The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

"That kind of magic is considered low?" Kat asked. "Jeez, then I must be rock bottom. Your magic is incredible in my opinion." Kat smiled. "Sorry, I tend to rant a lot. It's nice to meet you, Rein."
"you too, but I still didnt get an answer that I actually liked, Why are you hear?" he asked once more.
"As in 'why am I here near you' or 'why am I here in these woods'? Cause I can't answer the latter," Kat said. "But if you're wondering the prior, then my answer is simple. You're interesting. And bound to get yourself killed if you stay here. Alfred is lurking around these parts. Or... Is it Alfred?"
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Somewhere nearby the two talking a girl was hiding in a tree, she was practicing her magic but when she heard people she quickly climbed up the tree and listened. The two seemed friendly to her but that wasn't enough to make her leave her comfortable spot, she kept quiet and knelt on the branch squinting to have a better look. Her breath couldn't be heard and the only noise was the small creaking of the branch she was on since it was ready to give out.
"... I feel like we're being watched..." Kat muttered, looking around. "But it's probably just paranoia."
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"I dont know" he said " Im really not paying attention anymore" he went back to cooking his food and sighed slowly.
Kat regarded Rein with a pensive frown. "Fine, suit yourself. But if you're shanked or something, don't come crying to me. I'm leaving before any Red's show up." With that said, Kat turned on her heel and went to leave. "Sorry for bothering you. Enjoy your food!"
'Nice to meet you, I suggest you stay out of this place too" he said " Heard a Blood Wyvern was reported a day or two ago" he said.
Violet saw the girl leaving and sighed, she jumped off the tree in front of the girl

"If you think I'm going to hurt you I'm not" she said seriously trying to keep from laughing at herself.
He turned to face the girl and said " Your appearance...." he said "you have a human shape, But I dont know a human who can jump from that high of a tree and still be standing straight up" What are you exactly?
With a noise akin to a dying pterodactyl, Kat leapt back from the newcomer. In her shock, she fell back on her butt and huffed at the girl. "Don't do that!"
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"Cool!" Violet smiled and lit her hand on fire

"And what do you mean sir" she asked the man

(Wait....wasn't human the only race?)
(Please speak in OOC) 
"Human's Like Kat" he said " wouldnt quite land that well" he said amusingly shes not fox folk like I nor a, demon I presume"
"Oh...heh I don't like to give out my race to people I just met" she said scratching her head no one likes her race because people think they are evil twisted heartless creatures that should die....she didn't wanna die yet it's as easy as that....
At that comment, Kat sent Rein a glare and huffed indignantly.

"Excuse you, sir glowy staff, I happen to be quite light on my feet," She said, crossing her arms. "And I'm an elf, not a human."
"I Heard you in the bush" he said "But theres starting to be too many girls here, See girls tend to be annoying" he s aid initially "But sometimes they are not as bad as I believe"
"Nice save," Kat muttered, dropping her arms to her sides. She stretched and cracked her knuckles. "Well, I should probably head back to my clan. Can't say they're missing me, but they'll eat all the food if I don't snatch some."
"Okay" He said "My deers done, and venison tastes good" he ate most of it quickly and made the rest into a pack, a small pouch, and left toward the village
" and I need to go home...sadly that means I have to go into town" she looked away then looked back at them

"Oh by the way my names Violet" she smiled cheerfully
"Nice to meet you, Violet," Kat said with a smile. However, her smile dropped as she frowned, touching a hand to her chest. "I think something happened to my clan," She said quietly. She smiled apologetically at Violet. "I'm sorry, I really should go. Something isn't right." With that, she turned and ran off into the woods.
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"...." Violet blinked fast and sighed debating if she should follow or not.she was afraid the elfs would figure out her race and try and kill her like the humans she decided to follow kat and ran after her

"Bye person"
Kat noticed Violet chasing after her, but ignored the girl and continued running towards the river she and her clan had established as "home". When she reached the river however, they were no longer there. Well, their lives weren't anyway.

"No..." Kat breathed. "How did this happen?"
His tailed swished back and forth and he sat down and decided to take a nap in the safety of his home.

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