The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

Kat turned her back to the gruesome scene and stumbled back towards Violet, bracing herself on a tree. "This can't be happening... How could something wipe out an entire clan of elves?"
(What race do you want to destroy the clan?)

Violet went over to kat and tried to help her stand up the scene before her was nothing gruesome to her but it was horrible because it was kats clan that was destroyed.
Kat stood with Violet's help and stumbled away from the destruction.

"How could someone just kill an entire clan of innocent people? Sure they were jerks, but they didn't deserve this."
Violet stayed silent the scene was very familiar and she had two theories in mind, either her race did this or there is some rogue criminal out there.

"Life can't always so sweet, which is why when you get lemons you make something good" she said in a sing voice, this was a piece of a poem she read as a kid.
"Thanks for the poetry, but I think I'm going to be sick," Kat muttered, holding her stomach and squeezing her eyes closed. Her eyes shot open again in renewed panic. "We have to warn Rein, the killer could still be around."
Violets eyes took a serious cold look and she tried to think of a way to hurry and get back to reign..

".......kat can you run?" Violet asked seriously if the killer was still around and she was right...not many could destroy it.... If she was wrong then she still should warn him and she wasn't going to leave without kat.
Violet turned around her eyes cold as ice she glared at the man

"You killed them?!?" She said in a deep hissed voice that scared every animal near by
Violet winced a bit at that but no one can tell she just sat kat down and stomped in front of the killer it was highly unlikely the killer could kill her. I mean she was a demon
"Hey!" Kat huffed. She got back to her feet and crossed her arms. "I can fight my own battles. Especially now."
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"...I wasn't exactly fighting for you" she said still going to fight this person.

"Fighting for people who didn't have the chance to fight back"
"Fine but he didn't just kill the elves you know" violet whispered and ran off she had to get home before her parents suspected something
"Didn't just kill the elves?" Kat repeated. She looked at the killer with a fierce glare. "Just who exactly are you?"
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Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch- Location: 2 miles south of the city of Foria- at the water

It sparkles. That's the first thought that popped into her head as she gazed out at the ocean. The sunlight reflected off of its surface, creating an effect that Melodia never would have paired with the great expanse of water. Her first time seeing the ocean and she never imagined that it would look the way it did. She had always thought that it would look like water did in a cup- clear and unmoving. Her paradigm of it got switched immensely. Not only was it a beautiful deep blue with a hint of green, but it also moved as if an invisible force was acting upon it. It seemed to be in a world of its own creation. One with no worries, no responsibilities, and tragedies. It seemed to just exist; to just be. Mel envied the careless expanse of water. She wished that she could exist in a serene state. She wished that she didn't have to deal with the many troubles she did.
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"Ok, ok, you got me, i kill many, for a living, i am a hitman, or anything you could pay me for, i have been a bodyguard, a physical laborer and even a nightly 'escort'." i said, blushing at the last part, 'so what! i was desperate,for money, and a lady was also desperate, for sex....'
"Okay, to0 much information there," Kat said, cringing slightly at the last bit. "I'm sure he has his reasons," Kat thought.
i pucker my lips like i sucked a lemon "shut up... now, lets clear up any questions or doubts you have.. ask away." i said quickly.
Zabel painted, he moved his brush, another burst of red upon his canvas. "Beautiful." He motioned the stick around again, another splatter of color. "More." The male said, as he watched more splatters of color spray, walking forward and brushing his finger against a wall the liquid sticking to his finger. The finger came close to his eye and he watched the red drip sit for a second, before running down the gloved hand. The crime lord looked back at his art piece something he had made up came to mind. "The cold, suffocating dark goes on forever, and we are alone. Live our lives, lacking anything better to do. Devise reason later. Born from oblivion; bear children, hell-bound as ourselves; go into oblivion. There is nothing else. Existence is random. Has no pattern save what we imagine after staring at it for too long. No meaning save what we choose to impose. This rudderless world is not shaped by vague metaphysical forces. It is not God who kills the children. Not fate that butchers them or destiny that feeds them to the dogs...... It's us..... Only us." He reached down to close the pair of heavy eyes before him. Zabel only smiled looking back at the massacre that he and his men had created bodies astrewn and almost unidentifiable from wounds. The smile became a small laugh as he walked away, motioning for his men to follow, the barrels of their guns steaming.

Eldritch was resting behind a tree in the forested outskirts of Foria, flipping through the dusty pages of his family tome. The old book had a black and worn leather cover with arcane symbols etched onto every inch of its surface. Eldritch didn't actually physically hold the book, but instead levitated it before his face through his minor telekinetic powers. He was currently reading about summoning a Nether giant, something beyond Eldritch's capabilities. It was an interesting read, and the two thousand page book wasn't something that Eldritch had finished even to this day. Only about half of the tome was actually about contracting demons, the other half was about useless little tricks one could do with the natural magical capabilities that demon folk had. It boring stuff, but some tricks were really nice, such as the ability to telekinetically move around small objects. It was a huge nuisance to hold the heavy book while reading it, and this magical ability took this burden off of Eldritch's hands with ease.

In the quiet of the forest, Eldritch had set Pyrolok to his own devices. Pyrolok did not particularly like being cooped up in Eldritch's soul, as he described it as being cold and uncomfortable. Eldritch had always replied to this complaint by stating that Pyrolok already took a half of Eldritch's soul and that he should be grateful.

Sighing, Eldritch closed the tome and floated it underneath the long robes he wore, where he usually kept the book strapped to his side.

Suddenly, Eldritch felt warm wind blowing towards him. It was Pyrolok.

"Man, I saw something super odd, there was like, a guy, looked pretty tough, and he did some awesome thing where he shot a deer. Nobody ever comes here, you already made sure with some kind of method, inspecting the environment or whatever. Lets go and meet this guy"

Pyrolok was an energetic and headstrong being who liked to talk. To this day Eldritch doesn't know how a half of his soul could be so stupid. Nonetheless, Pyrolok was a cherished and crucial companion for Eldritch and their regular insulting exchanges never exceeded banter. Pyrolok couldn't be considered a true demon, he was basically a manifestation of a half of Eldritch's soul donated to a malleable spirit in the Nether realm. As such, Pyrolok had the body of a demon, but the mind of a facet of Eldritch. However, if dark energy gets into Pyrolok, his demonic body easily accepts it and changes Pyrolok's mentality accordingly to a vicious and cruel being. Pyrolok states that he does not remember the feelings he experiences when he is corrupted.

"He shot a deer, and i'm guessing he killed it. Lets say he is a bandit or some kind of lawless fiend, what does he do when he sees me? I'll tell you. Either A: He shoots me or B: He steals my belongings. Think things through you idiot" replied Eldritch.

Nevertheless, the cogs were turning in Eldritch's head. Should he meet this person? Not many people with magical aptitude would come here, so the chances that this was some sort of outlaw was low. Of course, there was no real reason to meet this person, but Eldritch was feeling curious today, and decided that he would observe the situation.

"Levitate through the trees and make sure not to be seen, place yourself in a position where you can come to me to help me or intercept an attack. Also, please make sure your temperature remains a steady body temperature level so you don't cause another forest fire. Guide me towards this stranger,"

Pyrolok nodded and changed his form into a floating fire and wafted through the trees stealthily, making sure to lead Eldritch.

After a short walk, Eldritch found himself behind a tree, listening with great interest to the exchange between the man on a horse and a concealed woman. Pyrolock was behind the man under the cover of thick leaves, although his bright orange color would really make him hard to conceal if one were to actively try and find something on the tree he was hiding in.

"Why did you kill them?" Kat asked immediately. "You just said for money, but who hired you? Why would they hire you?" 
"Why did you kill them?" Kat asked immediately. "You just said for money, but who hired you? Why would they hire you?"

(Secondary post to make up for me falling behind)

Well, as Eldritch had feared in the corner of his mind, the damn idiot of a fire elemental lost his way. Eldritch was dumbfounded at the sheer stupidity of Pyrolok and hoped that this stupidity stemmed from the demonic part of Pyrolok and not his own soul. Nonetheless, after wasting away hours, Eldritch stumbled upon a burnt out campsite. It looked as if something had been cooked, drips of crisped fat were scattered around a burnt out fire pit and a charred piece of wood, a spit, was lying on the ground.

The stranger had obviously helped himself to a meal and left, the stranger was also proficient at hunting and self sufficient in the wild. Additionally, Eldritch could presume that the stranger was skilled in some form of deadly art so as to take out big game. Caution would be required approaching this being.

While Eldritch was intently focused on the campsite, analyzing every bare detail, Pyrolok had wandered off in pursuit of things to catch his attention.

A loud and familiar voice broke Eldritch's concentration.

"HOLY SHIT MAN, I found this place, and it got completely trashed man, you know like, completely. All elves, and all dead man, holy crap we gotta go see!"

Eldritch let out an impatient sigh, had the idiot become delusional now too?

"Calm down, I find it hard to believe any sort of large scale massacre happened here. There's a decently sized elf population nearby according to this map, but nothing short of a Redire assault could take it out quickly and as swiftly."

Besides, there's nothing to gain from killing some random elves.

Nonetheless, Eldritch decided to ascertain the situation, and waved at Pyrolok to lead the way while warning Pyrolok that he wouldn't see the outside of the confines of Eldritch's soul for a month if he lost the way again.

Then the stench hit Eldritch's sharp nose.

The smell of freshly slain, rotting bodies. Upon reaching the clearing where the elf settlement was, Edlritch viewed a gruesome sight. Houses were razed into the ground, fires still eating away at some. Dead bodies, charred and mutilated, lay rotting on the roads. Flies buzzed voraciously around the corpses. Aside from the sound of death, the settlement was rather quiet though.

"WOAH man, look over there, two people man, looking at this crap just like us, they must know something!" Pyrolok exclaimed while excitedly pointing to two people in the distance.

And for once, Eldritch knew that Pyrolok was right, how suspicious it was, for people to observe this carnage. Perhaps they were the perpetrators.

As Eldritch approached them, he noticed one was an elven woman and the other a human man. Quite strange for an elf to be behind this, perhaps these were members of the settlement and were simply looking by in horror.

Or perhaps not.

Eldritch had to consider all options, and decided as he had many times before that vigilance was the most rewarding option.

"Pyrolok, prepare for hostile engagement, I will have my Ignite spell up so that I can jumpstart your power. I doubt they will be hostile to us, but we have to be careful. And, if they aren't hostile, go clean up those fires, don't want that spreading around."

Pyrolok nodded and walked in front of Eldritch, his body became brighter and fire started to flicker around his body in a radiant aura.

"Greetings friends, what be your business out here viewing this scene of slaughter? Perhaps this was kin of yours young lady? If so, I am terribly sorry to have your fine eyes take in such a horrible sight. My full condolences are offered"

Eldritch recognized that adding some sort of soft tone would make this introduction more palatable, but it probably didn't matter as his ghostly voice always had the same sort of sinister and creepy tone. It also didn't help that Eldritch wore suspicious clothes that covered his entire body, was black, and looked sinister.

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Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch- Location: 2 miles south of the city of Foria- at the water

As her thoughts started to drift to her parents, Melodia reached up to clutch at the pendant her adoptive mother gave her before she died. The small pendant was a crystal that had leaves that cupped around the top of it. The leaves seemed to be frozen in a permanent green state. It had already been three years and they hadn't died so Melodia assumed that the entire pendant was enchanted. Her mother had said that she would need it. For what, the young girl was unsure of.

The cloak that she had around herself flapped in the steady breeze that blew. Still holding her pendant, she closed her eyes and took a deep, calming breath. The smell of the ocean and the gentle breeze helped her to relax and have a moment of peace. Melodia let go of the her necklace and opened her eyes to catch one last look at the ocean before her. She turned on her heel and walked back up the shore. She needed to get to Foria. The small city was having a market day and she wanted to be there in time to sell her wares of jewelry.

Her horse was grazing on the sparse grass that was around it, but lifted its head when she approached. It was attached to a carriage that was without seating. The walls were lined with cabinets to hold her things. One side was for Melodia's few personal items, and the other was filled with her merchandise. "
You hungry, Aglaia?" Melodia walked to the back of the carriage and opened the double-doored entrance. She walked into the spacious area and looked around until her eyes fell upon a small sack of apples. Realizing that she had better get going if she didn't want to be late for the market day, she hastily walked over and grabbed some apples out of the sack and stuffed them into the pouch she had attached to her hip.

Melodia quickly walked out of the carriage and locked the doors behind her. She jogged over to Aglaia with a soft smile on her face. "
Here you go, girl," she said handing her horse one of the apples that were in her pouch. The horse took it with a soft snort causing Melodia to pat it's neck. After adjusting the saddle on the horse's back, Melodia launched herself onto it and with a flick of her reins, she was off towards Foria.

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He sat at the end of the wagon looking up against the stars. His staff slightly glowing beside him. "Tar rel nakis.." He droned on. The spell that would target all things against him
Kat looked from the murderer to the newcomer in surprise. And then had to crane her neck to look up at him. Wow he was tall. His words registered in her mind and she felt a confused mixture of sad, flattered ("fine eyes"? what a gentleman), and appreciative. With a dash of wariness due to his ominous appearance, but his words were kind so she felt relaxed enough.

"Yes, actually, they were my family," Kat confirmed sadly. Her eyes narrowed into a glare again as she looked back to the murderer. When she spoke, her words were sharp and venomous. "And I suppose that you could call it horrible, though I don't think you mind too much do you?"

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