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Fantasy The long-lasting thread building

What time and tech setting would be best fitting for our roleplay? (please choose three options and detail if you answer C,D or E.)

B, D, C.

This roleplay should take place in... (please pick two options)

B or C

The culture of this world... (please pick 2-3 options)

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voting will be until tomorrow afternoon with me which means 17 hours from now aprox. After that, the answers will be fixed.

Also, for those of us that, like me, forgot to detail on certain questions, namely the answers C,D and E for the first question, the answer B for the second question and the answers C for the third question, please do so.

I will now exemplify, since I should have done it myself, but forgot. Thank you @Mollisol for apparently even reading my own rules better than I did.

for the "what time and tech setting would best fit our roleplay" question, I answered B, C and D

C- I would like to make the difference economical in nature, as in the differences in tech would be a result of some having money to advance and acquire the newer tech and others would be left with the scraps only.

D- this one would be harder to pinpoint for me right now, but I think this difference in tech here should have to do with some type of occupation/profession

for the question "the roleplay should take place I choose B and C

B- if we based it off our world, then I think it would be a world that pretty much followed the path of ours, up to a point.
1.What time and tech setting would be best fitting for our roleplay?- A, C, D

C - we could also divide tech by culture/race, not just by socio-economic class, such as how in many conventional fantasy worlds the dwarves have better tech than other races, etc.

D - Possibly a research group or something? Don't fully know yet.

2.This roleplay should take place in...- B, C

3.The culture of this world...- C, D
I really only picked C and D because I had to pick three things and I don't want a futuristic setting. A unique combination of futuristic elements with steam punk/medieval settings I'm okay with for a fantasy setting, but urban and sci fi fantasy hold less interest for me. (If you're not sure what I mean by combining futuristic elements with steam punk/medieval settings, look at the backgrounds to the Xillia 2 opening. Or refer to the robots in Legend of Korra. I like when settings add their own spin to steam punk.)

Honestly, I feel that of course there'd be technological differences, either as the cause or as the result of a schism within society. Classism and socioeconomic status is generally my preferred reason for such things. I put C (division of tech within society) higher than D (society has a different tech level than a particular group) because it just seems like it would be a given that higher classes have easier access to more advanced technology, and it would be strange to only have a particular group with advanced technology (mainly because I think if it exists and is beneficial, society will end up stealing it or stealing the idea for it). While one group might have the most advanced technology, the larger society will likely steal at least part of what they create.

Also, I think socio economic reasons is less messy than dividing technology by culture. Mainly since technology is often used to gauge how 'civilized' a culture is. Although there would likely be differences between different countries and nations, having one culture have significantly more technology makes less sense than having the type of prominent technology be different depending on the nation.
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Mykinkaiser said:
1.What time and tech setting would be best fitting for our roleplay?- A, C, D
C - we could also divide tech by culture/race, not just by socio-economic class, such as how in many conventional fantasy worlds the dwarves have better tech than other races, etc.

D - Possibly a research group or something? Don't fully know yet.

2.This roleplay should take place in...- B, C

3.The culture of this world...- C, D
how B for the second question and how C for the third question. What countries would we be basing it off of, at what times, using what criteria for the basis?
Idea said:
how B for the second question and how C for the third question. What countries would we be basing it off of, at what times, using what criteria for the basis?
I think you should edit your first post with the questions in it to include that, since you only specified to add detail for the first one.
Idea said:
Also, for those of us that, like me, forgot to detail on certain questions, namely the answers C,D and E for the first question, the answer B for the second question and the answers C for the third question, please do so.

To specify my reason for C, I think we should base cultures off of Chinese, Japanese, Indian, Middle Eastern, Native American, African, and European cultures (I'd recommend Roman and Greek culture, and maybe some Scandinavian, German, Irish, Scottish, or English cultures). Maybe even some latin american cultures. Essentially, I think that there should be a great number of places to travel to. Perhaps we won't use as many cultures as I'm listing (in fact we probably won't), so the ones that I think are the most interesting to include are Chinese, Indian, African, Middle Eastern, and Native American cultural aspects. Secondly are Japanese, Roman and Greek cultures, which are also very interesting. Alternatively, we can mix different elements of different existing cultures. Of course, overall I think it would be more fun to make up our own if people are up for that.
<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="Idea" data-cite="Idea" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="218912" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>*coughs*<p>

<a contenteditable="false" rel="external nofollow" href="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/32986-apfelseine/" data-mentionid="32986">@ApfelSeine</a></p>



You did not specify in your <em>original </em>post to add detail to more than just the first question. You can edit your original post as well as telling people in a new post what more you'd like them to add on to. It's easier to remember if it's written on the original post (hence why I edited my first post to include the questions once I got on to a computer). Plus, you phrased your request as though you'd already asked us in the original what you thought we should add on to.</p>
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<blockquote data-ipsquote="" class="ipsQuote" data-ipsquote-username="ApfelSeine" data-cite="ApfelSeine" data-ipsquote-contentapp="forums" data-ipsquote-contenttype="forums" data-ipsquote-contentid="218912" data-ipsquote-contentclass="forums_Topic"><div>You did not specify in your <em>original </em>post to add detail to more than just the first question. You can edit your original post as well as telling people in a new post what more you'd like them to add on to. It's easier to remember if it's written on the original post (hence why I edited my first post to include the questions once I got on to a computer).</div></blockquote>


I will, but hence the tagging on the post where I put the reminder.</p>
Idea said:
I will, but hence the tagging on the post where I put the reminder.
If you'll do it then why did you need to refer me back to your new post? I already saw it and answered it, but I was saying that you should also edit your original post. Don't give me a hard time for asking you to do something you were already planning on doing.
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ApfelSeine said:
If you'll do it then why did you need to refer me back to your new post? I already saw it and answered it, but I was saying that you should also edit your original post. Don't give me a hard time for asking you to do something you were already planning on doing.
I wasn´t trying to, but it seemed like criticism over how I requested that @Mykinkaiser completed the detailing, which would be implying that he didn´t have a way to know that he was supposed to.
Idea said:
I wasn´t trying to, but it seemed like criticism over how I requested that @Mykinkaiser completed the detailing, which would be implying that he didn´t have a way to know that he was supposed to.
I'm not criticizing you at all o_o I was just saying it would be easier when referring back to the original questions to remember which we're supposed to elaborate on. It's easy to forget and just go back and elaborate on the ones that the main post asks us to, even though you want people to elaborate on more than that. So I was suggesting that you edit the main post so that it will reduce confusion like that. I didn't know that you'd already planned on doing that, so I thought it was important to suggest it to you.

Edit: Also, some people might have realized after Mollisol's post that they should expand on the first question, and started typing up their explanation before reading the new post that said you wanted them to expand on more (which is what happened to me and is why I posted two separate times to elaborate on my thoughts).
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ApfelSeine said:
I'm not criticizing you at all o_o I was just saying it would be easier when referring back to the original questions to remember which we're supposed to elaborate on. It's easy to forget and just go back and elaborate on the ones that the main post asks us to, even though you want people to elaborate on more than that. So I was suggesting that you edit the main post so that it will reduce confusion like that. I didn't know that you'd already planned on doing that, so I thought it was important to suggest it to you.
I'll go back and add some more detail when i get home from school. I just wanted to get something out there for now.
What time and tech setting would be best fitting for our roleplay? B, C, E

B- Across the spectrum we are working with, I am a particularly big fan of futuristic rps.

C- Societies typically feature a division that is socioeconomic in origin, where the level of technology differs across these divisions. Asia and Europe began trading spices, which opened channels for industrialization, and Europe had few quarrels exploiting foreign countries for resources. Africa has very little coal, making industrialization very difficult. The world we make could feature little events and instances like these that alter the technological level between groups.

E- Perchance our group unearths foreign or ancient technology that gives us an upper hand over the society in which we are immersed. In regards to ancient technology, perhaps there would have been a utopian society that existed long before the contemporary world that eventually fell, leaving behind it’s relics. This could very well apply to D, as well.

B. Futuristic

C. A division of some kind in the society which would drive differences in the tech level.

E. the same as D except that group consists of our characters.

This roleplay should take place… B, C

A. Our world

B. A world based of our own

C. A world we come up with together

I think in the event making our own unique wprld proves to difficult, we could fall back on good ole earth for advice. Essentially using some aspects as a template if we hit a bump in the road.

C- I think that a world entirely our own would be more versatile to work with, and we could create the world to entirely satisfy our needs.

The culture of this world… A, D, B

A. Should be a single, unifying culture

B. Should be a series of cultures with one singular religion

C. Should be a series of cultures based on the cultures of our world

D. Should be a series of cultures each with their own religions and beliefs

I think that, in regards to the third question, a unifying economy (similar to A and B), could open up interesting story routes, especially if it were a sharing economy where identification was necessary, but some or all of the characters were legally non-existant, in that they had no file on record. On a more general scale, the unifying thing could be used many differe t ways to generate plot. In regards to D, I refer back to my statement kf making a versatile world entirely in our own vision.
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CalamariHero said:
I think that, in regards to the third question, a unifying economy (similar to A and B), could open up interesting story routes, especially if it were a sharing economy where identification was necessary, but some or all of the characters were legally non-existant, in that they had no file on record. On a more general scale, the unifying thing could be used many differe t ways to generate plot. In regards to D, I refer back to my statement kf making a versatile world entirely in our own vision
a good suggestion and we shall address it in the next set of voting. Anyone else got any ideas to share regarding how unified the economy should be?
Idea said:
a good suggestion and we shall address it in the next set of voting. Anyone else got any ideas to share regarding how unified the economy should be?
How unified the economy would be would probably depend on the size of the world. A world as big as ours might all have similar economies but where currency has to be converted at some kind of bank. A smaller world might all use the same currency, particularly if there is an single society that has a strong influence over a lot of the world (or alternatively having the societies be closely tied to each other). And although there might be a single monetary system, prices would probably vary slightly from region to region.
Idea said:
a good suggestion and we shall address it in the next set of voting. Anyone else got any ideas to share regarding how unified the economy should be?
Oh, cool. I said something useful for once.

And on a side note that I forgot to mention, I think we should avoid, if at all possible, basing our cultures on our own. Apfel, for example, wants to use exotic and largely unused cultures, which is awesome, but we run into a large roadblock there; they are unused and few, if any, really know how to roleplay a character in Kazakhstan, for example. It is one thing to do some research for a character, and do some heuristics on how they would behave in a foreign, westernized society, than it is to play a character living in their native land of Turkey. With our own societies, we can simply give them the information they need, instead of using descriptors that compare it to other cultures; some may not know what a Typical Nigerian city is like.
CalamariHero said:
And on a side note that I forgot to mention, I think we should avoid, if at all possible, basing our cultures on our own. Apfel, for example, wants to use exotic and largely unused cultures, which is awesome, but we run into a large roadblock there; they are unused and few, if any, really know how to roleplay a character in Kazakhstan, for example. It is one thing to do some research for a character, and do some heuristics on how they would behave in a foreign, westernized society, than it is to play a character living in their native land of Turkey. With our own societies, we can simply give them the information they need, instead of using descriptors that compare it to other cultures; some may not know what a Typical Nigerian city is like.
while I think I agree with that, that´s a view not everyone here shares and hence the voting. If you want to avoid a given result, don´t vote for it. If most people want it though, I´ll go for majority. Even if it displeases me myself.
Idea said:
while I think I agree with that, that´s a view not everyone here shares and hence the voting. If you want to avoid a given result, don´t vote for it. If most people want it though, I´ll go for majority. Even if it displeases me myself.
I understand completely. I am just vying for my opinion like everyone else, and providing a reason for my opinion.
CalamariHero said:
Oh, cool. I said something useful for once.
And on a side note that I forgot to mention, I think we should avoid, if at all possible, basing our cultures on our own. Apfel, for example, wants to use exotic and largely unused cultures, which is awesome, but we run into a large roadblock there; they are unused and few, if any, really know how to roleplay a character in Kazakhstan, for example. It is one thing to do some research for a character, and do some heuristics on how they would behave in a foreign, westernized society, than it is to play a character living in their native land of Turkey. With our own societies, we can simply give them the information they need, instead of using descriptors that compare it to other cultures; some may not know what a Typical Nigerian city is like.
I'd be opposed to using direct ripoffs of the culture itself if not setting it in a world that is meant to be similar to ours. I meant in a more aesthetic and technological sense, and perhaps as inspiration for mythology. I'd also be down for mingling different cultural aspects in a way that makes sense in order to create an entirely unique one.

For instance, if anyone is familiar with the Discworld series, there are places that are clearly inspired by London, Ireland, Egypt, China, and Australia (mainly as a means of satirizing them).

It's tiring that the majority of fantasy settings are in a westernized setting. Although it is understandable, since that is what most people are familiar with. More interesting is to draw inspiration from Eastern cultures, or ancient American cultures, or African or Middle Eastern cultures. Anyone can, in theory, create metalwork and technology given the proper resources. There doesn't need to be western values instilled into everything that exists. It's more enjoyable to play around with understanding a society with a different value system. Or at least I think there is. But perhaps that's because I have strong cultural ties to Asia and resent history being westernized (' :) ). I still enjoy fantasy settings inspired by European influences when they're creative enough.
ApfelSeine said:
I meant in a more aesthetic and technological sense, and perhaps as inspiration for mythology.
*aesthetic sense and mythology would kind of inevitably be derivative, regardless of what we set out to do. This is because nobody can create something entirely knew and even our notion of what a mythology, for example, is is derivative from the mythologies we know. Hence, the question would never be whether there would be some basis, but rather whether we would actively seek to take this or that from a given culture and stamp it into what we are doing.

*technological sense is independent of culture, as you said yourself

ApfelSeine said:
Anyone can, in theory, create metalwork and technology given the proper resources.
so that´s not really something that is relevant to whether or not we base the culture on anything.

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