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Fantasy The Lurch- OOC Chat

hyakinthos said:
Within the beaker is standard, but if you want, you can say she trained to be able to just levitate the liquids. That's not much of a stretch.
Works for me. Cul.
[QUOTE="Strawberry Preserves]If there's magic, then there are there also magical tools?

So far there are, yes. Serena's goggles are magical reading glasses of sorts and Allisons belt is pretty much an infinete basic chemical supply. Magik.
hyakinthos said:
Magic items are radical and absolutely encouraged!! I only wish I had thought of one myself...
Could always work one in, 'find it' as it were while cleaning. :P .
Apologies for my inactiveness, my wifi and cellular have been acting up and I couldn't get a decent post written. This problem might continue for the next couple of days, but it should be cleared up by the weekend.
There's no excuse for why I haven't posted in a month, but if you guys still want to roleplay I'm putting up a post on the In Character thread.
Hey, guys!! I apologize for the late reply, I got caught up in some *~*Life Things*~* before Christmas, and they didn't really let up...

I probably should have been more responsible than all that.


If y'all are still interested, let's get going!
hyakinthos said:
Hey, guys!! I apologize for the late reply, I got caught up in some *~*Life Things*~* before Christmas, and they didn't really let up...
I probably should have been more responsible than all that.


If y'all are still interested, let's get going!
Yeee. I am.
Cool. I'm coming up with a post right now-- circumstance calls for it to be a little short, but it'll do for getting things back in order.

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