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Futuristic The Last Ones Left

Major Cinnamon Bun

Assistant to the Assistant Regional Manager
The end was anticipated, whether it was a disease, or a natural disaster, or some crazed lunatic that destroyed the world, it was anticipated. That's why we were made, chosen to wake up when everyone else fell into an eternal sleep.

We were referred to, at the time of our creation anyways, as Blooms. Flowers on a desolate earth, meant to create and hopefully fix what has been done. Then, they put us to sleep, and we all knew that when we woke up again everything and everyone we knew would be gone. That was how it worked, that was our purpose.

It turns out it was Human filth and carelessness that caused the end. Disease spread so quickly, no one stood a chance. Within a matter of months almost all of the population of earth was eradicated, and now were awake. We can't bring back the human population, we were never meant to. Our purpose is to start over, and hopefully make better choices than those that came before us.


Blooms are "humans" that have been specially created to live after the end of human life on earth and rebuild. They each posses a unique symbol and eye color that generally correspond to some kind of power.

They were not born like normal humans, they were made and then given the memories of a human volunteer in order to give them human morals, emotions, etc.


The world...

If I feel the need to get more specific then that, I'll add stuff.


1) cursing is fine, don't go too overboard with it, and make sure it fits with you character, but I honestly don't give a shit.

Also, Violence will happen, and I have no issues with blood and gore. Just don't be super gory for no reason. Like have a purpose, this isn't Texas Chainsaw massacre number whatever the hell their on by now.

2) Romance is all good, just fade to black if things get serious. No one wants to read that.

3)obviously follow all RP nation rules

4) No god modding or I swear I'll kick you ass and then kick you from the rp if you don't listen when I tell you to stop.

5) If you've read all the rules give your character a theme song.

6) I reserve the right to ask you to change things about your character if I think their OP and I can decline your character (which I won't)

7) please try to write at least a paragraph for your posts and try to post at least once every other day. If your going to be gone for a long-ish time, just let me know so were not waiting on you.

8) Be as literate as possible, I know your vocabulary consists of more than the words I and Am and Groot. (ayyyyyy, that's a reference) Spell things correctly, use punctuation. CAPITAL LETTERS do wonders.

9) if you've really read all the rules, add the word parkour to your character profile somewhere. But do it as in the most subtle way possible.
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[QUOTE="Major Cinnamon Bun]Yup

Ok so where do I go from here? Sorry, I'm sorta new to this site hahah
We're going to start with everyone waking up. They're all in one room that's underground in a bunker in a really northern part of Canada, like the Yukon Territory or something. Wake up, talk to people, go out side, do whatever the hell you want. I'll have the group start moving to a new location after everyone gets a chance to get settled in the RP. For the moment the blooms will not remember very much of their past lives, they'll regain their memory as they go. Post in 1st or 3rd person, whatever floats your boat, just be consistent.

Eden opened her eyes, a blinding light filled her vision and slowly faded revealing the room around her. It was clean and clinical looking, like a hospital or something, but there were no windows, only fluorescent light. She knew what her name was, and she knew what she was and why. But other then that, she was in the dark. She knew there were others, but she must have been the first of them to wake up. Blinking a few times, Eden looked down at herself, then at the room around her again. She could see the others around her, the group that was supposed to rebuild the earth. 

SodaPop said:
Ok so where do I go from here? Sorry, I'm sorta new to this site hahah
No worries go to character sign up, and welcome to RP nation
[QUOTE="Major Cinnamon Bun]We're going to start with everyone waking up. They're all in one room that's underground in a bunker in a really northern part of Canada, like the Yukon Territory or something. Wake up, talk to people, go out side, do whatever the hell you want. I'll have the group start moving to a new location after everyone gets a chance to get settled in the RP. For the moment the blooms will not remember very much of their past lives, they'll regain their memory as they go. Post in 1st or 3rd person, whatever floats your boat, just be consistent.
Eden opened her eyes, a blinding light filled her vision and slowly faded revealing the room around her. It was clean and clinical looking, like a hospital or something, but there were no windows, only fluorescent light. She knew what her name was, and she knew what she was and why. But other then that, she was in the dark. She knew there were others, but she must have been the first of them to wake up. Blinking a few times, Eden looked down at herself, then at the room around her again. She could see the others around her, the group that was supposed to rebuild the earth. 

No worries go to character sign up, and welcome to RP nation

Alrighty, I'll make a character and stuff and be back pretty soon
Violet, still not awake, coughed a few times, starting to regain consciousness. She then blinked her eyes open, and then closed them immediately; the lights were so white she couldn't see anything. Slowly, she sat up grabbing the sheets of her bed to help herself with one hand, rubbing her eyes with the other. Her hair fell over her face, blocking her view of the room. She let out a small grunt and sighed, not noticing Eden or anyone for the matter. She was so sore from not moving during all this time. Hence, she clenched and unclenched her fists many times, moving her stiff muscles to try and regain flexibility, all while thinking about the purpose of her awakening.
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Clark woke up instantly, grasping the bed underneath him in a deathgrip. As he grasped it, he looked down to see the metal railing of his bed turn red hot underneath his hands. He was freaking out, looking around frantically. All he could remember was panic. Yanking his hands from the bed, he grasped his chest and and sat up quickly. Coughing and wheezing he began to calm down. Looking at the rails, he wondered what was going on. Where was he? Is he alone? The red hot metal turned to black, and he looked up and composed himself. He's been in deep recently from what he can remember, but now it appears he is safe.
Opening his eyes to the harsh derelict of a room which he and others were now deposed within. The light was blinding at first, which began to resume the pound in his head which was mostly caused by nicotine and drug withdrawal. Holding his hand over his eyes and rubbing his eyes to force the tear ducts in his eyes to produce the necessary water and aqueous compounds needed to move moisture to his dry eyes. Feeling the pupils of his purple and red eyes begin to become more adjusting to the harsh light.

" Man someone turn off the god damn lights..!" He could see a few people within the four corners of solitude which they were currently stuck in. His voice held tones of confusion and a slight anger. With his body beginning to resume its daily bodily functions which included the creation of salvia in his mouth. With his parched mouth dissipating with the returning to his mouth along with the distaste taste of booze, particular rum, and tequila. With his aching and blood deficient limps screaming at him for him to feed them with what they needed; oxygen, and hemoglobin. Letting out a groan as he used the wall his back was against to help him stand up. The silence for him was broken by not only the groans of the others but the snapping and creaking of his joints and bones. "UUGGGHHH..! That's what I needed." Sidney looked around as blood began to rush to his lower extremities. " Hey, who here is awake..?" Looking over to the man on the bed " And why the f__k does his cat get a freakin bed..?"
Eden shook her head and rolled her eyes as the commentary of someone else who had just woken up. She moved to the side of her bed, or actually it was more like a cot, and not very comfortable. Eden slowly stood up and quickly found the door to this room. There was a lot to figure out and she wouldn't be able to do it from this room. She needed to go outside, or at least somewhere else. The floor was cold on her bare feet and she felt goosebumps on her bare legs and arms. First thing to do would be find some actual cloths, because she had decided the black shorts and tank top would not suffice. Next would be to figure out where they were and what happened to the world.
"What's going on?" He looked to those around him, and the struggling sounds coming from them. He saw the strange woman go towards the door, and quickly paced to her and in a slight daze asked "Where are we? Do you know where we are?"
At this point, Violet suddenly started to feel cold, shivering intensely. She heard noises around her, and lifted her head up, pushing her hair out of her eyes. Voices broke the silence, but she wasn't really listening to what they were saying...or she couldn't; it was like she was underwater, hearing muffled sounds. She exhaled slowly in hopes of regaining all her senses soon, but knew that it wouldn't be so easy -after all, they were unconscious for God knows how many years.
Eden glanced over at him quickly and then back to the door. It seemed that some of us remembered more than others, even she was a little fuzzy on her life before she was a bloom. This was most likely a side effect of being asleep for so long. "Not sure. How about we find out." She said in a hoarse voice, mentally noting that finding water should also be on her list of things to do. She took another step to the door and turned the handle, causing several mechanisms inside the door to click, and then opened the door.
Everything came rushing at him all at once- the lights, the sounds, the smells. The nerves in his body were all still pins and needles, but he could certainly move them. It was like breaking the surface of the water after being under too long- cold air slapping him in the face, lungs struggling to settle as his heart pumped blood rapidly throughout his body. All the necessities to function seemed to start up together. For a moment, Cole remained where he was in stunned silence as his body attempted to adjust, but began facing complications almost as soon as it began.

Suddenly, the world winked away. There was nothing. His hands moved at his sides, feeling the bed and grasping for something- anything- to keep him tethered. He found the railing, and as he gripped it he could hear the vibrations resound through it, under him, and in the room. There were others, he could hear them all waking, shifting in their places. He could hear their own heartbeats as they, too, awakened. Then it all went silent, a faint ringing quickly fading into his mind as the light blinded him. He raised a hand, covering his face as he bolted out of the bed. The feeling in his legs was most certainly not established yet, and he missed the step, falling onto the floor instead.

He waited, and finally, everything fell into place again. His senses stabilised on their own, and he found his equilibrium long enough to get on his feet. Cole searched the room, unable to identify it, but knowing one thing about it- the entire population of the Earth was currently inside of it.
Watching the woman make her way to the door "There's a door here..? When was there a door in here?!" He thought to himself as his eyes continued to follow her. Then it began to dawn on him, what in the hell is out here? " Hey..! Wait are you doing.?!" He voice was nearly a yell, as his voice was disrupted by a cough. " Haven't used that in awhile have we..?" Mumbling to himself Sidney looked up at the girl and began to try and stumble over to her. It was obvious his legs were quite numb, and his temper was beginning to flare at his body incorporation. Then came the grind of gears and the depressurization of the room as Sidney could only watch in horror as the woman in front of him opened the door. " Are you CRAZY?! You can't take two seconds to f__king to check on everyone else! There are more people in this damn room besides YOU!" Grabbing ahold of his stomach as he spoke Sidney growled at her followed by a groan.
Eden turned to the guy with a look of disinterest. "Do you really think they would of put us some place that wasn't safe. That would kind of defeat the purpose of making us the last hope of rebuilding civilization, don't you think?" She said in a slightly condescending tone. She looked out the door and then stepped aside so that she wasn't blocking it. "Oh, sorry, I was mistaken. Were in real danger here." She said sarcastically, gesturing to an empty and, so far as she could tell, safe hallway. "Should we go take care of everyone else now, they do still need to be checked on right?"
The moment Sidney saw this woman's look of disinterest in his input toward this situation he knew that both of them were going to have quite the dispute coming quite soon. Then when she decided to open her mouth, it was quite obvious how she stood on this situation. Gritting his teeth in order to keep his cool. This was not the time nor the place to get into a fight for power, or simply respect, well not in public anyway. Staring now the woman with a look of annoyance at her response Sidney walked towards her and place his hand on her arm pulling her into the hall. " How about we take a moment to actually set now before we have a problem." Hopefully with her cooperation and not wanting to fight him over this situation then maybe the two of them could figure out a way to help the others. But right now Sidney couldn't take another sarcastic and childish response from her.
Slowly, things started coming into focus. Cole put an arm out to balance himself against the wall as voices erupted immediately at his six. One was angered and reprimanding, the other confident and unwavering. He peered over his shoulder as the two stepped out, presumably to settle their little row. His attention turned to the rest of the wakened. They were all in the process of trying to become functional, some yet to leave the support of their cots. His eyes rested on a petite woman (Violet), fairly close to his own spot, shuddering where she sat. He watched her visibly attempt to relax, and Cole could relate. The shock of waking up was still gripping him, and he walked steadily to where she was to see if he could help.

"Quite a slap in the face, isn't it?" He tried to say, his voice rough from lack of use. He held out his other hand to help her up. "I'm Cole."
A short breath dragged into her lungs, her lips unconsciously parting slightly so she would be able to taste more of the sweet, cold oxygen surge through her half-hibernating, slowly awakening body. After a few moments of simple breathing, allowing her body and mind to become reaccustomed with the airs of the Earth's atmosphere, her brain sent a series of commands through her nervous system that instructed her to open her eyes. Jenna Harrison cringed at the blinding, white lights that pierced her vision and instantly shut them again, scrunching them tight so that she could have a chance at possibly returning her sight to that blessed, ignorant darkness.

Her vocal chords worked hard to complete a groan, but the rare usage of her throat and mouth only proved to irritate her further. Her instincts launched her into a sitting position where she was thrown into a coughing fit, the tickle at the back of her throat proving to remain almost persistant. Once again, her brain began to work furiously to stop the pain sensors from flashing in the parietal lobe of her brain. Her eyes watered, saliva intesified in her mouth and after a few more coughs and spluttering breaths, she was able to calm herself down.

Jenna's hand flew to rest on her chest as she calmed herself down, glad that coughing didn't actually seem to convey any of her powerful ability. She frowned, thoughts stopping for a moment. Apart from her name, knowledge of her ability and a belief that she was only one of a few, that was all she could remember. She blinked a few times and then realized (or remembered) that she was currently not alone in the white room, and she was not the only one awake. Strangely, she felt no sense of fear or distrust with them, even though she was certain she had never spoken to them before in her lifetime. Her tongue darted out and she licked her dry lips and then pushed some blonde-white strands of hair out of her vision. Where they were? She didn't know. Why they were there exactly? She was a bit hazy on that. Who were they all? She thought she might have a bit of an idea.

Jenna spent a moment to push the perfect white sheets, that were covering her, down to her ankles and then swung around and prepared to get out of the bed/cot. Her muscles ached and her brain screamed with the beginning of a painful headache, but she was determined that she was not going to just lie there forever. She didn't have answers to some very important questions, and hopefully, her companions would remember some information that she didn't. "Hello?" She called quietly, trying to get their attention. "I'm Jenna... Nice to meet you all?"
Violet heard people shouting and realized she could understand what they were saying. It wasn't much, but it still was the first step to awakening from this complete numbness. She was focusing on getting out of her "bubble" when she noticed someone walk in her direction from the corner of her eye -probably only passing by. She kept concentrating on regaining her senses until she heard a voice to her side. She looked at the boy -she presumed, by the lowness of his voice- and smiled at him. "Hi, Cole. I'm Violet," she told him, her voice hoarse. She thankfully grabbed his hand with a tight grip to make sure nothing would happen and moved to the side of her cot to put her feet on the ground. "Alright, let's try this."
Eden fought the instinct to make another sarcastic comment. She knew it would be a bad idea to start a fight, especially because her powers wouldn't give her too much help. Of corse she could just make him forget the past few minutes for a little while, but he would remember it eventually, so that wouldn't solve the problem. "Look, I'm not going to fight you." She said. "I'm going to figure out where we are and where to go next, because I can't do shit in there." She gestured back to the room. And it was true, the empathetic part of her hadn't quite kicked in yet, so she wouldn't be any help to anyone else waking up. But she did know what to do next, she could find supplies and other things that this group could use.
Clark stood silent as the strangers in the room discussed the situation. He had assessed what was going on from what they had said, and all he could do was stare. After the room quieted down a bit, he said blankly, "Clark... My name's Clark. At least I think it is." He looked toward everyone in the room. "Hey Cole, Violet, Jenna..." He looks to the others, Sidney and Eden. "And you guys." He extends a handshake to Cole.
Staring down Eden for a moment Sidney removed his vice like grip from her arm. The sound of bones snapping breaking within his broke the silence between the two. " I'm in no mood to fight either, however I am in the mood to not die. As for not being able to do anything, you can actually help us out. You were the first one awake it seems, but thats f__king lie to say you can't do anything. We don't know who is possibly injured or hurt." Keeping his voice from turning into a yell, as he looked back into the room to see the others were becoming awakened. While Sidney had never served any time within the armed forces, he had enough friends who did. Right now it seemed their sketchy post-apocolypic training was going to come in handy after all. " Look we all are here for one reason or another, how about we not separate from each other ok?" The tone of his voice calm and collective as he gently place his arm on his back and gave her a light push back into the room.

Stepping back into the room behind Eden, Sidney looked around at the others. Taking a moment to scan each and every of the new people who he had woken up with Sidney frowned and began to wonder whether these people had powers like his. " Name's Sidney, I assume everyone here is ok besides the normal soreness? Does anyone here have an idea of why we are here? The last thing I can remember is being in a bar having a drink."

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