regulus was quiet and becoming increasingly reserved with each passing year. “Maybe. The more the merrier I always say,” shrugged Sirius. Right around then, the door to their compartment opened. Standing outside was a lady with a trolley filled with all sorts of wizarding treats. Walburga and Orion didn’t really let Sirius have any candy, so now would be his chance to break yet another stupid rule of theirs. “Anything from the trolley, dears?” asked the witch with a kind and pleasant smile.
“Yes! I have to buy some treats for my friend.” James looked at the cart. “What do you like, Sirius? There’s Cauldron Cakes, Chocolate Frogs, Pumpkin Pasties, licorice straws, you know everything. What do you like? I’ll pay for everything. My mom gives me lots of pocket money so I can buy gifts for my friends.” He points at a cauldron cake. “One of those please!”
“Oh f- for me?” Sirius asked, blinking at James. “Really mate, y- you don’t have to,” he said, not wanting James to spend a single galleon on him. “I’d feel bad taking your money. I- I can pay for it myself, really,” insisted Sirius, fiddling with his fingers.
“Mate, my mom would kill me if she found out I didn’t.” He paused. “Not like actually kill you like your parents, but yell at me for an awkward amount of time kill me. So please please let me buy you something?” James gave his best impression of puppy eyes. They never worked on his mom, but maybe they were meant for friends who needed extra convincing.
Sirius chuckled, seeing as James really wanted to treat him. “Okay, fine,” he said, figuring it was pointless to deny him. Plus, free sweets were always good in Sirius’ book. And really, who was he to deny those big adorable puppy dog eyes his new friend was showing him? “I’ll take a cauldron cake and a chocolate frog then please,” he requested.
“Yes! You heard the man. How much is it?” James happily pulled out his coin purse, never before so happy to spend his own pocket money.

The sweets lady seemed endeared, a soft smile as she prepared the sweets. “Seven sickles, dear.”

James fished out the proper amount and set it into the box attached to the cart. It dinged pleasantly, making the woman hand over the sweets. “Enjoy them, gentlemen. I wish you both a smooth ride.” She closed the compartment door as she left.

James handed over one of the cakes and the frog. “Eat up! I’m starving.”
“Thank you ma’am,” said Sirius to the kind woman with the trolley as he had been so carefully trained to do growing up a Black. As James handed him his cauldron cake and box of chocolate frog, Sirius smiled. “Thanks for that mate, you really didn’t have to do that for me,” he said, beginning to unwrap his cauldron cake.
“Like I said, yes I do. Besides, I wanted to! You were practically salivating like a dog.” James unwrapped his cake. It smelled heavenly. “I love chocolate. The chocolate cream inside of these are sooo good.” James took a big bite, giving Sirius a thumbs up.
“I was not!” Sirius insisted, grinning indignantly. He watched as James took a bite from his cauldron cake, not able to help but giggle at the little thumbs up his new friend gave him. This James Potter boy sure was a hoot. He was certainly going to enjoy being this boy’s friend. Perhaps they’d become the best of friends, Sirius had a feeling in his gut. This was the start of a beautiful friendship.
James frowned. “Wah—“ He realized talking with a mouth full of cake was bad and furiously rushed to swallow it down. “Was too!” He sniffed the air, twisting his head around. “Oh. Oh what is that smell? It’s the sweet cart! Oh, I will simply perish if I don’t have something.” He held his free hand to his forehead and collapsed against the seat.
Sirius giggled at James’ retort and bit into his own cauldron cake. It was delicious- pure joy. Perhaps that was why his parents didn’t want him having it. It was amazing. As he chewed, he looked across to James and his dramatic display. “Oh shut up, the cart already came around and you’ve got more than enough,” he laughed. “You can’t fit the whole bloody cart in ya, stop your whining,” he said playfully, a grin in his face the entire time.
“I was mocking you, sir! How dare you turn this on me?” James sat right up, holding his chest. “The greatest betrayal of all time. I’ll never recover.” He shook his head and went back to eating his cake. It was good comeback. Impressive, really. He hadn’t seen it coming.
“Oh is that what I sound like?” Sirius asked, “Jeez I didn’t know I was a girl!” he snickered. Sirius took another bite of his cauldron cake. He already felt a special connection and chemistry with James Potter.

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