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Fantasy The Last Flicker (Open/Accepting)

Cheshire Grin

No cat has ever given a human a straight answer~
The Last Flicker


[SIZE=14.6667px]“Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis of man's desire to understand.” - Neil Armstrong[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]What if you woke up one day and found out that you weren't human anymore? What would you do if you found out one day you were one of the most important people to be alive right now? That would make you feel pretty special, but what would happen if it came true?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The year is 2032, the world is in a bit of turmoil. The Unemployment rate is up by 30 to 50%, the environment has taken a toll for the worse and not a lot of people are happy anymore. The world, at one point, used to be the happiest place until something happened. Not a lot of people know what, but that's when things started going down the toilet. To make matters worse, the rich have plundered on the poor, forcing many people into doing their bidding. Some have managed to get out of that, but even small businesses aren't safe from their greedy hands. The governments are in disrepair but are trying their best to protect the people, but they can only do so much. The only reason people haven't completely lost it is because of the mysteries.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Mysteries and curses have fueled the minds of children for a long, long time. They have grown up with believing they had existed at one point in time, a lot of children wished they would still be around and maybe the world wouldn't be a terrible place. While some mysteries are designed to make the people look in awe, there are others designed to make people fear them. Curses are the main reason why people both love and fear mysteries, many have even tried to find at least one of these mysteries but sadly, all would fail. It appeared as if many of these mysteries and curses didn't want to found...at least, not yet.[/SIZE]



[SIZE=14.6667px]“Sometimes in order to find the answers in a mystery, you have to destroy it.” - Luther A. Maximus[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]There are humans out there...Very bad humans, who don't just want to exploit the mysteries of the world but also plunder the riches for themselves. They plan on finding these beings who have been chosen and experiment on them, seeing if their blood will give them the information needed to find these places. If not, to exploit and find out why they are so special and maybe find the biggest mysteries of them all…[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The mysteries and curses are making a comeback, it's time for the past to help the present in order to secure their future. Children will never have to know pain anymore...not as long as there [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]is[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] hope and a little bit of imagination. [/SIZE]




1. No Godmoding or Powerplaying. I want everyone to have fun in this roleplay and please be respectful.2. Post Profiles in the CS sections and nothing more, I wish to try and keep this as organized as possible.3. Please don't put one line, I understand if you have writer's block, but repeating it gets a bit annoying. 4. At most, try to put 3 lines.5. Don't post very fast, not everyone is able to keep up. This is mainly because people have lives outside of roleplaying, so please be considerate.6. You can have as many characters as you wany, but you must try to control them.7. Let me know when you are disappearing. If you don't tell me, you will get one strike. Once you have three strikes, you will be kicked.8. No text talk.9. No Gary or Mary Sues.10. Don't post in the actual RP thread until told to.11. Rules will be added or removed to how I see fit.

12. If I like your profile, it means it is accepted.13. Have fun~



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I have tried to understand why this is happening to us, something just doesn't feel right.

The sun hung high in the big blue sky, the clouds hovered in front of the sun every once in a while creating the best shade for those who needed it. The breeze blew over those who were outside helping to cool off those all over New York City and the Bronx. New York, in its prime, was one of the best places to be. Fast food, Bright Lights, The New York Atmosphere and the unique people who once called this city home. Now, times have changed. The once inviting atmosphere was gone, most of the unique people were no longer around and the Bright Lights hide the facade of sadness and despair around the cities. Once known as the City of Dreams was now forever known as the City of Decay.

New York City wasn't the only place to have changed, the whole world had plunged into another Great Depression. It was now very rare to see anyone happy and getting along with each other. The cities had crumbled to nothing, money was harder to get and jobs were scarce. Children had to be careful out on their own unless they would be at risk of slavers, kidnappers, killers, or anyone. The police couldn't do anything to help no matter how hard they tried. With all the sadness and depression happening, it was a miracle people haven't started killing each other just yet.

Outside of her current home in the Bronx, within Central Park, a young woman was sitting on the grass as she grazed her fingertips on the flowers surrounding her. It was the second week of May, around noon, small animals were still out and about, trying to find any food in parts of the park, not completely in shambles. The dark skinned female stood up and looked around for a bench. Once she found one, she walked over towards the bench and sat down on, looking at the large pond not too far from her. It was well kept because of the people who wanted to give the children in the area at least one safe place to play. The young female blinked her blue hues before looking up towards the clouds and stood up. She would then look at the ground she stood on and started looking for pretty flowers. 

Alas, she was only able to find one, one that she wanted to use. A lily. She gently plucked it from its stem and held it between her fingers, her fingertips rubbing against the petals.
Her shoulder blade length, unkempt, platinum blonde hair swayed a bit in the breeze as she looked towards the pond. She wanted to swim in it. Just like old times. But she could bring 
herself to do so. She had the memory of finding her bloated mother rolling through her head over and over again. Quickly shaking her head, the young female walked over towards a tree that was close to the pond and crouched low where the roots popped out of the slightly muddy ground. There were a small number of flowers planted at the roots and she placed the plucked lily against the tree itself.

Moving her legs a bit, she leaned back on her knees and bowed her head smiling. "Hey mama, I hope things are going well, I don't know if you are happy, but I hope you are. Papa and I are still going strong, I make sure he is doing what he needs to do. Things don't seem to be getting better over here. The rich people aren't really helping us that much anymore. They asked for this ridiculous amount of money to fix the park. Of course, w-we couldn't pay it, s-so we decided to fix it up ourselves. Y-Your favorite pond is clean, I-I helped out to the best of my ability, but y-you know how I feel a0about the water now." She mumbled the last sentence before holding her wrist tightly. Her lip stiffening before placing her hands on her bare legs. "I-I know that you want m-me to keep sw-swimming, just like I always did when I was in school. B-But it's hard to do now. Ever since th-that day, th-the water scares me. Wh-What if I-I see another body. That could be someone's mother or sister or even a child. I don't know if I can handle seeing that again." Tears rolled down her face before she would quickly wipe her face. A soft chuckle just escaped her lips, a hand going back to resting on her leg. Her laughter jumped between a stifled chuckle and a soft whimper. "D-Dang it, I promised I wouldn't cry, but here I-I am now, b-being a big baby. Sorry mama, I'll try to be happier. As you always said, greet every day with a smile and things will get better." A faint gasp escaped the young woman's lips before turning her head up towards the sky, seeing the clouds fly over and the sun beaming down. 'Noon already? Where does the time go?' She thought before looking towards the roots and the flower. Once her face was clean, she just smiled. It was the biggest smile she could do after crying a bit.

" S-Sorry mama, I have to get going. I-I want to try to get something to eat before it g-gets too crowded at the small café I go it. Oh, you would have loved it, it's so cute~ I will be here tomorrow, though.I'll try to find more flowers, everything is dying around here, but I think I can find something. Love you, mama, talk to you later. Oh, papa says he loves you and so does Aunt Regina. Bye~" She muttered softly bowing her head once more before standing up and dusting off her legs. Fixing her faded blue jean short shorts and the small tank top she wore. The clothes she had on would be questionable for someone of her age since she was built a bit differently that most girls, but there were the clothes she had modified herself since she was a swimmer. Well, a former swimmer. While she didn't swim anymore, she didn't want to throw the clothes out. She promised she would start swimming again and the clothes she had right now would be very useful...even if they did look too inviting.

The young woman's name was Rosangela, Rosangela Astrid Callidora Darya. She had been a veteran of New york for as long as she could remember, her family has always been here, it was home. She had wondered what it was like to travel, but living within a lower working class family, traveling was out of the question. She often wondered what it would be like if she and her family were rich, but that would go down the toilet once she heard a rich family started bullying the poor again. Rosangela knows not all rich people are bad, but she is starting to wonder if there were any left. Rosangela started walking out of Central Park and started walking along the sidewalk to nowhere in particular. True, it was around noon and people were starting to get out for their breaks at work or just getting in, Rosangela didn't have the luxury of getting a job just yet. Looking for one was hard in this economy, it would be a miracle if she found anything. Mentally sighing, the African-American female held her head high and looked forward, her hands behind her back and a smile on her face. Her gradient eyes scanning the area around her, finally deciding to go to a small café and get something to eat since she had enough money to get some food.
Jessica nodded her thanks as the waiter brought out the pizza. Without waiting, she put several slices on her plate. "That looks tasty," Sherwood thought to her. Jessica took a bite, confirming that the pizza did, in fact, taste good.

As she ate lunch, Jessica thought about New York. She had arrived last week with Ember, the vessel for the Gates of Hell, and the two of them had been doing basic reconnaissance, figuring out where the rich gathered, how well the watched their pockets, and what magic tricks impressed the most people. After combining that with the information given to them by the Sewer Gators (who were nice enough to give the two the keys to a safe house in the city) and the Broadway Treasure Hunters, Jessica and Ember had a several ideas on where to set up their trap.

"I have to admit, it's a good idea," Sherwood thought. "One distracts while the other swipes the valuables. I do know how to pick 'em." Jessica caught a short hesitation, knowing Sherwood didn't want to mention her handicap. "The question is, are you going to do card tricks or the shell game first?"

Jessica finished her first piece of pizza while she thought about it. Before she reached for another piece, she pulled out her flip phone and typed a message onscreen before showing it to Ember. "So, does the pizza live up to the hype?"

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Ember frowned at the Pizza on the plate. It wasn't something her parents had ever eaten, they preferred escargot and things. Honestly. There was more than one thing wrong with them. Hateful people. 

She took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. It was really good! It was just the right combination of vegetables and cheese and tomato sauce, and the dough was well cooked, but not burnt. Bit cold though. She shrugged, and slowly let heat seep into the dough. It started to steam and she smiled. Perfect. 

She smiled at the message on the phone, and nodded. She wasn't perfect at sign language, but she was working on it. She slowly moved her hands, biting her lip in concentration. "It's really good! Loads better than cooked snails!" She grinned. That seemed to be about right. She grabbed another slice as soon as she finished.

New York was very... Interesting. There were a lot of people, and none of them ever seems properly happy. There were a group of people huddled in an alley over there, and small children were nipping past fearfully, as if they would be kidnapped if they stood there too long. She sighed. The world was a seriously messed up place. But hey, that was why they existed!

She knew that Messica got on really well with Sherwood, but she didn't really talk to Abbadon loads. He was there, sure, but half the time he was a bit of a grumpy git. "Hey! You should be thankful!" Ember smiled at this and said nothing. Firstly because she kinda was, and also because it was super awkward to just talk to herself. 

She he turned back to Messica, questioning. What now? 

Walking the streets of New York, a bustling hub of activity, was a dark skinned male with strange tattoos on his face, silver hair, and glowing blue eyes. Though he looked, for all intents and purposes human, he was as far from it as possible: This was Sin'Imgurani Malicus, the 'human' out of time. He barley paid attention to those he passed by, more focusing on the aura of the other known myths and curses in the area. For some odd reason, this area seemed to be full of them....not that it mattered, he was only looking for one in particular. However, if luck blessed him with it's gaze, he would be at his journey's end by today. Passing through this smog filled world, he saw a homeless person, begging for...anything really, however he passed him by. This time-line wouldn't last long anyway, he'd make sure of that. Once he knew how, he'd dive back to his time using the energy of the Nexus, and rewrite it. He would fix everything, and make himself king!

But first, the future King needed food.

He stopped by a weird place serving something called 'Pizza', but saw that underneath it, it was translated in Italian. He didn't know what the food was, but he knew Italian. It was one of the few languages he could pick up easily. That was likely because it was so close to Latin in terms of vocabulary. Sin honestly could not understand why people needed so many weird things in food. Honestly, food back home was simple: If you wanted it to taste different, you chopped up a tasty plant and added it to the meat or vegetable. All these things like 'additives' or 'food coloring' made no sense to him. But that wasn't the only reason Sin picked this place.

He sensed two auras from a myth and/or curse. Two auras at once, twice the chance one of the them was the right one. However, Sin needed to find a way to introduce himself to them, so he spoke to his only companion from so long ago:  Malicus, the Nexus itself. "Malicus, how am I to introduce myself to these two? Speak in the old tongue? Woo them? Capture them? I need them to cooperate with me." Sin rambled, listing off the different alternatives he could name. For all his skill with his powers, social interaction was just...not his cup of tea.

Thankfully, Malicus did have the answer he could provide. "If anything, their myths or curses should recognize you. If there is one thing that is true about the Myths and Curses, it's that they don't forget. We all picked vessels for our power, so they should know you by appearance as my first....and only one. We just need to get their attention..."He said, staring in the direction of the two. It appeared they were two females, talking over pizza.

Sin would look down at himself, staring at his attire. He didn't have his tribal garb anymore, choosing to look the park of an upper-class citizen, so they didn't question the money he had....which he technically stole. It was funny how energy manipulation and portals could make stealing so simple! Oh, it also made killing easier, but that was a given! This world was rife with conflict and hardship, so a few thugs dead here or there were nothing.


Oh right, getting back to the topic at hand, his clothing may be different, but his face was the same way it was thousands of years ago. But how to get their attention?.....Hmm, decisions decisions. He could cause an explosion.....No, that would simply make too much of a mess....He could yell out to them......No, that'd be TOO reckless, even for him......At that moment, however, a waitress decided to make her appearance, proving to be his saving grace. A distraction, of course!

"Hello, welcome to our Pizzeria! Can I take your order?"

"Hmm? Oh, Oh, ciao là! Avrò un ..... pizza ai peperoni. Oh, e pagare per il pasto di queste due signore laggiù, vero?" Sin asked, keeping a pleasant smile on his face as he handed the waitress payment for both his meal and theirs....as well as a generous tip. 

The woman seemed shocked at this, but quickly left. Now all that was left was for him to talk to them. However, this still didn't answer the question as to which myths and/or curses they were: His training made it easier to find myths and curses, but he could never pinpoint exactly WHICH ones they were. It was frustrating, but Malicus had refused to teach Sin the advanced stages of the art. Apparently he needed to temper knowledge with experience. Sin though had to ask. "Malicus, can you tell me which ones those two are over at the booth?" He said, speaking in his head as per usual. Most people would think you're mad if you spoke to nothing but air.

"Sadly, I cannot. Be prepared though. I've been gone a long time, I doubt the other myths and curses are really going to be too keen to see you're still alive, because that would mean I am here."  Malicus said.

Sin would just sigh, before leaning back into his seat, tapping the table impatiently. He felt like he was so close.....He just needed to get this information, then he could go back in time and finally return to his world, to what truly mattered to him alone. This world COULD use his skills and intellect, no-one would dare doubt that, but it was the simple fact he had nothing to gain from it. It would've been pointless. So he would only stay and help in this world for so long as their was something that could benefit him. So for now, it was time to see how these two lovely ladies reacted.


Oh, hello there! I will have a.....pepperoni pizza. Oh, and do pay for the meal of those two ladies over there, would you?))

@NemoTheSurvivor @SeratheUnicorn
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Jessica watched Ember sign. Better than what? It could be anything, but that's pizza for you. She smiled, understanding. She went to bite down when she felt someone close by. "Another vessel," Sherwood thought. "I can't tell who it is." Jessica nodded as she turned to look for the vessel. As she panned over faces, one stood out. A dark skinned man with unnatural hair and eyes arrived at the pizzeria. Sherwood thought, "I don't believe it."

Jessica turned towards Ember, wondering if Abbadon had the same reaction Sherwood was having. Before she could ask, a waitress came by with the tab. The waitress turned her head as she spoke, but Jessica managed to lip read bill, paid, and gentleman. The waitress pointed to the strange man before walking away. "It cant be," Sherwood thought.

Jessica signed, "What?" Sherwood did not respond. "Talk to me," Jessica signed.

"He disappears for thousands of years before showing up now?" Sherwood thought. Jessica felt the hesitation again, longer this time. "Talk to him. Find out why he's here," Sherwood instructed.

Jessica turned to Ember and signed, "Call him over,"before pointing to the strange man.

@SeratheUnicorn @Andraus
A young man emerges from the gaping hole in the street that is a subway entrance. The trains are only running rarely and have stopped servicing the poorer districts altogether. The tunnels and their hidden storerooms have since become the hideouts of all kinds of criminals. But Ludwig was down there for another reason, for as dangerous as the tunnels may be, they also make for efficient and discreet shortcuts throughout the city. Especially so if you just so happen to have access to all of the tunnel maps ever made of the area.

The librarian clad in a black leather trench coat and simple, blue jeans today. One hand resting on his belt, ready to draw his blade and strike any would be assaulters lurking in the dark, the other tightly clenches the metal briefcase chained to his arm and tightly locked. It is still empty right now and to find it's destined content is the reason Ludwig has traveled all the way to the infamous city of decay.

He guards his eyes from the midday sun with his free hands as he emerges from the darkness and scans the area. A smirk crosses his face as he reaffirms that he has indeed reached his destination. He grabs his phone from one of his pockets and press it on his ear as he walks down the road. "I told you we could arrive here just before noon didn't I?"

"I still can't approve of you taking such unnecessary risks during missions. We only have this one chance to get the scroll losing that chance because you end up getting mugged while taking one of your shortcuts is the last thing we need."

There is no one on the other end though. The phone I'd just for show to hide the fact that he is arguing with the voice inside of his head right now. "And you worry to much. After all, aren't you the one who refuses to sift through the archives unless we take our regular coffee breaks? And would you look at that! A beautiful small café conveniently close to our destination. And would you look at the time! Looks like my shortcut saved us just enough time that we can take a short coffee break. Almost s of someone has been planning this turn of events all along!"

The library crumbles internally but admits that some coffee would be very much appreciated right now. So Ludwig puts his phone away, sits down at a free table, orders a cup of black coffee and pulls out the book he is currently reading and is blissfully ignorant of the other three myths not too far away.
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Ember frowned as Abbadon slipped back into her head. "Another Vessel... A fairly powerful one at that. But what does he want..." He mused. Ember shook her head. It was beyond her. She tilted her head so a curtain of hair shielded her face from his view. "Who is it? You sound stressed..." She whispered, trying not to draw attention to herself. For Abbadon to sound so worried this couldn't be your average Myth or Curse vessel. There had to be something else.

"Its been a while... oh, also, there's another one to your left. Reading. But he's not the problem." Ember flicked her eyes to the side, where another customer, a man was reading a book. He didn't seem threatening, so they could probably ignore him for now. Still, she quickly signed out the word "Left." To Jessica, so she would know. Sherwood would probably tell her anyway.

The waitress returned with the tab. Ember reached for it, but the woman shook her head. "Its your lucky day, your bill was paid by that gentleman over there."  The woman said smiling. Abbadon made a nose, but Ember ignored him. She turned to Jessica, who was signing something. Call him over... Oh. How should they play this? "Be Nice."Said Abbadon. "We need to find out what he wants before anything else." Ember nodded in agreement. She turned and walked over to the man in the suit, flipping her hair casually over her shoulder.

"You paid for our meal." She stated, smiling. "Could you come over to our table for a second, My friend and I want to... express our thanks." She told him, carefully choosing her words.. What did he WANT?


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Shinji Takahashi

With the sun high up in the sky around noon time, a young white haired male had been spending his entire time within the large public gym as he had been wearing simply nothing more than a pair of black sweatpants and a white tank top. Keeping both of his arms up and his fists clenched firmly, the young male had constantly swung multiple strikes at a large punching bag before him the whole while he had kept his eyes closed. Each strike against the large punching bag sending it flying forward and rushing back at an even quicker and much more powerful force. Others who were also at the gym at this time had soon enough caught attention of the white haired male sparring with the large punching bag and noticing quite easily as to how his strength was rather incredible considering that he didn't exactly have the physical appearance of a strong person whatsoever.

All the while, although there were those who were quite impressed at the male's performance at sparring against such a large object with such ease as it had seemed; there were also those who were rather envious of what they saw and believed that he was trying to show off at this point. Of course, his intention was obviously not to show off but simply to practice his fighting style and also clear his head a tad bit after receiving the information he had gained from the being that was inside of him known as Iohannes Jonas otherwise also known as The Garden of Eden. Listening and now knowing about such a thing was inside of him and that he was chosen to be the new vessel to something so important just was so much to be taking in at once at the time being. The more he had thought on it, the more his strikes against the punching bag grew more powerful until with a single strike soon caused the white haired male's fist to end up penetrating into the bag itself and end up nearly causing his hand to become stuck in the bag itself.


Gasping sharply at the sight of what he had just done as his own mental state returned to reality after realizing what he had just done, Iohannes had finally decided that now was probably a better time than any to speak now that his state of mind wasn't too off focused.   'Shinji...You must calm down...I know it's a lot to take in at once, you must understand. I had chosen you because I watched you through your entire life so far and I truly believe you are the perfect match to become my vessel.'  As he had spoken to him mentally only to receive no real response in return for a moment but rather just silence for the time being, eventually Shinji would've responded in a low whispering tone just so that others wouldn't had believed he was insane. "I understand Iohannes...I do not blame you for choosing me. It's just, I feel like I will not be of any real help--" Right as he had been in the middle of his whispering sentence, one of the very guests at the gym had eventually stepped up behind Shinji just to place his hand onto his own shoulder rather roughly. This male just so happened to had been one of the ones that had been quite envious of what he saw and he wasn't about to take it that someone would be possibly as strong as Shinji was with how he was with his physical appearance. "Hey kid. You got some nerve to think you're all macho just because you broke one of the punching bags, and what. You think just because you did it with your eyes closed makes you some kind of badass?! Hah! You little idiot! Get over yourself! Let me show you how a real man fights, get over in the ring and i'll show you how to really fight!" As the large male spoke, Shinji had remained silent as he kept his back turned to the man even as he kept his palm onto Shinji's shoulder the whole time. Of course, no matter what the man had seemed to say; the blind young male gave no reaction to it the whole while, rather in a matter of minutes he would've simply began to walk away without a word rather than start anything that might become troublesome. However, as Shinji had progressed his way to leave the room, the last thing that caused him to come to a halt before his hand had touched the handle of the door was what the man had stated once again to stop him. "Hah! You running away like the little kid you are?! Go ahead little baby! Go run back home to your little bitch mother and cry because you know you can't stand a chance against me! Your father must be a little bitch too, raising a kid like you to try and act all tough but can't do a god damn thing! Maybe I should come to your house and--" Even as the man had continued to taunt Shinji, Iohannes the whole time had been doing his absolute best to try and keep the blind male from losing his temper due to how he had known such a subject was never taken lightly by Shinji.


With barely so much as a moment's waste of time, the white haired male had rushed from the very spot of where the door had been to practically vanish and reappear right in front of the large male with Shinji's elbow pressed firmly right at the gut of the male. Causing him to cough and gag before immediately collapsing to the floor unconscious in a matter of seconds, due to the intense amounts of speed that the blind male had used to move in such a quick amount of time. His own long white hair that had once been tied into two really thin ponytails behind him had split open ever so slightly to reveal almost fully at the large amounts of hair he had in full view. Luckily, the straps that kept the ponytails together were still able to remain intact even if it was slight.

After knocking out the rude male and leaving the other guests at the gym in awe and utter shock, once again; Shinji would progress his way to leave the gym to return to his home. Normally, most of the time; during this time of day and nearly all day, he would've been spending his time at the café helping out his other employees and the elderly man with anything they might need help with there at the café, however today was rather slow and it had been quite some time that he had been outside to just practice his fighting, so he simply decided to go for now.
"Don't make it too obvious but do you see the two girls and the white haired boy at the table at two o' clock? All three of them are Vessels just like you, though i can't tell what myth they belong to at this distance."

Ludwig takes a glance up from his book and sees how the blue haired girl talks to the male. He thinks for a moment and then uses his finger to highlight a word in his book.

"I don't know if they pose a threat to us right now. I suppose it would be the best to wait and see what happens for now. I just wish we could hear what they are saying."

That is when the waitress brings his coffee over. He puts his book away and immediately pays the price (with tip of course). The watress bows politely and is just about to leave when he stops her. "Say miss, these two girls over there" He does a motion towards the table where Jessica is sitting "You don't happen to know if they come here regularly do you?" The waitress tilts her head at the question "Mmmh... No I think this is the first time i've seen them here. But those two shure are popular! The young man has just paid for their lunch you see?" And with that she bows down again and heads back to work.

"How very popular indeed." He murmurs to himself as he takes a sip of the black coffee and goes back to his book, now taking the occasional glance at the corious group a few tables away.
Work had ended not too long ago for his morning part time shift as he merged with the bustle of people along the busy streets. Work as a librarian was much better than an overnight shift at a dilapidated convenience store. Still, it wore on him as most people had little time to grab a book and read with the second Great Depression hitting. Even he, who was graced to have two jobs, was barely passing by with a roof over his head. His thoughts shifted to the afternoon. He would have to make a meal before he went to the grossly convenience store which provided grossly overpriced food items. His fridge, like always, was empty and he would need to scrape his dwindling earnings into finding something to sate his stomach.

"There's no reason to want more if you're getting by," the ring commented at his thoughts. As he wandered around, his eyes darting across the various shops lining the street. Nothing looked good though.

Geoffrey clicked his tongue at her words before explaining quietly, "Working just one full time job would be nice like before this entire Depression. I know, I'm better off than most though." There was a small, family run restaurant. Empty. A sign that seemed to indicate a clothing store. Foreclosed. Oddly enough, there was a cafe nearby that had quite a large number of people. Unnatural, maybe, but that meant it was doing something right in the days of severe deflation.

He split off from the milling crowd and made his way towards the almost bustling cafe, ready to the cheapest thing on the menu when his ring warned, "Be careful Jeffrey, there are other vessels here."

He stiffened for a moment at the doorway before he silently walked in and seated himself by a window booth. He whispered to himself as he looked out the window, "This can't be a coincidence, can it?" He didn't know very much about the other Mystics and Curses in the world and he had never met another until today. Looking down on a simple menu, he glanced over it and read through the prices. Sandwiches were the cheapest though he cringed at the cost. Still, it would be embarrassing to just walk out.

A waitress came over, a pen and pad in hand, while asking, "What may I get you today?"

"Um... ham and cheese sandwich with swiss," Geoffrey said while scanning the menu one more time, "and I'll have just water." He watched the waitress walk away before whispering once more, "There are others like me? Do you know which ones?" An afterthought hit him. Maybe he should find a demon who could teach him telepathy. Over the years, he's found it very unwieldy to start babbling to himself.

"There are two woman, the brown haired girl and her companion, and two men, the crimson haired one alongside the white haired one, who are vessels. I feel several more nearby. Several of them feel pretty strong too."  He looked down at the table as his pupils darted to the sides to locate them all. He really, really hoped this was a coincidence.
Near a busy intersection a few blocks away from the mall, foot traffic flowed around a man crouched over in the middle of the street. Many gave him odd looks as they passed, some bewildered, some contemptuous, but the man didn't care, he was too enthralled by the little caterpillar he was crouched over, watching it slowly inch onto his hand.

"Hey li'le friend, how'd ye get way out here?" The caterpillar of course, didn't respond, but the odd young man grinned like a fool anyways. "It's amazing ye've survived so long. Donnae worry, I'll take ye somewhere safe. I think there was a park around here somewhere...."

The man Stood up and looked around, trying to get his bearings, when suddenly he got a strong urge to go to the intersection and turn left. This wasn't his gut, his instincts, telling him where to go. The cheerful mans smile faltered. "What is it? What do you want?" from seemingly all around him, a mans voice spoke to him. "Theres a group of multiple vessels about ten blocks away. Something is.... off. I haven't seen a gathering like this in a very long time."

Beathan's head immediately snapped to the left, staring into the distance, all his focus on the thought of meeting another vessel, let alone multiple. He stood like that for a few moments as he worked things out in his head, before blinking, remembering his little caterpillar friend. "Sorry li'le guy, It'll take a wee bi' longer than ah though' tae get ye to a new home. Ne'er fear, though, I'll keep ye safe 'til then." Beathan put the little caterpillar in his front left jacket pocket, grinning his silly grin again, bouncing along down the road towards the mall, eager to meet others like himself.
Jessica watched as Ember stood. She walked over to the man who paid for the bill. "Heads up, another Mystic," Sherwood said. "And another. And another. It's like they're coming out of the woodwork!" Panic rose in Jessica's throat. Maintaining her composure, she looked around, getting affirmation from Sherwood when another vessel was in her sights. A red-haired man reading a book and another man who just entered the bar. "Still a third one not here," Sherwood said. Jessica decided she had two choices. Choice one was to grab Ember and run for it. Choice two was to group all of the Vessels up and figure out what's going on. Jessica decided on the latter. She stood up before putting her fingers in her mouth and whistled. After seeing all eyes on her, Jessica waved them all over to her table.

Jessica looked at Ember before signing, "Find out why they're here."

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H A N A K O  ✿  B R I S T O W

Hanako craved the quiet, especially when everything in her life seemed so loud— so disruptive. She longed for the days where everything would seem like it was slowing down, coming to a gentle pause and remaining there. Everything seemed far too fast paced now; how was she supposed to keep up?

It’s been at least a week, since she has stepped foot outside. Tiredness coupled with numbness invaded her being and she never got around to do much else except sitting on the couch binge-watching Netflix. Her mind was riddled with everything and nothing at the same time; so many thoughts, but nothing was every focused on for very long. Everything felt like a bad dream that she could not wake up from.

Hanako had not been feeling right with herself for quite a long time; she felt defeated and like life kicked her repeatedly in the face. It felt like she was being mocked and somebody was watching her life, and just having  a grand old time laughing. For a moment, she finally thought life threw her bone until it came with a lot more baggage than expected. Odd abilities and a random voice in her head to accompany her thoughts was such a brilliant idea.

The sun beamed directly down on her face, her eyes straining slightly to see. Hanako rolled her eyes and tried to shield the sun from her eye sight. The streets were busy with diverse people, rushing about with their lives. The cars brakes screeching and even honking at the jaywalkers. Hanako flinched; it was much too loud.

“Can you not feel yourself getting better?”  Yomi said. Well, it was more of a thought that wildly sprouted in her head. Hanako jumped, she forgot about Yomi. It was weird, it was so so weird.

“I was fine staying in the house.” Hanako thought back, her eyebrows furrowing together.

Yomi scoffed, “Sure, you were.”

“I was.”

“Uh huh, whatever you say.” Yomi said, the tone held annoyance. “You should eat.”

“Not hungry” Hanako spoke back as she walked more down the street. She wanted nothing more than to go back home, but Yomi was not having it today. You would think that Hanako would have more control over this… thing in her head, but apparently not.

You did not eat breakfast today. “

Hanako rolled her eyes, “I am fine.”

Hanako, stop being stubborn. You and i both know you — Stop! “

Hanako stopped abruptly, her shoes scuffing on the sidewalk audibly. She looked around herself quickly, her eyes blurring at the rapid movement. “What’s wrong?”

There’’s so many.“

“So many what?”

Vessels.” Yomi said simply, it’s tone holding a lot of curiosity.


“Not sure yet. Proceed with caution.”

Hanako began walking once more, but at a slower pace. She rounded a corner of the block, and continued walking. Her eyes shuffling between people that got too close to her.

“Any of them?”

“No, it’s coming from somewhere else. It’s a cluster of them.” Yomi sounded bewildered, which did literally nothing to calm Hanako’s already fraying nerves.

“What’s the plan? Avoid or confront?”

“There is something up. I need to know what is going on.”

“Great.” Hanako responded. She really did not want to confront anything or anyone, but she doubted Yomi would allow this.

A few more steps, and Hanako was more cautious in her approach. A slow moving girl in a fast paced city was more than enough to send looks, mostly angry, her way. It made her skin crawl at the idea of eyes on her, and with Yomi’s odd behavior (Hanako assumed odd), she was getting more antsy.  She should have stayed home; how much complaining could Yomi do?

“Hanako. Calm down. There is a building across the street from you. It’s a restaurant and they all seem to be in there.”

Hanako approached the street crosswalk, hitting the button on the post near by; it made a soft beep.

“Any reason why? Do you know any of them?”

“I am not entirely sure, go inside.”

“Are you serious?!” Hanako exclaimed out loud. A few pedestrians turned to her in various states of confusion, alarm, or even the classic signature state of annoyance. Her cheeks became warm at her outburst. She really thought she had a better control on that.

“We don’t even know if they are friendly.” Hanako continued, this time in her head. The light on the crosswalk signaled for them to cross.

“We will find out.” Yomi sounded confident, which meant no more was to be spoken about the matter.  Hanako could feel herself begin to bristle with anger, it felt like a white hot ball rolling around in her chest. Where was her control? She felt like everything was just slipping through her fingers like sand, and she was off to do someone else’s bidding.

Once she crossed the street, she walked over to the restaurant on the block that Yomi was confident that had these vessel thingies. She walked inside and the sharp wave of food hit he like a bag of bricks. Hanako’s stomach rumbled, which promptly crushed her earlier attempts of trying not to eat. She was not sure if she imagined this, but she swore that Yomi was smug right about now.

Hanako sat down at a table, her hands reaching for a menu.  There was not much she was interested in eating, but that was the least of her concerns.

“So, what now?”

“From what I can see, there is two at a table; the one with the brunette. Then there is two males— red hair and white…wait, another male, he has light brown hair.”

“Okay, got it. There is a whole squad in here.” Hanako mumbled under her breath, her eyes trying hard to focus on the menu and not stare holes into the people…’vessels’ that were occupying the space. “Any more I have to worry about?”

“Yes. There seems to be more in the area.”

Hanako rolled her eyes for the umpteenth time that day.
"One of the vessels is waving the rest of your kind over," The ring alerted Geoffrey as he waited for his sandwich to appear. Looking over, he saw the brown haired lady that the ring indicated. He couldn't tell whether he should be cautious or not. He was never good at reading people, and she was not an exception.

"I'm going to greet them. Wish me luck, Gilan." Ignoring them would be pointless since they all knew that each of them were capable of recognizing each other to be vessels, Mystics, and Curses. He might as well find out why they were gathering. He put his hands on the table to push himself up.

Before he could commence his approach, Gilan signaled his attention towards the new arrival. "Another one just entered." The woman was much shorter than him and had wavy, light brown hair. Normal looking, not that it meant anything. That would make five, not including the others nearby that may be approaching in curiosity.

He muttered in exasperation, "Another one? It's like lambs to the slaughter. All of us. Stay alert, this can't be coincidence anymore." His arms relaxed and fell back to his side for the moment. He silently watched the woman sit down while making sure to memorize her location before getting up himself and finally moving towards the girl that garnered his and Gilan's attention. Geoffrey moved through the room, hands in pocket and fingers crossed, all the while hoping he wasn't going to cause a situation. Smiling uncertainly as he stopped in front of the lady, he asked hesitantly, "Hello, um... were you waving at me or somebody else?"

Sasha looked around warily as they all began to approach. As they neared, Abbadon started with listing a couple of Gods they could or might be, which was more distracting than helpful. What she needed to know was whether they were friendly and if they would hurt their chances of completing the mission. She opened her mouth to answer the man, but Abbadon key out a startled happy gasp.

"Yomi!" Yomi? Wasn't that another vessel? That was bad not good! Abbadon was ignoring her now, trying to look for his sister. Oh well. 

The he man was addressing Jessica, but he probably didn't understand sign language. "Yeah, she was actually. We were waving all of.... Us over. I think you know what I mean. She is both deaf and mute, but she is fairly good at making her opinions known. Anyway, we wanted to ask you... What is it that you want?" She said leaning cowards slightly and looking him in the eye.

@SeratheUnicorn @EuclidAmarok @NemoTheSurvivor @Gaaron01234 @BlueLikeATardis

Sin was beginning to feel the pressure of so many mystics and curses in such close proximity. This brought an internal sense of joy to the Elder Mystic. With so many around, one of them just had to be the Library! Sin had to find it, on the condition that he needed to know as much as possible about this world, to return to his own. If he knew enough, he was sure he could prevent this from coming to pass.....once he figured how to go back at all. For now, Sin gave the woman who addressed him a small smile. "Voluptas! Er, Greetings. My English....not great. Name.....Sin'Imgurani Malicus." He said, as his pizza came over. Picking it up, he would nod to her. "Will...join you."He said, getting up, and walking towards her table. He would nod towards the male, present, as he sat down.

Any of the mystics and curses there, even if they didn't previously recognize him, they'd know the name 'Malicus'.  Malicus was the original Crossroads, or in shorter terms, the Nexus. He was the second eldest elder, answering only to Eden. However, when bad things began happening to the mystics, he simply....vanished.This lead many to believe he had simply abandoned this world, including the other mystics, as he was one of the few that existed on an entirely different plane of existence. He could literally duck and cover at any given time, and it seemed like that was what he did. However, not only was he present NOW, years after all the events that happened, but his original vassal, a human that should be well over five thousands years dead, was walking about.

To say that was confusing, or agitating, was an understatement.

Sin would sit down at the table next to the mute mystic, or curse.....he didn't know, and he would simply begin eating his pizza in silence. Sin had to admit: It was tasty, and not something you ate every day. When he returned to his time, he had to bring some of this technology and knowledge back with him: It was simply too useful to pass up. Sin was a very ambitious man, and Malicus knew this. This was the deciding factor as to why Malicus chose him in the first place: He needed that drive to fulfill their goals, that fire of determination inside them. Sin had the will, and reasoning, to put his plans into action. Malicus needed that.

Though how the other mystics and curses would feel, was entirely up in the air...
After a lot of crowd-weaving and more than a few people hurling curses and insults at him, Beathan found himself pulled by the impulse to stand in front of an odd little cafe that advertised they sold pizza as well. Odd combination, that. Pizza and coffee. Of course Beathan grinned nonetheless at it, eager to meet other potential friends, over a possibly delicious pizza. He wondered if it had coffee beans for toppings for a while, and how that would work, then switched track as another stray thought popped in his head.

"Ye used to be connected to 'em all, helpin' 'em communicate from afar, aye? Can ye recognize which ones be in there?" Beathan queried, confusing onlookers as to why he was asking a picture of pizza about.... well, anything, eally.

A voice spoke once again, female this time, sounding somewhat.... uncomfortable. "Yes... it's been a while and they' feel a bit.... different, now, but yes..." The voice trailed off, though Beathan wa used to this. None of the three was quite comfortable talking to each other. The girl always sounded awkward, while the man just spoke tersely, stoic. Neither talked to Beathan unless it was important or Beathan spoke to them first, and even then if it wasn't important only the girl would speak to him.

Beathan contemplated this, trying to puzzle out each mystic by the cryptic titles Cenric had given him, especially that last one. Beathan opened his mouth to ask a question, but was cut off by Cenric just before he spoke. "Oh and Cornelius" Beathan sat there with his jaw open for a few moments, processing Cenrics little outburst, before declaring incredulously, "Cornelius!? What, no cryptic riddle f'r 'im?" Cenric spoke once more, plainly, as if he spoke with a straight face, "I couldn't fit him into the rhyming scheme."

Grumbling for a few moments and kneading the bridge of his nose in bewilderment, Beathan shook his head to clear his thoughts, and beamed once more. "Ahh, to 'ell with i'," He declared, "Lets just go in and see wha' happens."

And with that Beathan burst through the front door, grinning like a fool, looking all around the cafe, his eyes seeking out the other mystics, elated.

Umi looked about her in wonder as she finally exited the airport. It had taken six different flights for her to make it from Japan to here. Of course, it didn't help that Umi's wander lust had her getting on planes to other countries as well. She had stopped in Germany, France, Russia, India, Britain and finally arrive here in New York City. She merely felt the world was like her own infinite pool of experiences that she'd never gotten in the hospital. Checking to make sure her bag still had the bottles of water she'd bought once she got off the plane, Umi smiled confidently. She then proceeded to walk in whichever way her heart took her.

Walking through the crowds in traditional Japanese clothing however, left her standing out quite a bit. Umi could feel the stares of people as she passed them by. Her eyes skimming each one to try and gather what they were feeling. Some seemed lecherous, others were jealous, and most were confused. It was appealing to her to merely just enjoy the moment before she heard the all to familiar voice in her head. It was the Fountain of Youth, but she couldn't exactly respond at this time either.

"Umi, why do you refuse to try and blend in with crowds? It's like you want to be found by scientists and prodded with needles and all kinds of Mystics know what."

"You shouldn't reference yourself so freely Keenan. People will think you shallow as a puddle." She smirked as she felt the Mystic's irritation with her cold answer. "Come now, you know I don't feel that way about you so no need to get wrapped up in yourself. It's just a small observation of what others would think." Umi had learned how people thought from listening in the hospital. She caught gossip and news through another and learned how the world perceived itself. Now with a Mystic, she was able to see how mad the world had become.

"You do realize that we're only discussing this because you DON'T worry about--" Keenan's words cut short as the Mystic seemed to send chills down Umi's spine. "There are a great number of Mystics here. We should find one and maybe started forming bonds. If we can find the Hanging Gardens, that would be best. Damki and I are fairly close to one another."

"You just want to meet your lover again." Umi joked but felt a bit of a blush cross her face as she thought about whom might be the vessel for The Hanging Gardens and if she'd have the same kind of connection to them as Keenan and Damkina. "You're right. We should hurry....." However, Umi heard it. It was music that she'd only heard from CD's, jazz music. The song felt slow and dark, but the words that weren't being sung loud enough for her to hear were happy. She raced off towards the sound, slipping into the small building and saw the performance. Unable to restrain herself she began to sing along with the band, catching the ears of people inside and outside the bar.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mO77vVfvq4Y (The song and how she's singing, look up Ken Page Feeling Good for the background music.)
Slavenka yawned as she rolled about the city of New York in the limousine her agent had prepared for her. They had flown into a small airport before being helicoptered to another location. That's where the limo had picked her up and started driving her toward the destination on the letter she had received a while back. Apparently some agency wanted her to do a shoot and she was fine with that. However, having to move about so much and avoid her fans was frustrating. It was like lying to or betraying them. She REALLY hated the idea. "Can't we just swing by the-"

"No my dear. You're a VIP, getting anywhere near the ruffians within New York could be a problem."

"I can handle myself Diego. You've never once seen me fall down right? Even when Brutus and Buck fell onto me. I was able to support them and take control of the situation."

"If only because of me." Akimi chided at the young red head as she argued with her manager. "You really don't understand how much I've given you do you?"

"Of course I do Akimi, but I can't go telling my agent that I'm the vessel for a goddess now can I?Slavenka sent her thoughts to the Mystic. She'd learned how to do this because there was very little time for Slavi to actually TALK with the Mystic. People were constantly watching and talking to herself would make her seem crazy.

"MYSTIC Slavi, not goddess, get it right for once." Akimi sighed as she dealt with such a stubborn girl. If it wasn't for the fact that Slavenka embodied her ideals, then she probably wouldn't have even considered the stubborn hot head of a girl. However, few could both give and take from people in balance like she could. Slavenka was a foundation for people to accept who they were despite what society said and that both harmed society, but helped it grow. "Slavi, let's just focus on the meeting. I told you I felt traces of another Mystic on that letter, though it had been faded greatly."

"I understand Aki, but what am I supposed to do? If it's a trap we can't exactly summon Fluff and Fuzz to attack from nowhere. Diego would lose his head!" Slavenka only just noticed that Diego had gone quite for a bit expecting an answer from her. "I'm sorry Diego, I didn't really catch ANY of what you were saying. I just.....I felt terrible about betraying my fans. You know how much they mean to me."

Diego rolled his eyes and groaned with displeasure. "Fine then Slavi. After we deal with these "Star Shooters" we'll quickly head over to the airport and make it look like your flight arrived late. Will that satisfy you?"

Slavenka burst out with her smile as she hugged Diego. He may have been the one that approached her, but she was glad he was her manager. He didn't keep her from being herself and enjoying life. Several agencies offered her a full time position, but refused to let her keep Diego as her manager and thus they lost out on her partnership forever. There was no way she'd go anywhere without him. "You're the best Diego, did anyone ever tell you that?"

"Yes, you do, EVERY time I cave to your wants and whims. It would be nice to hear it when I get you big gigs scheduled instead."

"You know I'm not in this for the shows. I'm all about tearing down stereotypes and proving that everyone is beautiful. Just accept that already."

"I have and that's what frustrates......" Diego stopped talking as they stopped outside the building where they would meet the "Star Shooters" as they called themselves.

"Slavi, I can feel it. The Mystic is here, be ready." Aki's words floated through Slavi's mind as she got out of the Limo. Here was the first challenge she'd face since becoming a vessel. Was it going to be worth it?

Ludwig gives Jessica a look of bewilderment as of to ask "what me?". He lets out a deep sigh after getting the confirmation that yes, he was the one called over. "Well, so much for not getting involved."  He snaps his book shut and puts it away, grabs his coffee with one and the briefcase with his other hand and casually walks over to the girl's table.

"Let's see then, the girl that called you over is Sherwood, the Champion of financial equality, her companion is Abbadon, Guardian of the realm that is way to hot and the young man who just arrived is Gilan, the one  who didn't get the memo that explained the difference between a mystic and a curse." Ludwig quietly chuckles over Merlin's commentary as he is still on his way over to the table. That is when Bethan bursts through the doors of the café. "And those two are the Stonehedge twins, Don't ask me why they are inhabiting the same body, I never got why some siblings do that. Now the white haired boy over here is the interesting one. I present to you the Nexus, one of the oldest mystics there is and one you run away from really fast if you happen to piss him off. what was the name he chose for himself again? Malus? Maladus? I'm certain it was something beginning with Ma."

Ludwig in the meantime has arrived at the table and slightly bows before the girls with a smile. "Good afternoon friends, I apologize if my cravings for the black gold" he slightly swings his coffee, careful not to spill any of it "have interfered with your domain in any way or shape but I assure you that I have no intention to get in anyone's way during my stay in this wonderful city. Well since I'm already here I guess I may as well introduce myself. I am Ludwig Katz, most humble servant of the great hoarder of dusty old tomes and scrolls."

Merlin meanwhile is still going through Names beginning with Ma when he hears Sin introducing himself. "Malicus? No, I'm pretty sure it's not that."

Seeing how Sin has seated himself, Ludwig does so himself and takes a seat at the table, quietly sipping at his coffee while he waits for one of the others to make a move.

@SeratheUnicorn @Phantasm @Andraus @EuclidAmarok @NemoTheSurvivor
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Jax made his way down the street, having just entered the gloomy city that New York now was. He had heard stories of how the once great city used to be thriving, though now it appeared to be in a very depressing state. "This place is proof to how greedy and uncaring humanity has become. I still don't understand after these few years we have spent together why you find it a need to cheer up these wretched beings," Allistaire's voice echoed in his head. Despite knowing why the Curse despised humans, he wished he didn't. 'I've told you, Allistaire. I have grown up never staying in one place so traveling is what I am used to. If I can make people a little happier as I do so then that will be the case,' he thought back to the annoyed voice. He received what sounded to be a huff of annoyance but Allistaire did not push the topic further.

Jax had been walking for a while before he felt it, a cluster of power. "Allistaire? Do you...," he began but stopped himself, realizing that he had said that line out loud. Luckily, no one else appeared to be around so he didn't have to receive strange looks. 'Do you feel it?' he questioned."Yes, I feel it. There appears to be a disturbing amount of Mystic and Curse energies coming from the city, specifically in one area. I wonder if...," the curse began but cut himself off. 'What is it, Allistaire? What do you wonder?' he questioned, curious to what the being had been about to say."Nothing. Carry on. We can head over to the area they are in if you wish but I would rather not see why so many have gathered in one area. It is probably going to be madness," he explained with a slight irritation to his tone. 

Jax found himself at a park and smiled to himself. He was frankly a bit surprised to see that the town still had an area that was so beautiful. "No doubt it has to do with the poorer folk. From what I have witnessed, the rich do not take the time to observe nature's gift," Allistaire mused. Jax agreed and made his way over to a sign the stood beside a walkway. "Central Park. I feel like a stroll through here and a bit of playing might be in order. Perhaps there will be people here to play for," he said to himself. He felt a grumble in his thoughts from his traveling companion and chuckled softly. He opened up his satchel and pulled out his pan flute. He then began slowly strolling down the pathway, playing a cheerful and calming melody as he walked, the music he could feel calming even Allistaire. 

He observed the park as he walked, taking in the beautiful but still dying nature. It appeared that people had tried their best to reserve the park but it was a failed effort as it still appeared to be decaying. It was still nice to see at least an effort from humanity, even if it was just from a small portion. He did notice as he approached a pond and several benches that at least the water in the park seemed clean and clear. He heard a sigh in his thoughts before Allistaire spoke to him again. "To answer your earlier question, I was wondering if perhaps Atlantia was among the gathered but I know the chances of her being among the big group would be very small," he explained. Jax didn't respond as he was still playing but he wasn't surprised at Allistaire's answer. He knew how much he held hope of the day that they ran into Atlantia and her vessel. He felt bad for him but he knew Allistaire didn't appreciate pity. He continued on walking and playing, noticing that a few of the few people who had been in the park had began to approach him, listening to the melody. 
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Shinji Takahashi

After dealing with the man that had insulted Shinji's mother of all people before he had left the gym, the young male had immediately began to progress his way towards the café that he had worked at immediately. The whole way there, Iohannes had been rather disappointed even if he had known well enough why Shinji had done so. 'Shinji...You must be careful. I know how you are feeling...but with the power you hold now, you can end up revealing yourself to no longer being human around others. This will leave you an obvious target for 'those' people..' As he had spoken to him mentally, Shinji had only remained silent the entire walk towards the café, his eyes still kept closed the whole way there while he had thought about his actions as well as back onto his own life before he was turn into the vessel of Eden.

Although it may had taken quite a bit for the blind male to reach his destination; before he could even reach the café itself, the sounds of chattering of both natural conversations but as well as complaining could be heard coming from the café before he had even reached the front of it. Even if he hadn't reached the location just yet, that sound was all too familiar to Shinji; the café was getting customers left to right and his fellow co workers were most likely being swarmed with orders that they couldn't keep up with. Sighing to himself that he had taken a break by going to the gym only to come back to this, rather than bothering to rush to the front of the café to get to the counter; he had immediately made his way to the back entrance where he had burst into the kitchen only to listen and easily tell that his co workers were rushing from one side of the kitchen to the next to keep up with orders as quickly as they possibly could.

The instant they had seen Shinji step in, one of the male cooks had immediately thrown Shinji the usual black dress shirt that each of the workers had to wear before telling him the current orders that needed to be filled first. Everyone at the café had known Shinji to be one of the quickest and best cooks at the café, so the sight of him coming back was quite the lifesaver. Just with that, the young male slipped on his black shirt over his own black tank top before beginning to rush around the kitchen just along with the rest of his workers, even if Shinji had been blind his sense of taste and smell followed by his sense of touch was almost all he needed to work with to be able to get the orders done in a matter of time; with his memory of where each of the stoves and cabinets were, it only made his job all that much easier. Now that the workers had him back in the kitchen, most of them were able to make their way to the front counter where they had taken more orders and brought out food all the much quicker as well. Apologizing constantly to each customer that came by for the inconvenience of how long it had taken to get the food out to them, by the time an hour had passed; Shinji had finally been able to get the café caught up and the orders taken care of.


While everyone had been practically over exhausted from the amount of work they had just had went through, the blind young male had simply been dusting himself off of the flour and sauces that the had accidentally spilled on himself from time to time. All the while, Iohannes had been watching the whole time; this had not been the first time Eden had watched Shinji work at such speed even without the assistance of his own mystic power that was within him. 'He has so much potential inside of him....but yet he uses so much of it to help these people. Maybe one day, I will tell him about those hunting us..What will he think...will you actually help us...Shinji?'  Speaking mostly to himself the whole time Shinji had been busy taking care of the café; Iohannes had known all too well about the hunters that had been after the Mystics however never once did he bring it up to Shinji just since he hadn't been sure exactly how he was going to be able to tell him when he was still so young and not to mention still so easily triggered when it came to his emotions about those close to him.

All the while, after everything around the café was taken care of such as the orders and slight bits of the cleaning; the first thing that Shinji had immediately went towards was the front, where the counter had been just to check on his rose that he had kept in a small vase in the front. Normally enough, he would've brought this rose with him everywhere he had gone; however whenever he had gone to the gym, he would always leave this at the café simply because he had been concerned that bringing it to the gym might've been dangerous at the thought of it possibly being crushed or stolen. However, keeping it here at the café he had known that his fellow co workers would've been kind enough to watch over it so that no one would dare harm or steal the rose from it's vase. Immediately by the time Shinji had seen that his rose was once more untouched, he had wasted no time to take it out from it's vase simply to place it into his front shirt pocket to make sure that the petals of the rose were still easily seen. Thanking the co worker at the front of the counter with a simple bow of his head and his usual warm smile, Shinji simply began to make his way around the café to help clean up a bit further until more customers had arrived.
Lan Ilius

Lan awoke to a familiar ceiling, the same ceiling he found himself under last night. He'd never seen this ceiling before that point in his life, but it acted as a temporary shelter. He managed to escape by mere coincidence, going back to his old home would not be a wise decision. He blinked a couple times, letting his eyes adjust to the morning light as he greets a new day. He sits up and grabs his glasses from the stand, putting them on. He was in a small hotel, fit for the price and under the common use, checking in and out wouldn't put him in any foreseeable risk, but the risk is still present. 

He grabbed his bag of things he managed to grab from his old home, mostly consisting of clothing and funds. He grabbed his left arm, feeling the cold of the gauntlet on his hands. 

"Day 20, still no appearances of any opportunities or possible ways of removing the gauntlet of Tyrfing. I still feel physically stable, and there have been no noticeable or subtle changes to my vitals. I can only rule that this gauntlet is bound to me, but in a non-threatening or harmful way." 


He makes a  note to himself, examining the gauntlet for any changes. He has gotten used to its weight of about three pounds rather quickly, and it feels much like it is becoming a part of his body. While the gauntlet is ever-present, the actual blade Tyrfing is hidden away, not gone, but not always visible. 

He headed out the doors, making his way outside the building and into the bustling streets of New York. His first objective was to feed himself, he hadn't eaten anything for a while, and couldn't let this get the better of him. Being a vessel made Lan above human capability, but still limited him to human needs. He didn't have a favourite food, he wasn't picky, as long as it was food. Across the hotel was a small cafe, the smell of pastries and coffee grounds flowing in the wind. He made his way over, buying a small coffee and plain doughnut. He nipped at them both silently at his own table, thinking of what to do.

Going back to my previous home is not a viable option, the facility is without a doubt scouting it. I cannot contact my family, those ties must be broken immediately. All ties to my previous life must be abandoned. 

He closed his eyes in annoyance, starting over can't be simple, he needs to cover every track, and not do everything at once. He can't attract any unwanted attention. If there are others like him, surely he can't be the only one taken by such a heavily-funded facility, or the only one they were looking for. Such a facility needs targets, and with their manpower and levels of research, Lan couldn't be the only one. 

In a worst case scenario, my options of Pendragon's Might and Call Upon Fantasy are both feasible, but I will need plenty of rest and ease to perform such tasks on multiple targets. I need to be efficient.

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