[The Lost Shards Return] [OOC Thread] Holo Deck

So it looks like we have a scouting expedition to Wavecrest and Skull Mist, a conversation with the Lunar, a research group going to the factory cathedral to see what exactly the twilight did, and heading to another island to start making a base camp.

I'm not to sure if anyone else was fully serious about what they planned so if you did let me know. I'm gonna break off threads for the different side adventures.

Also what exactly are you looking for in your base to be. Or are you just going into the borderlands and making something and have your engineers anchor it?
Well, Ayame was serious about talking with the girl, and making sure she was looked after until they could send her home. She's a mom, it comes with the territory. :roll:

What expedition, if any, she gets sent on is largely up to Ulysses of course, but if asked she will express a preference for one of the scouting missions.
Looking at the borderlands for the base. Once the place is set-up and ready to defend against Fae intrusion or attack, amongst other attacks, he is likely to do a little sailing patrol of his own.
Hati would prefer to be in on the talk with the Lunar, but if Lothian wants to go solo, then she'll probably join/form an expedition for the materials to repair the Enterprise.
Talking with the lunar is an evening at least to start with... I hardly think that would prevent you from doing something else as well. Lothian will as stated help establish security at the new site and spend time learning from and training Chaos.
For those of us that have attuned manses recently, can you give us a bit more description of them and their hearthstones?
Nightwish will have the appropriate Lore Charms to stabilize the Wyld, so no worries. I have to rework his Charms from what they are at right now.
Feantari – Level 4 manse.- Hearthstone – Stone of Dream Entrance

Hatti – Level 5 Manse (legendary) – Hearthstone – Gemstone of Living Water

Gemstone of Living Water. This stone functions like the Gemstone of Solid Water with the additional power of being able to cause the liquid to move. It has a Str of 5 and Dex of 3. It moves with your commands and used it's Dex plus your perception to attack.

Those are the ones the PC's have attuned. The Dragonblood teams brought back another four level three hearthstones from the attached manses. If you want all the details I'll write them out for you. Well after I find where I hid my notes.
Everyone in a particular thread, or everyone in the game?
Ooops, didn't realize we were supposed to roll in this thread. I just rolled it in the random post I happened to be making after I saw the roll called for.

I rolled it here, but if you don't feel like clicking, Wolf rolled 4 successes. (Unless it's a Crippling, Sickness, Poison, or Environmental effect, in which case he is immune)

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