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Fantasy The long-lasting thread building

Yeeeeah. I was waiting for ideas to be posted, but if the OP is waiting for everyone before posting the ideas, then that's gonna be quite awhile. We may as well do some conversing in the meantime and come up with ideas.

Also @CalamariHero, have you ever GMed a rp before? If you have, and have some free time to help me out, shoot me a PM :3 Meanwhile, let's do some brainstorming~

What do you think would work better for a fantasy setting; creating a unique and realistic planet for the world, or doing more of a discworld sort of thing and focusing on the mythology end when creating things?
Yeeeeah. I was waiting for ideas to be posted, but if the OP is waiting for everyone before posting the ideas, then that's gonna be quite awhile. We may as well do some conversing in the meantime and come up with ideas.

Also @CalamariHero, have you ever GMed a rp before? If you have, and have some free time to help me out, shoot me a PM :3 Meanwhile, let's do some brainstorming~

What do you think would work better for a fantasy setting; creating a unique and realistic planet for the world, or doing more of a discworld sort of thing and focusing on the mythology end when creating things?
ApfelSeine said:
Yeeeeah. I was waiting for ideas to be posted, but if the OP is waiting for everyone before posting the ideas, then that's gonna be quite awhile. We may as well do some conversing in the meantime and come up with ideas.
Also @CalamariHero, have you ever GMed a rp before? If you have, and have some free time to help me out, shoot me a PM :3 Meanwhile, let's do some brainstorming~

What do you think would work better for a fantasy setting; creating a unique and realistic planet for the world, or doing more of a discworld sort of thing and focusing on the mythology end when creating things?
I am getting ready for work tomorrow, so I'll be gone for about 15-20 minutes, but here we go:

Yes, we shall. I have just sent in my ideas. (this post reminded me that I forgot to post something in my ideas, and I will address that when I get there.)

I have GMed before. However, it was right before school started, and it never took off. It was called The ATSAMI. I am rebooting it, actually. It is a multipart RP involving Ubermensch like persons and the destruction of the world due to a perceived lack of morals, in which everyone dies. Spoiler, btw. I have GMed others, but I can't remember them. There was another on I really liked that never took off.

Well, I was thinking of constructing a realistic world. I sent ideas about having a redder star, which would me redder plants (also less skin cancer), as well as having the main area being the satellite of a gas giant. So there would be a swirly red thing in the sky with a bright red dot, in the perspective of the people. But, what I forgot to send, I was also thinking about having a mythologically abstract world. Greek mythology states that the earth is Gaia, a living entity. Finnish mythology states the solar system is made up of eggs. Norse cites the yggdrasil. Aztec, an entity was torn apart, creating the earth and sky, with Quetzalcoatl being the boundary in between. (I think that is aztec, anyway.)

I am fine with either method of creation, to be honest. For the latter, we have to make a mythology from the ground up, which sounds fun and immersive.
CalamariHero said:
I am getting ready for work tomorrow, so I'll be gone for about 15-20 minutes, but here we go:
Yes, we shall. I have just sent in my ideas. (this post reminded me that I forgot to post something in my ideas, and I will address that when I get there.)

I have GMed before. However, it was right before school started, and it never took off. It was called The ATSAMI. I am rebooting it, actually. It is a multipart RP involving Ubermensch like persons and the destruction of the world due to a perceived lack of morals, in which everyone dies. Spoiler, btw. I have GMed others, but I can't remember them. There was another on I really liked that never took off.

Well, I was thinking of constructing a realistic world. I sent ideas about having a redder star, which would me redder plants (also less skin cancer), as well as having the main area being the satellite of a gas giant. So there would be a swirly red thing in the sky with a bright red dot, in the perspective of the people. But, what I forgot to send, I was also thinking about having a mythologically abstract world. Greek mythology states that the earth is Gaia, a living entity. Finnish mythology states the solar system is made up of eggs. Norse cites the yggdrasil. Aztec, an entity was torn apart, creating the earth and sky, with Quetzalcoatl being the boundary in between. (I think that is aztec, anyway.)

I am fine with either method of creation, to be honest. For the latter, we have to make a mythology from the ground up, which sounds fun and immersive.
I was asking if you'd GMed since I'm planning on creating an rp and am looking for all the advice I can get lol.

Anyways, I think it would be fun to create a mythological style of world. Even if we don't end up using it as the basis for the world, it could be used as a creation myth for a particular culture anyways ^_^

I find the prospect of a living world intriguing. Perhaps we could something like that, and if we end up including magic we can use that as the basis for it.
ApfelSeine said:
I was asking if you'd GMed since I'm planning on creating an rp and am looking for all the advice I can get lol.
Anyways, I think it would be fun to create a mythological style of world. Even if we don't end up using it as the basis for the world, it could be used as a creation myth for a particular culture anyways ^_^

I find the prospect of a living world intriguing. Perhaps we could something like that, and if we end up including magic we can use that as the basis for it.
Ah. I didn't know if you wanted to Co-GM or anything. I will be happy to give you some tips and tricks. I will shoot you a message to get that convo going.

It would be neat. But first we would have to create culture, which largely hinges on environment.

That reminds me: I also sent in an idea that magic was a fundamental force or elementary particle (we wouldn't present it like that, but you get it), like electricity, and can only be conducted with a particular method or material, like electricity and heat through silver. I find that it would be easier to include magic in a lively realistic world.
CalamariHero said:
Ah. I didn't know if you wanted to Co-GM or anything. I will be happy to give you some tips and tricks. I will shoot you a message to get that convo going.
It would be neat. But first we would have to create culture, which largely hinges on environment.

That reminds me: I also sent in an idea that magic was a fundamental force or elementary particle (we wouldn't present it like that, but you get it), like electricity, and can only be conducted with a particular method or material, like electricity and heat through silver. I find that it would be easier to include magic in a lively realistic world.
I like the idea of using a material as necessary to conduct magic. Perhaps rather than metal, or in addition to it, wood could be considered a conductive material for magic because of its connection to the earth. Or being unrefined allows it to maintain natural magical properties. Though come to think of it, metal wands and staves would be pretty badass. It's something to think about.
ApfelSeine said:
I like the idea of using a material as necessary to conduct magic. Perhaps rather than metal, or in addition to it, wood could be considered a conductive material for magic because of its connection to the earth. Or being unrefined allows it to maintain natural magical properties. Though come to think of it, metal wands and staves would be pretty badass. It's something to think about.
Well, the Celts believed fluids conducted magic and that metal negated magic. Perhaps unrefined fluids conduct, and refined materials insulates and/or relucts. Therefore, in order to use magic, you have to have a largely unrefined item, or an item with an unrefined "lens" filled with fluid.
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Ooo I really like that idea. It could lend itself to some cool designs for magical weapons too.

If we consider metal or refined materials as being magic resistant, do you think that the handles of magical weapons would include refined materials as handles to reduce the risk of backfiring? Or would the inclusion of a refined material hamper direct manipulation over the magical object?
Well, objects that reflect magic could be used to focus it or prevent it from affecting the user of the weapon, such as how a stun gun has a non-conductive grip. We could also have materials that absorb, or reluct, magic like how clouds absorb radiowaves, how Styrofoam absorbs microwaves, how black objects absorb visible light, and how most things absorb gamma rays. We would just have to define what magic is and what it does.

Assuming that metal is resistant, yes. It would be used for things like handles. But if it relucted it or conducted it, then no. Relucting often turns energy into a different form, so if metal absorbed magic, the handle would progressively get hot with use. (I mean, unlikely... because the magic wouldn't be focused in that direction, but if you wore metal armor, magic would turn that armor into an oven and mack you drop your metal handled weapon rather quick.)
That makes a lot of sense. I was saying metal should be used as a handle if it was resistant like how rubber is with electricity. Otherwise yeah, that would not be a great idea xD

I think magic could either be shooting beams of magical energy (magical laser fights ftw) or it could be something which manipulates magical particles in an object to alter its properties. Perhaps animating objects or transforming them somehow. Or perhaps even smaller changes given how magic was being used.
ApfelSeine said:
That makes a lot of sense. I was saying metal should be used as a handle if it was resistant like how rubber is with electricity. Otherwise yeah, that would not be a great idea xD
I think magic could either be shooting beams of magical energy (magical laser fights ftw) or it could be something which manipulates magical particles in an object to alter its properties. Perhaps animating objects or transforming them somehow. Or perhaps even smaller changes given how magic was being used.
I know, I was just shooting examples about, using metal as a go to material. I misread part of your post, but before I noticed, I was already committed to what I wrote.

I had an idea about magic being a permeating field of particles that could be manipulated with a conducting item. When conducted, they would manipulate the world around them depending on the method used. Such method would be more transformative. Although, this would leave less room for creativity. Perhaps, much like how there are 6 flavors of quarks, two waves in light, 6 different leptons, 5 different bosons, and 3 different gluons, perhaps magic would be composed of multiple pieces, and different pieces would interact differently with matter and energy.
CalamariHero said:
I know, I was just shooting examples about, using metal as a go to material. I misread part of your post, but before I noticed, I was already committed to what I wrote.
I had an idea about magic being a permeating field of particles that could be manipulated with a conducting item. When conducted, they would manipulate the world around them depending on the method used. Such method would be more transformative. Although, this would leave less room for creativity. Perhaps, much like how there are 6 flavors of quarks, two waves in light, 6 different leptons, 5 different bosons, and 3 different gluons, perhaps magic would be composed of multiple pieces, and different pieces would interact differently with matter and energy.
That makes a lot of sense. If we want to include more than just transformative magic, there could be multiple pieces or forms to magic that are all classified as the same force and have the same source and similar behavior as a force of manipulation.
ApfelSeine said:
That makes a lot of sense. If we want to include more than just transformative magic, there could be multiple pieces or forms to magic that are all classified as the same force and have the same source and similar behavior as a force of manipulation.
Yes. Precisely what I mean.

The only potential problem is that we would have to explain it in very simple terms, lest it be presented to complexly, and disinterest players. Though, this shouldn't be a problem once we completely map out what it is and what the components of the magic force are.
CalamariHero said:
Yes. Precisely what I mean.
The only potential problem is that we would have to explain it in very simple terms, lest it be presented to complexly, and disinterest players. Though, this shouldn't be a problem once we completely map out what it is and what the components of the magic force are.
Well surely we'll be able to summarize the capacities of magic in relatively simple and comprehensive terms for players once we figure all of that out. We'll save the overly complex reasons for people who want to play a magical researcher xD Unless knowing precisely how magic works is a prerequisite to using it. I wouldn't think it would be though, considering that people can use devices that manipulate other forms of energy without fully understanding how it works. All they need to know is how to operate the device in order to get the outcome they desire and they're basically all set. ^_^
ApfelSeine said:
Well surely we'll be able to summarize the capacities of magic in relatively simple and comprehensive terms for players once we figure all of that out. We'll save the overly complex reasons for people who want to play a magical researcher xD Unless knowing precisely how magic works is a prerequisite to using it. I wouldn't think it would be though, considering that people can use devices that manipulate other forms of energy without fully understanding how it works. All they need to know is how to operate the device in order to get the outcome they desire and they're basically all set. ^_^
Yup. Just like how people can fire a gun, or even watch a tube tv, without knowing how it works, our magic would likely work very simply as well (Also, if no one makes a magic researcher, I totally will.) . The varieties of magic, as well, would likely be classified by either what they do (Which, early science is horrible, and would likely classify more or less types of magic than what would actually exist.), or by the means of controlling it (And since we determined that it is conducted through a material, it would likely be by what kinds of materials conduct it.)

So, that means we could simply classify magic by things like: Static, Dynamic, Rigid, and Plastic. (Similar to alchemy's Warm, Cold, Dry, and Wet.)
ApfelSeine said:
Uhhhh are we allowed to do some mutual brainstorming in here? Because I sent in my ideas but don't have much else to do besides wait.
CalamariHero said:
Oh. Honestly, there was no interaction, so I was skeptical on whether people were still active or not. It made my procrastination worsen, as it were. I will send in my ideas now.
Also, I think we should brainstorm mutually, @ApfelSeine. It would draw the team back in, as I have noticed a lack of conversing, contrary to what I had expected.
We will begin later today. I had an exam yesterday which as you may imagine takes a lot from a person... Besides I don't have everyone's ideas yet, so I can't post the ideas anonymously. Perhaps now would be a good time to get them, actually...

@CalamariHero @Mykinkaiser @ApfelSeine @SomeAnimeWeirdo @NinjaCat @Mollisol

Thais of you who are yet to PM me their initial ideas (you know who you are), please do so as soon as possible.

That said, @ApfelSeine the requirements do , in a way, state that periods of absence, even from key members are to be extremely expected.
CalamariHero said:
Yup. Just like how people can fire a gun, or even watch a tube tv, without knowing how it works, our magic would likely work very simply as well (Also, if no one makes a magic researcher, I totally will.) . The varieties of magic, as well, would likely be classified by either what they do (Which, early science is horrible, and would likely classify more or less types of magic than what would actually exist.), or by the means of controlling it (And since we determined that it is conducted through a material, it would likely be by what kinds of materials conduct it.)
So, that means we could simply classify magic by things like: Static, Dynamic, Rigid, and Plastic. (Similar to alchemy's Warm, Cold, Dry, and Wet.)
You have so many good ideas :o I like it. Especially the classifications for magic.

Lol this isn't really a brainstorming idea, but I feel like it'd be neat to have two rival magic researchers who nerd out over magical theories whenever they meet, while simultaneously they are trying to one up each other xD Not sure if you'd be into doing that with me, but if so I think it would be fun ^_^

Idea said:
We will begin later today. I had an exam yesterday which as you may imagine takes a lot from a person... Besides I don't have everyone's ideas yet, so I can't post the ideas anonymously. Perhaps now would be a good time to get them, actually...
@CalamariHero @Mykinkaiser @ApfelSeine @SomeAnimeWeirdo @NinjaCat @Mollisol

Thais of you who are yet to PM me their initial ideas (you know who you are), please do so as soon as possible.

That said, @ApfelSeine the requirements do , in a way, state that periods of absence, even from key members are to be extremely expected.
Uhhh I wasnt harping on any users for being absent. I just felt that interest dies out if everyone spends the whole time waiting around. I don't mind that people have real stuff to deal with that keep them from posting, especially during exam season. In fact, I'd be surprised if that didn't come up. However, no one posted anything at all over the weekend. It seems easier to keep interest alive with an ongoing discussion than to hope it maintains itself. Thus, I felt it prudent to keep the conversation going. It just seems like a productive use of time.

If you don't approve of multi user brainstorming though, I'll just steal @CalamariHero for my own purposes in the meantime u.u
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ApfelSeine said:
You have so many good ideas :o I like it. Especially the classifications for magic.
Lol this isn't really a brainstorming idea, but I feel like it'd be neat to have two rival magic researchers who nerd out over magical theories whenever they meet, while simultaneously they are trying to one up each other xD Not sure if you'd be into doing that with me, but if so I think it would be fun ^_^

Uhhh I wasnt harping on any users for being absent. I just felt that interest dies out if everyone spends the whole time waiting around. I don't mind that people have real stuff to deal with that keep them from posting, especially during exam season. In fact, I'd be surprised if that didn't come up. However, no one posted anything at all over the weekend. It seems easier to keep interest alive with an ongoing discussion than to hope it maintains itself. Thus, I felt it prudent to keep the conversation going. It just seems like a productive use of time.

If you don't approve of multi user brainstorming though, I'll just steal @CalamariHero for my own purposes in the meantime u.u
Of course I approve of it, I wouldn't have posted the original thread if I didn't. Just give till the end of the day, then the ideas will be posted, complete or not, and the official brainstorming will begin.
Idea said:
Of course I approve of it, I wouldn't have posted the original thread if I didn't. Just give till the end of the day, then the ideas will be posted, complete or not, and the official brainstorming will begin.
Kaaaay I'll be patient. I've got stuff to work on in the meantime ^_^ and also I should fix this sleep schedule of mine lol. I hope you get lots of ideas from people :3
Finally got my ideas in, sorry it took so long ;-;

I've been travelling and thus haven't wanted to do any heavy thinking. I'm back home now though so I should be able to be a bit more active.
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Mollisol said:
@ApfelSeine @CalamariHero look at thiiiiiis!!! It's a guide on writing mentally ill characters and researching mental illnesses. It's not 100% perfect, but I agree with a lot of what it says.
Hot damn, son. I only skimmed through it, cause I am a smidge busy at the moment, but that is one useful thread. I will read through it in a bit... It kinda makes me feel like I should talk to my psychologist. I've been experiencing that depersonalization/derealization hyperawareness thing lately.

But anyhow, hot damn. Thanks for the thread, @Mollisol.
Time´s up, I suppose. Everyone who hasn´t sent me their ideas yet is still allowed to, however, the brainstorming officially begins now.

Remember that the ideas below (anonymous) are just initial ideas to give a general taste of what everyone is looking for, and to get everyone´s brains started (just throwing "brainstorm" in the air tends to have little impact if people weren´t already cooking up in their brains). They are anonymous to prevent any biased responses or reactions to them. Fonts and such things may have also been altered for that purpose. On that note, Implementation of any of these ideas should be mere coincidence. We are making something from scratch here.

Some ideas that I was told were also removed, either because they were too complete (didn´t leave enough room for the group to develop anything) or because they didn´t fit the kind of thread we´re trying to make, namely in the genre.

Magic is a force of nature, rather than being... well... magic. For example, it can only be conducted with a certain method or material, like electricity or heat through silver. In this case, we would likely give magic a different name to call it, in order to keep the illusion.

Alternatively, magic could be largely unknown to the world outside of cults. Plot: Our protagonist could accidentally involve themselves in occultism. (I don't have much more beyond that.)

The sun is a K4 star. K4 stars are colder, redder, and produce less harmful radiation. Our star is a G2, and is yellow/white. When people RP, the assume little bits about the environment. With a G4 star, skin cancer is much less likely, plants would likely be red.

Plots have endpoints. Our RP must have either multiple or progressive plotlines/arcs or an idea that is followed, where players develop their own arcs, as it were, if we want to make it live as long as possible.

We, as a team with everyone else, develop a new culture to fit the environment. This is so that we don't overuse the typical European, Asian, or Western cultures. (People don't typically use African, as most in the developed world don't know enough to create stories using a similar culture.)

Magic doesn't exist. Magic, though a common element, is not absolutely necessary in a fantasy setting. In place of a magical setting, we can have a more adventurous one.

There are parallel worlds where, in one, magic is absolutely non-existent, and in the other, magic is common. Perhaps this idea could be used for some sort of murder investigation urban fantasy roleplay?
I'm a big fan of fallen ancient civilizations leaving residual technology or who had discovered great secrets which may or may not have led to their downfall (it's so old that no one knows for sure). So I'd like to include something like that, perhaps as the source of magic or as a civilization that discovered the source of magic but was destroyed without leaving any record of their discovery.

Additionally, I like to include magic in fantasy settings. And I like to have forms of magic be different in different regions. For instance, one culture that is good at summoning things like spirits or demons, another that is good at more western styles of magic, another that has learned to control various elements, etc. Something which makes different cultures distinct from each other.

Speaking of which, I like to make a big world with many different cultures and humanoid races, and start off the rp in a city that acts as a hub for all different cultures and species. I think it's useful to draw influences from various cultures and their histories when designing how different ethnicities and species should behave.

If we are to include different humanoid species, I like to mix things up from the expectation. Elves are usually super connected to nature and magical and good at archery. Why not have them be the technologically savvy ones? And why not make dwarves or other ground dwelling species the ones with a deep understanding of magic? Or anything to shake it up really.

I like creating turmoil between nations, pitting them against each other and exploring sources and causes of prejudice between them. Perhaps one likes using magic and the other doesn't, or perhaps there are cultural differences that make it hard for them to get along. A good source of conflict could be that one has a very structured government and the other has a much more "do whatever you want as long as you follow these guidelines" sort of feel to it. Like a kingdom vs a guild city or a republic.

I always enjoy plot lines where characters have reason to rebel against their government or some such thing. It is another good source of conflict. I also love corrupt governments that put moral pressure onto the non-corrupted members of it. Such as knights feeling conflicted working under a corrupt king or commander.

Also, I would like there to be the capacity to use multiple characters. This isn't exactly a world building thing, but I think it's a good idea to consider just because a lot of the time I find myself rping with someone who leaves me hanging for awhile. That's up to your discretion though.
My idea would be to have a world divided by guilds, which would either be divided by the kind of magic they use or they would be divided according to their own type of power. One could have scientific power, another magical, another spiritual, one paranormal, etc... These guilds would have a peace treaty of sorts.

I always enjoy when the magic system is really intricate. The "rules" to using magic or some such thing, when put together with creativeness can create outstanding results. I think the exploring of the limtations and capacity of magic, plus it´s origins would be great!

Another idea is "the nine forces". Nine forces to create the universe, the powers to create, to move, to transform, to combine, to energize and others
Idea no. 1:

One rp that I started to build a while back but never finished was a steampunk world consisting of 5 nations. There was one (A) that was newly formed and most of it's territory was unexplored frontier separated from the more developed part by a large mountain range. The frontier was home to many dangerous creatures that slowed progress there. There was also another country (B) that was heavily militaristic and was run by the military. They were at war with a large country © that was trying expand aggressively. The fourth country (D) had been entirely isolationist but was now just opening up to the world. The fifth (E) was a small but highly advanced island nation in the middle of the rest.

There also ran a massive city-sized train that stopped in each of the nations and was called the world train. The train was neutral and none of the countries were allowed hostilities towards it. Many people saw the train as a place for new beginnings. The cars closer ti the front had higher social statuses and further back was more and more lawlessness.
Idea #1

Setting: A magical dystopia much like our modern world, maybe a bit more futuristic, where everyone has a colored magical Aura that does something specific that'd be hard or impossible to accomplish by mundane means (e.g. flight). Everyone's job and role in society is based off of the function of their Aura. Those who don't have an Aura (or whose Aura is too weak to function) are called Pale, and shipped off by their families to "Restoration Centers" where they are studied, supposedly in an attempt to find a cure. Secretly, though, the scientists at Restoration Centers suspect the Pale have more Aura potential than anyone else, and are trying to figure out how to unlock that potential and weaponize them to start an imperialistic war on other nations. Most of the Pale are teenagers or young adults, as that's when Aura normally starts appearing in one's life. They also tend to have physical and/or mental problems in addition to their Pallor.

Plot: A few Pale have figured out what the scientists intend to do, and are staging an escape from a particularly nasty Restoration Center. However, due to the security restrictions in this Restoration Center, they're going to need outside help from those with Auras.

Idea #2

Setting: A thriving steampunk nation's dark underbelly, where the poorest sell enchanted weapons and items made with illegal magic. Magic is also practiced by the rich, who consider themselves to be above the law. Outside the nation is a vast desert which can be colonized.

Plot: A group of friends united by the black market trade find out they're actually siblings, but they do so as the law is closing in on the market.
Hope you all enjoy our work here, and good luck! Let´s start! :)
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