The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

Kat was too numbed by her memories being invaded to process her shock at his words. Help? Bottling up? Breaking points? "I cannot allow that to happen."?

Kat dropped the chrysalis and stood, keeping her back to him. This man had just invaded her inner most thoughts. How
dare he mock her!

"I don't want any help. I don't need it," She began firmly, gritting her teeth. "You can not hope to understand what I have gone through so don't you dare mock me. I am a failure.
And now my clan, the ones who could've fixed this, are dead."

Kat turned to him, showing her vulnerable rage and upset.

"You have experienced death but you can't understand how this feels, Eldritch."

Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch- Location: town square of the city Foria

After Jamal had finished helping her set up her table of jewelry, he went back to his own stall, leaving Melodia sitting behind her table on her own. She looked down at her merchandise with pride. The gems that were set in the adornments glittered, reminding her of the ocean that she saw a little over two and a half hours ago. The jewelry she made included necklaces, anklets, hairpins, circlets, and bracelets, and were made from various metals including some precious ones. Her father always told her that when doing work to always strive to accomplish something that she's proud of. Melodia has hung to his words as if they were life.

Thirty minutes had passed and Melodia had sold three of her stock, making enough money for food for the next two days. The crowd was slowly starting to wind down when a person approached her table. The person was wearing a dark green cloak, but the cloak did not deter the appearance of their massive size. The being had to be at least seven feet tall. The mere mass of them would have made fifteen year old Melodia quiver in her boots and run for her parents. Eighteen year old Melodia had learned that's it is best not to show a creature how wary you are of them.

In the corner of her eye, Melodia could see Jamal glance over in her direction. She merely put a hand in his direction, motioning for him to stay put. "
Elf," the creature said in its deep voice as it pointed towards her neck. "is that pendant for sale?"

Melodia stayed unmoving as she stared up at the creature. "
I'm afraid not."
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She was running away. From everything. Even from Eldritch at this moment.

Eldritch acted without thinking. He grasped Kat's shoulder and spun her around so that they would be face to face.

He closed his face in on hers until his face was a few inches away from hers. He also roughly pulled off the hood that concealed almost all of his face, revealing a well sculpted, pale face with three long, ugly scars streaking down from Eldritch's forehead down to his chin. This talk was between two people, no, two friends. Hiding behind a hood was something Eldritch refused to do.Eldritch's red eyes brightly shone with emotion as he said rather strongly,

"Your wrong. Wrong. I went through everything you did in your life, I felt it all. I have felt death, and I have felt your hardships. And, most importantly, I understand. That's what a friend is for isn't it? To understand. And I do understand. I can forget everything, but I don't want to, I would be losing something that has become a part of me, something that is a part of you."

Eldritch had experienced everything Kat had went through, and if his mind had been in the state it was before he had met Kat, Eldritch would not have been able to stand two live's worth of suffering. But he could now, because someone who had become dear to him needed him to be strong.

"Your clan is gone, they can't fix you anymore I understand. But that doesn't mean nothing can help you. I am not your clan, but I am your friend, and even if I can't help you, my entire being, my entire heart, will strive to help you and support you. And, you, Kat, are not, was not, and never will be a failure."

Raw emotion had bled into this speech, and welled up from deep within Eldritch. It was something Eldritch had kept inside him for so long, something he couldn't share with others. All his emotions shackled by fear and loneliness arose.

Eldritch didn't think. Right after he ended his talk he hugged Kat. It was an embrace packed with all the emotions of both Eldritch and Kat. She was warm, and Eldritch could feel her vibrant heartbeat rhythmically singing. And something else... something that Eldritch had not felt in more than ten years. A single warm tear flowed from his crimson eye, streaking down his face and lightly landing on Kat's bare neck.

After a short moment, Eldritch pulled back. He looked straight at the ground, and almost whispered,

"So.... will you accept me? Will you let me fill your heart?"


For once in her life, Kat was completely and utterly speechless. Not one remark or response came to mind. For multiple reasons honestly.

First off, despite his roguish scars and intimidating red eyes, Eldritch was extremely handsome. And actually, his scars only made him more attractive in a mysterious way.

Second, he was really close. Like, really really close. She held her breath.

Third, he hugged her. She hadn't been hugged in such a long time, it was almost uncomfortable. But at the same time, she felt happy in his tight embrace. He was unnaturally warm (she was convinced it had to do with being attached to a flaming demon) and he held her tightly.

Fourth, something wet hit her neck. Was... was he crying? Kat didn't know how to react. She had never had to comfort someone before, usually it was her needing comfort and never getting it, so she was completely at a lost for what to do.

After a short moment that seemed to drag on forever, he stepped back and averted his eyes.

So when he said, "So.... will you accept me? Will you let me fill your heart?", Kat stayed silent. She was honestly near tears due to the words that he had spoken to her before the hug.

are not, was not, and never will be a failure.

She couldn't help herself. Everything from the day was catching up with her. She snapped. Hot tears fell down her cheeks as she clung to Eldritch like a lifeline. Her entire being shook as she was wracked with sobs.

Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch - Location: Town square of the city Foria

The giant being was silent for a long time until it finally broke its silence. "What can I do to have it?"

"Nothing." was Melodia's automatic response. "Nothing you say or do will make me hand over my pendant. Now," she paused as she spread her hands in a sweeping motion over her merchandise. "would you like anything you see before you?" The person let out a low snarl, clearly showing thei agitation. They brought its face close to hers and said, "I will get that pendant."

Melodia narrowed her eyes at the cloaked person and showed her best brave face as she put her hands in her lap under the table. "
Oh really?" The cloaked figure let out one last snarl before they turned around and stormed off. Melodia closed her eyes and let out a breath, her entire being instantly relaxing. When she opened them she realized that people had stopped what they were doing to stare at the scene that just happened. Melodia gave a small smile as to signal that everything was alright. Upon seeing her expression, the townsfolk went about their business.
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The giant demon narrowed its glowing eyes as the apparition of fire closed in near the oceanic monster. It best be careful, for Taskuravun was clearly in a state of feral, berserker rage. On and on it shook and boundaries of steel that had kept it locked away and, upon being liberated by the burning spirit, the gigantic demon of the depths violently tore his shackles, chains, and cage asunder. It was extremely violent as it filled the very air with demonic screams of feral terror to the point that the birds within the trees would flee in fear of the sound. Upon tasting freedom, the sea beast stood firmly, dwarfing Pyrolok with its immense size and width. It gave the apparition a nod to signify its gratitude, but was quickly attacked by a traumatic flashback - one where its kin was wiped out by the human weapons - and quickly withdrew back into ferocity. Taskuravun used its gigantic, armoured legs and went straight for the razed town of deceased elves as he smelled the scents of his captors there. In his great rage, the monster swung his massive, crab-like claws and made the trees before him fall. And, with a great leap, landed before the two, incapacitated racists. Taskuravun opened one of his massive claws so that it would look like scissors and placed his deadly claw before one of the men's neck, so that his neck would be between the two extended blades - the sea beast was tempted to snip this fool's head away, but Taskuravun did not. His miniature storm clouds and lightning bolts would crack and brew within his transparent chest, signifying his growing anger. Not paying attention to his other, smaller demonic companion and the woman he was chatting with, the crab-like monster spoke.


Kat pulled herself together enough to pull away from Eldritch and stare at the giant seabeast. She had to crane her neck majorly to stare up at what she thought was its head. She saw its claw closing around the man's neck, Kat panicked. Eldritch wanted them alive for questioning. And seeing that he was preoccupied, she had to do something. Kat rushed forward and paused. What am I doing? How do I stop this demon?

With nothing else coming to mind, Kat placed a hand on the seabeasts claw.

"Wait!" She called up to the demon. "We need answers out of these racists before you kill them. I won't stop you from killing them, but please wait awhile!"

The demon was astonished to see her boldly, or rather, desperately and foolishly place her palm on the giant's claw as it slowly closed, thus snapping one of the men's necks. It looked directly down at her petite little frame as the giant knelt down before her. His armoured claws from behind twitched as well as its feelers. His head was about the size of her head down to her chest, as he was great. In rage, he roared before her, testing her courage and at the same time, making her feel the rage he felt inside. His voice, when he spoke, was feral, filled with rage and demonic evil, and as he looked at the girl's eyes, he could do nothing but shout:

Now while she should've run screaming, Kat merely blinked at the giant demon as he roared in her face. With a frown, she wiped spittle from her cheek. He then yelled at her.


Now that ticked her off.

"Mine are too, but you don't see me snapping off people's heads," She said.
The demon cared not for the elf, and whatever grievance was done to her, her response to it was not his. The monster was free, and his captors before him. He would certainly not let a lass stop him in his act of vengeance. Though her people were indeed gone, the men who wronged him in his life and the injustice that the sea beast experienced would outweigh whatever pain she in her little heart felt.

"Look, could you calm down for a second?!" Kat yelled, aggravated but his lack of caring. She didn't care if he sympathize with her, because she would've been shocked if he did, but his "holier-than-thou" attitude was tap dancing on a nerve of hers. "You can kill them after questioning, okay?"

Eldritch also noticed the disturbance right as Kat noticed it and instantly refocused his mind.

Immediately he began to channel dark energies again. The impaled skulls and chain halo formed on Eldritch once more, as well as an aura of darkness.

Four tendrils of shadow then rapidly emanated from the levitating book in front of Eldritch and latched onto Pyrolok.

Eldritch began to pour in massive quantities of chaotic, energy rich dark matter within him.

Pyrolok began to scream as the dark energy contaminated him, infusing every inch of his body with malicious power. The process did not actually hurt him, but it changed his mind. It changed Pyrolok's good nature into that of a true demon, which is to say that he would grow more aggressive and sadistic.

Pyrolok immediately began to grow. Pyrolok's fiery body became mottled with dark spots as dark energy swirled throughout him. His body morphed and shifted, expanding outwards until Pyrolok stood more than twenty feet tall.

He was an awing sight to look at, a massive monument of fire and darkness.

Then Pyrolok immediately sank to the ground in a pool of darkness, leaving behind his body only from torso up. Nonetheless, he was still a bit more than ten feet high. The area around Pyrolok immediately turned into a crisp black as anything organic on it was charred.

It was a good thing that Pyrolok was a good distance away from where everyone had congregated.

This was Pyrolok's 'artillery" state, made specifically for taking out large and slow targets that would be far too powerful for a multitude of small soldiers, such as the giant demon he now faced.

Pyrolok shifted his gaze towards the demon and looked at it with pure bloodlust in his eyes before Eldritch took control of Pyrolok through his mind sync.

Without this mind sync, Pyrolok would probably become a beserker that would incinerate anything he saw.

But now Pyrolok was calm, well, as calm as he could possibly be that is in his current state.

Pyrolok started to talk to the demon,


The sea beast was unafraid at the sight. In fact, it was dangerous for two sadistic berserkers to even be close to one another - one of fire and one of water. Indeed, the power emanating from the burning apparition was powerful, but Taskuravun was gifted by the powers of the Sea Gods and thus, can literally make it rain. The magic within him, the storms cracked louder as the anger in him was brewed up even more by the living flames. At the apparition's rage, rage was also used as a response; the demon stood before the burning one, about four feet away from it. It was a titanic beast and, as the storms brewed within him, caused his body to become colder and colder, more so than the deepest depths of the abysmal ocean, from whence he came. The skies turned black at his rage, and the clouds swirled above the burned town - it started to rain and lightning started to crack. Thunder roared as he had roared only moments before.


Truly, he was a beast of few words. Now, serenity was a feeling all but unknown to the giant monster, for rage replaced his blood and heart. It was unwise for them to attempt to match his fury. Fortifying his hard shells with the magics of the sea and the depths, as well as the spirits of his fallen kin, so that it would remotely stand against whatever fire blast is shot, only as a precautional means, Taskuravun slowly paced towards the two humans. Wanting to get it over with, the monster impaled its leg on one of the men's arms, hoping that the sheer sudden pain and impact would wake the fool up for questioning. The sooner he was questioned, the sooner Taskuravun can travel to the lair of his assailers, and have his revenge.
Kat slapped a hand to her forehead. "Must everything lead to violence?" She muttered bitterly. She watched the skies drake and frowned. That doesn't look good...

Eldritch, I have a feeling that Pyrolok will be extinguished if we piss this sea demon off any more," she stated, unfazed by his drastic change. She wanted nothing more than to smack some sense into this sea beast, and maybe her demon companions too. This was ridiculous, and violent.
KugariMistu steps in the Misty door He's kind of mysterious. "So this is the place I never knew it could be so powerful." "The energy lurking in here is unbelievable, 1 of the enchanted items are here I know it !"

Eldritch sighed. The demon's power was something Pyrolok could not match.

He cancelled the connection to Pyrolok, nothing good would come of this. Eldritch would have to take drastic measures.

He turned to Kat,

"Don't worry, even if we can't beat him with force, I can deal with him myself. He is a demon after all. And I am a Contractor."

Pyrolok began to grow smaller and smaller as the shadowy energies left his body, leaving him weaker than he was in his normal state.

"Man... what was even the point of that hah"

Pyrolok weakly squeaked out.

Eldritch immediately flipped his tome, oh and it's name had not been mentioned, but it's official name, as christened to it by Eldritch's great ancestor from centuries ago was: Elu, meaning contract. Yes, Eldritch's family had never been creative. But nonetheless, it was an ancient and extremely powerful book that had information on nearly every single demon and the cost of attempting to contract one.

Eldritch had been looking at the very giant he had seen before him earlier this day. Lovely coincidence.

And Eldritch's mouth twitched when he saw the soulpower required to even place a deal on one of the brutes. Even though Eldritch was from a high class family and had the strongest soul of the entire Contractor clan, the demon would be quite the challenge for Eldritch. However, it wasn't as costly to attempt to contract as was Pyrolok. Pyrolok was not even a demon, he was pure spiritual matter that Eldritch molded into a demon himself by inserting a half of his soul into the empty shell of a soul.

Eldritch skimmed through the two pages on the sea demon and closed the book.

He walked right in front of the demon as whirling gusts and heavy rain buffered him.

Eldritch extended his arm and started the Contract.

Both Eldritch and the demon immediately froze in place, as if they had been frozen in time. Any other sort of magic either had been casting would instantly be nullified and cancelled.

Eldritch's soul, which was physically visible as a ghostly silhouette of Eldritch, then floated inside the massive demon.

From there he met the demon's soul.

Additionally, no interference would be allowed, and a near impenetrable forcefield is automatically set around both members of the contract.

Eldritch talked to the demon,

"Hello there, I see your name is Taskuravun. I am a Contractor as you can tell, and the last one to be alive. But I am sure you have heard of us, we are a famed race of course. Without us most of you demons not living within the Nether realm wouldn't be here in some way. Most of your populations all originated from contracted demons, but I am sure you have already known this.

I am not here to make a contract with you, or perhaps I may, but I just used my magic to stop you from hurting anything, which is against the law upheld by my people, but they aren't here anymore, so yes.

Please calm down."

Eldritch didn't know if he could actually calm down this demon, but if worst came to be, then he could try and sway the demon by making a contract with him that would appease the demon. Not all contracts were contracts of servitude, they could be contracts where say, a Contractor would deliver five apples to a demon in exchange for the demon making three houses.

Additionally, both members of the contract wouldn't be able to hurt each other and the contract ended only when an agreement was made so Eldritch had all the time in the world, although it might not be all too fun.

The sea was lurking with monsters KugariMistu was awaiting for some special some one to come back. A monster appeared out of the water. KugariMistu Ready his sword as he prepared to attack. "So, It's a Hydra. I've been expecting you. The canine casts a Substitution Illusion spell. As the Hydra looked around KugariMistu went for the kill soon to face his death. The Hydra tried to eat Him as he jumped in the air but he dissapeared. As he slashed his sword the Hydra gave an elastic roar. The sword fell out his hand. He casted a sparks destruction spell but he was to late. Soon KugariMistu found himself dead from the Hydra who had bit off his head.
Now, Taskuravun's power in the mystical and physical areas were great and powerful, and his tank-like body could withstand the mightiest of blows, but the spiritual and communicational powers of the Contractors were far greater, for what Taskuravun had in the physical and mystical, he lacked in the spiritual and, coming from the way he speaks, mental. As the living yet bloodied body of the man, now shrieking in pain as the great sea monster stood atop his arms, began to shake in pain, Taskuravun could do naught, for his body was seemingly frozen in time.

Something different, however, was taking place within Taskuravun's massive body. Eldritch's soul met with Taskuravun's soul within the sea beast's psyche - the two demons stood before each other amidst the storms and the vast ocean, the spiritual manifestation of the beast's past home. It was there that the two demons met. Unlike the monster's hulking body, its soul was that of Taskuravun's past self - about one hundred years younger. It was a smaller version, yet still larger than Eldritch, who was more or less the same size as an average human. The difference was that Taskuravun's soul was less bulkier and looked like a normal crab-like demon with no storms in his transparent chest. This appearance was before the demon of sea gave himself to the Sea Gods, it was before the untimely demise of his kind and more importantly, his children.

"I'm still angry, demon, for what the humans have done... though I do apologise for the commotion I have caused. Truly, my body has malformed both physically and mentally due to a century's worth of unbridled rage mixing with the corruptive influence of the power given to me by the gods. Now, what do you want?"

The beast's soul spoke to Eldritch as it floated above the spiritual manifestation of the ocean.

Eldritch noted the crisp and clear ocean around him and the words spoken to him by the demon. The spirit before him was pure, uncorrupted, and bereft of spiteful drive.

It was interesting to see that the spirit remained clean even when the body had been so abraded by toil and torment. Eldritch saw the great demon float through the ocean, bubbles trailing him. Eldritch followed, levitating upwards until he faced the demon.

"I only wanted the fight to stop, although to be fair I did instigate it. I just thought that this would cause the least harm to everyone. The Contract is telling me that you cannot be spiritually contracted due to giving yourself up in body to the Gods of the Sea. Although I am curious as to why you gave yourself up, I shall not pry.

I have initiated a contract with you, and we cannot end this meeting without having an end to it. So here I propose to you the terms of the contract on my side. You shall stop your body's rampage and, here is the main part of my contract, tell the Sea Gods to put a deadline on your service to them. They have their lenient times, and I do not wish to see your body twisted against your pure will indefinitely. Also, the Sea Gods will be reluctant to oppose a Contract's term because of how strong soulbound magic like this is, however, you must have terms of yourself for me. The greater the terms for me are, the stronger the soulbound magic becomes and the more likely chance you are able to free yourself from the Sea Gods. If you wish to stay with the Sea Gods, then I shall not oppose you and drop the part of my contract regarding them and only request you standby from causing violence.

Now then, there are my terms, what are yours friend?"

The soul floated, pondering on the terms given to him by the other demon. However, Taskuravun did not wish to comply, for his malformation and perversion held a deeper meaning.

"Forgive me, but I cannot accept those terms. The Gods of the Sea gave me the power to enact the very vengeance I so desire. What is funny with vengeance, however, is that it always comes at a price. The body that surrounds us - it is the price, while I stay like this forevermore. I see it but cannot stop. However, the anger I and my body feel are one and the same and I wouldn't wish to stop it even if I tried. You see, demon, the price I paid is not only is the corruption of my body and mind but the life after my objective is complete. That is isolation - I will go back to my sunken city, my abandoned breeding grounds, and there I shall hunt and live like the animal I am now. The Sea Gods are mine as I, theirs. Forever, and ever. As for the rampage... well, my body is feral and animalistic. Stop me by treating it as a trainer would train a lion in the circus. I feel my physical leg is already drilling through the man's arm but fear not, it will not kill him because you convinced it to wait. See? The body is not all the bad, my friend."

Taskuravun's soul replied, even laughing a little at the last sentence. He wished to keep the power gifted to him by his masters. It was one thing of Eldritch to personally feel like it was torture, but Taskuravun didn't think any of it. His body and his actions may scream internal torture and pain to others, but to him, it was life. A hard life, but one that he wishes not to change.

"I do not know if my terms are simple or not but here: help me get the vengeance I so desire and lead me back to the sea beyond the Sea Church. Either that one, or find a way to revive my fallen people. I have heard only rumours that someone who resides in the Merlin Tower has the vast mystical, god-like abilities to do that."
Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf -Side: Esterloch - Location: About an hour north of the city Foria

The rest of the market day had gone on without anymore disturbances. Melodia had managed to sell a quarter of her merchandise, making it quite a successful day. She was now exiting an inn near the entrance of Foria. The inn sold meals, the people running the place knowing that not all travelers could stay and rest in one of their rooms. She had her own home to return to that had been sitting empty for a while during her travels.

Melodia checked the contents of her carriage to make sure nothing had been stolen in the short amount of time she had been gone. After finding nothing a miss, she closed the doors and fastened the latch on them. She walked over to her horse and checked the saddle again. She had seen the straps to people's sadles break because of tampering. Melodia wasn't sure that she had any enemies but you could never be too sure. Everything looked fine when she looked them over so Melodia launched herself onto her horse. She flicked the reins and urged her horse out of the city.

The bright afternoon sun was slowly slipping downwards as time edged towards the evening. She was riding north of Foria to an old cabin she had found abandon when she wandering the lands at sixteen. Alone and cold, she had found some solace in the old place. Melodic had waited for the owners for a long time, but no one showed. She eventually claimed the place as hers, thinking that if the true owners of the place returns then she would leave if they wanted her to.

After riding for close to an hour, Melodia saw storm clouds hovering over an area of forest. She could tell the storm was magic born, but as to what creature was powerful enough to have such an event occur was a mystery to her. Letting her curiosities get the best of her, she made her horse go towards the mysterious situation. "
Let's go see what's going on, Aglaia," she said, speaking more to herself than the horse.

It didn't take long for Melodia to arrive to the scene and what was before her was not something she imagined. A humongous crab-like creature with what seemed to be a storm swirling in its chest, stood in front of a demon who was huge in his own right. Close to the demon stood an elf girl and a fiery being. The winds from the storm whipped at the trees' branches, causing many to fall and create debris that got carried and thrown around by that same wind. The hood of the cloak Melodia had on flew back and let her hair loose to fly free in the raging wind.
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Kat was at a loss for words. One moment, this giant crab demon was screaming in her face, and the next moment he and Eldritch were frozen in time. Literally. She reached out to touch the air and found that her hand couldn't pass through. A force field...? Kat backed up and looked to Pyrolok, who looked weak and flickered dully. Looking his way revealed that a cloaked figure had ridden up to see what was causing the chaos in the forest and her jaw nearly dropped as their hood fell off. Another elf!

"Hello!" She called, stepping away from the frozen carnage. However, she realized there were more pressing matters. She looked back to Pyrolok, who looked even weaker than a moment before. She honestly didn't know what to do. "Pyrolok, are you alright?"

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Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age:18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch - Location: About an hour north of the city Foria- in the forest

Melodia was at a loss for words and seemed to be unsure of what to do. The elf that seemed to be involved with the ruckus called out to her, but soon turned to the fiery being close to her. Melodia could feel that her horse was getting ready to bolt so she focused on trying to keep her calm. Not only would she lose a friend if the horse ran away, but also her carriage full of merchandise and personal belongings. "There's nothing to fear, Aglaia. You're safe. I'm sure that these people mean no harm," Melodia said while patting her horses neck. She wasn't sure of her own words, but they seemed to help calm the horse down.

After a few more soothing words and pats on the neck, Melodia slowly slid off of the horse to stand by its side. Her curiosity was still pushing her to see what was going on, but she was trying to use caution. "Always be open when meetin' new people, Melodia, but be cautious at the same time. You never know if the people you meet would wish you harm," her father had once told her. Taking in a deep breath she walked over to the party. She glanced up to the crab-like being warily. It and the demon before it seemed to be frozen. As her gaze traveled down to its legs, she saw that it was stepping on a man's arm. She covered her mouth as a gasp slipped through.

Melodia found herself running the rest of the distance to the girl, her cloak flapping in the wind and her hair flying about her face. When she reached the fellow elf girl, she knew that her hair had to be a mess, but she wanted to address the problem at hand. "That man that the crab creature is standing on, we need to hel-" Melodia cut herself off when she finally noticed that the girl was dealing with a problem of her own.
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Pyrolok weakly flickered as he attempted to stand up. His normally radiant and burning body was now dim and clogged with portions of ugly, black sludge. The dark energy that had entered his system as a temporary power rush was now exerting its after effects, weighing down Pyrolok with heavy energy. Not only that, but the transformation had sapped almost all of his strength, Pyrolok was done for the day to be quite honest.

"Ohh uh me? I don't have a problem here, just gonna take a whillle for me to feel nice inside, ughh"

And with that Pyrolok fell face flat onto the ground, it would first appear that he was dead, but the obnoxiously loud breathing he had when sleeping tipped anyone off that he was sleeping quite well.


Kat sighed at Pyrolok's snoring and crouched next to him, rolling him onto his back so he could breath easier. She looked up to the elven girl and smiled wryly.

"Unfortunately, we can't do much in this situation. There's a force field surrounding them. I'm Kat by the way. This lazy lump right here is Pyrolok, and dark-and-scary is Eldritch," Kat said, jutting a thumb at the frozen demon. "The giant crab beast... I'm not sure what his name is."

Speaking of Eldritch, Kat watched him carefully with concern. Whatever he was doing seemed to be working, as the storm had calmed considerably, but it was still unsettling to watch. She leaned her back against Pyrolok's side and propped her chin on her palm, her elbow resting on her knee as she sat cross legged.


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