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Fantasy The Lurch- OOC Chat

Kinda uh..forgot to work on my sheet. Another RP I'm involved in kinda heavily got really busy and stuff so..Ye.

You certainly can, if you'd like! I'd advise, however, that you wait until the end of the day. Thank you very much!


Totally understandable! I hope you're having fun with that RP!
I shall have my CS done soon. Was having a lot of trouble coming up with a feasible back story.
hyakinthos said:
Alright! I'm so stoked to see it! I'm sure your backstory will be fine.
Would something along the lines of an advanced magical alchemy/chemistry belt be acceptable? The sheet is almost entirely done other than the backstory and a few things.
A belt? How so-- like a tool belt? Magical items are fine in general (one guy's got a magic gun) so long as they don't make the job easy.
hyakinthos said:
A belt? How so-- like a tool belt? Magical items are fine in general (one guy's got a magic gun) so long as they don't make the job easy.
Kinda like a toolbelt that dispenses chemicals, ye.
Yeah, sure. Just so long as it doesn't solve every single problem. Maybe it could dispense a very basic suite of chemicals. It sounds cool!
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hyakinthos said:
Yeah, sure. Just so long as it doesn't solve every single problem. Maybe it could dispense a very basic suite of chemicals. It sounds cool!
I was think standard chemical table chemicals. Iron, potassium, etc. Nothing advanced or magical. The one stipulation would be it had a nigh limitless supply that recharged itself over time, if that's alright.
hyakinthos said:
That sounds good to me!! It's a cool magic item, I wish I had thought of one!
Hehe, maybe I'll go come up with one now.
I wanted to think of one for my archivist but I can't think of any. Unless it's something like a cliched pair of glasses that lets her read and take in information quickly. Hell. I might just do that. Idk.

Also almost done with the backstory, it's not my best work buut, yea. It'll do.
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Awesome! Not One's Best Work is totally fine!

And those glasses do sound like a pretty good idea. Gosh, I totally missed the magic item train!! I can't believe this, what kind of fantasy nerd AM I? : ^ )
hyakinthos said:
Awesome! Not One's Best Work is totally fine!
And those glasses do sound like a pretty good idea. Gosh, I totally missed the magic item train!! I can't believe this, what kind of fantasy nerd AM I? : ^ )
:P . I got the glasses idea from final fantasy and 999 other animes lol.
Escaflowne and Fruits Basket are my top two :P . AoT was pretty good. I've watched tons, I don't really remember most of their names lol.
Sounds great! Thanks for taking one for the team.

I'm getting the first post ready!! I should be able to have it up in a couple of hours.
I'll put up the first post as soon as all the characters are ready. (Nerdork, don't take this as pressure! Please take your time!)
Don't worry, I've had an idea for a botanist for a little while and it didn't take me long to make him. Introducing Ant, the sharp-tongued, cooking botanist!

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