The Land of Teiarra [Inactive]

Eldritch listened to the woman with intent, and upon hearing her accuse the man beside her of being the perpetrator of the slaughter, he cocked his head towards the man and viewed him.

He had an above average physique, but nothing exceptional. It did not seem that he had machinery or equipment for large scale destruction, and it did not seem that he had numbers with him. The most obvious way that the man could have done such a destructive act without any sort of equipment was if he had immense amounts of magical power.

Eldritch chose to be incredibly careful with this newcomer, he did not know what type of magic he had and just how potent it was.

He thought all of this within a few seconds after the lady had talked to him, so his response was not late.

"I am truly sorry for you, I can empathize with your situation. I myself have experienced the total loss of loved lives around me, and I understand the anguish you bear within your pure heart."

Eldritch said while slightly bowing. This time he managed to add a softer tone to his dark voice, as the memories of his lost family began to rush into his mind.

Shaking the horrible thoughts away, he raised his head and stood tall, towering over both the man and the woman. Eldritch then addressed the man,

"Is the lady claiming truth? If so, then this action of genocide cannot go unpunished, not because of law, but because you must repay the distress you cause to others. If needs be, I will take matters into my own hands this moment. So speak up, did you kill these people?"

Eldritch's voice was resonant and chilling, a horrible sound to hear.

Pyrolok had flames all around him now, dancing wildly in an aura of chaotic heat. He was prepared for battle.

Though not the smartest idea, Kat stepped between the two of them.

"Look, mister... whatever your name is, I'll figure it out later. Although I'm flattered by your sympathy and terribly sorry for your loss, this situation is mine to deal with. Besides, my heart isn't as 'pure' as you say," Kat said in a calm tone. This man and demon were large and intimidating and she really should've backed down, but she had more pressing matters to worry about. Such as her dead family around her and the criminal who killed them for money. "So please calm down and let the man speak before you decide to burn him to a crisp.

"And if he should die, then let me," She finished, glancing back at the suspiciously quiet man.

Eldritch slightly cocked his head in some surprise. His appearance wasn't exactly the easiest to approach and his voice didn't help either, but this woman had considerable gall, or perhaps was merely headstrong. What most interested Eldritch was her capability to cope with the death of her family. Truly respectable, even Eldritch could not cope so well with the death of his family and had to turn to contracts to ease his pained soul.

"Ah my lady, I have underestimated your fortitude. Forgive me, I did not intend harm unless he confirmed his status as the killer of your family. I shall stand down, I realize it is your responsibility to bear to kill the killers of your kin. But I should say it is quite the heavy burden for such a fine woman as you are, and although your heart may not be pure, your mental strength is something I truly admire."

And with that Eldritch stepped back, cautiously scanning the man for any hostile movements while Pyrolok stood beside him.

Kat had to take a moment to fight off a blush. She was seriously not used to being complimented, and she was flustered by it. Clearing her throat, she turned to the killer. Only to see that he wasn't there anymore.

(OOC: I figured that since his creator isn't here and we're attempting to communicate with him, he isn't there anymore so it's easier for us to keep going)

((I see, I guess if the pace of this RP must go on, something must be lost))

Eldritch noticed the killer had disappeared within his short exchange with the woman.

"Quite the flighty one, I must say" Eldritch commented.

Pyrolok's flaming aura settled down swiftly, the bright flames fluttering before dying.

There was not much to do without the killer, and Eldritch considered leaving. But helping a woman, no matter how strong, in situation of need was something that was bred into Eldritch's nature through his position in a high class family before the Redire assault happened. By the way she cleared her throat, Eldritch sensed she was somewhat uncomfortable.

"Ah, what be the matter my lady? Is it my appearance or voice? Please do not consider me a foe, I would be hard pressed to be an enemy against such a wonderful woman like you." Eldritch said softly.

Slightly bowing with his left arm across his waist and right arm extended towards the woman invitingly, Eldritch said,

"If there is any way for me to help you, I and my companion here will gladly help with all our ability."

"Hm? O-Oh no, not at all, I don't think you're threatening," Kat said quickly, waving her hands in front of her in a surprised manner. In fact, despite his intimidating appearance and unsettling voice, he was a comforting presence in the moment. She dropped her hands to cross her arms, averting her eyes in an embarrassed manner. "I'm just... not used to compliments."

Eldritch's slightly raised his head in surprise.

"Ah, that is nice to hear. Many would spurn me thinking I was some foul being or scoundrel opposing law. I sense that you know that I am a demon, and the fact that you have accepted me makes me think that either you have dealt with demons before or you have an open and wonderful mind. I greatly sense it is the latter reason."

Eldritch paused slightly, glancing at the woman. Eldritch's compliments were genuine, she was actually quite the beauty. Eldritch then said

"My, I would have thought your beauty would have been praised by many. I take honor in being one of the first ones to appreciate your wonder."

Eldritch realized this was perhaps one of the longest meaningful conversations he had with a being of another race. It comforted Eldritch to know that his suffering was not the only one in this spiteful world, and Eldritch realized how stupid he was for sulking for so long at his loss. Just for a quick moment, Eldritch's brows furrowed and his eyes showed great pain as he reminded himself of the trauma of his past. But it was just an instant, and Eldritch very quickly regained composure.

Eldritch ordered Pyrolok,

"Absorb the fires around here, and tell me if they are natural or magical in nature"

"Sure man, but if its magical fire, I might not be able to absorb it ya know, im a fire elemental, not a magical fire elemental. Or wait, maybe I am a magical fire elemental, since I have magic and stuff, or wait, uhh"

Eldritch rubbed his forehead with his fingers, Pyrolok's stupidity never ceased to amaze Eldritch.

"If you can't put out the fires then snuff them out with your own magical fire which you can then absorb again"

Pyrolok nodded and swiftly floated away.

Turning to the woman, Eldritch softly said,

"That was my companion, a fire demon known as Pyrolok. He may look menacing, but he is a good natured being I should say. I value him as my close friend."

Loneliness was something that had been present throughout Eldritch's life. Having one friend was quite pitiful, but Eldritch coped, his mind had always been strong.

The woman before him practically had nothing left to go back to, Eldritch had experienced this himself. Although he believed she was strong, all beings are susceptible to break. Just like Eldritch had once. He did not want to see another person become like that again.

Eldritch then kneeled on one knee and gently grasped one of the womans hands with his right hand. His left arm was placed firmly on his back and his head was slightly bowed as he said,

"I shall gladly help you, my lady, if you desire, and accompany you in your travels as a companion and friend."

Perhaps, behind Eldritch's formality, he sought someone who he could relate to, someone he could pour his emotion into, someone who would accept him. Perhaps.

( sorry for the late reply )

Kat regarded the banter between the men with immense amusement. They seemed to be complete opposites; the one on fire was childish and rude, and the other was polite and proper. She hid a giggle as the flaming one went rushing off. Kat turned her attention back to the polite one as he spoke. His voice was soft and gentle beneath the intimidating tone. She noted a certain fondness in his voice as he spoke of his fiery friend. And then all of a sudden, he was down on one knee and holding her hand.

" a companion and friend," He finished. Kat's face was bright red by then, shocked by his kindness on top of his previous flattery. Kat averted her eyes.

"I'm not headed anywhere in particular," Kat admitted. "I hardly know where to go from here on out. My clan was always the one giving orders and I was the one in charge of following them out. But I would love to be your friend."

So, Eldritch thought, this woman is now completely lost. She relied on her clan, and now it was gone. So much like Eldritch himself, he had his future so clear and set in stone before the stone was shattered completely.

Eldritch pressed his left hand on top of the woman's hand he was grasping and said

"I myself was lost like you after I lost everything. I am not proud of this, but I managed to pick myself up and move on because of revenge. I lusted to avenge those that had hurt those closest to me. And to this day I cling to that ideal."

Eldritch softly let go of the hand and stood up, directly looking at the woman's face.

"Following a path of vengeance gives you drive, it motivates you. But... once its luster fades, it leaves you empty. I do not know what sort of path you should take from here on, it is something that has to be decided by you. However, I shall say this, I recommend you not fall into temptation of vengeance. I have nothing to live for, I have no kin that cherish me nor do I have a place in this world. For me, vengeance is the only thing that can drive me, but for you, you must have something greater, something nobler to liven your path."

Eldritch finished this sentence with a sad tone, it was true that he truly had nothing, he had no place in the world, and vengeance was the only thing left.

And what would happen after vengeance was achieved? Eldritch had nothing, he would crumble and become nothing. Or maybe there was something that would drive him, something other than the cold prickle of vengeance, something warmer.

"Thank you for accepting me as your friend, no matter what path you take, I will be by your side through thick and thin."

Eldritch then motioned towards the carnage,

"First, let us bury your dead. I shall have to pay my respects to a clan that has produced such a fine woman like you."

The fires were all gone, and Pyrolok was already taking out mauled bodies and neatly laying them beside each other, preparing for a burial of some sort.

Eldritch didn't actually know how the woman and her clan conducted burial rites, but it did not matter.

"Aslo", Eldritch stated, "What is your name?"

His kind and honest speech left Kat speechless and saddened. He had gone through so much and yet he was still so kind...

"Also, what is your name?" He asked. Kat had to shake her head clear of though before answering.

"Katherine Pamina, but call me Kat," She said with a slight smile.
The male moved slowly into view, his white hood covered his features as he walked past the congregation. He walked along a small path until he found himself surrounded by nature. A soft smirk danced along the lips of the male as he walked towards a tree and placed his hand upon the cold bark. There simply wasn't enough sunlight for him under the trees shade. He dug his nails deep into the bark and ripped off the outer layer of the tree, allowing the soft maple to drip. He glanced up into the branches of the tree, seeing the soft glimmer of light. He knew he needed the energy. He grasped on of the nearest branches and pulled it downwards towards him. He felt the branch's springy effect and conjured a plan to get the energy he required. He lightened his own body weight with his gift and felt the branch push him upwards with little effort. RA soared through the air into the higher parts of the tree where the light was very visible. He removed his hood as light began to take form of several small balls of energy which hit the skin of RA and absorbed into him. The colour of he male began to fluoresh back into him, before anyone could notice a change, RA placed his hood back on him and lay in the tree tops, closing his irises to scan the area of any changes in vibrations, from a boulder moving to the beating heart of an ant.
"Filthy monsters... these demons are getting irritating. First fire demons, demons of the night, magical demons, and now, demons under the sea? We should just tell everyone to kill them all..." Whispered a man nearby, talking to his fellow cargo holder as they rode a large carriage pulled by eight horses, which in turn was pulling a large cage with wheels. These men were quite the racists, as they continued to steer the horses to the nearest encampment while shouting insult after insult towards the demon-kind. "I know, I know! They're scum all'ov them! Pests, germs! Taking the land from us humans. Ya'know lad, if ya ask me, I would stop this carriage and murder the sunofabitch in the back. I don't know why people would pay good money to see this monster in chains." At the sound of this phrase, the monster they captured roared greatly, shaking the giant titanium bars with all its might, yet cannot break it down. The sounds of clinging shackles and chains echoed all throughout. At this, the driver went down his large carriage, picked up his club, went to the back, removed the large sheet that covered the caged monster, and unveiled it to whoever was near the pathway.

Inside was a monster. Its cage was small for a hulking sea-beast that stood at 8'9" and was a giant. It was literally wrapped in the finest of chains and its muzzle prevented it from speaking clearly, though it can still roar and grumble. The cage, chains, and the muzzle had little runic inscriptions on them to prevent the demon from casting its spell on it. Its only hope was for an outside source to destroy the cage. The name Taskuravun was also inscribed on the cage. The man, looking up at the great beast, slammed his club on the cage, attempting to quiet the beast. However, its courage could not waver, and so he snarled at his captor. "Shut your trap, filthy beast. We're going to chain you, display you in our circus, and you're going to entertain us rightful heirs to the world! Humans! Hahaha! And and and you know what? You're going to be called The Sole Surviving Freak of the Sea!" The man returned to his cage, laughing.

The two men then drove the carriage along the path once more, until they saw a burned down encampment. Concerned for anyone who might be hurt or killed, the two fools went down the carriage and began exploring. They deduced that those who lived here were elves and, at the revelation that those who have died weren't humans, began to ridicule the dead with insults and laughter and spitting on the walls, floor, and corpses. They walked once more to their cage.

Eldritch was about to talk to Kat about his name and the burial. But it would have to wait.

He saw two men in the distance spit on the corpses that Pyrolok had laid out. If those pieces of scum had any sense in their brains, they would have also known that the bodies were laid out by something. Something quite angry, far angrier than Eldritch.

Pyrolok was an idiot, but he held to a clean sense of right and justice with steadfast willpower. Seeing such a disrespectful act towards the corpses he had respectfully laid out for proper burial ignited a blazing fire of hate within Pyrolok.

"Kat, I am sorry but it seems that Pyrolok and I have to dispose of some... trash. And by the by, my name is Eldritch Farview."

Eldritch quickly began to rush towards Pyrolok to attempt to calm him down for a proper fight, but he was a bit late.

"You pieces of damn trash, BURN!" Pyrolok shouted in a resonant and fiery voice.

A small tornado of fire began howling around Pyrolok, igniting the grass around him quickly. The tornado was intimidating, being as tall as Eldritch himself. Pyrolok condensed the tornado around his arm and then threw it like a javelin at the two men. The whirlwind of fire howled as it rapidly spun towards the two men, charring any ground it touched to a crisp. Pyrolok had alteast had the brains to not throw the spear of whirling fire at the carriage but towards the two men beside the carriage about to board it. At this rate, both men would be toasted before they could hope to get onto the carriage.

Eldritch himself prepared for confrontation. The tome that he carried quickly opened to a page detailing the use of a spell to ignite a small area of land in intense fire. It was aptly and simply named Ignite. This spell had worked wonders for Eldritch because of its synergy with Pyrolok, if Eldritch couldn't ignite a target, he could target Pyrolok and boost his power.

Eldritch did not intend to kill these people, he would have some questioning to do first and he was also curious to see what these people were carrying in this rather remote area in the large carriage.

Startled by the fiery ones outburst, Kat nearly missed Eldritch telling her his name. No, the fire demon can't kill them! Sure they're horrible, but can we try to keep the death rate to a minimum?! Kat mentally exclaimed. Without thinking, Kat sprinted in front of the men and the carriage. Acting on a feeling, Kat raised her arms over her head quickly and what looked like a blue and pink powder followed. It dispersed quickly through the air and grew to a large wall, solidifying in time to absorb the impact of the fire javelin. The wall imploded with the force and sent a spray of colorful dust everywhere. As it cleared, it revealed a very ashamed looking Kat, covered in the dust.
The beast in the cage looked to its side, shocked to see the burned city. It took pleasure to see the burning demon terrorise the two racists, but was disappointed to see that its ignition had failed, due to the woman's interference. The sea-demon growled at them, demanding to be set free from captivity. In violent rage, Taskuravun slammed against its cage, cracking its natural armour a little bit until ultimately forcing the cage to fall on the ground. However, as it fell, it could no longer move. Again it growled and shook like the beast it was.

Eldritch noticed the woman jumping in front of the javelin of fire and instinctively jumped to push her away from the javelin. Unfortunately, she erected the wall as he was in midair, completely negating the reason why Eldritch even jumped in the first place. What happened was that Eldritch collided with Kat as the wall exploded, leaving him sprawled on top of her. After a very short moment Eldritch picked himself up and immediately apologized,

"I am terribly sorry, I did not realize you could use such unique and effective magic. Also, I appreciate you stopping Pyrolok's blind rage, I had intended to leave the men alive for questioning, and violence is something I do not consider the best option, so please do not feel ashamed or regretful for anything. In any case, I am truly indebted to you"

Eldritch then grasped Kat's arm and raised her up gently. He then quickly moved towards Pyrolok and shouted,

"You raging fool, don't kill those humans, maim them, but don't kill them. Also, figure out whats inside the carriage and tell me, I'm going to start channeling energy for you."

Eldritch said with a small nervous tone in his voice, he did not want to directly deal with that awkward situation. Eldritch took a deep breath and telekinetically moved the tome in front of him. He flipped to a page that broke the seal on his dark energies.


With a simple chant Eldritch's form changed. His eyes began to grow a brighter and more sinister shade of red. Skulls impaled on spikes grew from his back, and a bloody and black chain wrapped above Eldritch's head in the form of a halo. A pitch black aura emanated from Eldritch as three shadow tendrils attached themselves to Pyrolok's back from Eldritch's book. Eldritch looked truly demonic and firghtening when he channeled his demonic energy into others. This would fuel Pyrolok's power for the time being. The tendrils would also let Eldritch sync with Pyrolok's mind and soul, calming him down and letting Eldritch talk to him more efficiently.

Kat was mad. Very, very mad. Well, she was also immensly embarrassed by Eldritch basically tackling her, but mostly mad. She shouldn't have stopped Pyrolok. She saw now what was being moved by these men. She didn't even register Eldritch's transformation as she growled in rage. She raised her arms again.

"I have had it with you stupid humans!" She yelled. Summoning the powder from the ground around her, she made them to resemble 2 large hands. She held her arms forward and closed her fist, and in turn the powder fists grabbed the men around their waists. They screamed like children. She held them in the air. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't crush you right now!"

"Like hell we'd be scared of lesser races like you!" Said one of the men as he clung to the carriage. The other man also rebounded and said, "Yeah, just try and kill us, you guys are gonna get taken out."

The men had just a slight stutter in their voice as they flung these insults, and it looked like Kat wasn't going to take these words very lightly.

Eldritch acted very quickly and perhaps somewhat recklessly. These people needed to be questioned, and what they threatened may also be true. If that was the case, then leaving them alive for now would be the best option.

Eldritch had already telepathically told Pyrolok to stand down, but he gave him another order.

"Turn into your elemental form and incapacitate them, don't kill"

Because he and Pyrolok were linked in mind, Pyrolok immediately understood the reasoning behind this order and obeyed.

Eldritch then removed one of the shadow tendrils from Pyrolok and swiftly moved it towards Kat.

He latched it onto her back. Eldritch had never tried this before with something other than Pyrolok, but his readings claimed that everything would be OK. Plus, Eldritch reckoned the situation was incredibly urgent because Kat did not even see him unleash his true demonic form, she was consumed with bloodlust.

Kat would experience some nausea as her mind synced with Eldritch's. She would then be able to hear Eldritch's voice clearly in her head and understand the reasoning and emotion behind everything Eldritch said. What possibly worried Eldritch was that she would temporarily flash-experience the memories he had experienced. From his life as a high class noble to watching his friends and family being sliced to bits to the complete and utter loneliness he had felt throughout his life. But Eldritch trusted Kat's mental strength fully. Eldritch would also experience her memories and inner thoughts but as a Contractor, he was trained to handle anything from another beings memory and to even forget all of it if necessary.

"Please calm down, those men might have important things to say to us, so I implore you, stop your attack on them"

Eldritch very softly said to Kat's mind. Since their minds would be synced, she would naturally begin to feel calmer as her mind shifted closer towards Eldritch's calmer mind, Eldritch's mind did not sway towards Kat's state because of how used to the syncing he was.

The first thing that registered when something latched onto her back was the urge to puke. She dropped her weapons instantly to clutch her head, gritting her teeth. She felt something in her head, something that shouldn't have been there. "it" spoke in a comforting, calming tone. "it" tol her to stop, to back down. But she also saw things that chilled her to the bone; Eldritch's past.

Kat screamed with agrivation. "Get out of my head!"
The men were astonished to see the hands of powder grab them, and they screamed and wailed as if they were infants in total fear. These men, despite their bravado and tough exteriors, were simply children insider of them. Powerless humans, they began to plead. "Okay okay! Please, I beg you, let me go! Let us go!" He shouted, as tears rolled down his face. For a moment, the hatred and fear for other races subsided, and the only thing left within his psyche was that of fear and love to live.

The other man, however, was too greedy to resist arrest. Still, the fear in his heart was evident in his voice.
"Hey, we're just tryin'a make a livin' ere. Ya see, we work for a circus and, and, we're j-j-just tryn'a transport our cargo. Let us go, we're sorry for disrespectin' ya dead! Let us leave!"

"K-KILL!" exclaimed the humans' cargo, the giant armoured sea-beast, albeit its voice was a little muffled, and could barely be heard. Perhaps the demons could hear their fellow demon's muffled cries for help, seeing as it was unlawfully and unethically captured. The sadness was evident it its deep, monstrous, and demonic voice as the memories of his crustacean tribesmen and family replayed in his mind. The slaughter and the bombing of the depths were the humans' fault, and the Chieftain had nothing left to live fore except himself.
Kat wanted nothing more than to take the giant sea-beast's advice and kill them. But Eldritch still had a firm hold on her back and therefore a firm hold on her mind. And she hate it. She wanted him out of her head before he saw anything of her past, before he tried to control her any more, before she actually lost her kind.

"Get out!" She cried. When had she started crying? She wasn't sure. But she was sure that her memories were being exhibited to Eldritch; the abuse she had received from her clan, the ridicule, and how she was a complete failure to them. She couldn't even do a proper burial.

In a fit of desperation, Kat twisted her wrists and flicked her hands upwards. Her colorful dust rose around her in a swirling cacoon that shut her off from the outside quickly. The sand -like powder latched around the shadow tendril attached to her back and inched back towards Eldritch.

To Kat, Eldritch's memories would have been "real". She would have felt everything everything and seen everything as if she was Eldrtich. As a contractor, Eldritch had the option to simply observe what had happened to Kat. Mind syncing was an absolutely crucial technique for a Contractor as it allowed the Contractor to more easily contract a demon by seeing the demons desires and emotions to manipulate. However, Eldritch did not become an observer, he fully experienced Kat's memories.

He experienced her pain, the rejection she had felt, the anguish, the isolation, all of it. She had lived hard throughout her entire life. At least Eldritch had lived in peace and luxury for ten years.

Eldritch also felt the rejection Kat was emanating. His attempt to calm her by influencing her mind was not enough, these memories apparently were something that she did not desire to reveal to anyone.

In any case, Kat's magic had reacted and the magical powder had physically touched the tendril, disrupting the mental connection.

If a mental connection were to be abruptly denied, then mental damage could occur. To prevent this from happening Eldritch quickly cancelled the connection.

The tendril dissolved into wisps of black smoke that wafted away into nothing.

Pyrolok, in the meantime, had incapacitated the two men by trapped them in a whirlwind of intense heat for a split second, completely sucking the air out of them and rendering them unconscious. A more lethal version would have ripped the very lungs out of their bodies.

In any case, the men were alive and in the best possible condition with only a few minor burns here and there.

Eldritch then heard a familiar voice ring through his head

"Theres a demon here man, a sea giant or something. Im gonna go ahead and free them from this thing"

Eldritch then cancelled his mind sync with Pyrolok, the battle was over and there was no need to waste his energy.

What he was most worried about was Kat, abrupt mental trauma had welled up within her and caused her to shut herself off from everything through a cocoon made of magical dust.

Pyrolok would free the demons and assess what their situation was, whether they had a place to go or whether they had nothing left.

Eldritch slowly approached the cocoon with caution, he had a barrier spell ready in case of an abrupt attack.


Eldritch quietly called out. Eldritch could forget everything he had seen, but would that be the right decision? It was obvious that Kat had a troubled life she could not openly face. Would it truly be the right decision to let her be? Eldritch could bear her troubles with her, comfort her and let her grow as a person.

Kat felt Eldritch promptly release the tendril on her upon raising the caccoon and she instantly calmed slightly. She sat in her chrysalis and rested her chin on her knees, which she had pulled to her chest. She was shaking, and she couldn't stop.

Why was she so shaken by this? It was just a mental connection meant to calm her down. But he saw her past, he had seen things she never wanted anyone to know about. And now he did. Considering he was connected to Pyrolok as well, did the fire demon know too? Oh she would never hear the end of this. She didn't want their sympathy, or their pity.

"...Kat...?" She heard Eldritch call to her. She hesitated. She wasn't ready to face him yet. But she would still talk to him.

"Leave me alone!" She called back. Or maybe she wasn't ready.
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Name: Melodia Celeste Morris - Age: 18 - Race: Elf - Side: Esterloch- Location: town square of the city Foria

The town square was bustling with activity as Melodia rode in. The market day was booming as people walked from stall to stand to table and merchants called out to potential costumers. For other people it would be hard to find a spot to set up wares that late in the afternoon, but Melodia made sure to have someone save her a decent spot in case she was late. The hood of her brown cloak was up, making sure that people were not able to see her face. While there was no need for her to do that anymore now that she was out of Redire, the old habit and insecurities seemed to be firmly implanted in her. Leading her horse towards the edge of the square, she soon spotted the person she was looking for. "Jamal!" At the sound of his name the man looked up. Melodia pushed back her hood and revealed her face to him. A smile soon lit up his face upon seeing her.

Jamal was an older man who was his late thirties. Although he had graying hair, his face still had its youthful glow with his wide smile and kind eyes. He was married and had twin daughters who Melodia had met at the first market day she had attended in Esterloch. At the time she was sixteen and was nervous to be working on her own for the first time. The few times she had sold goods in Redire were with her parents so Melodia was worried that she would do something wrong or make a fool of herself. She had met Jamal when his twins had run up to her table and started chatting with her. The young girls had run off away from their father wanting to play a trick on him since he wouldn't by anything for them. By the time Jamal had found them, the then seven year old girls had Melodia laughing till her sides hurt. Ever since then, Melodia and Jamal's family have gotten along without a hitch.

"Melodia! About time you've arrived! Come 'ere, come 'ere! I 'ave your spot right 'ere for you!" Jamal said coming from behind his stand and showing her to the spot besides him. "It was 'ard saving this spot for you. I nearly 'ad to fight off old lady Yasmer to keep it!" Melodia laughed as he told his tale and helped her to set up her table of jewelry by taking out the table she had stored in her carriage.

I appreciate your hard work Jamal. We all know how scary Granny Yasmer is when she's angry." she said in a teasing tone.

You 'aven't know her as long I 'ave! You 'aven't seen some of the things she's done." Jamal said, trying to defend himself.
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Eldritch heard the sharp reply but was not fazed, he had expected it.

Taking in a deep breath, he calmly but forcefully told Kat,

"I can forget everything I saw, it would be as if nothing had happened. I am sorry I had to take such a drastic measure to stop you. But let me say one thing here. "

"I am not here to pity or coddle you. I am here to help you. Your keeping everything bottled up within you, you will reach a breaking point someday, and as your friend, I cannot allow that to happen. You've seen my memories, you've felt all the loneliness and rage build up within me until I almost broke down. But I saved myself, I contracted a friend who supports me and is by my side.

Let me be the same to you, let me be by your side, let me share your burdens, let me pull you through what happens now and in the future.

I've already told you that I would be by your side always, and I am not a person to lie.

But... it is your decision. You must be the one to make this decision, I cannot force it upon you. I can forget everything and you can continue as you have, or you can accept me."

He had practically just met Kat, but why was Eldritch so concerned for her? He did not know. Perhaps it was her troublesome and relate able past, or the fact that she was in the same situation that Eldritch himself was in, or perhaps it was something else, something that Eldritch himself could not recognize.

In any case, he truly wanted to help her.


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