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Fantasy The Lurch- OOC Chat

To be honest I was waiting on it to happen, no one has ever done it in any of the RP's I've played twins in. Lol.
How much liberty can I take with the plant? Will Ant be able to cut through it or does it have some kind of defense-mechanism?

Edit: Alright I assumed that he could cut through it but I'm leaving what happens after to you, @hyakinthos
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You can cut the plant, it sprays you with a bunch of crap that nobody wants to have on them. It won't hurt you, but it'll stain your skin for a little while. Comes off with lemon juice, but we don't know that yet.

Aye, I shall post now. I will probably have Holly either bud into a conversation or walk up to someone. Be prepared for the human version of that little pink pony off of My Little Pony.
If this RP were a movie, I figure that there would now begin a cleaning montage with soaring music in the background.
chvrlie said:
Wow my post is terrible, I'm not good at beginnings -__-
Your post was better than mine. I posted it on a phone so I thought both sentences were actual paragraphs. They were not, lol.

Also @Nerdork I'm sure if the vine breathed fire everyone would give up and walk away slowly at that point xD

It's not terrible. It's hard to shoehorn yourself in when people are already doing stuff.

I wish Rhine could ply Holly with a hair tie, but alas, he is a self-styled Man's Man and doesn't carry that sort of thing.
I don't really have time to give a good explanation right now, but I will later!! I should have time to come up with one in a couple hours, I have an appointment until then! Sorry!!
hyakinthos said:
I don't really have time to give a good explanation right now, but I will later!! I should have time to come up with one in a couple hours, I have an appointment until then! Sorry!!
It's fine, take your time.
Ok! Magic!

I don't really have a good analogy to make here, and I should have explained it all sooner, so I hope this helps and I'm very sorry!

There are two different fields of magical study in this universe! One is the study of magic itself. This is the sort of traditional fantasy-type magic stuff, the spells one can cast, I think I've referred to it as 'hand magic.' Simple hand magic is a very common practice, one manipulates the flow of magical energy (the disruption of which caused the Lurch in the first place) in order to bring about some kind of reaction. Using hand magic, one can, say, start a fire without a match, move something from one place to another, hold a door shut, things like that. If it's something that a person could do, that could just be a little more convenient, your character probably knows the spell to do it. Recently, there has been a fad spell going around throughout Crolibia that causes the peels to come off of potatoes.

The other type of magical study intersects with traditional fields, and this is where we get the vocations our characters have. They study the way magic interacts with particular types of objects-- how animals use low-level magic, the magical properties of various rocks, minerals, plants. They can also use magic to influence those types of things, like making a plant grow more quickly. They also study their fields in a more traditional sense.

Alchemy is sort of between these two. It is the practice of using magic specifically to understand how things are made and how to change them. An alchemist might figure out how to cause stone to take on a particular formation, thereby making masonry and construction that much easier. Rhine's personal field of study is the use of magic to change the human body, as in dying one's hair or changing the shape of one's nose, etc. etc.

Does this clear things up for you?
It does indeed, yes. I didn't want to randomly start using minor magic without knowing how it worked. Would it be alright if I had Allison be able to manipulate chemicals I.E levitate them, control them from a short distance, etc. Given her belt and the fact she is an Alchemist? Nothing to powerful, just some neat little thing to do *shrug*
As in, to pick them up and move them around using magic? Yes. A good rule of thumb is that, if you COULD just get up and do the thing, it would be okay to do it with magic.
hyakinthos said:
As in, to pick them up and move them around using magic? Yes. A good rule of thumb is that, if you COULD just get up and do the thing, it would be okay to do it with magic.
Yeep. Pretty much that, except in their liquid state too. Though, if that's a bit..eh, just being able to do it with the beaker is cool too. *shrug*
Within the beaker is standard, but if you want, you can say she trained to be able to just levitate the liquids. That's not much of a stretch.

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